Episode 1

August 23, 2024


S3 Ep1: Born to Die Pt2

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S3 Ep1: Born to Die Pt2
Apotheosis : A Scion RPG Actual Play
S3 Ep1: Born to Die Pt2

Aug 23 2024 | 03:28:34


Show Notes

Coda, Clint, and Oliver are BACK! Finding themselves in Guinee, on the beach of the Loa underworld, the band face dangers from the sea, the restless dead, and the titans alike. Will they find themselves in a watery grave, or will they defend their charges during the Fete Ghede?

Coda Massaquoi - Sticker
Oliver Bright - Gary
Clint Brazos - Gavin0 Cash

Gwendolyn Chambers - Termite

Storyteller - Bloodied Porcelain

Opening Theme: Black Sun by C.K. Martin

Character Art Commissioned From: https://www.instagram.com/lufelufa29/

Viewer Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Hi, I'm Clint, I'm Gavin Cash, and I'm playing Clint Brazos, the scion of the Morrigan. [00:00:37] Speaker B: Hello, I'm Gary, and I'll be playing Oliver Bright, psion of Oghma. [00:00:43] Speaker C: Hello, my name is Sticker, and I'll be playing Coda Masikoi, the psion of Bistet. [00:00:49] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Termite, and I'll be playing Gwen Chambers, the rogue psion of hell. [00:00:55] Speaker E: And I'm bloodied porcelain. I'll be your storyteller for the evening. Good evening, players. [00:01:02] Speaker A: Hello, hello, hello. [00:01:05] Speaker E: It's been a while. [00:01:07] Speaker B: It has. [00:01:11] Speaker E: Well, a lot has happened since we started our little adventure, so I will do a quick recap of the last two seasons. I promise I'll give the broad strokes, folks. We won't be here for forever. While I recount every little bit, um, and then we will get back to where we were in season one. A group of disparate mortals went on about their daily lives in Baltimore when strange things began to happen. Mist began to roll in through the city. The sound of distant howls shook the walls of surrounding buildings. And then all hell broke loose. Wolves the size of cars, some as big as semi trucks, began to break down the walls of buildings, began to hunt a for these disparate people. In the middle of the chaos, Oliver Bright, Koda Masikoi and three others were confronted by these wolves, looking to kill them, to take their hearts in order to strengthen themselves. And in the middle of it all, something strange happened. Their bodies burned. Their minds suddenly felt somehow sharper, but also completely overwhelmed. And they suddenly found themselves physically able to do things that, well, normal people just couldn't do. Able to jump over, jump over vehicles, jump onto overpasses, run faster than cars should be able to move. And they ran and they struggled. And despite their best efforts, were unable to save one of their own number. And they watched as Teddy, a single father, was taken from them right in front of their. Right in front of their eyes. Eventually they were picked up by other people who told them that they were psions, the children of godsen, imbued with divine ichor and the magic that it. That it possesses. For some, it makes them faster, stronger, tougher for some, it makes them more socially adroit and for some, it enhances their already considerable intellect. But for all of them, it means one life will never be the same. They will never be truly safe. Finding themselves caught up in the machinations of another psion whose father never visited him, they were hunted. They were hunted by these same wolves and a scion who should have been a child of Loki named Stefan Vargar. Unfortunately for Stefan, Loki's been missing for quite a while and never showed up for his visitation. While the others were all received their own, Oliver found out that he was a scion of Oghmade. Coda found out that she was a scion of bastet. Their friend Chris, a scion of Artemis, was originally born to Loki but adopted, and their friend Sarah was a scion of vidar. In the time since then, they decided to redeem Stefan Vargerez to argue his case before the gods, that the way things turned out were awful. And he is certainly guilty of a great many things, but perhaps killing him was a step too far. Perhaps he was redeemable savable, able to be brought over to fight for the good guys. In the end, they convinced the council of gods by one vote, a God of luck flipped a coin, and it fell in Stephen Fargers favor. As part of their deal to secure his life and his eventual freedom, they agreed that they would perform a series of labors, one for each of the pantheons, and at the end of it, he would be released into their care and custody to become a part of their band. But until then, he would be the guest of the very same pantheon. He did the most damage to the Aesir. Last season, they completed a number of labors. All but three were basically done, though two still have yet to be turned in. And at the end of the season, we left off with them arriving in guinea, the Loa underworld, after being driven off of a short pier in a van that looked like it probably wouldn't make it more than a few blocks down the road, let alone survive the tides and the whirlpools that they found themselves driving around and then into. And that's where we pick up to remind people what guinea looks like. To get here, you had to drive this, or Shango had to drive this van, this van that is normally used to sell shrimp and crawfish out of. You had to drive through the side of a giant whirling vortex of water. But when you did, you found yourselves able to come up on an island that seems to be beneath the waves. What feels like air around you and is working for you, you know, has to be water, because when you look above you, there are brightly colored fish flying or swimming as if they were birds above your head. This looks like a tropical paradise. There are beautifully colored, extravagantly finned fish that move like air. The plants sway almost as if they're underwater. In a constant current. They bear strange fruit and berries that most of which you have never seen before. You know that this looks and feels like an island. You know that if you look in inland enough, you can see at the top of a tall hill that seems to be almost the center of the island itself. There is what looks to be a massive, grand, plantation style building. The windows are tall and brightly lit, and you can hear even from all the way out here, that there is music playing inside. And occasionally you get the glimpse of people who are clearly not alive. Specters, almost. You've seen your friend Teddy, what he looked like after he was dead. These look somewhat like him. They occasionally drift along the beach to find themselves a path, and then turn inland up towards the mansion. You have been told that this is the celebration of Fet Ged. And during this time, not only will the Loa, but nearly all of their psions and a number of their ancestral dead will be in attendance at the baron's mansion at the center of the island. This is a lot of legend in one place. A great number of important beings, or heat, are all congregated here, and they are celebrating one of the most important holidays of their pantheon. But with everything that is going on in the world, they are aware that this makes them a target. Normally, Shango's children and a number of others would be left to stand watch. But as you owe the loa a labor anyway, they have left it to you. You are here to defend them. Defend the home. You have been warned that the dark, dark waters that extend out, that seem like the actual waters of a beach beyond the edge of the sand, you've been warned that they are full of dark and terrifying things. Things that not too long ago weren't here, weren't something that they had to worry about, weren't something that Agwe, their God of the ocean, their loa of the ocean, had to defend against. But since what happened in the underworld happened and the titans began to break free, things have become far more dangerous. And now you stand here on the beach. There is a picnic table nearby. It is laden with food and drink. No alcohol, but sweet tea and any number of different fruit drinks and food. And you know that you have 24 hours before fitgid is over. You have a little bit of time to eat and rest, but it won't be long before the celebration officially begins and people begin to appear. Their psions and the other gods beyond just the baron and his wife and Shango begin to roll in. So, what would you like to do with a little bit of time that you have. [00:14:13] Speaker A: Well, I suppose I'll get you started on eating and drinking. Gotta fuel up before we have any sort of fight happen. [00:14:24] Speaker B: I'm mostly pacing. [00:14:27] Speaker C: Yeah. And, coda, it's. Right now it looks like it's nighttime, or does it look like. Does it seem like there's something similar to a moon or a sun or something like that out? [00:14:40] Speaker E: You could see a single kind of bright light in what would be the air to you, but it is hard to tell if it is light or dark. What you do know is that you are not in the mortal world anymore, and no world that you have been to outside of the mortal world has had time passing quite the same way. [00:14:59] Speaker C: Hmm, interesting. Okay, well, I think Coda right now is just walking around to see just general areas that, you know, that's maybe out of our usual. What's the word you would call line of sight, I guess. Cause she's like, where are we