Episode 5

October 04, 2024


S3 Ep5: Born for This

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S3 Ep5: Born for This
Apotheosis : A Scion RPG Actual Play
S3 Ep5: Born for This

Oct 04 2024 | 04:01:48


Show Notes

The adventure is officially underway! Well, this one is, at least. The band has set sail on Alexandra’s ship, their offering to Poseidon has been, well, offered, and everything is looking great for the future! After all, when has anyone heard any stories about the Greeks having issues with the ocean? Just ignore the storm clouds rolling in and get ready for some smooth sailing.

Coda Massaquoi - Sticker
Oliver Bright - Gary
Clint Brazos - Gavin Cash

Andre Briscoe - Solomon
Penelope- Clara

Storyteller - Bloodied Porcelain

Opening Theme: Black Sun by C.K. Martin

Character Art Commissioned From: https://www.instagram.com/lufelufa29/

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Hi, I'm Gavin Cashe and I'm playing Clint Brazos, a scion of the Morrigan. [00:00:36] Speaker B: Hello, I'm Gary, and I'll be playing Oliver Bright, a psion of Ogma. [00:00:41] Speaker C: Hello, my name is sticker and I'll be playing Coda Masikoi, a scion of Bestet. [00:00:48] Speaker D: Hello, I'm Solomon. I will be playing as Andre Brisco, the scion of Hephaestus. [00:00:55] Speaker E: I'm Clara Allison and I will be. [00:00:58] Speaker F: Playing Penelope, and I'm bloodied porcelain. I'll be your storyteller for the evening. Good evening, players. [00:01:06] Speaker A: Good evening. [00:01:07] Speaker B: Hello. [00:01:08] Speaker D: Hello. [00:01:09] Speaker F: Last time you all got to meet up with Andre's father, Hephaestus, who delivered you an odd sort of package, a very large bouquet full of narcissus and forget me nots, woven with a minor amount of magic to keep them alive longer than one would anticipate. And told you that your task was to take this bouquet of flowers to funeral rites being performed for those fate bound to the greek pantheon where they would be part of the ceremony in honor of his wife Persephone, queen of the underworld and goddess is springtime. You were, and this had to happen with a hundred different people who were faith bound to the greek pantheon. You were unsure how to accomplish such a thing because as you have begun to realize in the last few weeks, the community of psion may be world expansive, but it is very small. There aren't very many people who are like you. And because there are so few like you, there are also not a ton of people who are as fate bound to the gods as one might think. Finding a book forgotten by Hephaestus in the dining room of the home that you were staying in. You read up on the sacking of Troy and found out that tens of thousands of perfect soldiers were created from ants, these called the myrmidons, and they were given to Achilles to be led into battle in the sacking of Troye. There is a theory, or you knew that there was a theory, that such things were still around. Andre knew of at least a couple of scions of his pantheon who had myrmidon followers as part of their birthrights. Setting out to try and find your way to the home of the Myrmidons was going to be a little bit tougher than you might have expected. You weren't entirely sure where you could find them. So Oliver used Ariadne's thread, which led him to a small fishing village off the coast of Greece where you all met up with Alexandra a scion of Poseidon and someone who had a group of myrmidons at her disposal. And she was in the process of what she said, bringing one back into the fold, into the colony, as it were. She informed you that myrmidons can be born of just normal mortal women, and they tend to be borderline sociopathic without the colony to guide them, but that they also fall into line very easily once they run into other myrmidons. You all had a meal. She agreed to come and help you in exchange for one of your jars of the juice made of the golden apples. Hera's golden apples. And you helped her to find a lone Myrmidon and bring him into the colony among her own. From there, she took you to the ship, which Andre helped to bolster against any potential bad weather. Though it's hard to tell how much of that is going to hold up in a nasty storm or whatever. But she's hoping that the sacrifice that you made before setting out of a beautiful horse made of seashells and blood, with an offering of blood alongside it, will get you to where you need to go. We pick up with the four of you on the ship. With Alexandra setting out of the small cove and heading out into open water, I would like to get an idea of what everybody is up to. What your. She did make it clear that all of you would have to row. You could not stand in and do someone else's rowing for them. Everybody has to help. So I would like to know what kind of a schedule you guys are doing, who's going to row when and what you are doing to help out. When it is primarily smooth sailing. We'll start with Clint. [00:06:29] Speaker A: Yeah, Clint would look over to our intelligent folks, primarily Andre and Oliver, and kind of raise a brow. Well, I mean, y'all, you're usually good at doing the planning part. What do y'all think about who should be where and when? [00:06:49] Speaker B: Well, I'm nothing super familiar with being on a boat, so not entirely sure, but I think we could break a schedule up evenly throughout the day. Like, even. Even sets of four. [00:07:07] Speaker A: I mean, I could handle that. Would y'all be able to keep up with that kind of thing, though? [00:07:14] Speaker D: I should be fine. [00:07:17] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll be okay for a bit. I know at night I probably want to go to the bird's nest, the part that's all the way at the top, and maybe look through the moon to see if there's anything around us. I don't mind doing that at night, but during the day, I don't really have much else to do. I guess tie ropes or something. [00:07:44] Speaker D: If need be. I can double up during the evening since I should. I got a little more get up and go in some. [00:07:52] Speaker B: I think the question is, does Alexandra want at least one of us working all hours of the clock, 24 hours? At least one person should be on at any given time. Or do we get a little bit more with leeway or not? [00:08:07] Speaker A: Well, she got lots of little myrmidons to help us out, so I don't imagine we're super critical, but that's a good point. [00:08:16] Speaker B: Cause in my mind, I was thinking, like, evenly spit amongst 12 hours, each of us taking three. [00:08:29] Speaker A: Well, yeah, it sounds good. You want me to go ahead and get started? I can head on down there, see what's going on. [00:08:35] Speaker B: Sure. I can also take mornings if we want to do it in a scheduled manner. [00:08:40] Speaker F: All right. [00:08:40] Speaker A: I'll be right back. See y'all in a little bit. We'll head down to begin his rowing shift. [00:08:48] Speaker D: And there he goes. [00:08:50] Speaker F: Yep. [00:08:52] Speaker B: Pretty sure if no one tells him 3 hours is up, he'll just keep rolling. [00:08:57] Speaker D: That sounds about right. [00:09:02] Speaker C: Yep. [00:09:03] Speaker F: All right. Well, while Clint is rowing, uh, what is coda up to? [00:09:10] Speaker E: Um. [00:09:13] Speaker C: Coda. What is coda up to? Um, you know, not gonna lie. She may ask Alexandra what needs to be done on a ship. [00:09:28] Speaker F: I'm sorry? Say that one more time. [00:09:30] Speaker C: She may ask Alexandra what needs to. To be done on a ship. [00:09:38] Speaker F: Okay. [00:09:40] Speaker C: Yeah. She's like, I don't know. [00:09:44] Speaker F: You ask at Alexandria, one looks a little shocked that you're asking, and two has the look of somebody who could think of a million things that she'd like to get done. And she just kind of smiles and says, give me a minute. [00:10:04] Speaker C: Okay. [00:10:04] Speaker F: And disappears below deck for a few minutes. [00:10:09] Speaker A: That's how you know you're gonna get the real fun work. [00:10:12] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:10:13] Speaker C: I mean, I can peel potatoes. I've seen that on shows. It's the thing they do on the boats. Right. [00:10:25] Speaker A: I don't know if there are any potatoes around. [00:10:32] Speaker C: Chili? [00:10:34] Speaker D: Yes. [00:10:34] Speaker F: What are you working on? [00:10:38] Speaker D: Well, first off, mostly I'm just making sure that everything is good with the ship, that there aren't any, like, little fractures or little issues that need to be mended. And then I will probably be, if. If I am not told to take care of anything else. We'll be working on trying to use what metal I have left to get some sort of, like, basic, uh, like breastplates made for the rest of the band. Since he doesn't see any sort of, like, armor that they are wearing otherwise. [00:11:14] Speaker F: Okay. Um, do me a favor and roll me a D 100. [00:11:22] Speaker D: Ok. 91. [00:11:35] Speaker F: Very nice. Yeah, you've got a decent amount. They're not going to be great quality because it's not like you have like a workbench or, or anything like that here to work with. You're kind of, you're, you're going to be basically sitting in, in an open space and just trying to keep all the bits and pieces from going everywhere. But you've got, you've got enough metal to work on stuff. [00:11:59] Speaker D: Yeah. I figured that if nothing else, I could. These could just be quick and easy and easy jobs just for this little labor, and then I can get them something better whenever I have access to an app to my workshop or a workshop. [00:12:13] Speaker F: Agreed. Okay, Oliver, is there anything that you would like to be working on? [00:12:18] Speaker B: I would probably start off by kind of, like, going to the edge to, like, look over at the water, quickly, grow seasick, and then go below deck to sort of, like, make sure our supplies stay in order and then sort of just play as quartermaster. [00:12:33] Speaker F: Interesting. Okay, coda. While everybody has kind of gone off to do their own thing, eventually Alexandra comes back and she hands you a piece of paper, but it's been put in one of those, like, page protector things that you stick inside of a three ring binder, except that the top has been. It almost looks like a ziploc has been closed to keep it dry. There is a list of things that can be done. One of them is not quite peeling potatoes, but certainly in the same line, which is start prepping food for upcoming meals because you never know when you're going to have time to sit in and do things like chop vegetables and chop and peel vegetables and all that stuff. When a storm could happen. One of them is literally scrubbing the deck. There's a lot of cleaning. In general. You get the feeling that either she just really likes this place to be spotless or it's hard to keep a ship clean on the open ocean. Probably both. [00:13:49] Speaker C: Okay. Hoda will look over it all. [00:13:54] Speaker F: Oh, also, the last line is always rowdy. [00:13:59] Speaker C: Amazing. Yeah. So cotta will just look at the list and then go, I guess I could start food prep and we'll go to do that. [00:14:14] Speaker F: That would be great. Thanks. [00:14:17] Speaker C: No problem. [00:14:21] Speaker F: For those of you who may be watching Alexandra as things go on, she is kind of always going back to what Oliver and Andre know is the rudder. And occasionally she will kind of grab this huge bar that sticks out. Well, above her head, and she'll put all of her weight into it, either pushing it or pulling on it to go in one direction or the others. And usually when she does, she shouts a particular order. And Clint is kind of forced to watch the myrmidons to know if, like, he needs to stop rowing in a particular direction or start rowing backwards to help make a. To help make a turn happen. But Clint is now no longer at one dot of intelligence, so I'm not going to make him roll to notice improvements. Ian is kind of always perched on your oar, by the way. So as you are rowing, he's, like, going up and down in circles. [00:15:29] Speaker A: Ian, do you like being down here? Did you want to go flying around out there? There ain't no trees out on the ocean, but I figure it's kind of cooped up in here. [00:15:39] Speaker F: This is fun. [00:15:41] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Hold on tight. I don't want to jostle you too much. [00:15:46] Speaker F: You get the feeling that he is highly enjoying both the, like, little circus ride that he's on right now and just watching. You have to do manual labor. All right. Oliver Coda comes over to start pulling food out for the first meal, which, you know what the meal is supposed to be since you're taking over as quartermaster. So you get to hand things off and make sure that she gets the right proportions, you know, that the myrmidons do not need to eat. [00:16:18] Speaker B: Cool. So, yeah, I'll basically have, like, a section in my journal. It's, like, effectively a ledger, keeping track of, like, all of her supplies and stuff. [00:16:27] Speaker F: Can you make me. Where is my. Make me a perception and awareness role, please? [00:16:39] Speaker B: Oh, no. [00:16:46] Speaker F: Roll those whopping three dice. [00:16:48] Speaker B: Yep. With no modifiers. One success. [00:16:55] Speaker F: You notice after some of the damage has already been done, that when you were busy helping coda, braum snuck up behind you and got into one of the packs of beef. [00:17:10] Speaker B: Okay, that's fine, Brom. In the future, we're going to have scheduled feeding time to make sure everything stays neat and orderly so we can keep track of how much food we have and not have to worry about rationing. So just bear that in mind for later. [00:17:25] Speaker F: But he puffs out a plume of smoke at you. [00:17:29] Speaker B: Okay, also, don't do that. We're on a wooden boat. There will be time for that later. [00:17:39] Speaker F: And he continues to chow down on the beef that he pulled out of the pack of food. [00:17:48] Speaker B: Make a note. We're down to beef. [00:17:54] Speaker F: All right, so this is going to be a relatively straightforward and calm voyage to start with. [00:18:06] Speaker A: To start with. Okay. [00:18:09] Speaker F: To start with. So I would like everybody to roll me the following. Well, I'm going to give each of you a roll that I want you to make. Clint. [00:18:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:26] Speaker F: Roll me. Stamina and fortitude. All right, Oliver. Roll me. Wits and command. Andre. Yes. Intelligence and blacksmithing and coda. Yep. Let's go. Would you consider having to do food prep and menial labor, something that taxes your patients or something that you can focus on easily? [00:19:13] Speaker C: Menial labor. [00:19:15] Speaker F: Yeah. You're gonna be prepping food and cleaning a lot until it's your turn to row. [00:19:19] Speaker C: Um, I don't think it tests her patience much. It's. Yeah, I don't think that's something that she's like, I can't believe I'm doing this. I think she's used to doing stuff like that. [00:19:32] Speaker F: Okay, so like, to sell shelters then. Let's go with. Let's go with wits and fortitude then. [00:19:40] Speaker C: Woodson. Fortitude. [00:19:43] Speaker F: Should have been wits and integrity, but they're the same number. [00:19:46] Speaker C: So eight successes. [00:19:53] Speaker F: Very nice. [00:19:56] Speaker D: Andre achieved eight successes as well. [00:19:59] Speaker B: I got six. [00:20:00] Speaker A: I got three because I have three epic stands. [00:20:03] Speaker B: That was a rough roll, dude. [00:20:04] Speaker D: Like, I'm looking at. I'm so sorry. [00:20:07] Speaker A: It happens. [00:20:08] Speaker F: Wow. [00:20:09] Speaker A: Out of the way early, at least. [00:20:12] Speaker E: Geez. [00:20:13] Speaker F: Okay, Clint, rowing is harder than you thought it would be. By the time you're done even with, like. So one of the things to bear in mind is that on a ship like this, rowing is typically supposed to be multiple men to an oar. So it was just you on one. Um, and by the time you're done, your arms feel like jelly. [00:20:43] Speaker A: I'm gonna take a break and get some food in me or something. Cause that was rough. [00:20:50] Speaker F: Um, Andre, how many did you get? [00:20:56] Speaker D: Eight. [00:20:58] Speaker F: All right. You are able to put together most of one breastplate or basically able to put together a full breastplate that is big enough for Oliver, and you are working on a secondary one for Clint. [00:21:17] Speaker D: Sounds good. [00:21:19] Speaker F: You started with basically the smallest, squishiest person because you're like, if anybody gets hit and it's bad, it's gonna be him. Yeah. [00:21:28] Speaker D: Protect the tweed man. [00:21:31] Speaker F: The tweed man. And Koda, you got how many? Eight. Very nice. And Oliver got six. Not bad. Okay, Oliver, you are able to, for the most part, keep a handle on things, and you start basically meal planning because you realize after a while that number one, if you don't start planning for when your dragon is supposed to eat, it's going to get ugly. You're not sure if you just weren't paying attention before or if it was because food was always kind of readily available because you were on land, but you never really noticed how often you had to give braum food before. But now that you're here and you have a limited supply, it's become very apparent. And the fact that he will just eat if you don't stop him. But you have managed to kind of figure things out, balance things relatively well. And as long as this doesn't end up being a crazy long journey, you should be fine. You should be able to restock whenever you stop somewhere. You've just got to be careful. And Coda, you clean a metric fuck tonight of the deck before it's your turn to go and row. I'm not gonna make anybody roll anymore. That'll get really boring. But that's basically how things go for the remainder of the journey. Clint, when you're not rowing, I'm assuming you're gonna do what Coda did and ask what you can do to help. [00:23:11] Speaker A: I mean, is the list sitting around anywhere that could be easily referenced? [00:23:15] Speaker C: Photo would probably just pass it to Clint. [00:23:18] Speaker A: Oh, thank you. I'll just see what we got here. Okay. I mean, I'm pretty good at cooking. I think maybe I can get some of that done. Well, it's either that or cleaning. And Clint will pop into the kitchen to see if Oliver needs any help. [00:23:40] Speaker F: It's worth noting that kitchen is a strong word. It's basically just a, like a small area that's walled in below deck for the keeping of stocks. Any cooking, it's going to have to happen up on the deck because of the style of ship that you're on. There isn't, like, a proper galley. And you're going to be doing most of your cooking over an open flame. [00:24:04] Speaker A: Excellent. I like grilling. [00:24:08] Speaker F: All right. You guys get through the majority of the day, and you are well into night. I would like everybody to roll me perception, awareness, please. [00:24:18] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:24:19] Speaker A: Does everyone also include Ian? [00:24:24] Speaker F: Yeah, it could include Ian and Pele, both. [00:24:26] Speaker A: Excellent. [00:24:29] Speaker F: Does anybody have Scott? [00:24:31] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:24:33] Speaker D: I actually do die. [00:24:35] Speaker C: I do too. [00:24:39] Speaker F: Three people with a sky per view. Awesome. [00:24:46] Speaker C: Oh, you said. What's awareness? [00:24:48] Speaker F: Yeah, perception. Awareness. [00:24:51] Speaker C: Perception and awareness. [00:24:58] Speaker B: There's no way. [00:25:02] Speaker F: I mean, Oliver, you rolled three. [00:25:05] Speaker B: I know, I'm just looking at the other two rolls, I'm like, there's no way I'm gonna go dias, there's no shot. [00:25:10] Speaker F: You got the. You tied for first. Holy crap. All of. Wow. This is a new female Ian. Ian got. Ian got more than everybody else? Oh, this is amazing. Okay, so Ian, Oliver, and is that coda or Pele, Sam or sticker? [00:25:42] Speaker C: Coda. I don't have numbers and stuff for Pele. [00:25:46] Speaker F: Okay. Coda, Ian, and Oliver all look up. It's dark. There's a million stars out. It's actually kind of beautiful. But every time one of you looks down at the water, you realize that they are ink black without the sun. And as you guys are hanging out on deck and kind of enjoying the moon and the stars and this lovely breeze that is carrying things along. And most of the oars have been pulled in. They're down to about half because the myrmidons are resting. Most of the myrmidons are resting. They're kind of. Alexandra is relying on the sails primarily, and that the oars that are out are primarily out to help her steer. As you guys are going, you realize that you're seeing less and less stars and that the sky is getting progressively darker and that the torches that are lit on deck are kind of quickly becoming the only real source of light that you have. [00:27:25] Speaker A: I don't know if I like the stars going out like that. Is that normal? [00:27:31] Speaker F: No. [00:27:31] Speaker B: No, not typically. [00:27:33] Speaker C: Yeah, no. [00:27:37] Speaker A: Are we gonna be like, is the sun gonna go out, too, or what? What are we expecting here? [00:27:44] Speaker F: Well, it's nighttime, so there's no sun. [00:27:46] Speaker A: Alexandra says, well, yeah, but, I mean, if those are out, eventually this one has to go out, too. Whenever it does show up, I'm guessing. [00:27:55] Speaker F: They'Re not going out. I just think we can't see him. [00:27:58] Speaker A: Oh. [00:28:00] Speaker C: Oh, sugar's bad. [00:28:03] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:28:06] Speaker C: I can. I can glow. [00:28:14] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:28:15] Speaker A: You want to glow for us? [00:28:16] Speaker F: Well, I think we're okay as far as being able to see, because we've still got the torches. [00:28:23] Speaker C: Okay. [00:28:24] Speaker F: And I don't want you burning through your reserves in case things get really bad. [00:28:30] Speaker C: Okay. [00:28:33] Speaker F: I don't suppose any of you know how to fly. [00:28:37] Speaker D: I can drink. Andre just raises his hand. I can. When we go check. [00:28:42] Speaker A: Wait, really? [00:28:43] Speaker F: No, no, no. I don't. I don't want you going up there. I just want to make sure that if something goes poorly and you get. And I. And boat starts getting tossed, that, uh, there's a chance you don't end up in the water. [00:28:54] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll, uh. I'll try to grab people if something capsizes us. [00:29:00] Speaker F: All right. [00:29:00] Speaker B: Um, hold on. [00:29:03] Speaker A: I. I kind of gotta ask. Andre, when you fly, do you, like, get wings, or do you just, like, put yourself? How does it work? [00:29:11] Speaker B: I was wondering the same thing, actually. [00:29:14] Speaker D: Mine actually is wings. So there's also an element to it where it just kind of ignores gravity. And I kind of can just shift my superposition. [00:29:24] Speaker A: Your what now? Your super position. Are you a hero? Like a. You got a cape and a mask? [00:29:30] Speaker C: No, God. [00:29:31] Speaker D: I just got the wings from, uh, the daedalus, uh, device. And he. Then he will point to code and say, nice, nice reference. And he will, uh, doing just, like, shift his, uh, bag that he's been carrying around with him, and we will shift