gonna set up to, like, to appropriately do this, like, protection situation? So I think that's okay. [00:15:31] Speaker E: Are you. So you are on an island. Is your plan to walk the entirety of the island? Are you just looking for good spot where you are or so just where. [00:15:45] Speaker C: We are right now? Cause I think she'll fully walk the aisle. And what's the group like? She's with the group right now. She's just kind of like, all right, we just have to get this done, and then I have some other things I need to get done. So she's just kind of hands in pocket walking and looking around. [00:16:02] Speaker E: Okay. From what you know and from what you can see where you are right now, there is. I mean, there are a number of places. The problem is that with you being in. Being on an island and knowing that the bad things could come from any direction, it's hard to know where the best places to set up are. Yeah. For you, you probably want a place that'll give you a good line of sight, but also wouldn't be too far away because you are an up close and personal fighter. [00:16:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:16:48] Speaker E: And you've got decent decks as well. [00:16:51] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. Okay. I'm okay with that. [00:17:00] Speaker E: Yeah. So it's. It's hard to know exactly where. I would say that there are probably a couple of, like, outcroppings of rocks that you could probably stand on that would give you a little bit more, you know, like a higher vantage point but aren't too far away. [00:17:13] Speaker C: Yeah, I like that. [00:17:14] Speaker E: You just run into the. You run into the issue of get too far and they show up first. It's going to take you a minute to get there. [00:17:22] Speaker C: Okay. [00:17:24] Speaker E: And we're on, like, double check that. You don't have lightning sprinter and you don't. I do not. Yeah, yeah, it is. It is beach sand, but it's less like a normal beach. It's like silt. [00:17:37] Speaker C: Okay, so that's runnable. We're not doing beach volleyball. Okay, cool. Thank you. [00:17:45] Speaker B: Since we're on a beach, is there like a wayward stick or something I can find, like, off to the side somewhere? [00:17:53] Speaker E: There are a number of pieces of driftwood, if that's what you're looking for. [00:17:56] Speaker B: Yeah, just something like long and thin that I can use to draw on the sand with. [00:18:01] Speaker E: Yeah, absolutely. [00:18:03] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll find one of those and just kind of like, go back up to the group. All right, so here's what I'm thinking as I sort of begin to, like, doodle in the sand with my stick. We'll have two teams, or, well, I guess two people walking along the beach as they sort of patrol, each going from one end to the other and then back. So they'll cross each other's paths before turning around, going back in. The third person will be sort of on lookout, resting, depending on what time of day it is and how long we've been going for. And then as people get tired, we'll rotate out and just be able to generally cover as much ground as possible to keep an eye on things. How's that sound? [00:18:43] Speaker A: I mean, it sounds pretty good, but if two people are walking at once, won't want two of them get tired and want to take a break at the same time. [00:18:53] Speaker E: Hmm. [00:18:53] Speaker C: We could stagger. We could stagger our. What are they called? Like, stakeout shifts? Well, we're not staking out because we're watching the place, so we could just stagger our shifts. Well, I mean, which one of you stay up the latest? I don't know. [00:19:15] Speaker A: I mean, I could. [00:19:16] Speaker B: If we do a solid rotation, it'll help. So, for instance, the person who's on watch rather than the one that's on the two that are on patrol will have them start out first and then have one person do their own patrol for a little bit on their own before having the second person on patrol to start up. That way they'll be a little bit fresher, so that once we rotate, it'll more or less stay even with everyone being as rested as they can be. And then as it begins to get later and we actually need sleep, the person who's on watch will rest more heavily then, and that'll put a little bit more stress on the two patrollers, but that's what we'll have to do to make sure no one begins to slack due to tiredness. [00:20:03] Speaker E: Oliver? [00:20:05] Speaker B: Yes? [00:20:06] Speaker E: Will you please make me an intelligence and a cult role, please? [00:20:14] Speaker B: Intelligence and occult. I can do that. Uh oh, Boyden. That's six total. [00:20:33] Speaker E: All right, here's some things I want to point out to you, and you, as Oliver would know. Number one, you've seen Clint do Clint complete feats of physical stamina and toughness that put the rest of you to shame, out of character. That can that. Basically, I'm saying he's got a lot of dots and epic stamina, and that tends to imply that he can kinda. He can't go, like, indefinitely without sleep, but he's gonna last a lot longer than either of you without it being a hindrance to him. You also have a dot of epic stamina. So you have also found, since becoming a psionda, that you are able to kind of go without sleep a little bit longer than most people and, you know, take more damage than, like, the average person can. Coda is solid, but does not have quite the same hardiness. We'll put it that. We'll say that. So while sleeping in shifts is absolutely a valid thing and probably something you should try to do anyway, just to conserve what you can. If it comes down to it, you know that Clint could probably go 24 hours plus without an issue. [00:22:10] Speaker A: Clint smiles from his plate of food. [00:22:13] Speaker E: You could probably also hang not for a full 24 hours, but longer than you used to be able to. [00:22:19] Speaker B: Okay, in that case, I'll kind of stand there, put, like, a hand on my chin for a second, as I think, and then begin to, like, make revisions in my sand. Okay. Upon further reflection, what I think we can do is stagger things out more based off of our psionic capabilities. Kota, you're pretty fast, but not as durable as Clint and maybe even myself. So I think we'll have you start out first so you can cover more ground and rotate more often. Clint, if you're all right with it, I think you could potentially handle the full 24 hours without having to begin running on empty. So if you don't mind, would you be okay with patrolling for the full duration? [00:23:02] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't mind, as long as I can come by and swing for some food again here or there, of course. [00:23:08] Speaker B: And occasionally I might have you switch patrol patterns with the other person who will be patrolling. That'll likely be me more often, since I think I could also last for a while. I tend to use that for late night studying, but I think it'll work in this scenario as well. [00:23:24] Speaker A: All right, do we need, like, a book or something for you for when you're taking a rest or. You got it covered. [00:23:31] Speaker B: I'll be all right. [00:23:32] Speaker E: Okay. [00:23:35] Speaker C: I'm not sure this coda will look up at the sky and go. I'm not really sure if my scouting thing would work, but I might test it out because, you know, when I look at the moon, I can tell, like, how much is around me and stuff. So I'm gonna see if I could test it out here. But if not, we definitely need a way to, um, one, communicate with each other if we do run into anything. And two, I don't know, keep an eye out on the area, which I guess that's where our, um, patrols will be coming into hand. [00:24:10] Speaker B: Right? [00:24:11] Speaker C: But at the very least, we need a way to contact each other. [00:24:14] Speaker B: That's a good point. Uh, door phones work down here. [00:24:16] Speaker C: What a great question. [00:24:18] Speaker B: We got the special ones. [00:24:20] Speaker E: The ones special phones, and they do, in fact, work here. [00:24:23] Speaker C: I love these phones. [00:24:26] Speaker B: Right. Uh, in the event we need to contact each other, just have each other's numbers on speed dial. We'll do a group call if needed. Do check and see if your abilities work. That would be very helpful. If they could. We would get much more coverage that way. But good, good points. [00:24:46] Speaker C: Amazing. [00:24:48] Speaker A: I mean, if we got the phones and we can just have them going. Do we want to listen to something while we're all doing this? [00:24:56] Speaker B: Normally I'd say yes, but I think it's pretty crucial we avoid any distractions while we're on the job here. [00:25:06] Speaker A: I understand. I get it. [00:25:10] Speaker C: Yeah, maybe later. And, I mean, we have the music from the party, so you can just vibe to that in the distance. [00:25:16] Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. [00:25:20] Speaker C: Coda will try to do the smoking mirror thing. Oh, wait, no. Yeah, it's called smoking mirror. There we go. [00:25:29] Speaker E: Is there a role associated with that? [00:25:32] Speaker C: Um, no, I just spend legend equal to, um. You know, I just have to spend a legend, and I could see a radius in miles equal to my legend. Like, my rank of legend. Yeah. [00:25:49] Speaker E: Okay. [00:25:51] Speaker C: But it does say by looking at the moon. So that's the only thing that I'm like, er. [00:26:00] Speaker E: Make me. Could you just roll me? Um, your roll me. Legend. [00:26:09] Speaker C: You got it, captain. [00:26:12] Speaker E: Not legend points. Just legend. [00:26:15] Speaker C: Not legend points. Just legend. Okay, so we're a legend. Yikes. One. [00:26:34] Speaker E: Okay. Um, you reached your senses out, looking up at this light in the distance, trying to focus your intent on it, to project your senses towards it in hopes that it will reflect them back down on what is around you. And for a moment, you get a flickering kind of hazy image of trying to think of how to describe this, of. It's almost like, have you seen videos online of people who have, like, underwater cameras? And it's that moment where the camera is kind of passing beneath the edge of the water as waves are coming in? [00:27:33] Speaker C: Yes, siri. [00:27:34] Speaker E: So it's just sort of like this hazy mess that's kind of what you get. You can see vague outlines in the water around you, but you can tell that you are trying to project your senses to something that is kind of above, but also not a part of this world. And it is making it very difficult for you to get a good grasp on where you are. Your senses feel awkward. [00:28:03] Speaker C: Yeah. She'll blink her eyes and rub them a little bit and go, ugh. Wait. So when I look through, I could see vague outlines, but it's still just, like, really blurry. [00:28:14] Speaker E: They're dark and it's blurry. Okay, if you could make me an intelligence and academics role, I could see if maybe you could kind of narrow some of those down. [00:28:24] Speaker B: Wait, before she does that. Okay, I have a thing. My birthright. [00:28:32] Speaker E: I have a thing. All right. [00:28:36] Speaker C: Pausing. [00:28:42] Speaker B: I can spend a single willpower to convey my rating and epic intelligence work for dice. So I can give her extra dice for this. So I will do that. I'll spend willpower and go to. You get an additional three dice on this roll. [00:28:56] Speaker A: Nice. [00:28:57] Speaker C: Oh, sicken. Thanks, Mister B. [00:29:02] Speaker E: Well done. So that's three successes. [00:29:06] Speaker C: Three. And you said wits, correct? [00:29:11] Speaker E: Mm hmm. Intelligence, intelligence, and academics. [00:29:16] Speaker C: Okay, so I do not have any bing bongs. What are they called? Epic points. [00:29:22] Speaker E: Okay, that's all right. Three is pretty good. At least one of the things that you saw, it's hard to be sure because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but at least one of the things you saw, you're pretty sure was a ship. Like an old school three masted, like, large ship. Okay, but that doesn't make any sense because it was underwater and it was moving. [00:29:54] Speaker C: Ah, it was a ship underwater, moving. Okay. And if it doesn't make sense, it either belongs or it doesn't. Cool. So she'll just kind of go, okay, and I guess fill in the others about how blurry her vision is. [00:30:16] Speaker B: Do you mention the ship? [00:30:18] Speaker C: Yes, I do mention the ship. [00:30:20] Speaker B: Was it moving? Towards us. [00:30:24] Speaker C: Was it moving towards us? [00:30:26] Speaker E: Hard to tell. You aren't entirely sure where the island is compared to where you were looking from, if that makes sense. [00:30:34] Speaker C: Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not too sure since the vision is kind of blurry. I'm not really sure based upon where. [00:30:42] Speaker E: We were, your sense of direction and stuff was all thrown off. [00:30:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:30:47] Speaker B: So I suppose. I mean, you wouldn't be able to tell which direction from the island. It would be either. [00:30:52] Speaker C: No. Sorry. [00:30:54] Speaker B: No, that's all right. Clint. [00:30:56] Speaker A: Yep. [00:30:57] Speaker B: Could you also have Ian keep a sort of patrol around the island since he'll be able to have a aerial view and let us know if he spots anything peculiar? [00:31:09] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. Ian, stop with the siege. Come here. [00:31:14] Speaker E: Yeah, what's up? [00:31:16] Speaker A: I got a job for you. All right, little guy. [00:31:19] Speaker E: Okay. [00:31:21] Speaker A: I'm gonna need you to go up there and fly around and keep an eye on things. You can keep coming down and keep eating here and there if you need to. I don't mind. Just let me know when you do. But I need you to keep a lookout because there might be some bad things coming. [00:31:37] Speaker E: How do I know what's bad and what's not? [00:31:40] Speaker A: If it ain't one of the folks at the party coming down, and if it's coming out of the water towards us, that's probably a bad thing that you should let us know about. [00:31:51] Speaker E: All right. He sort of ruffles his feathers, and he looks a little puffed out for a moment and then flaps his wings. And you can see that it feels a little weird. Weird for him trying to fly in what he logically understands as water, but doesn't necessarily feel like water, and then eventually hops off your shoulder and takes off. [00:32:16] Speaker A: Thank you, buddy. Clint will wave at his friend and then turn back to his food. All right, got that taken care of. [00:32:28] Speaker B: All right, good. Coda. Do you think that when you use that ability, if you somehow strained more or got luckier, that the image would be more clear? [00:32:43] Speaker E: You are reasonably certain that if you got luckier, yes. [00:32:49] Speaker A: Do you think maybe a pair of glasses would help? [00:32:55] Speaker E: You don't think it is a problem with your eyesight? It is that you are. You know that it is because you were trying to use a power that wouldn't normally apply here. Like you. You were certainly having to really focus a lot harder than you normally, um, think. [00:33:16] Speaker C: Thank you, Clint. I don't think it's glasses. I think it's more so going through the underwater different view, different planes situation. Because normally I'm talking to the moon, but the moon's not here. However, I think if I was able to focus just a little bit more, I'd be able to. She says to Mister B, all right. [00:33:41] Speaker B: If you feel as if you need to try again, let me know, and I can give you a sort of boost in the fate department and hopefully make things a bit easier for you. [00:33:51] Speaker C: Okay. The party hasn't officially started or the part that we need to really be, like, concerned about hasn't started just yet. Correct? [00:34:02] Speaker E: Correct. [00:34:03] Speaker C: Okay, so I think she'll go. I think I'll ask maybe a little bit closer to when this shindig kicks off. [00:34:13] Speaker B: Of course. Just whenever you feel the need to use it, let me know, and I'll come running. [00:34:20] Speaker C: Got it. [00:34:22] Speaker E: What food do they have? [00:34:23] Speaker C: She will also look for food. [00:34:27] Speaker E: The food on the table is, it's a seafood boil, so there's crawfish and crab and oyster and. And shrimp. And they've got andouille sausage and corn. And there's all kinds of stuff. [00:34:46] Speaker C: Ooey. Coda's like. [00:34:51] Speaker E: Yeah. Pele is sitting over on the table and has clearly gotten into at least a handful of the things there because he is chowing down on what looks to be a crawfish at the moment. [00:35:05] Speaker C: Amazing. She'll take a plate for herself as well and then ask Oliver if he wanted anything. But she's going to eat, but is also, you know, thinking about what they have coming up for today. [00:35:18] Speaker B: I'll have something later. Thank you, though. [00:35:20] Speaker C: Okay. [00:35:23] Speaker E: All right. Anything else you guys want to do in preparation, or shall we skip ahead a little bit? [00:35:28] Speaker B: Not necessarily preparation, but what is Braum doing? [00:35:34] Speaker E: Bram is on the sand under the table, and occasionally Pele knocks food off of the table for him and he chomps it down like, shell and all. [00:35:48] Speaker B: That's all right. Just making sure he is doing his thing. He's all right. [00:35:55] Speaker C: Yeah. I don't think anything else for preparation. [00:35:58] Speaker E: My end, Clint? [00:36:00] Speaker A: Nope. I'm just gonna start using my toothpick and get some of the shell out from between my teeth. [00:36:06] Speaker E: Okay. Very cool. I'm not sure why Clint is chomping on shells, but that's fine. [00:36:12] Speaker A: I guess sometimes you gotta crack them open easier than using the little fiddly metal. [00:36:19] Speaker B: Use his teeth and, like, look to the table where they have, like, a good cracker. [00:36:22] Speaker E: You have epic strength and epic stamina. You could just do it with your hand. [00:36:26] Speaker A: Yeah, but that. It gets my hands dirty. [00:36:30] Speaker E: Oh, my God. Okay, whatever juice goes into your mouth, that's fine. Oh, my God. Okay. As time goes on, something you guys begin to notice is that that occasional ghostly figure that you would see passing down the, uh, passing along the beach becomes more and more frequent. Um, eventually there is just a stream of these figures. They seem kind of vaguely unaware of you. Um, one thing. Can I get everybody to give me perception and awareness? Thanks. [00:37:16] Speaker C: Said it. [00:37:18] Speaker E: I