it up to his back, which will show that it actually is a full metallic device that has a glowing little orb in the center of it and slots where supposedly the wings would come out. [00:30:07] Speaker A: It's pretty fancy looking. Can we touch it? [00:30:10] Speaker D: I mean. Yeah. It isn't gonna bite or anything. [00:30:14] Speaker A: Clint will start poking and prodding at it, looking at it. It's metal, shiny. I like it. [00:30:25] Speaker C: So we can't see the moon, right? [00:30:27] Speaker F: You can see the moon, but most of the. Most of the stars have begun covered up. And actually, when you look upward, coda part of the moon is. Is now covered. [00:30:39] Speaker C: All right. Um, Alexandra? [00:30:45] Speaker F: Yep. [00:30:46] Speaker C: Is this normal for this kind of area? [00:30:54] Speaker F: Depends on your definition of normal. Hey, Oliver, I need you to go below deck and give the order to the myrmidons to pull the oars in and stick them. [00:31:04] Speaker B: Yes, captain. I will go do that. [00:31:09] Speaker C: So I can look through the moon and look a few meters around us. Do you want me to do that? [00:31:18] Speaker F: I'll try. [00:31:21] Speaker C: Okay. Is she gonna do that? [00:31:25] Speaker F: All right, is there a role or anything with that, or do you just spend legend in. It works? [00:31:30] Speaker C: I spend legend. [00:31:32] Speaker F: Alright, spend your legend and roll me a perception awareness, and I will give you a bonus of plus two. [00:31:47] Speaker C: Legend has been spent and. What did you say again? Sorry. [00:31:59] Speaker F: I'll give you a bonus of plus two. [00:32:03] Speaker C: What did you want me to roll? [00:32:05] Speaker F: Perception awareness. [00:32:06] Speaker C: Perception awareness. Thank you. Okay, so that gives it seven successes. [00:32:27] Speaker F: All right, you throw your perception upward toward the moon and. And then imagine yourself looking down on the world around you. And the first thing you realize is that you can't see most of the ocean beneath you except through a very small window. You could see a very, very small patch of it. And in that patch, you can see the ship. And then you kind of, like, try to shift your perspective just a little bit. And you realize that the reason why that's the only place you can see is because there are dark, roiling clouds beneath you. You could see little flashes of lightning inside of them. [00:33:17] Speaker C: Okay, um, Koda will say this, as she's, like, looking around, she'll go, I can see us, but everything else is dark clouds, and there's, like, lightning in it, and it's around us. Ring any bells? [00:33:39] Speaker A: I mean, it sounds like a thunderstorm. [00:33:44] Speaker D: Andres just kind of looked Alexandra with an ofuk. [00:33:49] Speaker F: Alexandra just kind of gives a little nod. Oliver, below deck. [00:33:53] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:33:54] Speaker F: What do you say to the myrbanons? [00:33:59] Speaker B: Alexandra has given the order to bring the oars in. [00:34:04] Speaker F: Okay, uh, roll me a charisma command, please. [00:34:09] Speaker B: Okay, we're all seven. No epics. Uh, three successes. [00:34:25] Speaker F: All right. Um, there. There's some hesitation, and they kind of glance around at each other, and then, after a moment, finally start to pull the oars in and stow them. You get the feeling that had you been maybe a little bit more forceful or kind of, you know, put your whole chest into it, it might have. It might have landed a little bit better, and they might have scrambled, too, but they. They're kind of taking their time, and they look a little unsure and are mostly giving you the benefit of the doubt because they've seen you with their leader. [00:35:05] Speaker B: All right, that is a no to self. [00:35:10] Speaker F: All right, as you return above deck, or is there anything you want to do while you're below deck? [00:35:21] Speaker B: I'm not aware that there is a storm incoming, so, no, I'll just head back up. [00:35:26] Speaker F: Excellent. You return above deck in time for Alexandra to be like, all right, if you don't. If you need your floaties and you ain't got them on, put them on now. [00:35:36] Speaker B: Mine's been on since we left the dock. [00:35:39] Speaker F: I cut same. And she has made her way over to the mast and is pulling the ropes that she and Andre secured earlier on, early on in the day before you all left. She's pulling them out and is looping one around her middle. Tie yourselves off if you can. [00:36:02] Speaker B: I'm going to do that. [00:36:04] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess I'll do the same. [00:36:08] Speaker C: Same? [00:36:09] Speaker E: Yep. [00:36:11] Speaker C: She will tell. She will grab Pele as well. [00:36:18] Speaker A: Wait, Aubrey, if you. [00:36:19] Speaker F: Pele is not. Pele is not letting you tie him. You go to grab Pele, and he scrambles out of your arms so fast and darts for below deck. [00:36:29] Speaker C: All right. Amazing. [00:36:32] Speaker A: Andre, if you can fly, why are you tying yourself up? I figure if anything happens, you can just take to the sky, right? [00:36:39] Speaker D: Yeah, but flying in a storm is a real bitch and a half. I'd rather not get thrown off of the ship in the first place. [00:36:44] Speaker F: They're also made of metal. [00:36:46] Speaker D: Yeah. That's awesome. [00:36:50] Speaker F: Okay, as you guys are talking. There is the. The first drops of rain begin to fall, and it's just a couple at first, and they feel almost kind of good because you've been out in the heat all day, but it. Within a few seconds, it is a downpour. [00:37:12] Speaker B: As that's happening, or as it begins, I'll turn to look, everyone, and just say, all right, brace yourselves, stand firm, and I'll use my blessing of bravery, because that is free. [00:37:25] Speaker F: It is free. [00:37:27] Speaker C: Nice. [00:37:27] Speaker B: So everyone gets a willpower back and two temporary points of valor. [00:37:31] Speaker A: Ooh, heck, yeah. [00:37:33] Speaker D: Very nice. [00:37:34] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:37:38] Speaker F: As this is happening and you all feel this flow of power pulse through you and feel some part of yourself become more resolute, more determined, more ready to stand in the face of danger and to do the right thing, the first crack of lightning touches down nearby, followed rapidly by thunder. [00:38:10] Speaker A: Holy shit, that was fucking loud. [00:38:13] Speaker F: Yes, it's on top of us. There wasn't supposed to be any storms today. [00:38:20] Speaker A: Well, why is there. Oh, no, never mind. I think I can put one and one together for once. [00:38:29] Speaker F: At some point, you'll have to tell me why you think that's happening, but. All right. Okay. We're going to go into a skill challenge. I would like to know what everybody is going to do to try to help the ship weather the storm. As you all are on deck, holding onto the rails, maybe holding onto the mast. All of you having tied. I'm assuming all of you having tied yourself off, the ocean around you begins to roll and pitch. And in the flashes of bright light, rapidly, by the way, the torches go out until the only light that you are left with is the light coming from the bolts of lightning that are touching down all around you. As the storm whips the sea into a frenzy, I would like anyone with academics to roll me. Intelligence and academics, please. [00:39:40] Speaker D: You got it. [00:39:43] Speaker B: That is ten successes. [00:39:46] Speaker D: Only seven for me. [00:39:48] Speaker A: I got three. [00:39:49] Speaker F: Yay. You have academics. [00:39:53] Speaker A: I have one point in academics for physics. [00:39:56] Speaker F: Oh, my God. I'm so proud of Clint right now. [00:40:02] Speaker D: So am I. [00:40:03] Speaker B: You just did my perception roll from earlier. [00:40:05] Speaker A: That's right. [00:40:07] Speaker F: A ten, a five, a seven, and a three. Not bad, guys. I'm so proud. Okay, Clint, the first thing you realize is that this storm could not have been whipped up by natural forces. This is too fast, and it's become really brutal really quickly. Um, Coda and Andre both realize that the storm doesn't feel like it's coming from any particular side. The wind that is, the wind that is battering the ship almost feels like it is coming from, like, three or four different directions, and not all at once either. Sometimes you're getting battered east, sometimes you're getting battered west, but it's bad. And you primarily realize this because Alexandra is screaming at the two of you to bring the sales in. Oliver, the thing that you realize, and this happens within the first couple of minutes as you're watching Andre and Coda try to get the. Get the sail under control, and Clint is helping Alexandra with the rudder and trying to pull it up out of the water. You feel the ship go up to feel the front of it lift up and then come crashing down, and then there's a huge wave that comes straight at you, and you realize, as a bolt of lightning cracks behind you that the water is green, which is a sign that effectively, the waves have become so high and the sea is so rough that you're effectively, like, where the bow of the ship should be submerged, but it's not because of the waves. You also know that green water frequently causes significant damage to ships because it's a lot of water hitting really hard. All right, now that the first couple of minutes have passed, we're going to do a skill challenge. Clint, Alexandra has called for you to help her with the rudder, so I am going to need strength and athletics. [00:42:55] Speaker A: Ooh. Okay, cool. [00:42:57] Speaker F: Coda and Andre, you have been called on to get the don't roll just yet, though. Clint. [00:43:06] Speaker A: Got it. [00:43:08] Speaker F: You two have been called to get the sail under control. So I will give you. I will let you two tell me how the two of you are going to work together to make that happen. And, Oliver, you can help anybody you would like. [00:43:27] Speaker B: Okay. [00:43:29] Speaker F: You just got to tell me how you're going to help them and that. Will you? I'll let you roll and then give extra dice to whoever's role. [00:43:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll go for Coda and Andre basically kind of like a helping shout out commands to do what they're doing more effectively and then also trying to help them do it more quickly so that I can look to Andre and be like, we're about to take a lot of damage. I'm gonna need you on that. [00:43:56] Speaker F: Okay, then I would like you to roll me. Let's go. Wits and command. [00:44:07] Speaker B: Okay. That is going to be four successes. [00:44:31] Speaker F: You said four successes. [00:44:33] Speaker B: Yes. [00:44:34] Speaker F: Excellent. Then either Andre or Coda can get plus two to extra dice to whatever role they make, or you could split them a new one in one. [00:44:46] Speaker B: I will do two to Andre. [00:44:49] Speaker F: Okay, Andre, what are you planning to do to help, or Andre and Koda what are you planning to do to help bring this. Bring this to heal sail? [00:45:02] Speaker D: So I'm thinking that Andre would try to, like, grab the ropes that keep the sail, like, furled or unfurled, and will just be trying to essentially keep the sail in, like, bring it in, like, using his entire strength and hopefully pass off the excess rope to Kota to tie down as effectively as possible so that way, the sails don't get wrecked. [00:45:28] Speaker C: Yeah, and I was. So she, like, passively has cats, grace. So she's, you know, she's. She's sitting pretty good on her feet right now with, as chaotic things are. And I think she's just focusing on, like, grab, grab tie or not tie. What is it called? Like, loop and tie and loop and tie and, like, getting, like, a whole pulley situation going on as, like, rope is coming in from Andre. [00:45:58] Speaker F: Okay, so just to be clear, if you're gonna. If you're gonna be the one tying off the sail, you have to be up at the top of the mast along the. I forget what the piece is called that the sail hangs from. Oh, so the monkey climber. So, yeah, I believe. Does that require an activation? [00:46:20] Speaker C: Nope, that's also passive. So cats, grace and monkey climber. Passive. [00:46:24] Speaker F: You don't have to spend a legend to use monkey climber. Nope. All right, so those of you who are paying attention, you watch Koda grab onto the mast and start hauling herself up the ropes in the middle of the ship, kind of tossing and turning. There are times where the ship kind of tilts to one side or the other, and Koda goes swinging out over the water, but manages to continue climbing up to the top. Andre? [00:47:00] Speaker D: Yes. [00:47:03] Speaker F: Let's see. I want you to roll. Let's make this strength in physics, because you are working against the pitching and rolling of the ship, but also having to, one, help bring this huge ass sail in. And you're also throwing around lengths of rope that are almost as thick as you are as a person. And Koda, I would like you to roll me dexterity and fortitude. [00:47:45] Speaker C: Okay. [00:47:47] Speaker D: Could I utilize my added valor before standing in the wake of this incoming storm and just doing what needs to be done and for the betterment of my band? [00:48:01] Speaker F: Hmm. Hmm. Let me. Let me look at something, because there are specific uses for the different things. [00:48:12] Speaker D: Fair enough. I was also thinking either intellect, since I'm using physics to just, like, do things in my head super quickly. [00:48:19] Speaker F: Intellect, I would allow. I think valor is more of a combat oriented thing. [00:48:24] Speaker D: Fair enough. I will utilize my intellect instead. [00:48:34] Speaker C: Harmony wouldn't work in this, would it? No. [00:48:37] Speaker D: Well, chaotic for harmony. [00:48:40] Speaker C: Well, that's the, you know, she's embracing the chaotic part in all this to bring harmony towards it. Right. [00:48:46] Speaker F: That's not exactly how it works. Now. [00:48:50] Speaker C: Rip. [00:48:51] Speaker F: Okay, shot. [00:48:55] Speaker C: Um, yeah, let me do my role. [00:49:01] Speaker A: You just let me know when you're ready for my roll. [00:49:05] Speaker F: Yes, I will get to you in a minute. [00:49:07] Speaker A: Okay. [00:49:08] Speaker D: Andre got a total of eleven successes. [00:49:11] Speaker C: Nice. [00:49:12] Speaker F: Oh, boy. [00:49:13] Speaker C: Six successes. [00:49:15] Speaker F: All right. Not bad. Not bad. Okay. Clint. [00:49:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:25] Speaker F: I forgot your name for a second. Clint, you are with Alexandra who is clearly having to do multiple things at once because she is yelling orders to people when she can. She is hauling on the rudder alongside you and you could tell that she's in this weird position with the rudder where on the one hand she needs to be able to try to steer, to hold, to kind of keep from getting completely lost and thrown completely off balance, but is also worried about the rudder being in the water for too long at long stretches and getting snapped. And she's strong, but she is not quite as strong as you are. And so when she calls you over, it is clear that you are going to have to be the basis for the strength required to manhandle this, which means that you are going to be doing a combination of following her orders. So you have to listen to what she tells you to do and be able to act on it quickly as well as just be able to put in, like, the brute strength. [00:50:43] Speaker A: Right? Yeah. Clint would have even said, don't worry about holding on to it. I'll take care of that. You just tell me which way to pull. [00:50:52] Speaker F: So I would like you to make a roll and I would like you to take two extra dice because she is going to be helping you. But I had to have her pull because she is also giving orders to people. So she only got two successes. [00:51:07] Speaker A: Understood. Okay, here comes a very large number. Hopefully eight successes. [00:51:16] Speaker F: Not bad. Okay. You do make it look easy. [00:51:21] Speaker A: Exactly. Yeah. He's no problem getting like that. Grim determination, that focus, paying attention. I'm listening. But I'm also really good at gripping this thing and not letting go. [00:51:34] Speaker D: Both the strong boys are using, making it look easy because they're petty. [00:51:42] Speaker F: All right. [00:51:43] Speaker A: It's passive. I can't turn it off. I just always make it look easy. I can't help it. [00:51:50] Speaker F: What you realize, Clint, is that despite how simple this should be, considering how well you did, it's not going as well as you thought it would. And Kota and Andre have the same thought as the as they are working. It is like this storm has been whipped up in such a way and manipulated in such a manner as to make it as difficult as possible for you. You go and put the rudder in one way because Alexandra tells you to, and immediately she is having to yell at you to do it the other way because it's like the tide shifts. Koda gets, like, a part of the sail tied down and starts yanking off, yanking on the ropes to tie them off. And it's like a gust of wind hits at just the right moment to rip part of the sail away and make her have to back up and do it again. I need everybody to make me stamina and fortitude rolls. [00:53:03] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [00:53:07] Speaker F: Sorry. I didn't realize I was quiet. Nobody told me. Is this better? [00:53:11] Speaker B: You sound fine to me. [00:53:12] Speaker D: You sound clearer now. Yeah. [00:53:21] Speaker F: All right, what are we looking at for stamina and fortitude rolls, guys. Not great. [00:53:28] Speaker B: One success for me. [00:53:32] Speaker A: I got seven. [00:53:34] Speaker F: I only got 46417. Awesome. [00:53:40] Speaker B: I'm debating should spend a legend point a month. [00:53:42] Speaker F: I'm also thinking that if anybody wants to roll legend, then now's the time. [00:53:47] Speaker B: We have five points is the issue. [00:53:50] Speaker A: I think I'm. [00:53:51] Speaker D: I still actually have a decent bit, so I think I will. [00:53:56] Speaker B: I'll do it. Just because one is not great. [00:54:01] Speaker D: It's the same goddamn number. [00:54:03] Speaker A: Yep. [00:54:05] Speaker B: Much better on my end for. [00:54:07] Speaker D: Okay, so our floor is four. So there we go. [00:54:11] Speaker F: Okay. Clint is the only person who is finding this while worrying and certainly scary, not completely balls to the wall insane. Andre, you've seen some shit. You've been through some stuff as a scion. Um, and. And this is wild. Uh, you've heard of the stories of Greeks who go out on. Who go out on the water in. In ships, and it not going well. Um, you're wondering if this might be one of those storms because at one point, you get battered by a massive fucking wave that comes up over the side of the ship and hits you. Just hits you square and sends you flying backward. And only the rope around your waist keeps you from going overboard. [00:55:04] Speaker D: Glad I taught that. Should have stayed on the lan. [00:55:10] Speaker F: Kota, what did you get? Six. Okay. The thing that you are struggling the most with is being able to tie this tie off the sail the way that you want to without getting it caught up in your own rope that's around your waist. And at one point, the whole ship kind of pitches left, and you are forced to just wrap your arms around where you've tied off the sail and just hug it, like, with your arms and your legs to keep from going overboard. Considering that the whole ship is almost entirely on its side, there is a moment where you are uncomfortably close to the water. [00:55:56] Speaker C: She hisses like a cat. [00:56:00] Speaker F: Oliver, this is. This is rat. This is rough and tweed, as it turns out, soaks up a lot of water. Your whole outfit feels heavier. You're getting thrown from one side of the ship to the other as it. As it pitched, as the. See, pitches and rolls. There's once or twice you get thrown into, like, the railing along the side of the boat, and you just. You could feel the bruises already forming. Oh. All right, we're going to make two more sets of that roll. Just do one for right now for each of you, please. [00:56:51] Speaker A: Can Clint extend his spear and jam it into the wood to try and help offer handholds for people who need it to move around? [00:57:05] Speaker F: You certainly can. You know that you are going to probably be damaging the ship, but you certainly can. [00:57:14] Speaker A: Yeah. I figure replacing one board is a whole lot better than replacing a person. [00:57:20] Speaker F: Okay. [00:57:21] Speaker A: Yeah, Clint. What? Do that then. [00:57:25] Speaker F: So first thing I need you to do in that case is I need you to make a, let's make it just a raw strength roll. [00:57:35] Speaker A: Yeah. That would be three successes. [00:57:47] Speaker F: Okay. Now, if you have not yet, I need everybody to roll me another stamina fortitude roll. [00:57:58] Speaker C: Can I add my conviction? [00:58:04] Speaker F: Hmm? Can you add your conviction? [00:58:08] Speaker C: Virtue? [00:58:10] Speaker F: No, because that's a devotion to your beliefs. Do you have, like, duty or endurance? [00:58:18] Speaker C: I do have duty, but I've used it all up. [00:58:24] Speaker F: That's kind of all I've got for that. I'm sorry. Booze rip. [00:58:28] Speaker C: Okay, this one. [00:58:32] Speaker B: I get a three. [00:58:35] Speaker D: Andre got six. [00:58:40] Speaker F: So you have a six, a three, a seven. Oh, and a one. Would you like to spend sticker. Would you like to spend legend and reroll some of the. And reroll. [00:58:51] Speaker C: Yes, I will be spending legendary roll. [00:58:55] Speaker A: Oi, coda. Grab onto the sticks. [00:58:58] Speaker F: Don't. [00:58:59] Speaker A: Don't slide off. [00:59:01] Speaker F: All right, so we have a four. [00:59:03] Speaker C: Yikes. [00:59:04] Speaker F: A seven, a three, and a six. All right, so the way we're gonna do, the way we're gonna handle the spear is that the spear will effectively give whoever grabs it. The spear is basically going to be a pool of three auto successes, and you can take as many as it takes to bring yourself up to where you feel comfortable with your role. But then once those three are done, Clint will have to grab the spear and try to put it in again, which will take his turn. [00:59:45] Speaker B: I will take one success for this round, just so I can level out at four again. [00:59:50] Speaker F: Okay, sticker. Would you like to take any of the other successes or you're gonna leave it? [01:00:00] Speaker C: I think I'm gonna leave it. Cause coda's up on the mast. [01:00:04] Speaker F: Or she could also be down off the mast at some point. [01:00:09] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Hmm. You know, we got one more that we're doing. I'm gonna say. Nah, I'm gonna think I'm gonna say no. [01:00:21] Speaker F: All right. Okay. I need somebody to roll me eight dice with two. Two auto successes and no botch, please. [01:00:51] Speaker A: Gotcha. Oh, wow. Eight successes. [01:01:03] Speaker F: Alexander. Alexandra's a badass. All right. [01:01:06] Speaker C: Amazing. [01:01:08] Speaker B: I thought that was for the storm. I was about to be like, why don't we let Gavin do that? [01:01:11] Speaker F: No, no, no. I'm already rolling the storm. It just felt unfair to roll against myself. Okay. [01:01:19] Speaker D: I was