did. [00:37:20] Speaker B: So my favorite. [00:37:26] Speaker E: Oliver Bright. [00:37:28] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. [00:37:29] Speaker E: I got three on three dice. Really? [00:37:32] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. One to ten. [00:37:34] Speaker C: That's. [00:37:34] Speaker A: I got three as well. [00:37:37] Speaker C: One, two. [00:37:38] Speaker E: Koda, Koda, Koda. Five. Do you have any epics? [00:37:42] Speaker C: Yeah. Two, six, seven. [00:37:45] Speaker E: Damn. Okay, so all of you clock that there are just a large number and you're not entirely sure where they're all coming from. It looks like some of them are coming from like, out of the trees, some of them just further along the beaches. And you all notice that they kind of seem vaguely unaware of you or anything, really. They just sort of drift along. What Coda clocks more than anyone else is that no matter who she looks at, they are all keeping the greatest distance from the edge of the liquid that makes up the beach as possible. Like there is something that inborn in them that keeps them away from the water. [00:38:39] Speaker C: Hoda will point this out to the group, she'll munch it on a shrimp and go. They're all making sure to stay away from the water. So I guess if we see anything in the water coming towards us, it's not from our, it's not from the company that's supposed to be here. [00:38:59] Speaker A: Yeah, that's kind of what I was telling Ian, too. [00:39:02] Speaker B: Okay, good. So if he tells us he saw something coming out the water, then we ought to head that way. [00:39:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:39:10] Speaker C: So maybe we should be a little concerned about that ship that I saw. Then maybe. [00:39:18] Speaker E: As you are standing there and talking about this coda with that seven successes, you look towards the liquidity and you actually do see movement. There is a single light about five, 6ft above the water, and it looks like it is almost hovering above what looks like a rowboat that is pushing towards the edge of that, pushing towards the beach. And there are a number of figures in it. They all look solid, though. [00:40:03] Speaker C: Y'All, straight ahead. [00:40:06] Speaker A: What is it? [00:40:10] Speaker C: It's coming out of the water. So I don't think it's friends. [00:40:14] Speaker E: Maybe it's coming. It's on the water. It's on the water. Yeah. The boat is moving on. On the liquid, I should say. [00:40:24] Speaker C: I see on the liquid. [00:40:27] Speaker E: And as it gets closer, you see that there are four people sitting on benches in this rowboat. And then there is a fifth person who is standing at the. At the front of it who is wearing a. Almost like a stereotypical fisherman's outfit. He's got the kind of tan vest. It's covered in hooks and lures and things like that. He's got a hat on. He is a clearly african american man with a big white beard. Well, I say big. It's a white beard that is trimmed very close to his face. And the people in the boat are. There is a young woman with pale skin and long white hair who is wearing this. The best way I can describe it is kind of like if goth and like, a gentleman thief had, like, a baby. She's wearing a very, like, high class looking but somewhat dated outfit, but it is doffed up. There is a young man in a. Oh, goodness. A tank top and shorts who has very dark, rich brown skin and is built like a refrigerator. He's just a big dude, a younger man with kind of very thick coke bottle glasses. And honestly, looks like he and Oliver cut from the same cloth almost. He's not wearing tweed, but he is wearing probably a much more like a buttoned up almost suit look. And another young woman with braids and. Oh, goodness. She's wearing, like, jeans and a very closely cropped. Oh, goodness. What's the word I'm looking for? Like. Like, tube top. [00:43:31] Speaker C: Oh. [00:43:33] Speaker E: And the boat comes up on the shore beaches very easily. [00:43:38] Speaker A: Let's go say hi. [00:43:40] Speaker B: Yeah, we should probably look into that. [00:43:42] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:43:45] Speaker E: And as the old man steps off the boat, the man who's been built like a. Like a fridge kind of jumps out first and reaches over and starts to help the women out, and they all kind of turn and look at you. [00:44:07] Speaker B: I'll lead the approach up to them, kind of raise a hand as I walk up. Hello. [00:44:16] Speaker E: Evening. Comes the voice from the old man. [00:44:21] Speaker B: We've been tasked to stand watch for the libations, and I'm assuming you're here for that. And as I'm talking, I'm going to use Brayhorn's eye to get a read on these guys if I can. [00:44:33] Speaker E: Okay, remind me what that tells you. [00:44:36] Speaker B: So I'm going to do a roll, and for each success, I get to read a person's enec, quote unquote, meaning from highest legend score to lowest legend score, I get to know the person's highest virtue, lowest virtue in their nature. [00:44:54] Speaker E: Okay. [00:44:57] Speaker B: So let's see here. All right, six dice. That is two. [00:45:09] Speaker E: So you get to know two different peoples. [00:45:11] Speaker B: Yes. Starting with the. Whoever has the highest legend score and then the next one. And then. Yeah. [00:45:16] Speaker E: All right, well, the highest legend score is the old man. He burns like a sun. The only people who have ever been quite so intense in putting that kind of legend off in front of you. Pretty safe to assume that that's what he is. [00:45:40] Speaker B: Did you say a God? [00:45:41] Speaker E: Yes. He is a God. [00:45:42] Speaker B: Okay, that's what I figured. But. [00:45:48] Speaker E: Beside him, the most powerful is the pale young woman in the kind of victorian Goth esque outfit who is currently folding up a a lace parasol. Having looked above her and realized that there isn't really a son that she needs to contend with, she puts it away. [00:46:15] Speaker B: Gotcha. [00:46:16] Speaker E: In terms of what was the other virtues? [00:46:21] Speaker B: Highest virtue, their lowest virtue and their nature. [00:46:25] Speaker E: Okay, give me one moment. I wasn't planning to have to answer all of this. [00:46:38] Speaker C: Oliver has some cool stuff. [00:46:40] Speaker E: He does. [00:46:42] Speaker B: Enik is a very cool little tree. [00:46:57] Speaker E: You can tell that both of them have. Their highest is piety. And their lowest. Sorry, guys. [00:47:19] Speaker B: No worries. I did this. [00:47:22] Speaker E: You did this to me. [00:47:24] Speaker B: I did this. This is my fault. [00:47:32] Speaker E: Her lowest is order, and his lowest is Ermonye. [00:47:49] Speaker B: Not right. [00:47:52] Speaker E: Was there anything else? [00:47:54] Speaker B: I also get their natures, but I won't make you sift through it if you don't want to. I got what I needed. [00:48:02] Speaker E: I mean, he's a God. His nature is hard to pin down. Being what he is, hers is gambler. [00:48:13] Speaker B: All right. And just. I'm fairly certain I don't need to ask this question anymore. But both of these are. All four of these virtues are ones I am familiar with. Being amongst the quote unquote like loyal psions. [00:48:29] Speaker E: Yes. [00:48:30] Speaker B: Okay. In case. Yeah, I'll just do that really quick and then continue the conversation as if nothing happened. [00:48:39] Speaker E: Um, he. The old man kind of turned. I know who you are. You're here to do my job. For a day. [00:48:52] Speaker B: That we are. [00:48:55] Speaker E: And he kind of puts his hand out. Dakota first. Agwe low of the ocean. [00:49:04] Speaker C: Whoa. He'll take his hand and shake it, like, as strongly as she can and go. Pleasure to meet you. Coda Masikoi. Sign of a step. So you must all be the ones who get to actually take a break this year. [00:49:21] Speaker E: These are among some of them. Well, cool. He points to the african american woman. This is my notes. Where are my notes? I'm sorry. This is Auralee. And he points to the white girl, and she kind of smiles and puts out her own hand. [00:49:59] Speaker C: I take it in a. Charlotte. [00:50:02] Speaker E: Nice to meet you. [00:50:06] Speaker C: Hmm. When she holds it out. Is it like normal holding it out, or is it like. [00:50:13] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, no. [00:50:14] Speaker C: She holds it up to palm, facing down. Okay, gotcha. Um, yeah. She'll shake her hand and go, Hoda Masakoi, sayona Bessette. [00:50:25] Speaker E: Nice to meet you. This is my brother, Bastian. And she points to the man who has built, like, a refrigerator. And the awkward one is Claude. And Claude just sort of pushes up his glasses and gives a little wave. [00:50:51] Speaker C: She'll wave, she'll wave, nod to. What was his name? [00:50:56] Speaker E: Bess Bestiette. [00:50:58] Speaker C: Bastiat. And then she'll look to the group and go, this is. Well, I mean, they can introduce themselves, right? [00:51:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Hi, y'all. I'm Clint Brazos. I'm a scion of the Morrigan. It's nice to meet y'all, and I'm happy to be helping out and making sure you all get to relax for once. [00:51:22] Speaker B: Oliver Bright, scion of Oghma. [00:51:28] Speaker E: Nice to meet you. Bastian and Debara. Children. Claude is a son of Ogul and she's a son of Azuli. And normally we would come to, old fashioned way, pop in at papa's house, but whatever tang going on and agwe sort of sighs a little bit. Security has been strengthened. He fills in. [00:52:06] Speaker A: That's why we're here. [00:52:08] Speaker E: Yep. I think what he means to say is we can't just pop in whenever we want, like normally could. [00:52:19] Speaker C: Whoa. Was it a long time? [00:52:22] Speaker E: No, no. Most of us spend most of our time around New Orleans anyway. But, uh, well, bestien and I had this job last year, so I hope you all have fun. [00:52:43] Speaker A: I mean, while you're here, do you got any sort of advice for us? [00:52:48] Speaker E: Mind the tentacles. [00:52:52] Speaker A: Okay. I'm a little concerned by that, but surely it'll be fine. [00:52:58] Speaker E: Bastiod sort of laughs. My sister has a way with woods. Don't get in the water if you don't have to. And don't try not to get hit if the tentacles do show up. [00:53:16] Speaker A: All right, I think we can manage with that. [00:53:21] Speaker C: Question. So, and this is Coda saying this, not me. So let's say something did show up today. If we knock them into the water, would that affect this creature that's in the water at all? Would it be beneficial if we just feed the entity that's in there with the troublemakers? [00:53:52] Speaker E: It don't work like that. Unfortunately, the tentacles are the entity, but they can get frisky sometimes. Like to try and grab you right off the beach if they get the. If they get a wild hare. Ah. [00:54:12] Speaker C: Okay. All right. So then mind the tentacles. [00:54:22] Speaker A: Seems easy enough, don't it? [00:54:24] Speaker E: Mm hmm. Sure, honey. It's easy. Well, we better get up. Get up towards the house. Papa don't mind we leave, but my mom, she gets touchy. [00:54:41] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Y'all go on. Enjoy your party. We'll be here if y'all need us. [00:54:49] Speaker E: Oh, um, if you can stop them, don't let the spirits get too close to the water. If they start coming downhill, we will do our best to keep them up there, but some might lag behind. [00:55:05] Speaker B: Okay, noted. [00:55:10] Speaker E: Agway sorta nods a little bit. I'm leaving my boat here, but it gets messed up. It's fine. I make another one. [00:55:21] Speaker C: Understood. [00:55:25] Speaker E: And, uh, he kind of gives a wave. Claude gives a little awkward. Awkward finger wiggle at coda. Um, and. And a nod of Oliver. It is one of those I understand you kind of nods of respect, you know, like, you are the only person here that seems like he would be even vaguely comfortable. Or even when standing next to his. [00:55:55] Speaker B: Family, gives, like, a solitary nod back. [00:56:00] Speaker E: And then they all sort of. They all sort of make their way up the. Up along this. These silt beaches towards the. Towards the treeline. Over the intervening time, there's a couple other boats that show up like that. Agwe somehow manages to be on all of them to help scions along. He hops off the boat. Eventually, the boat sort of fades from existence in front of you, and then he shows back up on it again with more people. You do not have to greethe after the second or third time. It happens, like, okay, so this is just a process we're gonna go through, but eventually you stop seeing living people, other scions or otherwise show up, and the boat is finally stationary. It doesn't fade away. [00:57:00] Speaker A: You know, if Agwe had our number, he could just let us know when he's showing up. He wouldn't have to be surprised each time. [00:57:09] Speaker B: We don't use dumber. Clint. [00:57:11] Speaker A: Come on. We could use it. [00:57:16] Speaker C: We could. See after all of this, as I. [00:57:19] Speaker B: Was gonna say, once we're done doing our job, if you see him, feel free to ask. [00:57:25] Speaker A: All right, I'll do that. [00:57:29] Speaker E: All right. After some time, you all have eaten your fill, had plenty of sweet tea, which never seems to run out no matter how much you drink. Bram has dug himself a little, like, hidey hole under the table. It's almost like he has made himself his own private little cave in the sand. And all you guys see is, like, his head sticking up out of. Out of the sand as he snoozes from his very full belly. Pele kind of wanders off every so often and then comes back. And then wanders off every so often, and then comes back. Every time he comes back, he eats a little bit more, but never too much. And eventually, you guys can feel when the air around you starts to shift, when there is something about the atmosphere of this place that somehow becomes lighter but also fuller. You can feel the. The good vibes from the big house in the center of the island. The music gets louder. You can hear cheers and singing and the sounds of a party happening in the distance. But even as that happens, you feel the tension where you are rising while the center of the island seems to be louder. Somehow it feels almost quieter where you are. It's like the contrast has almost made you feel like you are standing outside in the moments before a hurricane begins to roll in. I would like. Oh, go ahead. [00:59:45] Speaker A: Y'all think maybe we should just go to the party and relax for a minute? [00:59:49] Speaker C: No, not in the slightest. [00:59:52] Speaker B: All right, get your patrols. [00:59:55] Speaker A: All right. Okay. [00:59:59] Speaker E: I would like everybody to roll me. Perception, awareness. [01:00:10] Speaker C: Perception. [01:00:11] Speaker B: And when it's, uh, one, four. [01:00:19] Speaker C: Seven. Okay. Oh, wow. [01:00:26] Speaker E: Hmm. [01:00:31] Speaker C: I do a reroll. [01:00:34] Speaker E: Uh, we don't reroll bit. [01:00:37] Speaker B: I thought you could spend a legend point to reroll. [01:00:39] Speaker E: Oh, yes. No, you are right. Yes, you can. [01:00:41] Speaker C: I was like, wait, what? [01:00:44] Speaker E: You absolutely can. Sorry. Sorry. It's been a hot minute. It has. [01:00:49] Speaker B: It has. [01:00:50] Speaker C: I forget, does it reroll the whole thing or just the failed ones? [01:00:53] Speaker E: I forget. [01:00:54] Speaker B: I think it's the whole thing. [01:00:55] Speaker E: Yeah, it's the whole thing. [01:00:56] Speaker C: Okay. [01:00:57] Speaker E: BTM, much better. [01:00:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:01:00] Speaker E: One is much better. [01:01:02] Speaker C: Three. And then I have two. Five. [01:01:07] Speaker E: So we have a four, a five, and a one. Okay. Oliver, as per usual, you don't get much. You see, occasionally a shadow swim by in the water in the distance. Um, that very, very deep, dark, almost inky black is just something in there is just dark or just big enough that you see it, but it's gone before you can really figure out what. [01:01:52] Speaker B: I'm going to ensure that it's always on my left side so that I can see it coming if I need to get out of the way. [01:01:58] Speaker E: Understood. Clint, you had four. [01:02:04] Speaker A: I sure did. [01:02:06] Speaker E: What you see is perhaps far more unsettling. You remember Coda mentioning a ship? You see an actual physical, three masted, old fashioned, like 17 hundreds ship in the distance with its sails open and billowing, and you can see the outlines of figures on the deck. Oda. [01:02:54] Speaker C: Yep. [01:02:57] Speaker E: You see. You see the ship and you catch the occasional bits of movement in the water, but what you see more than anyone else is that it's not one ship, it's like three. And they're spaced out. And that in and of itself is concerning, but they don't seem to necessarily be drawing any closer and you would have missed it. You almost missed this because you were so busy looking at the ships. But you catch another of those darting movements under the water and you see just as one of them begins to crest up out of that inky blackness, a massive, massive, like easily five to six foot thick tentacle. And it splashes the water and then begins to shoot upwards towards the beach. And we are going to begin combat. I already had everybody roll their joint combat roll. [01:04:16] Speaker C: Sweet gerkins. [01:04:22] Speaker E: All right, how's everybody doing? Are we excited? [01:04:26] Speaker C: I don't like the ocean. [01:04:33] Speaker E: Okay, I would like to call for everybody's intentions before we really properly started. [01:04:45] Speaker A: Clint will be getting his toothpick extended and ready. [01:04:51] Speaker E: Well, let's hold on. Coda is the only one who's seen this coming, so let's let Coda go first. [01:04:55] Speaker A: Okay? Yeah. [01:04:56] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Am I able to let the group know what I'm seeing? Because I think that would be her first thing is going like, guys, look, there's this. So that could be her, like, letting everyone know what she's seeing. That's her first intention. [01:05:13] Speaker E: You can, you can talk as a free action. Yes. [01:05:15] Speaker C: All right. Amazing. So she will let people know and then we'll get her capech out. [01:05:22] Speaker E: Okay, would you like to describe what it looks like when you turn your coat, when you turn your baseball bat into your kopeshe? [01:05:30] Speaker C: Oh, I don't have that prepared. [01:05:32] Speaker E: I'm sorry. Okay, would you like me to describe it? Koda has had her baseball bat just sort of like either at her side or