afraid it was like Charybdis or something. [01:01:24] Speaker F: All right, let's see. Oliver, you got thrown into one of the railings on the last round, and you manage to fight your way to your feet. And just as you manage to gain your feet, the boat pitches again and you go flying. And what you end up having to do is, as you are flying, you see Clint's spear sticking up out of the deck of the ship, and you reach out just on instinct to grab it, to keep yourself from getting thrown into the other railing, or worse, into the water itself. And as you do so, you can feel, like, the ligaments in your shoulder straining, but you grab it and you manage to not throw yourself into a rail. [01:02:26] Speaker B: I'm having a very bad time. [01:02:30] Speaker A: Hold on, mister B. You can do it. [01:02:34] Speaker F: Coda. At one point, when the ship pitches like that, you lose your grip and you are about to fall. And those cat like instincts that your mother gave you kick in and you manage to reach up and gripen. Uh, or grab one of the loops that you made to tie the sail into place and haul your. And you use it to haul yourself back up so that you can continue crawling along and tying the last bits of the sail off. Um, your hands are bloody and your shoulders hurt, but you manage to. You. You have managed to complete the task you were given. Now you're just way up high and have no idea how you're going to get down without killing yourself. [01:03:20] Speaker C: Well, I'll just drop, but that'll be for a leader. [01:03:27] Speaker F: Well, the problem with just dropping is knowing how you're going to, you know, land in the right spot and not land in the water because the deck of the ship keeps moving. I get this. Andre. [01:03:44] Speaker D: Yes. [01:03:46] Speaker F: What did you roll. [01:03:47] Speaker D: I got a six. [01:03:49] Speaker F: Not bad. Okay. The most concerning part for you is that some of these bolts of lightning are coming unnervingly close to the ship. And you're wearing metal. [01:04:03] Speaker D: Yep. [01:04:05] Speaker F: And there is one point where you are absolutely certain that it feels like it is trying to hit you. But you do feel the prickle of electricity along your skin and especially along your back. And you have the sneaking suspicion that there might be some minor burns just from the metal getting hot against your skin. It is a good thing that you are immune to fire because it would have been way worse. Mostly it's just uncomfortable. Yep. Alexandra seems completely fine. She's stressed out, and she's obviously a little tired. But at one point, the ship pitches, and Clint is absolutely certain that she's about to get thrown overboard. But her hand kind of whips out and grips the rudder, and she uses it to swing herself from the side that she was on onto the other side. So that as the ship is almost on its side, she's practically, like, crouched on the backside of the rudder. Clint, you have managed to kind of plant your feet, and as long as you have a hold of the rudder for right now, you feel like you are okay. However, all of you are rapidly beginning to watch as things on the ship itself seem to be becoming more and more imperiled. Ropes that were tied off have begun to fray and snap in some places. Clint, you have spotted a crack forming in part of the rudder. Oliver, you haven't specifically seen anything because you've mostly just been busy trying to keep your feet, and your perception isn't great to begin with. That makes sense, Andre. Your knowledge of structural integrity, of the things that you build, and you having worked on the ship, you are beginning to realize that the reason the ship isn't more imperiled than it is right now is probably only because of the improvements that you have made. But you are quickly becoming certain that it is not going to be enough. It might keep the whole ship from going down, but it is not going to keep it from being fucked up by this storm. [01:06:41] Speaker A: Guys, I think we're losing the rudder here. [01:06:45] Speaker D: Fucking hell. [01:06:49] Speaker F: I'm going to give everybody one round of rolls where you guys get to tell me what you are going to do to try to help the ship from being in any worse peril than it already is, or at least to try to more to keep it from getting any worse and less to keep it from getting any worse and more to keep it from becoming completely dire. And we will start with Clint all right. [01:07:22] Speaker A: Clint is looking at that rudder and trying to figure out how to keep it in one piece. Is that feasible from this place, or is the rudder kind of in the water itself where it's cracking? [01:07:40] Speaker F: The problem is that the water is nothing like even. It's not smooth like it was earlier in the day, so that it is impossible to keep it completely out of the water at all time. You can, however, basically pull down on the part that is in the front and secure it in place so that it is not, like, down along the side of the ship, which might spare it from the worst. [01:08:03] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll do that. And I assume the spear. Have we used all three of the spear bonuses? [01:08:10] Speaker F: No, there are two more. [01:08:11] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Then we're going to keep the spear where it is, and Clint is just going to put all his weight onto putting that rudder down and pushing himself against it so that it gets up out of the water as much as possible. [01:08:23] Speaker F: Okay. [01:08:25] Speaker B: Also, something I want to point out. I'm not sure about this. I could be 100% wrong, but I think valor is used for just conflicts in general, not just combat. So it might apply still. [01:08:38] Speaker F: Valor is about willingness to fight for what's right. That's not what this is. This is fighting for survival. [01:08:44] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. Yeah, I was dead wrong. [01:08:46] Speaker A: Can I dip into some courage, then? [01:08:52] Speaker F: Courage is about proving oneself in battle. [01:08:55] Speaker A: Fair enough. [01:08:56] Speaker F: You could, however, use intellect. You're irish, right? [01:09:00] Speaker A: I am indeed. [01:09:01] Speaker F: I'll happily do you have one dot in intellect. [01:09:05] Speaker A: I have one dot in intellect. [01:09:06] Speaker B: He's got. [01:09:07] Speaker F: There you go. This might be a reason for you to invest in upping your. Your intellect later. [01:09:12] Speaker A: Gotta boost them. Virtues. [01:09:14] Speaker F: Virtues are important guys. Okay, so you are trying to pull the rudder up out of the water to spare it from the worst of the damage. [01:09:23] Speaker A: That's right. [01:09:25] Speaker F: All right, I'm gonna have you roll. How nice do I want to be? Let's make this intelligence and fortitude, and I will allow you to use your intellect. [01:09:42] Speaker A: Ooh. Okay. Thank you. [01:09:49] Speaker F: It was either fortitude or athletics, and they're the same number, so it doesn't really matter. [01:09:54] Speaker A: Yeah, athletics lets me get a little extra bonuses, but fortitude prevents that. It's okay. It's smart. [01:09:59] Speaker F: Um, next, koda, what would you like to do? Or. Hold on, Oliver, uh, what are you gonna do to contribute. To contribute to this? Is there something specific? You gonna try and help somebody? [01:10:14] Speaker B: I use legend point, as you said. Don't really know what's going on, because I'm too busy trying to not die. So I'm probably just, like, yelling out words of encouragement that, like, are intermittently broken off of me. Just, like, yelling and squeaking as I try to not die. So that's what I'm doing. [01:10:31] Speaker F: Is any of the yelling, cussing? [01:10:34] Speaker B: Some of it might very well be. [01:10:38] Speaker F: How much of that do you want to leave? Up to fate? [01:10:41] Speaker B: Um, I'll leave it up to fate, I think. [01:10:45] Speaker F: All right, sticker. Roll me a D 100. [01:10:55] Speaker B: Yay. [01:10:58] Speaker A: Clint got three successes on that particular test. [01:11:01] Speaker F: Oh, goodness. [01:11:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:11:03] Speaker F: Oh, you spent a legend and rerolled. Okay. I was like, jesus. [01:11:07] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [01:11:08] Speaker A: It was originally a zero. [01:11:10] Speaker B: Yeah. I looked one up, and I was like, oh, Mandy. [01:11:15] Speaker C: Oops. Oh, my gosh. Wait, how do I do that again? [01:11:30] Speaker F: Hit r. And there should be one that looks like a white and black d 20. Click on it. [01:11:36] Speaker B: Yeah, you gotta, like, click it instead of just typing. [01:11:38] Speaker E: Roll. [01:11:39] Speaker C: Oh, okay. I gotta click it. [01:11:42] Speaker E: There we go. [01:11:43] Speaker F: Things that have changed in discord. That's a 50, so that's, like, smack on the line. Yeah. We're gonna say that Oliver lets out a couple of cuss words, but they are quiet enough that nobody can hear them over the storm. Dang. [01:12:00] Speaker D: Cursing you like a sailor. [01:12:03] Speaker F: That was what was gonna happen if you rolled low. All right, so other than trying not to die and sending out words of encouragement, are you using a power, or are you just trying to uplift people? What are you doing? [01:12:23] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I'm mostly just trying to uplift people because looking through my options, I don't have a lot in the way of powers unless I want to spend stuff, and I'm starting to run pretty dry. [01:12:34] Speaker F: All right, let's make it a. Hmm. Let's make that a charisma and command roll. If you would like, you could add expression to this. [01:12:59] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, that sounds good. [01:13:04] Speaker F: I'm just imagining you desperately trying to convince people that you are not absolutely terrified. Shitting yourself. Yeah. [01:13:09] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. 100%. What's happening. Yeah, I'll do that. And does it add just two additional dice or two auto successes? I don't know why I've forgotten. [01:13:19] Speaker F: Additional dice. [01:13:20] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I thought. All right. Tempest, two successes. [01:13:27] Speaker F: All right. Who would you like those two successes to go to? Do you want to split them up between Andre and coda, or do you want a specific person to take them? [01:13:42] Speaker B: We normally do half, don't we? So I think I only can hand out one anyway. [01:13:46] Speaker F: That's fair. Yeah. [01:13:47] Speaker B: So, yeah, I guess I'll give it to. I'll give it to Clint. [01:13:51] Speaker F: This time, Clint has already rolled, hasn't he? [01:13:54] Speaker A: I have, yeah. [01:13:55] Speaker B: Oh, he did. Right? Right. Cause he had to reroll. Cause he got zero. In that case, I'll give it to Koda. [01:13:59] Speaker F: That's my bad. I should have asked you first. That's. That's on me. Sorry. [01:14:02] Speaker B: No, it's fine. I'll give it to Koda. [01:14:04] Speaker F: All right, Coda. What are you gonna do? [01:14:09] Speaker C: Coda is going to tie back up anything that needs to be tied up. Slash. Um, you said ropes were fraying. [01:14:20] Speaker F: Not the ones that you were working on. Some of the other ones, like, general rigging is fraying, um, and snapping off. And you can see them kind of whipping around. It's actually pretty fucking dangerous. [01:14:31] Speaker C: So then I think instead of, like, going to those ropes, she's more so going to tie back up anything that's like. Looks like it's starting to become untied. You know what I mean? [01:14:45] Speaker F: Loose. You mean loose? [01:14:48] Speaker C: Yes. [01:14:49] Speaker F: Make me. [01:14:52] Speaker C: I have a question. [01:14:53] Speaker F: Yes. [01:14:54] Speaker C: So I have eye of the storm. [01:14:57] Speaker F: Yes. So. [01:15:00] Speaker C: And it's like, you know, when activated, she's untouched by confusion as long as she doesn't actively involve herself. Me doing these things counts as me involved myself. Yeah. [01:15:10] Speaker F: Yeah. I mean, you're kind of by default involved. [01:15:13] Speaker C: Okay. Gotcha. [01:15:16] Speaker F: However, I did take into account the fact that you have the chaos perfuse. So I have not been making your DC's quite as high as I normally would have. [01:15:23] Speaker A: That's a really good point. [01:15:27] Speaker F: So we're going to make this a wits. And you're tying off ropes with wits and survival. [01:15:36] Speaker C: Oh, good luck. It's in survival. What? [01:15:43] Speaker F: Thinking back to when you were a kid and you knew a boy in the Boy Scouts who was teaching you nuts. [01:15:48] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like over, under, loop de loop and pull. [01:15:55] Speaker B: And you're shining up your ears. [01:15:57] Speaker C: Looking good. [01:15:59] Speaker F: Don't forget, you have an extra die. [01:16:02] Speaker C: Oh, and an extra die. Okay. [01:16:04] Speaker F: Um. [01:16:07] Speaker C: All right, let's see. [01:16:12] Speaker F: Three, success. [01:16:13] Speaker B: Doing great right now. [01:16:16] Speaker C: Um hmm. Yeah. No, three. We don't use willpower to reroll. [01:16:24] Speaker F: Right. [01:16:24] Speaker C: It's legend. [01:16:25] Speaker B: Yeah, legend. And then willpower can give us an auto security, but you gotta do it first. [01:16:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:16:30] Speaker C: Oh, I see. [01:16:32] Speaker A: Hey, BP. Since Clint didn't have to reset his spear, can he spend a little bit of time doing a hornet's nest activity? Try and identify what he can do to help reduce the chaos going on here? [01:16:47] Speaker F: You've already used your turn, boo boo. [01:16:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:49] Speaker D: Okay, possibly next turn. [01:16:51] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [01:16:52] Speaker F: If you guys get it. Next turn. [01:16:54] Speaker A: Uh oh. [01:16:57] Speaker F: All right. Andre. [01:16:59] Speaker D: All right, so the rudder is a very important part of this boat, and if we lose it, we're fucked. So what he's going to do is he's going to run over to where the rudder is, to where Clint is holding it up out of the water, and he will try to utilize the fix it boon from his technology purview to repair it. [01:17:21] Speaker F: Okay. [01:17:22] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [01:17:23] Speaker F: This is the part where I have to look up my own home brew perfuel, so hold on. [01:17:27] Speaker D: Uh, I actually have it looked up, if you'd like. [01:17:30] Speaker F: Uh, if you could please read it off to us. [01:17:32] Speaker D: Okay. Anyone who wants to get a war out of life, blah, blah, blah. With the bango hammer and a twist of screwdriver, a scion with the spoon may spend two legend points to repair even the most grievously damaged equipment or vehicles almost instantaneously. And I will. I get to roll. Perception plus my craft. And I will. The number of successes I get is the number of health levels repaired for the rudder. [01:17:57] Speaker F: Okay. All right. So you technically don't have shipwright. [01:18:04] Speaker D: Correct. [01:18:05] Speaker F: So what I will allow is I will allow you to use. I will allow you to roll as if you had three in craft. I basically gotta cut your craft in half because you don't have the right one. Makes sense. But you've worked on the ship before, so I will allow you to use some craft. [01:18:22] Speaker D: Fantastic. I will go ahead and roll with that, then. [01:18:25] Speaker F: And you have. Just as a reminder, you have intellect as a virtue. [01:18:29] Speaker D: I do. So I think I'm also going to go ahead and utilize another point of that, because this is a very important role. [01:18:37] Speaker F: Yes. [01:18:39] Speaker D: And I also get to utilize my eritase for craft. [01:18:42] Speaker B: Hooray. He's doing it. [01:18:57] Speaker D: That'll be six successes. [01:18:59] Speaker A: Nice. [01:19:02] Speaker F: Not bad. Yeah. I mean, it's. It is. It is. I'm sorry. This. It is a little bit of a patch job, but this is a relic. And you don't have, like, the ideal materials around. [01:19:20] Speaker B: Nope. [01:19:22] Speaker F: But you do manage to keep the rudder from completely snapping, which is nice. And Alexandra looks deeply grateful as she is continuing to try to keep everything from getting completely fucked. All right, Coda, you've managed to. The big thing, Koda, that you managed to do was you managed to make sure that not only was the sale completely tied off, but one of the. One of the sets of rigging had, like, snapped and was kind of go, oh, sorry. One of the sets of rigging had snapped and was kind of going all over the place. And essentially what you did was you reached out, and you snatched it out of the air and have pulled it around and looped it multiple times around the mask to tie it off so that it doesn't end up hitting anybody, which is important because the bottom had, like, those big, heavy, like, metal pulleys. [01:20:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:20:29] Speaker F: So you've probably saved yourself and others from getting completely clobbered by a heavy piece of metal to the head. [01:20:37] Speaker C: Nice. [01:20:40] Speaker F: And that took a hot minute, which, you know, accommodates for the fact that you didn't roll. Super. Great. Okay, I need one more round of stamina and fortitude, please. [01:20:58] Speaker A: A all right. Is this where Clint can utilize that Hornet's nest, maybe get a little safety in there? [01:21:10] Speaker F: Um. [01:21:13] Speaker A: Or are we pretty much at the end of the chaos and just trying to keep it together? [01:21:17] Speaker F: Well, so the. So, as I. As I told Sticker, you guys are involved in the chaos. There's no avoiding it. [01:21:25] Speaker A: Yeah. So Hornet's nest is not about being unevolved or uninvolved. That's, like, eye of the storm is looking at it from the distance. Hornet's nest is you. Either I'm trying to make as much chaos as I can or to diffuse as much chaos as I can. [01:21:42] Speaker F: Ah. [01:21:43] Speaker A: And it's just looking for, like, Clint would be looking around at what can I do to help someone else or help the whole situation at large to reduce that threat of problems happening? [01:21:57] Speaker F: Um, sure. We can give it a shot. [01:22:03] Speaker A: It's a really big pool. [01:22:06] Speaker F: Yes. Your intelligence and awareness is your best pool ever. [01:22:10] Speaker A: Exactly. [01:22:11] Speaker D: Probably better than all of ours. [01:22:14] Speaker F: Oh, no. Because Oliver has intelligence, and he's got a lot of dots in intelligence. [01:22:21] Speaker D: Did. You're right. [01:22:23] Speaker F: It's Oliver's perception that. Shit. [01:22:25] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm half blind. [01:22:30] Speaker A: Oh. [01:22:31] Speaker F: Oh, no. That's. That's a botch. [01:22:34] Speaker A: Yeah. I got enough legend. I'll use one more. [01:22:41] Speaker F: Is it two? A one, a one, and a four? Ah, that's better. That's a three. All right. Trying to think of what you could do to help. First question. Are you the first? Are you the first person that I've had? Roll this. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. Um, so the big thing that you realize that could make things a lot worse is, um. Hmm. Sorry. This is a. This is a big question. Actually, what you realize is that things are getting rougher and not less rough as time goes on. And the biggest concern you have from looking around is actually the fact that Kota is still so high up above the deck of the ship, that mast has a lot of strain put on it. And number one, her being up there is adding to the strain. But also number two, if that mast goes, she's going. The rest of you are already on. Dexa, you have a chance to grab onto something and not get dragged over with it, but Coda won't have that opportunity. [01:24:03] Speaker A: Gotcha. I know we're tied off, but I still don't want the mast to break, and I don't want her to go with the mast. So while Clint is, like, buckling down, getting ready to weather this next round, he'll call out, Koda, you might wanna come down. That mast ain't looking good. [01:24:20] Speaker C: What? Yeah, I'm coming down. [01:24:24] Speaker A: Be safe, please. I'll catch you if I have to. [01:24:28] Speaker C: Don't tell me what to do. [01:24:30] Speaker A: It's okay. [01:24:33] Speaker F: Wow. Don't tell me what to do in the middle of the storm. Jesus Christ. Coda, are you sure? Rebel isn't your nature. Okay, Clint, I need you to make a stamina and a fortitude, please. [01:24:51] Speaker A: Aye aye, captain. That and that and we got our epics. Okay, cool. A seven successes again. [01:25:05] Speaker F: Excellent coda. [01:25:10] Speaker C: Yes. [01:25:11] Speaker F: Are you going to stay up there to be spiteful, or are you actually going to try and come down? [01:25:15] Speaker C: No, no, no. She's gonna come down. She just wanted to fix that one thing and then head down. [01:25:21] Speaker F: Okay, then I am gonna give you an option. See, you can. Hmm. How exactly do you plan to come down? Is probably a better question. [01:25:38] Speaker C: So she was going to kinda, with the rope that she has attached to her, try to do like that. What is it called? You know, when you put like, the rope around something? It was in what's that movie? But they're like, make a man. [01:25:58] Speaker F: Are you trying to, like, counterweight yourself where you lower yourself with the rope? [01:26:02] Speaker C: No, it was in that movie. That movie. [01:26:06] Speaker B: I understand what you're saying. She's like having hands on both ends of the rope and then, like, the rope is around the mast, I think. [01:26:13] Speaker C: Yes. And you like, slide yourself down. [01:26:17] Speaker F: Ah, okay. [01:26:20] Speaker C: Yeah, she wants to do that. But then, like, having in her back pocket, she has, like, sky's grace. So she takes her damage from falling from height. So she's like, if I do fall, I will be hitting the ship, at least because the rope is still. Still close. So like that. So I won't be, like, flinged out into the water. Fingers crossed. [01:26:41] Speaker F: Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay, then. Yeah. That's still just a stamina fortitude. Then you have the powers to deal with any potential damage. So it's mostly just about. Can you not get tired? [01:26:58] Speaker C: Aye yay. Yaydeh. Okay, um, I'm gonna. I'm gonna spend a legend. [01:27:06] Speaker F: You could spend a legend, or you could grab Clint spear for the last two auto successes. [01:27:11] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll grab Clint spear for the last two auto successes. [01:27:16] Speaker F: All right, uh, you guys watch as Coda loops the rope around her waist, braces her feet against the mast and begins to. It's not quite repelling, but she's sliding down, using the rope to keep herself from falling backwards. And she gets most of the way and she's fine. And about 10ft up, her hand slips and she goes tumbling. Thankfully, Skye's grace kicks in, keeps her from hitting too hard with a thud. But she's still sliding along the. Along the deck of the ship. And her hand reaches out and does the same thing that Oliver's did. And Oliver, you look down to where you're holding onto this, onto the spear. You look down as Koda goes sliding effectively through your legs. And her hand barely catches the bottom of the spear in time to catch herself from headed for the. Heading for the water. [01:28:13] Speaker C: Hey, mister V. Hi. [01:28:17] Speaker F: And then you both got to feel the spear shake loose. [01:28:20] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:28:25] Speaker F: Andre, what are you doing? [01:28:29] Speaker D: Andre is basically going to try to. Since he's back at the rudder, he's just, like, gripping on as tight as he can to, like, the back of the ship and just readying himself for the, like, third battering that he's probably going to receive. [01:28:43] Speaker F: All right, I need another stamina, fortitude, please. [01:28:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:28:47] Speaker D: Alrighty. Five successes. [01:28:54] Speaker F: Five isn't bad. Uh, Oliver? [01:28:57] Speaker B: Yeah? [01:28:58] Speaker F: Stamina, fortitude. [01:28:59] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, no, I don't think I have a choice. I think I have to, uh, spend a legend on that. [01:29:09] Speaker F: Okay. That was a one. [01:29:12] Speaker A: Yep. [01:29:16] Speaker B: Much better. [01:29:17] Speaker F: Much better. All right, Oliver, you look down as Koda grabs the spear. And you feel the spear come loose from the deck. And your eyes go wide, and Koda hears a little. And then you just go sliding. And you slam into the railing where Andre has hunkered himself down. And I wrap your hands around it, knowing that your ribs are going to be plenty bruised tomorrow. And it is around this time that coda, your connection to the sky and the moon and the lights around you, kicks it. And you realize that you can't see the moon anymore. The only light around you is from lightning. And it is hitting rapidly over and over and over again. And every time the lightning hits, there's a rumble of thunder right behind it. The storm is directly on top of where you are. Alexandra is yelling in a combination of Greek and English. She is telling people to hold on. Occasionally she is shouting at Clint to help her get the rudder back in the water for just a minute so that she can try and correct the pitch of the ship so that you guys don't completely capsize. And it's exhausting. Your bodies ache. Your arms are weak. Everybody, except for baby Clint has bruised ribs. Clint, your hands are bloody from helping to grip onto the rudder. It looks easy the way that you're doing it, but you can feel where that really tight grip that you have to have on the wood has bit into it, and the wood has begun to splinter and stab into your palms. You could see Alexandra's face is covered in blood. You don't know where the blood's coming from. And she doesn't seem to notice as she is shouting that she's going to get everybody through this, that she will not be taken down by a fucking storm on her ocean. And you don't know how long it is. You don't know how long the storm lasts. You know that it is well into the night, and you are all utterly exhausted. And at some point, there is a flash of lightning and then darkness, and you hear a mighty crack. And then the whole. And then the whole ship pitches to the left. [01:32:00] Speaker A: Oh, no. [01:32:01] Speaker F: And there's a massive splash, and then it pitches to the right. And you hear Alexander scream over the storm. We've lost the mast. Everybody hold on. And a massive wave comes up. I need everybody to make me a strength and athletics role. [01:32:28] Speaker A: We like those. [01:32:29] Speaker B: Okay, I think I'm going to use Bonafortuna on this for me because that is not a great role for me. [01:32:45] Speaker F: Just to make sure that everybody is aware, because this is well into the storm, and you guys have been at this for a while. If anybody has auto successes, you will lose one of them. Ooh. Okay, rip. [01:33:03] Speaker C: I only have one auto success. [01:33:07] Speaker B: This is my bona for teneral. [01:33:09] Speaker F: That's five for your benefit. For tuna. Yeah. [01:33:12] Speaker B: Okay. [01:33:14] Speaker A: Clint got seven successes on the athletics and strength. [01:33:19] Speaker F: How do you have a modifier of four? [01:33:22] Speaker A: So with. [01:33:23] Speaker F: Oh, athletics. Right, sorry. I always forget that you have. If the crowd goes wild and it's. [01:33:29] Speaker A: Usually a five, but if we're dropping it by one, it's four. [01:33:33] Speaker B: There's a total of six successes from me. [01:33:35] Speaker A: Holy. [01:33:36] Speaker F: Very good. [01:33:37] Speaker D: Way to go, Oliver. [01:33:38] Speaker B: I need that luck, man. [01:33:40] Speaker D: I'm gonna use a legend point. [01:33:42] Speaker F: Laundry rolls. A one. [01:33:48] Speaker A: Hey, it's an improvement. [01:33:54] Speaker F: Oh, no, precious. Three. [01:33:59] Speaker C: Three. [01:33:59] Speaker F: Well, you know, cats don't do well in water. It's fine. [01:34:03] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna have to keep it. [01:34:04] Speaker F: Cause. [01:34:07] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna have to keep it. [01:34:12] Speaker F: Okay. You all cling to the ship. Water sloshes over the sides. You're getting hammered and battered by these massive waves. It is hard to tell what direction is up or down, which way you're going, whether or not the ship is going to capsize. You have no idea. In the darkness, Clint, you hear the alarmed call of Corvid. [01:34:47] Speaker A: I will look around to see if he can find Ian. [01:34:49] Speaker F: Oh, it is dark. You can't see shit. [01:34:51] Speaker A: Ian, come here. [01:34:55] Speaker F: There is a low growl and hiss from below deck that Coda picks up on because Koda has crazy perception. And then every and then there is another wave that comes up over the side, smacks everything full force. And each and every one of you, except for. Except for Clint, feels their grip fail and the water swallow them up. I would like everybody to roll me straight. Stamina, please. [01:35:52] Speaker D: It's great to come back to just an immediate dice roll. [01:35:56] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:35:59] Speaker F: I was keeping track of the number of successes you guys rolled, and you guys rolled enough to keep yourselves alive, but not necessarily to have things go well for you. [01:36:08] Speaker C: Sweet. [01:36:08] Speaker F: Gerkins 2064. Okay. The first person to wake up to bright, intense sunlight beating down on their face is Andre. Hello, Andre. The first thing you recognize is the feel of sand underneath of you and the heat of sunlight. Not fire. It's not hot enough for fire, but it's like you've been laying under the sun for hours. You can hear the lapping of waves and can feel them come up and kind of dance around your. Your leg and then roll back out again. [01:37:18] Speaker D: He's just going to just lay there for a second and just look out of the ocean and then just sigh. Just sigh as he lays his head back. Knew it shouldn't gotten on the goddamn boat. And just slowly rolled to sit back up and try to get to his feet. [01:37:34] Speaker F: You are able to get to your feet. Roll me. Perception and awareness. [01:37:41] Speaker D: You got it, boss. What is happening to us? [01:37:50] Speaker F: Michael, you are very out of sorts. You stand up and all the blood rushes to your head. Immediately get dizzy and fall back over. You can feel bruises all over. You feel sick to your stomach like you may have swallowed a lot of water. You're in a bad way. [01:38:19] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:38:20] Speaker F: All right, Clint. [01:38:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:38:30] Speaker F: You slowly begin to come to your hands and arms ache and you have the distinct feeling of something wrapped tightly around your body. Multiple times. [01:38:50] Speaker A: Clint will feel before he looks kind of pat himself down to feel what is wrapped around it is. [01:38:57] Speaker F: A sodden but rough length of thick rope. [01:39:03] Speaker A: Okay, that makes sense. And Clint will start reaching out to whatever he's laying on. Is it hard or is it Sandy? [01:39:12] Speaker F: It's Sandy, but as your hand kind of reaches out and touches the sand, you feel like wood against your fingers as well. [01:39:23] Speaker A: Okay. I'm either on a beach or we picked up a whole bunch of sand, or we're in a play pit, and Clint will open his eyes and start looking around. [01:39:37] Speaker F: Perception, awareness, please. [01:39:39] Speaker A: You got it. Two successes. [01:40:02] Speaker F: You realize that you are laying close to the boat, which is up on its side. You are looking at the bottom of it, though. So the deck is on the opposite side of the side that you are laying on. You can see what looks like places where. What do you call it? The boards that have been shaped into the. Into the appropriate shape for the boat have been ripped away. So there are holes in the bottom. [01:40:47] Speaker A: Oh, no. Okay. All right, the boat's there. I'm here. Where are my friends? And Clint will start standing up and scouring the beach. [01:41:00] Speaker F: All right. As you stand up and start to scour the beach, you can see movement, uh, about 100, 200 yards away, down. Down the beach. You. You watch as somebody stands up and immediately falls back over. [01:41:17] Speaker A: Oh, shit. He's probably injured. Oh, no. Clint will hurry as fast as he can over there. [01:41:26] Speaker F: Uh, you go to take off from the side of the boat, forgetting that you were still wrapped in rope. So you. You go take it off, and they get. Get brought up like a dog who's pulling on his leash. Immediately fall on your ass. [01:41:41] Speaker A: Heart. Shit. Fuck. And he'll start untangling himself from the roof as best as he can. God damn it. Oh, fuck. And then once he gets free, that's when he'll make his way over to trying to check on his friends, make sure they're not all dead. [01:41:58] Speaker B: Okay. [01:42:01] Speaker F: You make your way over. Goodness. Coda. And. Okay, sorry. I'm looking at all the roles. Y'all really didn't do well. [01:42:23] Speaker A: Nope. [01:42:23] Speaker B: No. [01:42:26] Speaker F: You make your way over to see that Andre is the one who stood up and immediately fell over. He's lying on his back, he's breathing heavily. He looks winded. And Coda is slowly starting to come to. And Oliver is a couple of yards past coda and is limp, not moving. [01:42:53] Speaker A: Oh, no, no. Fuck. If I see that. Two are awake and starting to move around, but one is still not moving. Clint hauls ass over to Mister B. Kneels down in the sand and starts shaking him violently. Wake up. Wake up, mister B. No, don't die on me. [01:43:13] Speaker F: Wake up for Romeo stamina. Roll, please. [01:43:18] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, wait. Oh, crap. I type a thing, so I can't do my upkey. [01:43:34] Speaker A: Speaking of, if you would like to see the dice rolls live, y'all should join the discord. [01:43:38] Speaker F: 100%. [01:43:44] Speaker B: One punch. [01:43:47] Speaker C: True. [01:43:48] Speaker B: And then specialty, nothing. I have one auto success. [01:43:57] Speaker F: One success. That's fine. It's not a botch. You get shaken really hard, and it takes a couple of seconds. And it's actually at the point where Andre is just about to try and grab Clint and pull him back off of you. When your eyes start to flutter open and you're being shaken rather violently, it's not a pleasant feeling. [01:44:25] Speaker B: Okay, you can stop that. [01:44:28] Speaker F: Coda, you are waking up as well. [01:44:30] Speaker A: Oh, you're alive. Oh, my goodness. [01:44:33] Speaker B: Barely. [01:44:38] Speaker A: Don't tell me I'm just laying there. [01:44:43] Speaker C: Did we make it? [01:44:44] Speaker A: That fucking sucked. [01:44:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't think I'm wearing tweed ever again. [01:44:52] Speaker C: Coda will try to sit up fast and then go wait and, like, start patting herself. My joints. [01:45:02] Speaker F: Oh, they're. They're fucking gone. Booze. [01:45:06] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [01:45:09] Speaker F: Oh, wait. [01:45:10] Speaker C: Pele. [01:45:13] Speaker B: Shit. [01:45:13] Speaker F: Rom. [01:45:16] Speaker A: Ian. [01:45:20] Speaker D: Andre's just gonna quietly just pat to see if he still managed to, by some grace of God of the gods, keep his phone. Um, given that it was made by his dad and he doesn't lose it. [01:45:36] Speaker F: I will say that given your high intellect, you were smart enough to have stowed your phone in a way that you won't just lose it. [01:45:48] Speaker D: Perfect. And he will check to see if that's good. Hephaestus maple made its, but it's not just destroyed by the saltwater and if there's any battery left. [01:46:01] Speaker F: So you know that because it is a relic, it is generally not something that can just be destroyed. It would have to be kind of targeted by other divine powers in order to be damaged. The battery, however, is dead, but you don't see any physical damage. [01:46:19] Speaker D: There's gonna be one angry lady coming after us here soon, and he will just stow it and go check on the ship with the others. [01:46:31] Speaker F: Okay. You all stagger your way over to the ship. Ian is there, and he is pecking at a door. You guys have to climb up into the, like, up along the deck of the ship, and then inside through the open, through the openings where the. The oars and such usually are. Ian is inside, and he is pecking at the handle of the door. That typically leads to where the food is kept. And inside, you can hear disgruntled and alarmed, meowing. [01:47:08] Speaker A: Oh, no. Oh, no, no. Twintle moved to Yankin door open. [01:47:16] Speaker F: I'm not gonna. Well, no, I am gonna make you roll. Cause this is a relic. Roll me strength and roll. [01:47:24] Speaker A: Ooh. Okay. Not a usual one for clint. Four successes. [01:47:42] Speaker F: You rip the door open, breaking the handle, and inside is a fucking mess. The crates full of food have been broken and are spilled everywhere. As soon as the door is open, Pele comes darting out. He is wet. He looks deeply unhappy, and he sinks his claws into the wood of the ship the best he can to climb his way out and over Dakota and then climbs up into her arms. Bram is inside and looks disgruntled and happy all at the same time because he is surrounded by food and he is chewing it. [01:48:34] Speaker B: Nope. We need that. We're on an island. We need to ration that. [01:48:38] Speaker F: And he growls long and low when you try and get to him. [01:48:44] Speaker B: Okay, now's not the time. And I will try to get him out. [01:48:56] Speaker F: Uh, let's make that a. Let's make that a charisma. And. Oh, you don't have animal cat? [01:49:12] Speaker B: No, he's a dragon. Is he really an animal? [01:49:17] Speaker F: Hmm. [01:49:18] Speaker B: I feel like a cult makes more sense here. Like him. [01:49:23] Speaker A: Come on, mister B, get him out of there. We need to eat. [01:49:26] Speaker F: A. I know that. Let's. Let's just go with raw charisma. [01:49:32] Speaker B: Oh, boy. Five successes. [01:49:40] Speaker A: Oh. [01:49:41] Speaker F: All right. You grab him, and he is. He is struggling and squirming and trying to get away from you. But once you like him into your arms and start, like, rubbing along the ridge that runs along his spine, he finally begins to settle, and it goes from, like, growls and hisses to, like, a low chirr, right? [01:50:07] Speaker B: Yeah. And look, we're on an island. There's probably a bunch of animals here that you can hunt if you want. That'd probably be more fun than just eating food that's laying around, right? [01:50:17] Speaker A: We gotta find one more animal. Where's Alexandra? [01:50:20] Speaker B: Don't call her an animal. [01:50:22] Speaker D: That's a bit. [01:50:23] Speaker A: We're all animals, but okay. Where's Alexandra? [01:50:30] Speaker B: Good point. [01:50:32] Speaker F: You all, as if on cue, you all hear thud, a splash, and then coughing. And as you look kind of down along because you're below the main deck of the ship, so you're inside where the oars and everything are normally kept. And as you look over, you watch as Alexandra pulls herself up out of the water and clearly having been submerged for quite a while, and she is coughing, and she looks annoyed and exhausted. Oh, you're alive. Well, that's good. [01:51:18] Speaker A: Yeah. Are you okay? Do you need help? [01:51:21] Speaker F: I'm fine. The water can't hurt me. [01:51:24] Speaker A: Okay. [01:51:25] Speaker F: The ship hitting me in the back of the head wasn't pleasant. She kind of reaches up and rubs at the back of her skull. [01:51:32] Speaker A: Are your friends okay? Do you think they made it? [01:51:36] Speaker F: Were the Myrmidons? No, I recalled them as soon as the storm got bad. [01:51:40] Speaker D: Oh. [01:51:42] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Well, okay. [01:51:44] Speaker F: She kind of pats the pouch at her side. [01:51:48] Speaker A: Oh, okay. That's a little. [01:51:51] Speaker F: Where's your spear? [01:51:54] Speaker A: Oh, it's right here. And Clint will raise up a hand and attempt to return it. [01:51:59] Speaker F: Roll me your legend rating. [01:52:09] Speaker A: I think we are legend four. That is three successes. [01:52:20] Speaker F: You attempt to recall it, and there is a long moment where nothing happens. [01:52:27] Speaker A: He gets more and more visibly nervous the longer it takes here in a minute. [01:52:34] Speaker F: And Alexandra looks concerned. And then you hear a thud and a crash, and a new hole appears at the bottom of the ship. As your spear returns to you in the shortest route possible, which means going through two layers of the ship. [01:52:54] Speaker B: It's gonna wince. [01:52:58] Speaker D: Yeah, she saw that coming. [01:53:00] Speaker A: Oh, I'm sorry. I. Oh, no. [01:53:03] Speaker F: Alexandra looks. Her eye twitches, and then she looks around at the rest of the ship. She goes, well, not the worst thing that's happened to it, I suppose. [01:53:17] Speaker A: We'll put it back together, right? We can. We can fix it. You can fix it, right? Can't you? [01:53:23] Speaker F: I can fix it. [01:53:25] Speaker A: Uh, Clint looks to Andre as he's asking the question as well. [01:53:30] Speaker D: Yeah, I think we can fix it, but we got other things we gotta focus on right now, okay? [01:53:36] Speaker F: Figuring out where the fuck we are. [01:53:39] Speaker D: I mean, we're all going to, like, freeze for a second, and then he's going to try to work his way through the ship as best he can to see if. If we still have the box that has the thing that we need for this damn labor in the first place. [01:53:52] Speaker A: Oh, shit. The flowers. [01:53:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:53:58] Speaker F: They are, in fact, there. [01:54:00] Speaker D: Oh, thanks. [01:54:01] Speaker F: The reinforced box that you created and you bolted to the inside of that room where all the food was is still there. The flowers don't look great, but they're there, and they're alive. [01:54:14] Speaker D: I'll take it. [01:54:20] Speaker B: All right. [01:54:23] Speaker A: Thing to worry about then, right? Yep. [01:54:30] Speaker D: Uh, hey, Coda. [01:54:32] Speaker C: Yeah? [01:54:34] Speaker D: Uh, can Pele tell if that might have been our way into the terror, the terra incognita? Just out of sheer mortgage morbid curiosity holding him. [01:54:47] Speaker C: She'll look down at him and go, is it? [01:54:54] Speaker F: Pele looks displeased that he's being asked to do anything. Right now his ears kind of lay back, and he glares at Coda and then over at a hundred. And then he looks around. I can tell we're in a terra incognita. I don't know if this is the right one. [01:55:16] Speaker C: He says we're in a terra incognita, but not sure if this is the right one. [01:55:25] Speaker D: Well, it's the start. [01:55:27] Speaker A: Yeah, it's okay. Well, do we know, like, roughly where this terra incognito is? Or is it, like, one of the mystery ones where we're gonna be kind of lost for a minute? [01:55:44] Speaker F: Alexandra is wringing the seawater out of her hair. We're gonna be lost for a minute. [01:55:51] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:55:52] Speaker F: This isn't a place. This isn't a place I'm familiar with, and I can't get my bearings. It's weird here. [01:56:03] Speaker C: So we look at what we have, start to make a camp, and then walk the island. [01:56:13] Speaker F: I'm gonna start looking over the ship, see what I can do, get a feel for what damage needs to be repaired, make a laundry list so that Andrey can help me later. You guys go figure out where the fuck we are. [01:56:28] Speaker D: Sounds good. [01:56:33] Speaker A: And I ain't got much, but a couple of. Couple of bolts that I found off of the boat there, but give them to you. If you don't mind taking a look around with us. [01:56:46] Speaker F: Alexandra looks vaguely vexed that you're about to give more pieces of her ship to your bird. [01:56:54] Speaker A: Look, he needs the shiny things. That's how he gets the work done. [01:57:01] Speaker F: Fine. [01:57:09] Speaker A: All right. Come on then, Ian, take a look around with us. Let's see if you can't help us find out where we're at. [01:57:19] Speaker F: All right? I would like to know, other than having Ian go flying, what else is everybody doing to try and figure out where you are? Are you guys all setting off alone? Are you splitting up? [01:57:34] Speaker D: The first thing that Andre is going to do is he's going to get to, like, the edge of the beach to where he's still inside of everyone else. And then he will try to use echo sounding to see if maybe he can figure out if there are any. If there's signs of civilization like he specifically looked. The easiest thing he can think of to look for is graves, to see if there were other pea, if there are other people here or were other people here. Because echo sounding lets him essentially reach out for, with his legend 2 miles to see if there's anything interred within the earth within that radius. [01:58:21] Speaker F: So are you looking for something specific, or are you just trying to get a general feel. [01:58:26] Speaker D: General feel first, and then try. And then if after that, he'll try to get something specific. If he can't get anything, like good from the general sense. [01:58:35] Speaker F: All right, roll me. Perception awareness for the general feel. [01:58:40] Speaker B: Yep. [01:58:44] Speaker D: Well, that's two successes. [01:58:47] Speaker F: All right. You can tell that there are. There are some caves, but you feel like you were on a. You don't want to say typical, but you're on an island of some sort. It is bigger than 2 miles, though. Like, you can tell that the earth, at the level that it is, goes out of further than your power can reach. [01:59:16] Speaker D: Fair enough. [01:59:20] Speaker F: Roll again for something specific and tell me exactly what you're looking for. [01:59:24] Speaker D: Hey, I'm. [01:59:31] Speaker F: Or not legend. [01:59:32] Speaker D: I'm just going to legend because. Damn it. [01:59:35] Speaker A: Goodness. That's another failure. [01:59:36] Speaker F: There's another fail that I'm pretty sure we've hit. We've broken a record. Ten full failures in one night. [01:59:42] Speaker B: Yep. We are doing something tonight for two. [01:59:47] Speaker F: Um. Uh, what exactly were you looking for? [02:00:04] Speaker D: Well, I was looking for, uh, if they're, like, a sign of civilization, at least Andre is a sign of