it's propped up on her shoulder, depending on how tense she's feeling. And when she sees this, she takes it from, she kind of swings it sideways and out from her shoulder from where it was resting on her shoulder. And as she does this kind of long, arcing loop, it shimmers and grows and curves into this long, curved, wicked sword. All right, next on my list for joy in battle is Oliver. You have been told something is coming. [01:06:23] Speaker B: Mm hmm. So I have. In that case, I will promptly and immediately look at and be like, brace yourselves and get ready and use blessing of bravery. [01:06:39] Speaker E: Okay. Is there a role associated with that? [01:06:42] Speaker B: No, it just happens. It is. While we're in conflict. All psions on my side gain, a point of willpower and two temporary points of valor. [01:06:51] Speaker E: All right, you guys, mark those down. [01:06:54] Speaker A: Thank you. [01:06:57] Speaker B: Clint. [01:07:01] Speaker A: All right. Yeah. Clint will pull the toothpick from between his lips, drag it between one hand and the other, and as he does so, it thickens and elongates into a what appears to be a very sharp and pointy. Let's go with a yao meatle. I think that's what it's listed as. Effectively, just a really long spear that he can throw. [01:07:26] Speaker E: Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent. [01:07:32] Speaker A: Rolls his shoulders and gets ready. All right, y'all, looks like we're gonna be doing the work we're paid to do. [01:07:39] Speaker B: We're not getting paid. [01:07:41] Speaker A: We got food. [01:07:44] Speaker B: All right. [01:07:45] Speaker E: Also, you're absolutely getting paid. They're letting Stefan out of prison early. [01:07:50] Speaker B: Well, yeah, like, we're getting something out of it, but we're not getting money. [01:07:57] Speaker E: Of all the people, I didn't think Oliver would be the one who would get into, like, the petting. [01:08:03] Speaker B: This isn't all of her getting in. This is me Gary, saying we're not getting money out of it. [01:08:10] Speaker E: All right, well, on the bright side, this thing's join battle is not as good as y'all's. So it's better than Oliver's. No, wait, it's better than Clint's because Clint rolled a one, right? [01:08:33] Speaker A: Mm hmm. That's right. [01:08:40] Speaker E: Okay, hoda, there is a tentacle, uh, that you have seen coming up out of the water at you. What would you like to do? [01:08:55] Speaker C: She said mind the tentacles. So I. Right now we can only see one. [01:09:02] Speaker E: Yeah, you have only seen one so far. [01:09:04] Speaker C: Okay. Um. [01:09:08] Speaker E: Hmm. [01:09:10] Speaker C: I am going to avoid it for now. So I think that's what I'm doing. Like, trying to, like, dodge in a way to make sure I don't get hit. [01:09:28] Speaker E: Okay, we can do that. Ta da. Oliver. [01:09:37] Speaker B: I'm gonna try to get a lay of the situation here. So the tentacle has come out of the beach and it's coming straight to us, right? [01:09:43] Speaker E: One of them is. Yes, it is coming up the beach. [01:09:48] Speaker B: All right. Does it seem like any of them are paying those ships in Hemind? [01:09:53] Speaker E: Nope. It looks like it is ready to lash out at Clint specifically. [01:10:02] Speaker B: Gotcha. In that case, I would like to kind of direct Clint to watch out, give him a little command roll to try to boost his ability to maybe evade the thing if it tries to get him. [01:10:17] Speaker E: Okay, give me a roll. [01:10:20] Speaker B: All right, let me check and see if Warmaster site is, like, an automatic thing or if I have to spend anything because it's been a minute. No. Yeah. I have to spend legend for now. I'll just do a normal command roll. It would be command plus. What do you think? [01:10:44] Speaker E: Look at your sheet. Sorry I'm not back in the swing of having y'all stuff, like, in memorized yet. Let's go with charisma. [01:10:54] Speaker B: All right. I. That is one. [01:11:10] Speaker E: Okay, Clint, you get one extra die. There is a tentacle shooting for you. Unfortunately for you, it gets to go first. [01:11:19] Speaker A: Uh oh. [01:11:20] Speaker B: So I told him to watch out. [01:11:22] Speaker E: Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on. [01:11:24] Speaker A: I see it. [01:11:25] Speaker E: Code is dodging. Oliver went. Okay, it gets to go first. Gonna roll. Oh, Clint, I'm so sorry. [01:11:43] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [01:11:53] Speaker E: Only 15 dice. You'll be fine, right? [01:11:59] Speaker A: It'll be fine. [01:12:01] Speaker B: I gave you an extra die to a dodge. It's all good. Yeah. [01:12:05] Speaker A: That's not a whole lot, but it's something. [01:12:09] Speaker B: It's all you need. [01:12:10] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all I need. [01:12:16] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:12:17] Speaker A: Oh, no. [01:12:21] Speaker E: 24567 or seven. [01:12:29] Speaker A: So does epic dodge or epic dexterity help with this at all? [01:12:34] Speaker E: Well, you have to declare your defense. [01:12:36] Speaker A: That's a great point. If it's coming at me, would I be able to use my toothpick to swap it out of the way? [01:12:43] Speaker E: Are you asking to parry? Yes, you can absolutely parry. And I will even say that plus one can add to that. [01:12:51] Speaker A: Perfect. Cause that does help me with my defense a little bit. [01:12:57] Speaker E: What is your pari DV with a plus one? [01:13:01] Speaker A: With a plus one, it'll be a CX. [01:13:04] Speaker E: Okay. And I rolled a what? Seven. [01:13:07] Speaker B: Yep. [01:13:08] Speaker A: I got three, six, four success. [01:13:10] Speaker E: You don't have to roll. You just subtract from what I rolled. [01:13:15] Speaker A: Oh, dear. Well, that's not as good, though. [01:13:18] Speaker E: Well, no, because you have a six, and I rolled seven, so I only have one extra success. [01:13:26] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [01:13:29] Speaker E: You're fine. Take a breath. [01:13:31] Speaker A: Ish. Fine ish. [01:13:37] Speaker E: Now, do you have a hardness value at all? I don't think you do. [01:13:54] Speaker A: I'm not normally. No. [01:13:56] Speaker E: Cool. That's fine. [01:13:59] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:14:03] Speaker E: Listen, I'm just figuring out what all. Give me. Give me a break. [01:14:08] Speaker B: No, I was saying that Toyota Glenn said. [01:14:21] Speaker E: Y'All, I got too many things open. I'm sorry. Give me a minute. Trying to. Trying to look at five different things all at once. It's not working. Okay, do, do, do. Would you like to do a defensive do over? [01:15:08] Speaker A: Oh, let me see. [01:15:10] Speaker E: By spending one legend point, you can. You can retroactively increase your against successful attack by an amount equal athletics. Divided by. [01:15:23] Speaker A: That would mean I get a zero or they get zero hits. So, yes, I would do that. I will spend one point of legend. [01:15:30] Speaker E: All right. Spend that point of legend. The tentacle. This massive, massive tentacle lashes out towards Clint, and it looks for a moment like Clint's about to get grabbed by it. And then you all see as this tentacle crashes into his weapon that his muscles kind of flex for a moment and you can almost see a glow coming off of him. Just that split second as he drives all of that epic, all of his divine ichor, into his body to have the strength to push the tentacle back and not allow it to grab him. [01:16:15] Speaker A: Get off of me. [01:16:18] Speaker E: All right, now it's your turn. [01:16:20] Speaker A: I would like to return the favor by trying to stab through the tentacle and down into the sand. [01:16:27] Speaker E: Okay. It is going to use its dodge tv. [01:16:32] Speaker A: I understand. [01:16:36] Speaker E: Because it doesn't have perry. [01:16:40] Speaker A: It's ten for the dice pool and then two auto successes. Let's see. 1234-5678 910, 1111. [01:16:54] Speaker E: Holy cow. [01:16:55] Speaker C: Well done. [01:16:57] Speaker B: Boy, oh, boy. [01:17:00] Speaker E: Well done. Well done. [01:17:05] Speaker A: Thank you. It also comes with a two lethal damage on this particular weapon. [01:17:10] Speaker E: Hold on. Would you like to invoke one of your virtues to give yourself a couple of extra dice? Because eleven will just. [01:17:23] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll take advantage of the to valor that we were just bestowed. [01:17:28] Speaker E: Okay, so remember, in the future, you have to call that before you make your attack. I am being nice because this is the first combat backed. [01:17:37] Speaker A: Thank you. I appreciate it. [01:17:39] Speaker E: Go ahead and roll your two dice. [01:17:47] Speaker A: One. Okay. Two. There you go. So that's a total of 13. [01:17:55] Speaker E: You get to roll one extra die, dear. Or another die. Ooh. [01:18:00] Speaker A: One more. Okay. [01:18:02] Speaker B: He rolled them separately. So he still rolled two. [01:18:04] Speaker A: I still did a total of two for the valor. [01:18:07] Speaker E: Oh, I missed the first one. I'm sorry. God. Yeah. [01:18:10] Speaker A: Yep. [01:18:11] Speaker E: That first one was one. [01:18:12] Speaker A: And the second one was one. [01:18:13] Speaker E: Yeah, I missed the first one. I missed the first one. All right, cool. Two. Very good. All right, so