interring ones dead. So he's looking for signs of there being graves, interred, bodies within the earth. [02:00:21] Speaker F: You can feel a couple of bodies, but it doesn't seem like there's any set place for them. [02:00:28] Speaker D: They're just pockmarked through the earth as opposed to made in any civilized line or figuring correct play. [02:00:41] Speaker F: And there aren't a ton of them. It's worth noting. Yep, yep, yep, yep. [02:00:49] Speaker D: And after Andre had just sort of, like, knelt down and put his hands into the sand and just, like, close his eyes for a second, he'll just, like, grimace and then stand back up and just, like, wipe his hands off, look back to the others. Well, we got. I got a few things. Got a few caves within a couple miles of here, and we got bodies interred within a couple miles of here, but they ain't interred, like, in any way that makes sense for a civilized fashion. [02:01:25] Speaker F: If anything, it feels a little bit like they just happened to fall where they fell and nature reclaimed them. [02:01:34] Speaker D: Not sure if that's nature did it or something killed them, and then. And then, I don't know, dropped the leftovers. [02:01:43] Speaker A: Well, that's not a good thing. [02:01:47] Speaker B: No, I think we should stay as a group if we're going to explore deeper. [02:01:52] Speaker D: I'm very much inclined to agree. On the plus side, if we just need to figure out a way to get back here, then Ariadne's thread should lead us back, right? [02:02:05] Speaker B: Yeah, it can do that, but I'm starting to get re spent. If it's an emergency, I can still do it, though. [02:02:10] Speaker F: Speaking of Ariadne's thread, Oliver Romeo, wits and awareness. [02:02:20] Speaker B: What's that awareness? Okay. [02:02:35] Speaker F: Now that you. Somebody has brought up Aria and these thread, you cast your senses out for it because you cast it before you left Greece. It is still up and active, but it feels like it is. Like 1 minute it is pointing you in one direction, and then it turns and points you in another, and it's like it's going around in a circle. [02:03:00] Speaker B: Huh. So I kind of just start to, like, circle in place. [02:03:05] Speaker F: Well, the preview, it continues to move. [02:03:07] Speaker B: Yeah. The previous that I casted, still there, but not really reliable right now. [02:03:17] Speaker D: Great. Grand. [02:03:19] Speaker A: All right, I think. I think. I think I got an idea. Y'all know how I can, you know, see and talk to ghosts and all that? [02:03:31] Speaker D: You think one might be able to help us out here? [02:03:33] Speaker A: I mean, if not the ghosts, maybe the folks that are under the ground right now, maybe unhurt. [02:03:42] Speaker F: Could y'all go and explore the figure out where the fuck we are before you start worrying about talking to ghosts? [02:03:49] Speaker D: Yes. [02:03:49] Speaker B: Absolutely. All right, come on. [02:03:51] Speaker A: Putting them together. But, yeah, let's go. [02:03:54] Speaker D: Y'all want me on ground level with y'all, or should I be above with Ian? [02:03:59] Speaker B: Um, just in case we run into trouble, I'd rather you down here. But if you think it'd be more advantageous to have you in the air, that's up to you. [02:04:09] Speaker A: How quick can you fall down? [02:04:11] Speaker D: Uh, I should be fine. I mean, I. I can really technically drop from most any height, since the winds kind of make sure I don't have to worry too much about gravity in general. [02:04:26] Speaker A: I mean, if you can hop down, if something bad happens real quick, I think you're okay to be up there. Being up higher usually gives you a better view, right? [02:04:35] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll save her if we need to get another set of eyes in the air. I'll just stay with y'all for now. [02:04:43] Speaker A: Okay. [02:04:44] Speaker B: And also, quick question. When I initially casted Ariadne's thread, it pointed to Alexandra's myrmidon bag. So is it still doing that spinning thing? [02:04:54] Speaker F: Oh, I thought you would cast it to take you to the other place, then. No, it is still cast. It is still going towards the bag. I'm sorry, I thought that you had tried to cast it to take you to where the myrmidons come from. [02:05:08] Speaker B: No, no. I guess for us to find the nearest myrmidon, which took us to Alexander. [02:05:13] Speaker F: My bad. Yeah, no, it is still going straight. [02:05:15] Speaker B: To the back because I didn't think about either until someone said Alexandra's name and I was like, oh, wait, it's pointing at her. [02:05:21] Speaker F: Yep. Okay, so you guys are all setting off down the beach together. Yes, yes, yes. All right. Took you forever to make the decision, so I have to double check. [02:05:34] Speaker B: Sorry. [02:05:39] Speaker F: All right, you all set off along this white sand, beautiful, sandy beach. What's odd is that as you're walking along this beach, the water around it are calm and warm and like, crystal blue. It's like a paradise. The trees, which are up where the beach ends, it immediately gives way to thick, thick trees. It's a forest. It's a broad leaf forest. The trees are upwards of 70ft tall and there's lots of really thick undergrowth. Are you guys gonna stick to the, are you guys gonna stick to the beach? Are you trying to forge inward? [02:06:53] Speaker B: I think we gotta go inward. Yeah, I think, yeah, we wanna know what's going on. [02:07:01] Speaker F: Okay, it is. Sorry, were you gonna say something, Clint? [02:07:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I was just going to say if we're going to be in the trees, it's going to be harder for Ian to see us if he's just one bird. Hey, Ian split up. [02:07:16] Speaker F: Ian kind of cants to the right and wheels off in another direction. [02:07:22] Speaker A: Nope, not that split up like, you know, do the big split. Spread out. [02:07:29] Speaker F: Ah. You hear a call and then a lot of cawing as Ian erupts into a full murder of crows. [02:07:38] Speaker A: There we go. Now he should be able to keep track of us and do some looking around at the same time. [02:07:46] Speaker F: And as you all set off towards the treeline, you hear alarmed cawing coming from Ian. And I would like everybody to roll me perception awareness, please. [02:08:00] Speaker A: Oh, shit. [02:08:02] Speaker B: My favorite. Not a. [02:08:16] Speaker A: How about four? Up to eleven in one session? Goodness. [02:08:30] Speaker C: Five. [02:08:32] Speaker F: I have a 30. Four and five. [02:08:37] Speaker A: That's right. [02:08:40] Speaker F: Everybody but Oliver looks up at the alarmed calling and sees a full ass pack of wolves running towards you at full speed. [02:08:52] Speaker A: Oh, shit. [02:08:53] Speaker D: Ah, fuck. [02:08:55] Speaker F: Um, alongside them is a full pack of a full pride of lions. [02:09:01] Speaker A: What the fuck? [02:09:02] Speaker D: Uh. [02:09:06] Speaker F: Does anybody do anything in this couple of seconds you have before they reach you? [02:09:11] Speaker A: Uh, yes, I would like to utilize Hornet's eye and find a way to cause chaos before they get to us if at all possible. [02:09:22] Speaker F: Chaos before they get to you. [02:09:24] Speaker A: Like, I want them to. If I could make them split up or otherwise, like, get distracted by something other than us. [02:09:32] Speaker F: Okay, well, you don't get to pick exactly what the chaos looks like, right? [02:09:36] Speaker A: I'm just explaining my intention. [02:09:38] Speaker F: The thing to cause the most chaos would be to attack them. [02:09:41] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. Gets his spear ready, right? [02:09:45] Speaker B: Don't do that. [02:09:45] Speaker C: Oda is going to step in front, holding Pele. And mostly. [02:09:53] Speaker F: Pele is not with you. [02:09:54] Speaker C: He's not? [02:09:55] Speaker F: No. Pele stayed back at the ship. He said he was going to keep an eye on Alexandra and wait for his fucking coat to dry. He's not going under trees. [02:10:04] Speaker C: I see. All right, so then, with the glory of herself, Koda will aiming this towards the lions, I guess will then go, um, we come in peace. [02:10:19] Speaker F: You don't have animal, do you? [02:10:24] Speaker C: No, but she still says it. [02:10:27] Speaker A: Okay, they're animals. You gotta be puffed up. You gotta raise yourself up. You gotta be big. [02:10:34] Speaker B: Clint, don't do the chaos thing to. I need your shirt. [02:10:39] Speaker F: I mean, you can't tell that Clint's doing the chaos thing. [02:10:41] Speaker B: Oh, I can't tell. I don't see that part. But I do say I need a shirt. [02:10:47] Speaker F: As you guys are scrambling it, Coda is trying to, like, you know, I don't know, be the peacemaker. Slash, slash, scare them all away. These two groups of animals come charging in, and just when it looks like one of them is about to. To jump on Andre and try. One of the lions is about to jump on Andre and try to rip his throat out. It instead leaps on him and bowls him over and then proceeds to lick at his face. [02:11:19] Speaker A: No. Get off. [02:11:22] Speaker F: The wolves are acting like excited puppies, happy to see their master after he's been away for a long time. They're, like, rolling over and showing their bellies. They're whining, they're yipping. They look like dogs who want to play. [02:11:39] Speaker D: Andrew's just letting it happen. He's just completely and utterly just stunned. He's like, what the fuck is happening? Right? [02:11:45] Speaker B: Get off. [02:11:48] Speaker A: They're too cute. I can't stay away. Spear goes down. I gotta go pet them bellies. [02:11:56] Speaker D: That's fair. [02:12:00] Speaker F: Coda is only not knocked off of her feet by dint of the fact that she has cat's grace. As one of the lions attempts to weave in and out of her legs like a giant house cat. [02:12:14] Speaker C: Oh, she is full on in love with these critters. [02:12:24] Speaker F: Oliver does get knocked off of his feet as one of the wolves is desperate for attention and starts jumping up on him and whining and pressing inside to him. And the tail is going so fast that it's hammering against the sand. [02:12:43] Speaker B: As I'll idly pet it while still looking around. Eyes a little bit narrowed as I'm trying to piece things together. [02:12:59] Speaker A: What's there to piece together? We're just going to be petting some animals. [02:13:03] Speaker B: I feel like it's never quite that simple. [02:13:08] Speaker F: Are you guys continuing on, or are you staying there? [02:13:12] Speaker D: I don't. [02:13:13] Speaker F: Mainly, it's obvious that the animals aren't going to try and stop you. They may follow you, but they won't try and stop you. [02:13:19] Speaker D: Yeah, I think we should figure out where these guys came from. And he's. Andre's just busy, like, fully rubbing both sides of one of the bodies of the wolves. [02:13:31] Speaker A: Yep. As we're giving scritches to the animals, let's find where these puppies and kittens came from. [02:13:39] Speaker F: Right. You continue on into the forest. [02:13:44] Speaker A: Come on, little fella. Lead the way. Show us where you came from. [02:13:50] Speaker F: You don't speak wolf or cat, so you make your way inward through this very dense, thick forest. After a time, you run across a wide path that is cutting through the forest. It looks like it is heading out towards the beach and then also in towards the center of the island. Made of chipped marble. [02:14:36] Speaker B: Huh. [02:14:37] Speaker A: Does that match any sort of buildings you recognize there, y'all? [02:14:44] Speaker F: I'm not gonna let y'all roll. It's just a path. This isn't enough to be able to tell. All you know is that it's marble. [02:14:51] Speaker D: I mean, it's possibly a sign of civilization. So there should be people here. [02:14:56] Speaker B: It's at least a sign of former civilization, at minimum. Let's keep going. [02:15:06] Speaker A: Yeah, let's find. [02:15:08] Speaker F: As you all go, you notice everything. You notice all sorts of animals, some that make sense for the types of plants that are around you. Oliver and Andre are immediately. Oliver and Andre are immediately able to tell that, like, the forest and everything is stuff like oak. But despite the fact that this is a place where you would normally see bear and boar and stags, you guys see everything from, like, tigers slinking through the forest to gorillas and even the occasional elephant. [02:15:50] Speaker D: What the fuck? [02:15:55] Speaker F: And it takes a full 2 hours of following this path towards the middle of the island before it gives way. What you see first are, oh, it's worth noting that as you were passing through, it looks like the forest that you were passing through may have also gotten hit by the storm. Things look kind of ravaged. There are trees that are down in some places. There's, like, large branches that have fallen, that sort of thing. Everything is wet. And you guys come out into what you realize are beautiful, but kind of mangled courtyards. Sorry, gardens. And standing beyond them, kind of dead in the middle, is this artfully designed building made of cream and white stone. It's a style that invokes greek architecture, but more modern greek than classical. Everything is in stone, stucco, plaster and glass. And fitting for the climate. There's a lot of breezeways and gardens. There's a lot of climbing plants. There's as many climbing plants as there are vertical surfaces. And it looks like the place sprawls in most directions, but is built to be in harmony with the terrain that it sits on. Most of the rooms that you can see on the bottom floor have what you would call picture windows or sliding glass doors that open to lush. To these lush, kind of storm mangled gardens. The main house is large and open, but is laid out in such a way with small steps up and down, as if to say fuck you to anyone who would attempt to try to establish how many floors there are in the place. [02:18:17] Speaker D: Perfect. [02:18:19] Speaker F: And there are animals everywhere in these gardens. There are all kinds of wild cats lounging on benches. There's a gorilla who. Who is looks like playing with a. With a piece of a broken bench off in the distance. And they all seem very kind of chill and hanging out. [02:18:55] Speaker C: I know they. [02:18:59] Speaker B: Certainly. It looks that way. [02:19:01] Speaker A: I know they ain't dinosaurs, but I'm getting like that. You know that movie jurassic park that we know folks be making animals that they shouldn't be, and things are a little bit different than they should be. I got that vibe going on. [02:19:18] Speaker C: Or it's like some kind of. [02:19:23] Speaker B: God. [02:19:24] Speaker C: Orlando, something that take hers of animal. [02:19:29] Speaker B: I give Andre a knowing look. [02:19:32] Speaker D: Yeah, a few things that could be here. Let's just, uh, maybe see if anyone's home. [02:19:41] Speaker B: Agreed. [02:19:42] Speaker A: Do we want to go knock on the door? [02:19:45] Speaker D: I think that's only manners. [02:19:48] Speaker C: Right on the way. Koda's gonna pet as many different animals as she can tame. [02:20:01] Speaker F: All of the animals are tame enough to allow you to pet them, but the cats in particular seem to take a shine. Dakota. [02:20:09] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [02:20:10] Speaker A: Are there any exotic birds amongst the animals? [02:20:14] Speaker F: There are exotic birds. [02:20:16] Speaker A: Oh, hell, yeah. [02:20:18] Speaker F: Unfortunately for you, your animal is specific to corvids. There are no corvids here. [02:20:23] Speaker A: Dang. [02:20:25] Speaker F: Except for Ian. And the murder of Ian that is perching all over the place and eyeing you suspiciously every time you go to pay attention to another bird. [02:20:38] Speaker A: None of them seem to understand me, but at least they're purdy and. Okay. [02:20:43] Speaker B: Any peacocks? [02:20:45] Speaker F: Um, no. No peacocks that you've seen so far, but it wouldn't surprise you if you eventually ran into one. As you. As you make your way in towards the main, the main building and head for. For a. Head for the door to try. And I knock, you hear a crash and a quiet curse in Greek. For those of you who speak Greek, coming from inside. [02:21:23] Speaker D: Sounds like someone topped. [02:21:24] Speaker A: Something over, think they need help. [02:21:29] Speaker D: Maybe Andre will be the one to knock. [02:21:35] Speaker F: All right, it takes a few moments. There's a lot of shuffling and you can hear things being moved around, hear somebody making her way towards the door, and eventually the door opens. And standing before you is a woman who is very classically greek in features. She has long black hair, green eyes, sun tan skin, full lips. Her hair is thrown up in one of those, like, tumbling, messy buns that looks like it's held in place with a pencil. And she is wearing a pair of thin, wire rimmed glasses that are balanced on the end of her nose. She's dressed comfortably in, like, lounge clothes or sweats, and she's carrying a large travel mug. Clearly she wasn't expecting company. The overall effect can't help but remind you of those late two thousands, early nineties movies where the premise revolves around a nerdy girl who just needs to take off her glasses to be attractive. And yet you're just looking at a Hollywood starlet with a pair of glasses on. For those who would like reference, you're looking at somebody with, like, six plus charisma. Or not charisma appearance. [02:22:53] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, hey there, ma'am. Didn't mean to disturb you none. [02:22:59] Speaker E: Oh, God. Um, hi. Uh, I. Are you. How did you get. Hi. [02:23:09] Speaker A: Hey. Sorry. Um, yeah, uh, we kind of got a little lost. Our boat took a tumble in the water. There was a storm that came through. [02:23:21] Speaker F: Sorry. [02:23:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:23:24] Speaker D: Yeah, that's one, indeed. [02:23:26] Speaker E: Yeah, the storm got us, too. You can't tell. [02:23:31] Speaker C: Is this your home? [02:23:33] Speaker E: It is, yeah. I'm so sorry. Please, I invite you in. It's kind of a mess and be. [02:23:43] Speaker B: Worse than the ship. [02:23:45] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:23:48] Speaker A: Yeah, it's fine. We'd be happy to come in if you'd like to have us. [02:23:52] Speaker B: We are being rude, though. Before you decide on that, we'd probably introduce ourselves. Hi, I'm Oliver Bright. I'm a scion of Oakma. [02:24:03] Speaker A: Oh, sorry. I'm Clint Brazos. Not nice to meet nature, ma'am. Scion of the Morrigan. [02:24:13] Speaker C: Oda Masikoi, scion of Bastet. [02:24:19] Speaker D: And Audrey will just give a nod to her. Ma'am, I'm Andre Briscoe. Sign of Hephaestus scions. [02:24:30] Speaker E: Wow. [02:24:33] Speaker C: You can. [02:24:34] Speaker E: You can call me, um, Penelope. Oh, please. [02:24:45] Speaker A: Sure, yeah. Thanks for. Yeah. How long have you been here, Penelope? [02:24:51] Speaker E: Oh, a while. It's. This is my home. [02:24:58] Speaker B: Does this island have a name, by chance? [02:25:04] Speaker F: Probably. [02:25:06] Speaker E: She'll wave all of you inside. [02:25:08] Speaker B: Probably. [02:25:10] Speaker A: Thank you. [02:25:12] Speaker D: Andrew's just gonna look to Oliver at the mention of the name Penelope, and book will say nothing. [02:25:20] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll mute his eyes and just kind of node. [02:25:26] Speaker A: Clint will lean over to coda. She's got glasses. [02:25:31] Speaker C: Yes. I wonder if she can't see. [02:25:35] Speaker A: Oh, I was just thinking they kind of frame her face pretty well. [02:25:39] Speaker C: Oh. Oh, yeah, I guess. Pretty. [02:25:46] Speaker F: She's pretty. [02:25:48] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what I was saying. [02:25:49] Speaker B: I will step inside. [02:25:54] Speaker F: Oh, I apologize. I've double checked stats. She has appeared eight. [02:25:58] Speaker B: Ah, okay. [02:25:59] Speaker D: Well, damn. [02:26:01] Speaker C: So it definitely does frame her face well. Yes, I agree. [02:26:05] Speaker F: Yep. [02:26:08] Speaker A: We're gonna be in trouble, aren't we? [02:26:10] Speaker F: Oh, shit. You guys, step inside. The first thing you notice is that several of those picture windows are broken. And there is stuff inside that looks like it has been blown over. Things that have broken from being blown over, probably during the storm. You see tree branches and leaves and all kinds of stuff that looks like it was picked up and thrown by the storm. [02:26:44] Speaker E: I'm so sorry again. It's such a mess. There should be. If we head to the kitchen, I'm sure we can get drinks or anything. You guys, you must have been through so much. [02:26:56] Speaker A: Could have been worse. We would appreciate it. Yeah. Do you need help cleaning up around here? [02:27:04] Speaker E: Oh, I wouldn't bother you like that. It's. I can figure it out. [02:27:09] Speaker B: Well, we're the guests here who'd only be right if we helped out a bit. [02:27:14] Speaker C: Clint loves helping people. [02:27:16] Speaker F: Like. [02:27:17] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like. It's the thing I do, you know, I'm kind of a helpful person. [02:27:25] Speaker E: That actually would be really nice. There's, um. I was in the middle of a project, and then the storm hit, and just. Everything's a mess now. [02:27:34] Speaker B: What kind of project? [02:27:36] Speaker E: I have this archive I've been working with and the storm and everything throughout the wifi, and I just don't have anything. I was re cataloging everything, and turns out this many windows isn't conducive to keeping books and documents in order. [02:27:59] Speaker B: That makes sense. You have wifi? [02:28:02] Speaker E: Sometimes. [02:28:05] Speaker C: Penetal p. [02:28:09] Speaker E: Yes. [02:28:10] Speaker C: What year do you think it is? Just asking for a friend. [02:28:17] Speaker E: Uh, storyteller. [02:28:19] Speaker F: What year is it? It's 2024. [02:28:22] Speaker E: Okay, 2024. [02:28:24] Speaker C: Okay, just making sure. Just making sure. Because we ran into a lady who thought it was 1997. She was stuck in one of these things and just want to make sure you're actually like, sorry, this is rude. I wanted to make sure that we were on the same page. [02:28:45] Speaker E: Oh, that makes sense. We sometimes get shipwrecked people coming by and all sorts of. They come from all sorts of times. [02:28:55] Speaker B: You say we? Does anyone live with you here, or is it just the animals? [02:29:00] Speaker E: Me and the animals. [02:29:03] Speaker A: Clint looks over at Coda with, like, a raised brow. And maybe there's a chance, you know. [02:29:12] Speaker F: Everybody is watching Clint's news. Shiny dot of intelligence. It slowly melt away in the presence of such beauty. [02:29:20] Speaker B: Conveniently step in front of Clint so he cannot be seen by Penelope and just kind of, like, told him. Really? You don't have any family or anything that at least visits? Seems lonely. [02:29:31] Speaker E: Sometimes people visit, but, yeah, it's pretty lonely. The animals keep me company. They're wonderful. I like to tell myself that I like animals more than people. [02:29:45] Speaker C: I think it makes sense. Animals are better. No offense, you guys. [02:29:53] Speaker B: Eh, none taken. [02:29:55] Speaker C: So are you also a scion or are you. [02:30:02] Speaker E: Oh, uh, no, nothing like that. [02:30:08] Speaker C: Uh huh. [02:30:10] Speaker E: I'm sorry. I'm being incredibly rude. And, um, she'll start. She'll head to a very modern fridge and start pulling out cold drinks. [02:30:21] Speaker C: Mister B. M. What's a polite way to ask her? [02:30:25] Speaker E: What is she. [02:30:29] Speaker B: Just shrug. I don't know. [02:30:32] Speaker F: Are you? [02:30:32] Speaker B: My experience with women is very slim. [02:30:36] Speaker D: Pretty sure she wanted us to want to let us know if there was anything weird. She would have told us. [02:30:42] Speaker A: I mean, we could just ask, right? And thank you for the drink, ma'am. I can't help but notice you're a particularly attractive individual like myself, which usually means that there's more going on than just what you see on the surface. If I could be so bold, Miss Penelope, are you as much of a goddess as you look like? [02:31:08] Speaker E: I wouldn't say that, no. For so many reasons, considering. And Penelope will gesture at the wreckage from the storm. [02:31:23] Speaker A: Well, we can get that fixed up. That's got nothing to do with godhood, does it? Sorry. [02:31:30] Speaker E: Most people who end up in places like this tend to not be on the good side of gods. [02:31:37] Speaker A: Oh. [02:31:38] Speaker D: That storm did seem kind of targeted. [02:31:41] Speaker B: It felt a little bit divine. [02:31:45] Speaker A: So are you, like, a prisoner here, then? [02:31:51] Speaker E: Um. Uh, did you guys. Is there anything specifically you wanted from the fridge? I I couldn't get you anything, really. [02:32:00] Speaker A: Gotcha. Yeah, I'll take you. Got a soda pop? In there? [02:32:06] Speaker E: Yeah, of course. [02:32:07] Speaker F: Um, coke. [02:32:08] Speaker E: Okay. [02:32:09] Speaker A: Yeah, that's great. [02:32:11] Speaker F: Coke. [02:32:13] Speaker A: You know the drink. [02:32:17] Speaker E: You don't have the other kind? [02:32:18] Speaker F: Well, we could, but. [02:32:19] Speaker E: Never mind. I. [02:32:21] Speaker C: Wait, do you have. Wait, no, you. You. You just did something really interesting. Um, Penelope? [02:32:31] Speaker F: Hmm? [02:32:32] Speaker E: It's Pepsi. [02:32:35] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll take a Pepsi. [02:32:38] Speaker E: All right. [02:32:40] Speaker D: I'll just, uh. I'll stick water. [02:32:43] Speaker B: Me as well. [02:32:45] Speaker A: Oh, we, uh. Shit. We have a friend. Can I get another drink as well? Just, you know, we can take out later. [02:32:54] Speaker E: Yeah, of course. [02:32:55] Speaker A: Thank you. [02:32:56] Speaker E: And she really just pulls everything out of the fridge. Coke. That is like bottled glass bottle cokes and stuff. [02:33:03] Speaker F: Love that. [02:33:04] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [02:33:07] Speaker C: So how do you get these if you're so detached from everything? [02:33:13] Speaker E: Magic. [02:33:16] Speaker A: Whoa. [02:33:17] Speaker D: That is good for getting most things. [02:33:20] Speaker B: I haven't learned that trick yet. That sounds handy. [02:33:23] Speaker E: Fridge magic. [02:33:26] Speaker A: Well, I suppose that does answer that, don't it? [02:33:30] Speaker B: All right, you mentioned a sort of archive. Are you doing. Is that also involving magic? [02:33:37] Speaker E: I mean, at this point, yes. They've got a lot of time on my hands, so why not organize everything I own? [02:33:47] Speaker B: Interesting. [02:33:48] Speaker E: And anything that's made it this way? [02:33:50] Speaker B: If you wouldn't mind, I would love to look through some of that. I do a little bit of magic myself. [02:33:56] Speaker E: Oh, that's wonderful. Do you have any kind of experience with the Dewey decimal system or any kind of data organization? [02:34:06] Speaker B: Um, not any professional, but I am a fan of the Dewey decimal system, so I could probably help you out. [02:34:14] Speaker E: I would be really grateful. I'm a mess with numbers sometimes. [02:34:22] Speaker B: No worries. [02:34:27] Speaker E: Um, if you don't mind, there is a lot of. There are a lot of things to deal with around the house. If I don't want to put anyone to work immediately, please feel free to rest as long as you need to. You've been through a lot. [02:34:43] Speaker A: Rest? Who needs rest? No, I can help you out right now. And Clint will put down his drink. Not even opening it yet. Yeah. What do you need? I'll help you. [02:34:55] Speaker E: Well, there are some large trees that have been felled by the gardens to the east. [02:35:01] Speaker A: Okay. [02:35:02] Speaker E: I'd really like them off of their chicken coops that way. And they want to make sure that nothing got on them. [02:35:08] Speaker A: Yeah. I'll be right there. [02:35:11] Speaker E: Thank you. You're very kind. [02:35:15] Speaker A: Well, I mean, that's. Like I said, I'm just a helpful individual. Ma'am. Happy to be of service. [02:35:23] Speaker F: But slicks back his hair and hurries off to go clear tree branches. Excellent. [02:35:30] Speaker A: Yes, indeed. [02:35:33] Speaker B: A quick question. Out of character, you kind of described what Penelope's wearing in general, does she wear any jewelry at all? [02:35:43] Speaker E: Not like nothing flashy, not like a crown or anything? [02:35:47] Speaker B: Yeah, no, nothing like that. Was just curious. Okay. [02:36:00] Speaker C: So you said you were not a God, you're not a psion, and you're possibly here for. Because the gods are. [02:36:11] Speaker B: The gods are the gods. [02:36:13] Speaker C: Pretty much. [02:36:15] Speaker E: Doesn't that sum it all up, right? [02:36:17] Speaker B: More or less, yeah. [02:36:18] Speaker D: Yeah, pretty much. [02:36:19] Speaker B: But you do know magic? [02:36:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:36:24] Speaker E: Are you question. I mean, I don't. If you want, you can go back to your ship and I can leave you with food. I just figured. [02:36:34] Speaker B: No, no, sorry. I didn't mean any offense. I was just curious if you're not a scion or anything. I was wondering how immortal goes about learning of magic. [02:36:44] Speaker E: Oh, it's complicated. I'm so sorry. I'm really worried about the. There's a couple other things I need to do around the space. We've got a farm out back and I want to make sure. Like I said, there were trees that had fallen by the chicken coops, and I'm a little scattered right now. [02:37:07] Speaker B: Of course. Sorry, I don't mean to bombard you, just. We're also a little bit overwhelmed, and asking questions is what I do. [02:37:16] Speaker E: I've read a myth. [02:37:18] Speaker D: How about, uh, we help you out around here and then we can all settle in for a second and actually relax? [02:37:28] Speaker E: If you don't mind. [02:37:30] Speaker D: Gladly. [02:37:32] Speaker F: All right, Penelope, who are you asking to do what? [02:37:38] Speaker E: It sounds like Gavin is going to help me move heavy trees. [02:37:41] Speaker F: Clint is going to start removing fallen trees? Yes, he's already on his way. You've got Oliver, Andre, and Koda. Oliver. [02:37:50] Speaker E: I can have the archive project. Just getting papers in order would be great. [02:37:56] Speaker B: Okay. [02:37:59] Speaker E: I have like, there are a bunch of animals and I think they just need to be fed and watered. If you wouldn't mind helping me with them. [02:38:10] Speaker C: Yeah, sure. [02:38:12] Speaker E: There's definitely a ton of things just to repair. There's literally as many glass windows and doors as you can count that are just shattered. [02:38:20] Speaker F: Excellent. Okay, I'm not gonna make anybody role for any of this, because most of this is really straightforward stuff, considering the level of legend you all have and what you're all good at. Is there anything that you want to do while they're off doing their separate tasks, Penelope? [02:38:42] Speaker E: I might check in with some of them if they have questions for me individually. [02:38:46] Speaker F: Sure. Would you like to start with Clint, since he's the first one you sent off? [02:38:50] Speaker E: Sure, go for it. Yeah, I will bring the coke that he left behind. At least sandwiches. Just things for working in what is rapidly becoming the warm sun. [02:39:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Clint is shirt off. Fucking using every opportunity to flex and move things around and making it look. [02:39:13] Speaker F: Easy because he's got that MACD. [02:39:19] Speaker A: Hey there. Again, Miss Penelope. Thank you. I'm scattered brained. I didn't even think about that. Thank you. [02:39:26] Speaker E: Oh, I should have grabbed a towel. [02:39:32] Speaker A: It's okay. I've got the shirt I can dry myself off with when we're done here, that is. [02:39:41] Speaker E: I'm so sorry. I. We don't. We don't get a lot of visitors. So you're. And she just gestures at you. [02:39:54] Speaker A: Yeah. You know, I can't help myself. I was built this way. I get it. [02:40:05] Speaker E: Are you. This is a little forward. I don't usually do stuff like this. Are you. I don't want to upset any other gods. You know what I mean? [02:40:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I understand. What are you asking? [02:40:25] Speaker E: Are there other gods who are interested in you? [02:40:29] Speaker A: Oh, well, I mean, I don't think so. There's mom, but she's just really in charge of giving me tasks to do and stuff. [02:40:39] Speaker E: I'm not asking a question where I would be worried about your mother. [02:40:44] Speaker A: Okay, then in that case, no, ma'am. I'm an unavailable scion, if you might put it that way. And I'm always happy to help. [02:40:58] Speaker E: Truly. Thank you. I don't know how I could repay you. [02:41:02] Speaker A: I'm sure we can figure something out later once all this is taken care of. [02:41:09] Speaker E: That would be really, really nice. Maybe later tonight we can talk longer. [02:41:16] Speaker A: Yeah, I'd love that. In the meantime. Hold on. Fuck. And Clint starts patting himself down. Is his phone anywhere on his person? [02:41:29] Speaker F: It is, but when you pull it out, the battery is dead. [02:41:33] Speaker E: Oh, I can charge it. We have outlets of the house. [02:41:36] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. That'd be great. I mean, that way, you know, if once all this is said and done, you know, we can keep in contact and maybe I can find another way to come back here once I got other stuff taken care of. [02:41:51] Speaker E: I would really like that. [02:41:53] Speaker A: How would too. [02:41:55] Speaker E: Here, I can take your phone. I'll charge it inside. [02:41:58] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead. Here you go. And thanks again for the drink and sandwiches. I'll. Once all this is taken care of, I'll come and let you know. [02:42:06] Speaker E: There's. There's a large spa in the back if you need to steam or anything afterwards. [02:42:14] Speaker A: I'm sure we'll get all steamy later. That's okay for now. [02:42:20] Speaker E: Thanks. [02:42:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Thank you. [02:42:22] Speaker E: Not at all. [02:42:25] Speaker A: Clint watches as she walks away fully distracted. [02:42:31] Speaker F: Eventually she disappears from view. And I'm gonna say the next one that she run into is probably coda, because Koda's also outside, just on the opposite side of the house. [02:42:47] Speaker E: Hey, uh, did you get enough to drink? I can run and grab more water. Are they bothering you at all? [02:42:54] Speaker C: No. I love animals. [02:42:58] Speaker E: They seem to really like you, too. [02:43:00] Speaker C: Yeah. Um. Yeah, they're. They, uh. Animals just make sense, right? Yeah. So why are you on this island with a bunch of animals? [02:43:16] Speaker E: It's stupid. I don't. I truly am embarrassed to talk about it, so. [02:43:24] Speaker C: So you won't or you can't? Because you've kind of been avoiding it this whole time, which I'm learning to be polite, but. [02:43:34] Speaker E: No, I get it. It's. [02:43:35] Speaker C: It sus. [02:43:37] Speaker E: I know. And it's hard to explain without making it sound more sus. And I just. I can't. [02:43:45] Speaker C: You can't? Okay, so it's one of those things where it's like if you start to talk about it, your mouth. Your tongue will fall out. [02:43:52] Speaker E: Let's say that. [02:43:54] Speaker C: Okay. Well, um. Are you at least happier? [02:44:00] Speaker E: Kind of. Honestly, kind of nice to talk to another person. [02:44:06] Speaker C: Oh, all right. Um. [02:44:13] Speaker E: I. Are you. I'm. I'm sorry. This is. I. Clearly, I don't do it very often. [02:44:22] Speaker C: Yeah, but, I mean, I'm nothing. [02:44:27] Speaker E: You're not, uh. [02:44:30] Speaker C: How do I. I'm, um. I am not the easiest to talk to, I guess, because I go off on people, but I've been trying not to, so I'm sorry. [02:44:50] Speaker E: That must be really hard. [02:44:54] Speaker C: Why are you sorry? [02:44:56] Speaker F: Sorry? [02:44:58] Speaker C: Why are you sorry? You haven't. No, like, yeah, why are you sorry? I don't even know you. [02:45:10] Speaker E: I. I've gone off on people, and it's kind of why I'm part of why I'm here. [02:45:24] Speaker C: Oh, shit. Really? [02:45:27] Speaker F: As she says, that coda, she kind of puts, like, a hand to her heart, and you get just this deep sense that you are talking to somebody who is a lot like you and has made a lot of similar mistakes with people, and she is completely believable. [02:45:53] Speaker C: Huh. Well, you know, I mean, from one hothead to another, sometimes you just gotta go off on a person. But I talked to my mom recently, and she was like, you know, it's good to look at other people's point of view and whatever, but I can't believe they, like, well, who put you out here? That's stupid. [02:46:25] Speaker E: Um, not your mom or their friends. [02:46:34] Speaker C: Huh? [02:46:34] Speaker F: I. [02:46:35] Speaker E: If anything going off on anyone on a person, the makeup sex is great, at least. Sorry. That was great. Silly. [02:46:48] Speaker C: No, wait, wait. You can't just drop something like that and then. [02:46:54] Speaker E: Listen, I have. [02:46:55] Speaker C: Who? [02:46:56] Speaker E: Well, no one now. I live by myself with a bunch of animals. And honestly, you can run out of Netflix, it turns out. [02:47:08] Speaker C: So what do you do for fun? [02:47:12] Speaker F: Rewatch Love island? [02:47:14] Speaker E: Organize books? [02:47:18] Speaker F: Coda? Yeah, roll me intelligence and occult, please. [02:47:23] Speaker C: Intelligence and a cult. [02:47:26] Speaker F: Either intelligence and a cult or intelligence. Academics. I will give it to you either. Either way. [02:47:31] Speaker C: Wolvens, I've enrolled a call. I don't even know where it is on my sheet. Oh, there it is. No, not that one. Okay. Two successes. [02:47:57] Speaker F: All right, so you're thinking about the situation that she's in and the fact that she doesn't seem able to tell you the specifics of why she's here. But you did recognize, as you were walking up to the building, that it seems very kind of modern greek architecture. So you kind of cast your thoughts back to some of the stories that you read in Oliver's class. And one of the myths that you guys talked about in Oliver's class, and in some of your history in some of your classes, where you went over, like, ancient. Ancient history and the mythology that helped shape it. The greek gods are kind of fucking petty. And she's really pretty. Locking an exceptionally beautiful woman on an island to be alone for the rest of her life is not something that seems terribly out of character for a God like Aphrodite. Especially if somebody that Aphrodite wanted to like her more, which is everybody decided that they liked Penelope more. Okay, I see. [02:49:19] Speaker C: Um. Gota will stare at her for a moment and then go, you know, this world we live in is so tough, right? [02:49:36] Speaker E: It is. [02:49:39] Speaker C: Because I'm hot headed. You're hot headed. You're hot. And I'm sure someone out there is, like, hot as well. [02:49:48] Speaker E: And I assume so. [02:49:51] Speaker C: Yeah. So I don't know. Mister B used to be my teacher, and, like, we read about all the. Well, when all this stuff was fake to me. The shady stuff that. And she'll, like, look to the sky and be like, I'm just saying it. I'm not actually calling you guys shady, but the shady stuff that the greek gods have done. And you're beautiful. Like, you're, like, smoking hot. And. [02:50:21] Speaker E: Thank you. [02:50:22] Speaker C: You're very welcome. [02:50:23] Speaker F: You do notice, like, while she says thank you, but when you tilt your eyes upward and start kind of, like, talking to the gods about them being shady, she also glances to the sky kind of nervously. [02:50:37] Speaker C: Okay, cool. I see. I see. Okay, cool. Cool. [02:50:47] Speaker F: I. [02:50:51] Speaker C: Let me say this more politely. The gods have feelings, and perhaps their feelings cause them to do things that are not the nicest. And I'm thinking, and this is kind of reminding me of something, a God with the name that begins with a and ends of D. Or id, not the letters I d. I was trying. [02:51:16] Speaker E: To be clever, but I got you. [02:51:18] Speaker C: You're good. Is that why you're in here? But who's your boo? [02:51:29] Speaker E: I kind of am unattached right now. [02:51:38] Speaker C: Huh. [02:51:38] Speaker E: So, no one? Sorry. That feels like a downer, doesn't it? What about someone? [02:52:03] Speaker C: Technically, no ish. We're on a break. [02:52:08] Speaker E: What happened? I'm sorry. Now I'm asking you all the invasive questions. You don't have to answer that. [02:52:22] Speaker C: Sorry. Taylor. [02:52:25] Speaker F: Yes? [02:52:26] Speaker C: Do I feel like I trust her? [02:52:28] Speaker F: Yes. Absolutely. [02:52:30] Speaker C: Absolutely. Okay. [02:52:31] Speaker F: She feels like a kindred spirit to you? Somebody who mouthed off to the wrong people and got fucked over for it. [02:52:37] Speaker C: I see. Okay, well, so, you know. Okay, so, like, I got woken up suddenly, was a scion, and, like, all this crazy stuff happened. Met this girl, like, really awesome. Like, really awesome. Long story short, we hunt down this person that's been killing scions. And then my group decided we'll fight for him because he was kind of in a shitty situation, and a shitty situation made him do shitty things. And that person killed the person that was, like, a best friend older sister to her, and she wants to kill him. But then we saved him, and now we're doing work to make sure that he can be free and yada yada, so on and so forth. And then we didn't talk for, like, a while, and then things just got tough and unpretty, so I get that. [02:53:41] Speaker E: Um. I'm sorry. She doesn't get you, then what you're doing here. [02:53:53] Speaker C: Thanks for saying that. [02:53:59] Speaker F: It. [02:54:00] Speaker E: I. Well, I don't really have anything I can say to make you feel better about that, but it sounds like you have your heart in the right place, and she doesn't get that. [02:54:24] Speaker C: I wouldn't entirely say that about her, but, I mean, you're kind of right. But also. [02:54:39] Speaker B: Uh. [02:54:43] Speaker C: Am I feeding these animals enough? [02:54:48] Speaker E: Honestly? Probably too much at this point, the. They will tell you that they will act like they are starving and they are not. I promise you. [02:54:56] Speaker C: Okay. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Yeah. [02:55:03] Speaker E: Um, I I don't know. Later, I. If you want to just, like, have a. After all of this, we're probably all gonna hang out. If you want to have a kickback or something later, let me know. I guess I have to check on everyone else. [02:55:22] Speaker C: Yeah, sure. That would be interesting. I did want to start reading more up on all these myths and stuff, so I may do that, but I can stop by and hang out, I. [02:55:36] Speaker E: Guess they're all kind of repetitive if you look at them too long and we grow all kinds of things out here. [02:55:48] Speaker C: Like bleed. [02:55:53] Speaker E: And she winks at you. [02:55:56] Speaker C: Fuck, yes. I love the Greeks. Kind of. [02:56:06] Speaker F: All right. As Penelope turns to walk away, and she disappears inside coda, you return back to what you were working on. You move on to the next cluster of animals that are waiting to be fed. And as you go about working, and this clint, is happening for you as well as you two are going on about your business, you keep picturing Penelope in your head. It's kind of unbidden, like they slip in between other thoughts and just make you feel a little bit happier. [02:56:46] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. Does not question it at all. [02:56:50] Speaker C: At the moment, I'm very conflicted. [02:56:59] Speaker F: Inside. Andre is the first person that you run into because he is rebuilding a bunch of furniture and putting a. And trying to repair some broken windows. [02:57:14] Speaker E: Do you have enough water or anything else you need? [02:57:20] Speaker D: I'm fine, ma'am. Thank you for checking in. And he is. He'll glance at her, but then he will immediately look back to his work. I'm sorry if Clint and Coda are bugging you. They like to ask a lot of questions, even though sometimes those questions ain't gonna get answers. [02:57:42] Speaker E: No, they're great. Clint is something, right? [02:57:49] Speaker D: He's a big heart. [02:57:54] Speaker E: I would hope so. He's a big guy. [02:57:59] Speaker D: Yeah. Sure enough. [02:58:02] Speaker E: It really is very kind of you to fix these windows for me. [02:58:07] Speaker D: I'm happy to help. Uh, whatever your squabbles may be with, uh, my family. They in squabbles with me? [02:58:17] Speaker E: Of course not. I often find scions, um, are kind when their parents are nothing. [02:58:27] Speaker D: Some try to be. I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt. [02:58:32] Speaker E: Who did you say your father was? [02:58:35] Speaker D: Hephaestus, God of the forge. [02:58:38] Speaker E: That makes sense. If anything, he's probably the most reasonable. [02:58:46] Speaker D: I'm inclined to agree. [02:58:51] Speaker F: Andre, as you're working and talking to her, you feel lighter. Your hands feel more sure of themselves, and it doesn't take too long before you realize that as you are replacing windows and whatnot, that not only is this all coming together much easier than you would have expected, and it's always pretty easy for you. But this is like you could almost do it in your sleep. Kind of easy. That because of that, you are absently putting in little flourishes here and there where one window, instead of just being a normal window, you find the kind of materials and because you have necks that allow you to create things in seconds, normal windows don't just become normal windows, they become stained glass because you've got the time. Why not? [02:59:49] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, might as well enjoy my work while I'm at it. [02:59:53] Speaker E: This is gorgeous. [02:59:56] Speaker D: Thank you. There's a lot of people who just focus on making something that's strong. I like to make sure that things are memorable. [03:00:06] Speaker E: It shows I tried when I've had a lot of time. Remodel, you know, I can imagine. I. This place started out pretty. How should I, you know, classic. [03:00:24] Speaker D: Yeah, I was gonna say the