that puts you over its dv. So roll your damage and add two to your total. [01:18:31] Speaker A: So normally that's just two damage. Does that include strength as well? [01:18:35] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [01:18:36] Speaker A: Thank you. Thank you. Seven and then plus two. [01:18:41] Speaker E: So nine, it's your weapon plus either dex or strength. So it's strength for you because it's melee. [01:18:52] Speaker A: That's right. [01:18:53] Speaker E: And then you get two additional because you went over it, Stevie, so. [01:19:00] Speaker A: Oh, all right. Two, four, six total. And then do epic strength points. Also add a. [01:19:08] Speaker E: They do. [01:19:09] Speaker A: So that will be an additional two on top of that. [01:19:12] Speaker E: Not bad. [01:19:15] Speaker A: Like I said. Get off of me. [01:19:18] Speaker E: So that's a total of what? [01:19:19] Speaker A: 2468? Total. [01:19:22] Speaker E: Not bad. Not bad. Oh, I'm sorry, dear. [01:19:33] Speaker A: Uh. Oh. [01:19:35] Speaker E: Uh, so you hit it and. And you hit. True. Uh, but there is something about this thing that is damn near your spear hits it. Um, and almost. It almost. It's almost like trying to hit rubber, because the tip of the spear sort of, uh, hits it and, like, presses into it but just doesn't break the surface. [01:20:01] Speaker A: This thing is too sturdy, too hard. I can't get through. [01:20:09] Speaker C: He did say, mind the. Mind the tentacles. [01:20:13] Speaker A: Yep. I guess that means I have to just avoid them, not hit him. [01:20:18] Speaker E: Okay, character, I'd like to remind you that you guys do have the option to work as a team to give each other to up your chances significantly of accomplishing things. Actually, I have a question, Oliver. Do you still have Brahe's eye up? [01:20:37] Speaker B: I think it only lasts either for a moment or the scene, so unlikely. Okay, let me see. I do have the. [01:20:47] Speaker E: Oh, well, you have to roll anyway, and it caps out. Yeah, never mind. Okay, moving on. Oda. [01:21:12] Speaker C: Yes, siree. [01:21:13] Speaker E: It is your turn. You saw Clint nearly get snatched by this thing, fend it off, and then try to turn around and hit it back, and it doesn't seem to have done anything. [01:21:24] Speaker C: Okay. Um, the ships, they are not moving. Correct? [01:21:33] Speaker E: I'm sorry, say that again? [01:21:35] Speaker C: I said the ships, they're not moving. Correct. [01:21:37] Speaker E: Uh, you can't. You don't think they're moving towards you? They are moving. They're. It doesn't. Toward you. Hmm. [01:21:48] Speaker C: Okay, I am going to. I kind of want to help. [01:22:03] Speaker E: Help. [01:22:06] Speaker C: Clint try to do that again, what he just did. But I'm also thinking if we can get it to attack the ships instead, to direct focus there. So. So I have divine radiance, which lets me shoot out like a. Or I can glow, or I can turn the glow into a beam. Can I try using that beam to get the Kraken or this creature to take its focus somewhere else? That's not us. [01:22:48] Speaker E: You could certainly try. [01:22:50] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna certainly try and do that. [01:22:53] Speaker E: Is there a dice roll or anything for that particular power? Do you just do? [01:22:56] Speaker C: Yeah. I spend one legend, and the most that would happen, it's. I would choose, where do I want a hundred watt beam to shine from? Or I can make it narrower. The burst imposes a minus two distraction penalty on the victims next reflective action. So. Okay, yeah, so I will spend a legend, and she's going to use her sword and try to emit the beam from her sword to kind of shine towards the. Whatever is the closest ship to us. I guess. [01:23:43] Speaker E: Now they're all pretty far out there. [01:23:45] Speaker C: Pretty far. [01:23:46] Speaker E: There's one on to the right, one to the left. [01:23:54] Speaker C: It's a free action to talk. Yeah. Okay, y'all, I have. I have the ability to shine a light. I want to try to distract. Take this thing's attention off of us. Where do you think I should shine the light? [01:24:10] Speaker A: I don't think it has eyes, so probably not at it. [01:24:14] Speaker B: I'm going to slowly look over to, like, our feast table. Is there still a lot of food there? [01:24:22] Speaker E: I mean, there's some. There's not a ton. You guys have been here for a hot minute. And your animal, too. [01:24:31] Speaker B: I'll still point to it anyway. Try the table. [01:24:35] Speaker C: Okay, cool. I will shine a light at the food table and try to get it to focus there instead. [01:24:47] Speaker E: Okay. [01:24:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:24:49] Speaker E: Make your roll. [01:24:52] Speaker C: There is no roll. I just spent legend. [01:24:54] Speaker E: But I thought you said there was a roll. Sorry, my bad. Roll. Meredith. Oh, coda. What do you have? Roll me. Let's go. Appearance and. [01:25:12] Speaker C: Oh. [01:25:19] Speaker E: It'S got appearance and presence. [01:25:22] Speaker C: Okay, appearance and presence. That is three, five, six. Okay. That is two successes. I do have one. [01:25:48] Speaker E: It's okay, it's okay. [01:25:50] Speaker C: Okay. [01:25:53] Speaker E: You beat both its intelligence and its width. Uh, with. With the three, because I knew you had, uh, plus one to your spirit. So, um. Okay. Uh, you're not positive that it will work, but you feel like it's. It's, uh, wavering and is less suddenly less interested in Clint. [01:26:23] Speaker C: Cool. [01:26:26] Speaker E: Oliver, I believe, is an XDS. [01:26:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I think so. [01:26:31] Speaker E: Yep. What would you like to do? [01:26:36] Speaker B: I think I'll use Brayhon's eye. [01:26:42] Speaker E: Okay. [01:26:43] Speaker B: I was originally gonna try to bait it with food, but since coda was able to take care of that. Yeah. Let's go ahead and give another Brayhorn's eye. [01:26:51] Speaker E: Make your roll. [01:26:53] Speaker B: I need to remind myself what the pool was. That is two. [01:27:04] Speaker E: That's fine. There's really only the one thing. [01:27:07] Speaker B: I just need to warn you. [01:27:11] Speaker E: So it does have legend from the glow coming off of it. More significant than y'all's legend, but not anywhere near a God. This legend looks probably about close to where, like, net and Stefan are maybe a little bit more. [01:27:38] Speaker B: All right. [01:27:40] Speaker E: In terms of it's virtues, its highest is rapacity, and its lowest is roll me. Just roll me a d ten. If it's evens, it'll be one. If it's odds, it'll be. [01:28:01] Speaker B: Six. So uneven. [01:28:03] Speaker E: Its lowest is ambition. [01:28:06] Speaker B: All right. And it's nature. [01:28:15] Speaker E: Oh, um, it doesn't really have one. It's. It is. It is a supernatural creature or beast. From what you have been able to tell how. How easily coda has been kind of deflected. It probably doesn't have a whole lot of personality. [01:28:37] Speaker B: All right. Okay. As I kind of turn to address everyone, it really likes stuff, but is not very ambitious. So if we annoyed enough, it'll probably just give up. Use that as you will. [01:28:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:28:52] Speaker C: Okay. [01:28:56] Speaker E: Okay. Its turn. Coda screwed with its perception of things. And that tentacle swings away from Clint and towards the table. The table gets hit by this massive tentacle and it kind of explodes based on how hard it gets hit. You all hear an indignant and vaguely frightened like growl howl from under the table as bits of wood and food and sweet tea go everywhere. And what's left of the table and food gets dragged back out into the water or into the liquid. And as everything clears, you guys realize that laying under this pile of broken wood and things, there is a shuffle of movement and then a small scaled head appears. Right. [01:30:13] Speaker B: It kind of wins, like, yep. All right. Sorry, bromide. [01:30:25] Speaker E: Bram looks unhappy and a little freaked out, and there are little puffs of smoke coming from his nose. And as you guys are convinced that this thing is probably about to withdraw and go back, you see another tentacle coming up out of the water at the same time. And we're back. Thanks for waiting, guys. All right. Before we went to the break, there was a second tentacle rising up out of the water towards our psions. I am given to understand that Oliver has a plan and wants to share it with his crew, which we will do after we see if one of the people on the beach gets a tentacle grabbed. Let's go for. Let's go for code. [01:31:39] Speaker C: I felt it in my bones. [01:31:47] Speaker E: Fucking love you. [01:31:54] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:31:59] Speaker E: All right, what's it accuracy? 