architecture was much. Was a lot more modern than I was expecting. [03:00:29] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm trying to do. There was an architect that I read about that I liked a lot and trying to do something, something a little more of a combination between the vernacular architecture from, you know, the original greek style and something that's a little more, I don't know, modern. [03:00:48] Speaker D: I think you blend the elements really well. [03:00:51] Speaker E: They look much nicer now, too. [03:00:55] Speaker D: Glad I could help out. Um, Miss Penelope? [03:01:00] Speaker E: Yeah. [03:01:03] Speaker D: I am happy that you're willing to give us a moment of reprieve here and to welcome us into your home. I'm thankful, honestly. I just. There's a lot of stories about what happens when greeks go on the waters and wash up on islands. [03:01:25] Speaker E: Absolutely. Oh, God. I'm not trying to hurt you, if that's what you're worried about. [03:01:33] Speaker D: I'm not worried about you hurting me, honestly. I'm just. [03:01:38] Speaker E: You planning on hurting me? [03:01:40] Speaker D: Never. I don't hurt anyone that doesn't have it out for myself or my friends or family. You're just here. I just want to make sure that you understand that it's a bit of a predicament. Whenever I'm supposed to be going to one place, end up at another, and especially when it's a shipwreck that caused it. [03:02:08] Speaker E: I can assure you that that's a predicament for all of us. [03:02:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:02:16] Speaker E: Well, there's plenty of wood out here, and I. I'm sure it'll be usable when it gets warm enough and nothing's completely soaked through. [03:02:29] Speaker D: Yeah, sure enough. And thank you again for letting us use it to hopefully get our ship ready to go back on the water again. [03:02:40] Speaker E: Of course. If there's anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, I will. I have. I am familiar with myth. I know that this isn't really a thing that you want to spend a lot of time on? [03:02:58] Speaker D: Well, I'm happy to help out for as long as I'm here. And if you're offering, do you have, like, a place where I could charge my phone? If I don't send a. A text to my sweetie, she might end up barreling her way through the ocean and causing a lot of destruction on the way through. [03:03:20] Speaker E: If anything, then I think I would not. Because wouldn't that get you off the island faster? [03:03:32] Speaker D: Sure enough. [03:03:35] Speaker E: No, I have. I can. I can charge your phone. [03:03:38] Speaker D: Phone. Thank you. [03:03:41] Speaker E: It should be here. I can take it. I've got olivers. I'm going to charge his too. [03:03:51] Speaker D: And he will. [03:03:51] Speaker F: Giving clints fucking shit falls. That was a Clara mistake, not a Penelope mistake. [03:03:59] Speaker E: I've got clints. [03:04:03] Speaker F: Huh? [03:04:05] Speaker D: Sure. And he will take out his phone and pass it along, though he seems a little hesitant at first before he lets go of it. [03:04:16] Speaker E: Uh, thank you. I solemnly swear I am not going to break. I'm not going to break your phone or anything like that. [03:04:28] Speaker D: Yeah. I appreciate it. [03:04:31] Speaker E: Besides, I figure, child of Hephaestus, you. [03:04:34] Speaker F: Could probably fix it. [03:04:36] Speaker D: That's true enough. Yeah. I mean, given a. Given, a few moments. Um. I'm sorry for whatever caused you to be stuck here. [03:04:52] Speaker E: It's nothing. Um. Your sweetie, is it. Did she. Have you been together long? [03:05:04] Speaker D: About three years now. [03:05:08] Speaker E: Oh, wow. [03:05:13] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm thinking that when all this is wrapped up, I'm gonna ask her to marry me. [03:05:21] Speaker E: That's really sweet. [03:05:26] Speaker D: I just want to make sure that the world's safe enough for her and I to have a nice little family together first. [03:05:32] Speaker E: Of course. Is she also like you? [03:05:35] Speaker D: Yeah. Though she's with. She's one of the signs of the hindu gods, the devas. [03:05:41] Speaker E: Oh, wow. Is she also a crafter like you are? [03:05:47] Speaker D: She can craft a few things, but she mostly leaves the crafting to me. She's more warrior. She's a daughter of Kali. [03:05:57] Speaker E: Oh, wow. That's really sweet. I'm sure you guys have a lot in common. [03:06:06] Speaker D: We find things we have in common and we like to show interest in what we don't. [03:06:14] Speaker E: No, that makes sense. I. You know, it's. It's not often I get the chance to talk to someone who gets the finer thing. Points of architecture, et cetera. I just. Sorry if I sounded like I was coming off strong. [03:06:35] Speaker D: You don't have to be sorry at all. If you just had an interest. [03:06:41] Speaker E: If you ever want to see any of the other studios we have here, between all the repairs. It's worth taking a look. [03:06:49] Speaker D: That'd be nice. And when my phone is charged, you can feel free to bring it to me, and I'll unlock, and you can put your number in there. I'd be happy to call you or text you from time to time. That way you're not so lonely. [03:07:08] Speaker E: I would really like that. [03:07:11] Speaker D: Me too. [03:07:15] Speaker E: Uh, yeah, I will head off to my next meeting. [03:07:20] Speaker F: All right. She takes your phone and heads off further into the house. Why don't you describe for everybody what Oliver walked into when he walked into this library that you were building. [03:07:41] Speaker E: This is the only part of the house that looks the most classically like Greek, with the columns, et cetera, et cetera. It has a lot of winding kind of halls, and it clearly was supposed to have organization, but you know how when people have ADHD and you start a big project and then you run out of steam about halfway through, and then a storm comes and makes it worse? It looks like a hurricane of paper has just wrecked. Everything has just blown through. It's not all in any. It's not all in the same language. And it's probably like, knee high, knee to, like, shin high scrolls, paper, books. [03:08:39] Speaker B: When I probably first initially entered, probably gave a little bit of a whistle of being impressed before getting to work. [03:08:50] Speaker F: You have been in here trying to sort through papers and scrolls and books that are just everywhere. It looks like it was probably already a little disorganized because of the starting and stopping on the projects, and then some of the windows got blown open, and now it's worse. But you've been in collegiate libraries, Oliver, that struggled to keep up, or that would struggle to keep up with something like this. [03:09:30] Speaker E: It's bad, isn't it? [03:09:33] Speaker B: Oh, not terrible. [03:09:38] Speaker E: It could be worse, I guess. It could have been on fire. [03:09:44] Speaker B: Well, yeah, I suppose, but nothing a little bit of effort can fix. [03:09:52] Speaker E: Um, I'm sorry. [03:09:55] Speaker C: I just. [03:09:56] Speaker E: I was working really hard on it, and now it's a lot of work that I've been ruined and was working on a card catalog system, and you can see Penelope's eyes get, like, watery. [03:10:13] Speaker B: It's all right. I've been academia for a while. I know the feeling very well. When I was finishing my thesis for my masters, I. Well, you should have seen my apartment. It was a mess. [03:10:26] Speaker F: Oliver, when you look over at her and you see her eyes all watery, you imagine what it would have felt like to be all the way through the write up that you had to do for the celestial bureaucracy and somebody had come along and just dumped water on your computer. [03:10:50] Speaker B: Just in case it's relevant. I just want to point out that I have the. What's it called? Blockade of reason neck, which helps me against charm effects, just in case. [03:11:03] Speaker F: What exactly is the effect of that? [03:11:06] Speaker B: I believe, like, the first blurb just says it helps you against charm effects, and then it adds my epic intelligence to my mental dV. But we don't do that anymore, so I guess it's fine. [03:11:17] Speaker F: Yeah, no, it doesn't make a difference. [03:11:19] Speaker B: Okay. That's fine. [03:11:20] Speaker E: I'm just crying, man. [03:11:23] Speaker B: Yeah, no, I'm just. Yeah, I'll kind of give her a sympathetic look. Like I said, can be fixed. [03:11:35] Speaker E: Oh, I know. It's just a lot. It's. I'm sorry. This is embarrassing. [03:11:42] Speaker B: No, no, don't worry about something to take your mind off. Where are you from? [03:11:50] Speaker E: Greece. [03:11:52] Speaker B: Anywhere specific now? Well, before now. [03:11:56] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm greek. [03:12:01] Speaker B: I've always wanted to visit Greece, you know, in the real world. Not the terra incognita, the islands and such. We seem nice. [03:12:12] Speaker E: Penelope has sat down, like, kind of knees curled up. She's pretty bummed about the space. [03:12:19] Speaker B: I'm doing what I can to kind of clear out the space around her. And I'm not outright ignoring her, but conveniently, most of the time, my bad eye is turned to her instead of my good one. [03:12:37] Speaker E: I get it. It's a mess, and you guys are busy, and there's just. You probably don't even truly. You don't have to. You don't have to help. I can figure this out. [03:12:56] Speaker B: Something I had to learn myself was that it is okay to receive help from people. And so I think it's only right that you let us help you out here since we sort of showed up at your home unannounced. [03:13:22] Speaker E: Um. Thank you. I, um. I don't get to talk to a lot of people, and you seem clever enough. I don't get to talk to a lot of people. Who get me. Right? Who get all of this. [03:13:48] Speaker B: Yeah. I've spent a lot of years on my lonesome. Most of those years in libraries, so. Yeah, I get it. But, you know, eventually people come along, you meet them, you resonate with them, find ways that you fit together. [03:14:09] Speaker F: As you say that you meet people that you resonate with, you are. You can hear the heartbreak in her voice. And without really meaning to, you kind of turn while you are explaining how you feel about things to her. And as soon as your eyes kind of fall on her, your heart kind of breaks a little bit. She looks small and sad and lonely, and it is impossible to look away. You feel like looking away would be almost brushing off her emotions in that moment. [03:15:02] Speaker B: I kind of, like, wince. Sorry. Bad choice of words. [03:15:09] Speaker E: No, I get it. It's sort of the fate of people who live on places like this anyway. [03:15:20] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, I will also say that I had a lot of good times on my own as well. Got a lot of things done. Didn't have to babysit clint all hours of the day. I love the man, but he is a two person job, at minimum. [03:15:48] Speaker E: It's not that Clint isn't handsome. He is. I am. Animals just really aren't the kind of people you want to talk to about, you know, deep work. Right. [03:16:06] Speaker B: Well, sure. Can't really talk back, can they? [03:16:10] Speaker E: No. And it's kind of. I just. I was excited. You seemed like someone who would be able to actually talk to me about this stuff. [03:16:20] Speaker B: Well, of course. I would love to create insights. Like I said, I'm someone who's been dabbling in magic. Perhaps we can help each other. [03:16:33] Speaker E: That would be very helpful. Um, is there anything in particular you're curious about? [03:16:44] Speaker B: Uh huh. Well, there's a lot of tricks I've been picking up, but you seem to be leaks and bounds above me, considering you can summon Coca Colas from thin air. Apparently so. [03:16:58] Speaker F: That's certainly something, I promise. [03:17:01] Speaker B: Enchanted fridge? [03:17:05] Speaker E: Something like that. Yeah, actually. [03:17:07] Speaker B: Well, still more than what I can do. [03:17:12] Speaker E: I'm sure we can help you find something. The library's just, you know. And she'll gesture at the library, then. [03:17:20] Speaker B: All more reason for me to help clean it up. [03:17:25] Speaker E: Yeah, if you. If you want to. I'm sorry. I should not be in this. This is ridiculous. And she'll stand and start brushing herself off and grab a stack of books. [03:17:44] Speaker B: No worries. Every academic has a mental breakdown here and there. It's par for the course. [03:17:54] Speaker E: Did you have a lot? [03:17:56] Speaker B: Mmm. Let's see here. There was at least two people in my class who had at least three more than I did per annum, and then most others had less than me in the same amount of time. So I'd say, yeah, above average, at least. [03:18:17] Speaker E: What do you teach? [03:18:19] Speaker B: English. [03:18:20] Speaker E: English. [03:18:21] Speaker B: At least I did. I was a high school teacher, but then I stopped doing that because of scion business, and I've been pursuing my PhD. [03:18:29] Speaker F: Oh. [03:18:30] Speaker E: In what? [03:18:32] Speaker B: Same subject. [03:18:34] Speaker E: English? [03:18:34] Speaker B: Yes. Literature, to be precise. [03:18:37] Speaker F: Ah. [03:18:37] Speaker E: Don't they make you pick a focus. And she'll be doing cleaning as she asks. This? [03:18:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:18:46] Speaker B: I'm still on the fence about that torn between the British, specifically the Victorians. Irish literature has caught my interest as of late, for obvious reasons. And I've always been fond of greek literature as well, especially the myths. [03:19:09] Speaker E: Yeah, there's. I'm hoping there's a new translation of the odyssey I'm trying to get my hands on. [03:19:15] Speaker B: Yes, yes. Oh, what's her name? [03:19:17] Speaker E: Emily Wilson. [03:19:18] Speaker B: Yes, I've heard it's very good. [03:19:20] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:19:21] Speaker E: I'm interested to see the perspective. [03:19:24] Speaker B: As am I. I find the way linguistics work interesting how there is no really one for one translation. Just the best way you can do to convey certain ideas and get what the original message was across. [03:19:38] Speaker E: Yeah. I find that that particular perspective of some of the translators were a little unfair. [03:19:45] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Especially to the women. [03:19:51] Speaker E: It sounds silly. I would be interested to see how they. Like I said, I'm interested to see how she rewrites it. Apparently, some of her descriptions of the kinds of people have been updated to reflect a less sum. How do I say it? Comfortable understanding of how the Greeks did things. [03:20:17] Speaker B: Yes, I've heard that as well. A lot of edges that got moved over that Wilson is reflecting more honestly. [03:20:30] Speaker E: Yeah. It's hard. [03:20:32] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, definitely. Any specific parts you're interested in reading? [03:20:37] Speaker E: Just all of it. It's just nice to see a new perspective. I'm sorry I'm boring you. [03:20:43] Speaker B: No, no. This is the least boring thing to me. It's what I make the most out of. But come on. Everyone has a favorite part. In the odyssey. I'm partial to Polythemus. [03:20:54] Speaker E: Oliver. [03:20:55] Speaker F: As you guys are working, you kind of glance around, and you realize that the two of you have kind of fallen easily into, like, a rhythm together. And without even really noticing it, have, like, started to. It's a little bit like going to dance with someone for the first time and realizing that you are perfectly in sync. Like, she has fallen easily into this pattern where she is gathering things. And you're kind of organizing as you two talk, and you keep glancing at each other and smiling, and then you'll look down, and the papers and books that you've been working on are more organized than they were. And you hand it off, and she kind of takes it and sweeps off across the room, and you can't help but follow her with your eyes. And then she comes back, and it is perfectly in tandem. [03:22:00] Speaker B: Well, would you look at that? It goes by easier than you think it does. [03:22:05] Speaker E: Obviously, I'm not gonna bore you with my. You probably know everything about greek mythology. I actually. [03:22:12] Speaker B: That's not everything. [03:22:15] Speaker E: But you said you were interested in english folklore. [03:22:20] Speaker B: Uh, irish. [03:22:22] Speaker E: Irish or. [03:22:22] Speaker B: It's something that's come up recently due to, uh, my parentage. [03:22:27] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [03:22:27] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [03:22:29] Speaker B: I won't pretend to know as much about as I do, uh, the greek stuff, but it's, it's caught my interest a little bit more recently. I've read. [03:22:37] Speaker E: No, I I know nothing about the subject. I'd love to hear more. [03:22:41] Speaker B: Well, I suppose I could tell you about the things that we've discovered through raw experience, but the few things here and there about coo coolahein and things like that, that's about all I have. I can tell a bit more about general literature, more modernist stuff, like Joyce, but like I said, my expertise is much slimmer. [03:23:07] Speaker E: Well, I have to add to the archives at some point. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. [03:23:14] Speaker B: Sure. Well, there's double nurse, of course. Ulysses is fun because it's sort of this. Well, it harkens back to the Odyssey. It's a sort of retelling of it, but also meshes in a bit of, like, the divine comedy, general irish history, and just a lot of things that you sort of have to be prepared for in order to read it, but it's a very good one. And then, oh, there's, of course, Finnegan's wake, which is insane. [03:23:45] Speaker E: What's insane about Finnegan's wake? [03:23:48] Speaker B: Um, if you get your hands on it, you will understand within the first page, it's written in a very peculiar way. [03:24:02] Speaker E: How so? I'm. [03:24:06] Speaker B: Well, it's almost as if Joyce was trying to write in his own language. Almost. And tell a story that reads the same forwards and backwards and back around again. It loops in on itself and is, to some, almost impossible to read. To others, completely impossible. [03:24:29] Speaker E: And do you find it impossible to read? [03:24:33] Speaker B: Once upon a time, yes, but since awakening, it's gotten easier. [03:24:40] Speaker E: Interesting. I'd love to get a copy. [03:24:45] Speaker B: I recommend it. If you're interested in a challenge. [03:24:50] Speaker E: I don't know how to convey any more strongly. I do like a challenge. [03:25:00] Speaker B: Well, then that's the book for you. [03:25:07] Speaker E: Anyway. Well, if you. If maybe we can start a book club or something. Do you have the time? [03:25:14] Speaker B: That would be fun. We can include my girlfriend in it. [03:25:17] Speaker F: Oh, girlfriend, yes. [03:25:20] Speaker B: She's back on a farm. [03:25:24] Speaker E: Is she a farm person? [03:25:28] Speaker B: In a sense, the word, yeah. [03:25:32] Speaker E: Well. [03:25:37] Speaker B: Well. [03:25:41] Speaker E: I'd love for you. Listen, I cannot convey to you enough how much. How hard it is to have decent conversations with cats. You've got to tell me about your girlfriend? [03:25:51] Speaker B: Okay, well, her name's Astor Rope. Like I said, she lives on a farm and helps the production of certain herbs. She's a dryad. [03:26:04] Speaker E: Oh, a dryad. That's so sweet. [03:26:06] Speaker B: Yes. And she is the most amazing woman in the world. [03:26:12] Speaker E: I wouldn't say that. An earshot of, you know, she kind of points up. [03:26:21] Speaker B: Oh, right. Most amazing non godly woman in the world. [03:26:29] Speaker F: Yeah, as you say that, Oliver, not only is there a little voice in the back of your head that suggests that, okay, maybe she's the second most amazing non godly woman in the world. You also think about some of the greek myths and what tends to happen to women who any man, but especially mortal men, tend to like more than one of the greek goddesses. [03:27:03] Speaker B: Sorry, correction to my words, she's a pretty great non godly woman. [03:27:15] Speaker E: I understand the sentiment. How did you meet a dryad and I. Most people who date dryads and nymphs tend to not end well, so I'm curious. [03:27:34] Speaker B: Yeah, I was aware of that myself. When we first visited the farm. We did it for some r and r. And, well, she was there. She was very interested in me. I was traditional and did not want to go forward with someone that I didn't have a connection with. And, well, there were continued visits, and we continued to talk and get to know each other, and things sort of clicked. And, well, she only had eyes for me, and I had eyes for her. [03:28:18] Speaker E: Eyes. Um, do you mind if I ask what's happening? You don't have to say it if you don't want to. [03:28:27] Speaker F: You're clearly. [03:28:31] Speaker E: There's something about your eyes. [03:28:36] Speaker B: Oh, this. When I was a kid and I came down with a disease, it was intended to take both of them. And I would have been blind. But by some miracle, I only took the one, and I could still see, partially. [03:28:57] Speaker E: I'm sorry that happened to you. [03:29:00] Speaker B: Nah, it's fine. I was five, six. So long ago that it's what's normal to me now. I don't know any other way. [03:29:12] Speaker E: Well, um, there might be something that can be done about it. I don't promise anything, but let me know. [03:29:25] Speaker B: Sort of furrow my brow a little bit. Um. Thanks, but I'm not sure if I would want to. [03:29:35] Speaker E: I understand. This is who you are, right? So what do you and your dryad talk about? [03:29:52] Speaker B: Well, talk a lot about books. She's insanely patient about that. She. [03:30:02] Speaker F: Not a reader, not an academic. [03:30:05] Speaker B: But she. She likes to hear me talk about them, and she likes to talk about them with me. And tell me about the things she's privy to about mythology and how legends differ from the myths that get written down and we. I don't know. Talking to her is just easy. [03:30:28] Speaker E: No, I get it. You find the person who clicks, and it just clicks. [03:30:36] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [03:30:40] Speaker E: I hope I find someone who I can talk books with, too, at some point. [03:30:49] Speaker B: I hope so, too. You deserve someone like that. But, um, in the meantime, you have me as a friend. [03:31:00] Speaker E: Well, thank you for your friendship. [03:31:04] Speaker B: Of course. Any. I think this stack should go over there. [03:31:11] Speaker E: Of course. [03:31:18] Speaker F: All right. Have the phones been plugged in? [03:31:26] Speaker E: Yes, the phones have been plugged in. They're on the kitchen counter. It's very fine. [03:31:31] Speaker F: Okay, we will skip ahead in time a little bit. Then everybody puts in a few hours of work and then gathers in the dining room for dinner. [03:31:49] Speaker A: Sounds like a plan. [03:31:51] Speaker F: Mm hmm. [03:31:52] Speaker E: Yep. Has Alexandra come in yet? [03:31:59] Speaker F: I was gonna say this is if you guys gather. Are gathering there around dinner time. That is, around the time there is a knock at the door. [03:32:12] Speaker D: Probably Alexandra. And would you like me to get miss Penelope? [03:32:18] Speaker E: Yeah, of course. [03:32:20] Speaker D: Andre will go ahead and go open the door a little bit just to peek outside and see Alexandra. [03:32:29] Speaker F: Yep. She is there. She's drier, but she looks vaguely frustrated. And when she sees you, she just looks relieved. [03:32:43] Speaker D: He looks a little bit relieved as well, though. He still looks a little, like, tense. But we'll open the door the rest of the way. Come on in, Alexander. [03:32:52] Speaker F: Think the damn fates. You guys have been gone for hours. [03:32:56] Speaker E: Oh, I'm so sorry. That was my fault. [03:33:00] Speaker F: And her eyes kind of land on Penelope and go a little wide, and she swallows really hard. Uh, no problem. Please. [03:33:11] Speaker E: We were just sitting down. I, uh. To dinner. [03:33:17] Speaker F: Well, I'm starving. Um, and she'll kind of walk over and extend in. I'm. I'm, um. Alexandra. [03:33:25] Speaker E: I'm Penelope. Just whatever we could throw on the grill. Everything's messed up from the storm. So. [03:33:34] Speaker F: Listen, at this point, I'll take whatever. [03:33:39] Speaker E: Well, whatever is what we have. [03:33:41] Speaker F: She kept having to chase the dragon away from the food. [03:33:45] Speaker E: I'm sorry. What? [03:33:47] Speaker B: Sorry about that. [03:33:50] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, we got a dragon. That's right. [03:33:52] Speaker E: You have a dragon. [03:33:54] Speaker A: Well, I mean, Oliver has a dragon. We're just really making sure everything goes well and protecting them. [03:34:04] Speaker B: Yeah, what Glenn said. [03:34:08] Speaker E: Well, I will see if there's something we can feed the dragon. [03:34:12] Speaker B: He eats a lot. [03:34:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:34:18] Speaker A: I mean, I can go back out and throw some more meat on the grill for us. That's not a problem. [03:34:22] Speaker E: That would be wonderful. [03:34:24] Speaker B: Thank you. [03:34:24] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. I'm happy to help. [03:34:27] Speaker E: We have no shortage of farm animals that we can probably convert into dragon. You know what I mean? [03:34:39] Speaker A: You can turn animals into dragons? [03:34:42] Speaker F: I think she means slaughter them for food, Clint. [03:34:45] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. That's not a problem. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. [03:34:50] Speaker E: No, it. Some people are very uncomfortable with the idea of where they get their food. I don't judge. [03:34:58] Speaker A: Are you, uh. You're fine eating the meat, right? We got stuff. Are you a vegetarian? [03:35:09] Speaker E: Me? [03:35:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:35:11] Speaker E: Oh, God, no. [03:35:13] Speaker A: Okay. Whew. I was worried. All right, I'll be right back out to the grill to get another few stakes on there for our dragon. [03:35:23] Speaker F: And it is about this time where the door gets nudged open in a about knee high size red dragon kind of waddles in. [03:35:37] Speaker E: Oh. [03:35:39] Speaker B: That is Braum. [03:35:42] Speaker E: Hi, Brom. [03:35:46] Speaker F: Brom looks up at Penelope with these big eyes and then wanders over and kind of, like, butts his forehead against her shin and tucks his head into her hand like, yes, you can pet me now. [03:36:06] Speaker E: Oh, what a brave, big, scary dragon. [03:36:10] Speaker F: A little puff of smoke. Yeah. He gets steak. He's thrills. [03:36:21] Speaker E: We don't have anything like this on the island, so it's such a treat to meet you. [03:36:32] Speaker F: If you will allow him. He will climb his way up into your lap and happily mooch off of your stake while waiting for Clint to bring him his own. [03:36:41] Speaker E: Absolutely. Although Penelope doesn't really stay still long enough. So she does sort of just cradle him as she's moving through the, like feet, making sure people are tended to. [03:36:51] Speaker F: That works. He will allow himself to be cradled like a toddler. [03:37:00] Speaker E: And if coda. I'm sorting out all of the arrangements for sleeping arrangements. If you wanted to take a walk later, I can show you the garden. [03:37:21] Speaker C: Oh, the garden. [03:37:23] Speaker E: Yes. [03:37:25] Speaker C: Yeah. That would be awesome. [03:37:28] Speaker E: Wonderful. [03:37:28] Speaker F: Wonderful. [03:37:28] Speaker E: Um, if you want again, I know that you have. You've all had a long day. Alexander, I'm so sorry I stole them from you. I if there's anything, there's beds, and that's all good. [03:37:42] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:37:44] Speaker C: Yeah. Do you need us back at the boat? [03:37:48] Speaker F: No. Most of the wood I could find is soaked through. It's gonna take a while for it to dry. [03:37:53] Speaker B: Uh, do we still need to gather the supplies? [03:37:57] Speaker F: Most of the supplies is wood, so. [03:38:01] Speaker E: It'S going to take a couple days to get anything that's not soaked through. Yeah. [03:38:07] Speaker A: Did I hear soaked wood? And Clint will return with a platter of a couple more stakes. [03:38:11] Speaker D: Worse is what he comes back to. [03:38:14] Speaker F: As you are passing by with the platter, Alexandra reaches up with her fork and stabs one of the stakes that pulls it off onto her end plate. Thank you. [03:38:21] Speaker A: Oh, there's that one. And here you go. Oh, here you go, little Brahm. I'll get another steak for the old dragon. [03:38:29] Speaker F: He happily begins to chow down. [03:38:33] Speaker E: Um, uh, and for Clint and, um, Andre. I'm so sorry. I think the storm has knocked out any kind of communication. But your phones are charged. [03:38:48] Speaker A: Oh, that's okay. I mean, just hold onto it for a second. We can finish dinner and then I'll come and collect it. Once we're all. You know, once we're all full and happy. [03:38:57] Speaker D: I mean, I can at least send the message. And it'll get to her when it gets to her. [03:39:01] Speaker E: Yeah, that should work. And they're sitting on the counter, just plugged in. [03:39:11] Speaker F: Awesome. You all are able to settle and eat. Is there anything anyone would like to talk about specifically? [03:39:24] Speaker A: I suppose I was gone for a minute. Alexandra, did you need anything while we're here? I mean, other than food and shelter and, you know, stuff to rest on and. Robbie, do you need help? [03:39:41] Speaker F: Uh, no, just food and a place to sleep until, like I said, all the wood on the island is soaked. [03:39:50] Speaker A: Uh, Penelope, how many beds you got here? [03:39:55] Speaker E: It's a little complicated, actually. Um, there's no shortage of rooms. But with the storm, the. A lot of the rooms are not sheltered from the elements. [03:40:11] Speaker A: I'm sure we could help with that. Board it up a little bit, maybe make some repairs, and give everyone a bedroom, you know, a place to sleep. [03:40:21] Speaker E: If you wanted to. There as a. There must be. We can find four separate beds. [03:40:29] Speaker A: Yeah. That mean. I mean, and you and me. And then they get their own. Yeah, that should work out. [03:40:38] Speaker E: I'm sure we can work something out. Is that okay with the rest of you? [03:40:45] Speaker B: Um, it should be all right. Even if we're exposed to the ailments a little bit, it shouldn't hurt too much. [03:40:52] Speaker D: Yeah, I think we'll be fine. [03:40:54] Speaker B: Been through worse. [03:40:56] Speaker F: We were all just on a boat that got caught in a nasty storm. Sleeping under a roof, even if the windows are open, is fine. [03:41:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:41:06] Speaker E: And if not beds, there are certainly couches. But, yes, there should be enough rooms for you to stay in. And there should be just enough beds for everyone. I hope this can be as comfortable as possible. There's a place for you to get clean if you'd like. [03:41:29] Speaker A: Oh, that'd be great. [03:41:32] Speaker F: Hell, yes. Sorry. [03:41:35] Speaker E: We have at least hot water and the steam room. [03:41:41] Speaker F: Oh, dibs. [03:41:44] Speaker E: It's big enough for everyone, if you need it. Often when groups of scions appear, they tend to like having little side conversations without the scary island lady. So I can leave you to it. [03:42:02] Speaker A: Oh, shit. There's a scary island lady here, too. [03:42:05] Speaker E: It's me. [03:42:07] Speaker A: You're not scary. What are you talking about? [03:42:15] Speaker E: You are too sweet. [03:42:17] Speaker A: Oh, come on. I'm just me. It's okay. Here, have some extra. Yeah. So do we have any other plans that we need to take care of for the evening? Anything else that, you know, needs to get done or anything like that? [03:42:36] Speaker D: Honestly, that steam room is just hands. Nice. I could. I'm sore all over. I'd rather not be sore all over. [03:42:45] Speaker A: All right. Massages it is. [03:42:48] Speaker C: Garden sounds pretty nice, too. [03:42:52] Speaker E: Well, we can accommodate both. I could see if one of the cats wants to walk across your back, but otherwise we're short on masseuses. Unless you're willing to ask one of your friends. I'm a fair healer, but I don't want to assume anything. [03:43:11] Speaker D: I mean, I know a little bit, but I'm not exactly sure everyone's comfortable with that kind of thing yet. [03:43:18] Speaker A: Oh, I got them calloused hands. That feels extra good. That ain't a problem. We'll get you right as rain, Andre. [03:43:29] Speaker F: All right, so, steam room and I, um. Garden. And she looks over at coda, confused. [03:43:39] Speaker C: Eventually. Garden. That'd be nice. [03:43:43] Speaker E: Maybe before bed? [03:43:46] Speaker F: Yeah, sure. [03:43:48] Speaker D: Andre will just lean over. She wants to smoke weed. [03:43:51] Speaker F: Oh, right, right. That's why y'all look so shocked when I said I knew Damon. Everybody knows Damon. [03:43:59] Speaker B: Everybody knows. [03:44:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:44:04] Speaker E: Andre, I understand that it could be considered for it, but genuinely, I can help with your back and arms if you need it. [03:44:16] Speaker D: Honestly, I think it might just be needing a little bit of the sauna and maybe a good night's sleep. If it isn't better by tomorrow, I will gladly take you up on. [03:44:25] Speaker E: I've had a lot of time to learn healing arts, but, yes, please avail yourselves to any of the amenities I have here. [03:44:34] Speaker D: I don't want to put you out or make you do anything that could just be handled by lilac. [03:44:42] Speaker E: I cannot emphasize enough to all of you how wonderful it is that you're just here talking to me in a language that we share. [03:44:56] Speaker A: Boy, does that not happen often for you? [03:45:00] Speaker E: It's rarer than you'd think. [03:45:03] Speaker A: That's a shame. You're a lovely conversationalist, Penelope. It's nice and easy talking with you. [03:45:12] Speaker E: It is nice and easy talking with you, too. [03:45:19] Speaker F: So, where's the steam room? Alexandra s. Hopefully yeah, around the side. [03:45:29] Speaker E: You can sort of see some of the other animals heading back that way. Cause they like to sleep on the hot rocks nearby. [03:45:39] Speaker B: Excellent. [03:45:41] Speaker F: And she looks down at her plate, which is already clean despite the fact that everybody's been talking. It's like she inhaled her steak and whatever sides were provided. Yep. Well, if everybody's okay with it, I'm gonna go to the sauna. [03:45:57] Speaker A: Yeah, I figure we'll make our way out there, too, eventually. [03:46:05] Speaker F: Okay, well, whenever you're ready. And she kind of stands up. Thank you, Penelope. [03:46:11] Speaker D: I'm coming with you, Alexandra. [03:46:13] Speaker F: Okay. [03:46:14] Speaker D: And he'll just give a polite smile and a nod, ma'am. And he'll just head out with Alexandra. [03:46:23] Speaker E: If you need anything, just call. [03:46:26] Speaker F: Will do. Coda, are you staying here? Are you going to the steam room? [03:46:35] Speaker C: Staying here. [03:46:38] Speaker F: All right, so it's Coda and Gavin and Penelope and Oliver. Oliver, are you going to the steam room? [03:46:47] Speaker B: I'll go to the steam room. [03:46:48] Speaker F: Okay, so there's just coda, Gavin, and Penelope. Nothing awkward about having three people here when Gavin has clearly stayed back on his own for a reason. [03:47:00] Speaker C: Coda will notice this and go to the steam room. [03:47:06] Speaker F: I was looking forward to the awkward. I just imagine that there's a moment where everybody gets up and walks away, except for Koda, Gavin, and Penelope. And then Coda just takes a solid three minutes where Gavin is staring at her hard, willing her to go away before Koda realizes what's happening, then finally gets up and leaves. [03:47:26] Speaker A: Come on, we'll go over there. Eventually, I'll catch up with you. Don't worry. [03:47:31] Speaker E: We will meet you there. [03:47:34] Speaker C: And then she's like, oh, wait, hold on. Let me. Oh, I gotta go. I gotta go. Steam. [03:47:41] Speaker E: Before Koda leaves, I will press a very small joint into her hand. [03:47:50] Speaker C: Oh, praised be. Thank you. And off she goes. [03:47:57] Speaker F: But as you walk away, you find yourself thinking she might be the most perfect woman in the world. [03:48:03] Speaker C: I'm conflicted. [03:48:06] Speaker F: You want a break? [03:48:09] Speaker A: The competition begins. [03:48:13] Speaker F: All right, we're gonna give Penelope and Gavin, Clint, Penelope and Clint a couple of minutes, and then we will pivot over to the rest of the group. [03:48:29] Speaker A: So, Penelope, I can't help but notice that it's just you around here. And, well, now it's just me. How about I help you with the dishes and we get a little cleaned up? [03:48:42] Speaker E: That would be incredibly helpful. Thank you. [03:48:45] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. [03:48:47] Speaker E: You know, you don't have to win my admiration by just doing chores, right? [03:48:55] Speaker A: Oh, well, did you have something else in mind? [03:49:01] Speaker E: Um, well, not quite. As clean. [03:49:12] Speaker A: Well, I suppose we could get a little dirty then. That's fine, too. Surely there's a couch or a bed that needs messing up around here. [03:49:26] Speaker E: I'm sure we're going to have to find one that's not been messed up already. But I feel like you will be able to persevere. [03:49:36] Speaker A: I'm sure we'll find a way through. Yes, ma'am. [03:49:45] Speaker E: Well, in that case, I guess that's one less room I need to find. Or one less bed I need to find for you tonight. [03:49:50] Speaker A: That's right. I mean, I offered earlier and didn't seem to stick too hard, but I didn't want. [03:49:57] Speaker E: I didn't want to seem uncouth in front of your friends. [03:50:01] Speaker A: See, appearances are important. I get you. [03:50:05] Speaker E: Well, they're all very nice. And I am a random lady you did meet on an island. [03:50:11] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I mean, we went to Damon's farm, and things have been weird there, too. And. Well, they're all taken. You know, they all got their folks, and they're accounted for, I suppose you could say. [03:50:25] Speaker E: I guess. I mean, an algae is your thing. Um, the. No, it. I mean, it's. You're all very kind. I just don't want to be the kind of girl who throws herself at every tall, broad man who swings by her island. [03:50:47] Speaker A: Oh, I get that. I wouldn't, you know, throw myself at some tall, strong, broad man neither. Just willy nilly. I'd suppose I'd get to know him. Maybe talk about things. Yeah. Hell, you know what? You right. I don't need to be so. So forward all the time. You mentioned that there were archives and Wifi. Did you get all that collected yourself? Did you? [03:51:20] Speaker E: I've had a long time to get everything together. [03:51:24] Speaker A: I understand. I imagine. Wait. How. How long of a time do you mean? [03:51:31] Speaker E: A very long time. [03:51:33] Speaker A: Like, longer than a long time for most folks kind of thing? [03:51:38] Speaker E: Longer than a long time for most folks. And do you know what Wi Fi and an archive don't have? [03:51:49] Speaker A: What's that? [03:51:52] Speaker E: She gestures at him. [03:51:54] Speaker A: Oh, well, that's why, I suppose, I'm here. Help rectify that situation. [03:52:01] Speaker E: At the risk of sounding like a random woman on an island who is going to throw herself at a very tall man, do you have any idea how long we said we'd be? [03:52:13] Speaker A: I figure we got at least five, maybe six more minutes. I gotta wonder what we're gonna do with the other three. But we'll figure it out. [03:52:22] Speaker E: I have a long time. Remember that. I'm going to grab Clint's shirt. [03:52:29] Speaker C: Excellent. [03:52:30] Speaker F: And we will fade to black. Meanwhile, in the sauna, Coda shows up just a few minutes after the rest of everybody else and already has the joint lit by the time she arrives. [03:52:51] Speaker A: Hello. [03:52:53] Speaker F: Hey. [03:52:54] Speaker D: So we're fucked, right? [03:52:56] Speaker F: Are we? [03:52:58] Speaker B: Oh my God. [03:52:59] Speaker C: I'm gonna say Clint is. [03:53:05] Speaker F: Ah, shit. Beat me to it. [03:53:11] Speaker B: Yes, yes. Andre, I'm in agreement here. [03:53:15] Speaker C: She's pretty nice, but she reminds her of that lady from that book, Corey. [03:53:21] Speaker B: You need to be more specific for me. [03:53:25] Speaker D: At the time and the place. [03:53:27] Speaker C: Yeah, no, the. And. And, like, I don't want to say any names because then I don't want to get on more God's bad side. But like, you know, really pretty lady. Really pretty lady gets tucked away somewhere as a punishment because other people like pretty lady more than God. Pretty lady. You know what I mean? [03:53:56] Speaker D: That is a story that happens a lot, but I think that this one's a little bit worse. [03:54:02] Speaker B: Agreed. [03:54:05] Speaker F: I just want to reiterate that at no point has she triggered anything sus. In any of you. I was making rolls for her behind the scene, and if at any point she had rolled anything that one of you could have beaten, I would have let you roll against it. [03:54:26] Speaker C: Yeah. So just like, you know, I think she probably just got tucked away by, like, a God that just thought she was too pretty and now she's just stuck here. And maybe she mouthed off against the wrong people and now they've just tucked her away here. [03:54:55] Speaker B: Probably it's just paranoia. Scions. We do a lot of things, run to a lot of bad things. So when we run to good things, sets off radars that don't need to be set off. [03:55:06] Speaker F: Oh, yeah, for sure. [03:55:08] Speaker D: Especially when they're not. It's not just one story that has people on an island that take care of shipwreck survivors. [03:55:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that is. [03:55:21] Speaker C: Well, you know, that's really true. She did say that there were other ship. Like, other people have, like, crashed her ship here before. But what happened to them? [03:55:33] Speaker D: Well, when I was trying to figure out what exactly was around the beach, I did sense bodies that were buried. Now, of course, that could just be natural causes, but I. I can't. I don't know. [03:55:56] Speaker C: Well, I mean, I'm sure I can ask her again. She wasn't, like, forthcoming, but, like, if. I'm sure if I ask her again and be like, hey, what happened? She was like, she's kind of as honest as she can be with us, right? [03:56:14] Speaker B: I hope so. [03:56:17] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:56:18] Speaker B: Sometimes it feels like she's a little evasive. But we did crash into her place, so that makes sense. You don't want to just tell everyone your life story when you've just met them. My certainly won't. Let's just be good guests, handle the ship situation, and then get out of her hair. [03:56:47] Speaker D: Yeah. And I mean me and Clint. At least. At least I imagine Clint did. He got everyone else's fucking digits. Probably gonna try to keep in contact with her, so I wish she's at least a little less lonely. If we can get to a terra incognito with our souped up phones. [03:57:07] Speaker B: I think they're supposed to, but who knows if the rules change based on the. Based on the terra incognita, specifically. [03:57:19] Speaker F: Oliver, I feel bad for requesting this. I want you to make me a kind of post dated perception awareness. [03:57:33] Speaker B: Okay. Perception on weirdness. [03:57:37] Speaker F: Just to see if, like, your subconscious picked up on something when you were in the archive. [03:57:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. That's perception awareness, then. I rolled straight. Nothing then. [03:57:53] Speaker F: No, you didn't pick up on shit. There's a lot of books in there. [03:57:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:57:59] Speaker A: Hold on. [03:57:59] Speaker F: There's a thing I will say with your intelligence, you know, that they were. That they were of all different, like, ages and eras. So who knows what kind of information is in the archive? [03:58:12] Speaker B: Yeah, definitely something I'll need to go back to. [03:58:22] Speaker F: For those watching at home, that was our 12th, just straight up failure of the night of. [03:58:37] Speaker B: Well, when I say we get cleaned up, find somewhere to lay our heads down, and then read tomorrow with fresh minds and bodies. [03:58:50] Speaker D: Sounds like a plan. [03:58:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:58:55] Speaker D: I just hope that connection comes back soon so that way Mia doesn't end up trying to, I don't know, fucking fling herself through the ocean to come after us. [03:59:07] Speaker B: Yeah, I probably need to get a hold of astrope, but I have the solar powered charger for that. [03:59:16] Speaker D: Fair enough. [03:59:21] Speaker B: All right. [03:59:25] Speaker F: Okay. I'm assuming you guys hang out in the sauna long enough to, like, fully clear the pores and then go take showers and head to bed. [03:59:34] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [03:59:35] Speaker B: That's pretty good. [03:59:36] Speaker F: Okay, when you got. So you guys get your. You finish in the sauna. There is an outdoor shower that you can just use to scrub down. There are a line of robes hanging up that everybody can grab one from. They look like they're fresh, like they may have just been hung out while you guys were in there. And you are able to find your way inside. When you get inside, Clint and Penelope are nowhere to be found. [04:00:12] Speaker B: That seems about right. [04:00:13] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm not gonna wonder where they are. [04:00:17] Speaker F: But you are able to find rooms throughout the house. Kind of scattered everywhere. Does anybody want to do anything before they go to bed? [04:00:27] Speaker A: Already doing it. [04:00:30] Speaker F: That wasn't for you. [04:00:33] Speaker A: Oh, right. [04:00:35] Speaker B: I think I'm good. [04:00:39] Speaker F: Penelope has perfect partner. You're gonna be there a while. All right, well, in that case, we are gonna call it for the night.

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