15. [01:32:06] Speaker A: How good are you at getting out of the way there? [01:32:08] Speaker E: 23456, that is six. What's your dv? [01:32:17] Speaker C: Eight. [01:32:19] Speaker E: All right. It swings at Koda and Koda brings her kopech up and kind of knocks it to the side as she jumps in the opposite direction utilizing hat like graces. [01:32:35] Speaker C: I do have that. [01:32:37] Speaker E: You do? Uh, Clint, would you like to hold your action? [01:32:44] Speaker A: I certainly would. If there's a plan in mind, I'd like to hear it. [01:32:48] Speaker E: All right, I'm going to assume Koda would also like to hold her action shift. We're gonna skiff to a skill challenge. Yes. Yes. All right. For people at home, my players have decided during the break that rather than continuing to try and fight the massive tentacles and whatever they are attached to, they would like to try to utilize a skill challenge, turn it away from shore and send it back to where it came from rather than having it soak up all of their resources. So, Oliver, you are typically the one in charge. Would you like to map out what you guys are going to do? [01:33:34] Speaker B: Yes. So basically, as I see these two tentacles rise out, I'll kind of, like, look between it, the waters, those ships that are back there, and just begin to do some quick mental calculations before I turn to Kota Koda, use that beam that you used just a second ago. Put it on Clint's spear. Clint, I want you to throw that thing as hard as you possibly can into the water. It's up to you if you want to just throw it somewhere else in the water or at those ships. [01:34:03] Speaker A: I mean, them ships look like an easy target way out there. [01:34:07] Speaker C: Oh, the old cat laser trick. Yeah, I could do that. [01:34:11] Speaker B: Sure. And I will be doing a little command thing you do on Clint to try to help him out with this. [01:34:18] Speaker E: Oliver, I would like you to roll me intelligence and command, please. Cool. [01:34:24] Speaker B: And I will spend some. I'll spend two points of legend to give myself two additional dice on this from war master site. [01:34:32] Speaker E: Would you like to invoke intellect? [01:34:36] Speaker B: Yes, I would, actually. That's a great idea. I'll get three additional dice since that's gonna be a total of five additional dice on top of my normal amount. [01:34:45] Speaker E: Let's do it. [01:34:48] Speaker B: Eight plus five is 13. That is 2467 plus 310 total. [01:35:01] Speaker E: Well done. All right. That is going to give five extra dice to whoever makes last roll, which we're going to assume Clint, because he's the one throwing the spear. Coda. Yes. [01:35:20] Speaker C: I have to spend legend again. [01:35:22] Speaker E: Spend more legend. Yeah. And I'm going to have you roll. Let's go. Appearance and presents again. Appearance and present. Free. Two. [01:35:51] Speaker C: No, one. [01:35:52] Speaker E: One. Would you like to reroll that? [01:35:54] Speaker C: Yes, I would like to reroll that. [01:35:59] Speaker E: Dock that down. Much better. That is a total four. Awesome. So that's gonna give another plus two. So that's seven extra dice. Clint. [01:36:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:36:16] Speaker E: Would you like to throw your spear? [01:36:18] Speaker A: I would love to. Clint kind of raises it up, puts one arm straight out, aiming it kind of like he's pointing at the ship off in the horizon and gives the full effort that he can. [01:36:32] Speaker E: That's going to be your strength. Plus throne, plus three from the or plus two from the weapon itself. And then your extra seven. [01:36:49] Speaker A: Okay. And then you said three from the weapon. [01:36:53] Speaker E: No, the weapon is two. I'm looking at your. [01:36:55] Speaker A: All right, so it's eleven then. Plus the seven. That's 18 dice total. [01:36:59] Speaker E: Yes. Sweet. And you know what? This virtues. [01:37:03] Speaker B: If you want. [01:37:04] Speaker E: Yes. You can use another virtue. [01:37:07] Speaker A: Clint would like to tap into his courage and disregard the fact that this thing took almost absolutely no damage from his initial strike. Get over the fear. Focus. [01:37:21] Speaker E: And I will. I will allow. I will call this a two die. Well, no, let's make it a three die stunt. [01:37:29] Speaker A: All right, so that's a 19 plus three. That's 22 die. [01:37:32] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [01:37:35] Speaker A: All right, y'all. [01:37:39] Speaker E: 1234-5678 910, 1112. 13. 1415. [01:37:49] Speaker B: Plus your epics. [01:37:50] Speaker A: And then plus two from epic strength. Yep. [01:37:54] Speaker E: Holy cow. That is 17 dice. Clint. [01:37:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:38:01] Speaker E: I'm going to give you an option. [01:38:04] Speaker A: All right? [01:38:06] Speaker E: I'm gonna. Well, I'm gonna give you two options. Number one, which of the three ships are you throwing it at? [01:38:14] Speaker A: Is there one that seems to be larger or in the front of the others? [01:38:19] Speaker E: They all seem kind of around the same distance and about the same size. There is one on the right, one on the left. [01:38:25] Speaker A: Let's go for the middle. [01:38:27] Speaker E: All right, the second option, you can have this do damage to the ship itself, or you can restore a single point of a single legend point to you and your. [01:38:43] Speaker A: I would like to restore legend to me and my friends. [01:38:47] Speaker E: All right, so the spear flies true. Clint hauls back on it as it begins to glow from the power of Coda's sun purview. And it almost gets hot in your hand, Clint, as you wheel back and then hurl it as hard as you can. And you see it sail over the water. And you guys see what you realize is the top of a massive squid kind of surfaces just a little bit as it sails over. And you can see one massive black eye follow that trajectory as both of the tentacles withdraw from the. From the beach. And you see multiple other tentacles surface from the water, but in the opposite direction of where you are. And they all go out. And three of them come up and begin to come down towards this ship. There is a flash as Clint's weapon strikes true and embeds itself in the side of the ship, not the mast, because the mast might have been too high. So Clint aimed for the body of it to keep it close to the water, where it would be easily spotted by something under the waves. And these massive tentacles go up and then they come down and they crash into the ship. And you watch it almost seem to explode with the force. [01:40:39] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, goodness. Y'all see you did it. [01:40:47] Speaker C: Yeah. Wow. Oh. [01:40:53] Speaker E: Oh. [01:40:54] Speaker A: Oh. That don't look good to you? [01:40:56] Speaker E: Going to recall your weapon. [01:40:58] Speaker A: Clint's gonna wait for just a second to make sure that there's plenty of time and attention paid to the. What would be left of the ship. [01:41:05] Speaker E: You hear scream, the screaming of Mendez in the distance as these tentacles begin to drag what's left of the ship under the water. And you see the other two ships kind of wheel around to put their broadsides facing where the tentacles and what's left of the other ship are. And you hear cannon fire. [01:41:36] Speaker A: I mean, those are bad folks, right? We didn't just murder a whole ship of people for no reason. [01:41:44] Speaker B: I think it's very convenient that those ships arrived at the exact same moment that the tentacles started bombarding us and stood there and seemed to be waiting. We don't know for sure, but I have a feeling there's a relation also. [01:42:00] Speaker C: Agway kind of stopped showing up with people, and the other people you saw show up kind of dwindled down. So I think. I don't think that's the case. [01:42:13] Speaker B: That's true. I think if anyone else was supposed to be here, they would have had an escort of some kind. [01:42:20] Speaker A: Okay. That does make me feel better. Thank you. [01:42:24] Speaker C: That was fucking sick, though. [01:42:26] Speaker A: Hell yeah. Good job keeping the light on that thing. I didn't. That was going so fast. [01:42:35] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:42:37] Speaker C: Pretty good at what I do, mister b, though. That quick brain math. I don't know how you do it. [01:42:52] Speaker B: Just the perks of being me, I guess. [01:42:58] Speaker E: Yes. As you all are standing there congratulating yourself, a sound that chills you to your bones, echoes around you. And you realize as you look back out towards the ships, that a mist and a fog have begun to raise up off of the water. [01:43:21] Speaker A: That's not good. [01:43:23] Speaker E: And there is a howl that almost makes your teeth rattle in your skull. [01:43:36] Speaker A: And that's when Clint will recall the spear. [01:43:41] Speaker E: Clint, can you please roll me? Just your legend score. [01:43:44] Speaker A: Your thing. The current level? [01:43:49] Speaker E: No, your legend score, not your legend points. [01:43:51] Speaker A: Gotcha. Okay. [01:43:55] Speaker E: There should be four dice. [01:43:59] Speaker A: There it is. There's no successes. Okay, I think I'll reroll that one, if that's okay. [01:44:11] Speaker E: Um. Normally I wouldn't allow you to spend legend to reroll a legend roll, but. Okay, let's do it. [01:44:19] Speaker A: Okay. Cause surely it can't get worse. [01:44:28] Speaker C: No. No. [01:44:28] Speaker B: Why, that's much better. [01:44:30] Speaker C: Now. [01:44:30] Speaker E: Why your spear comes back to you and is covered in blood and ink. [01:44:38] Speaker A: Oh, God. Gross. And Clint will start squeezing it off and pushing it into the sand. [01:44:48] Speaker E: Oliver. [01:44:49] Speaker B: Yes? [01:44:51] Speaker E: I have a question for you. [01:44:53] Speaker B: Okay. [01:44:55] Speaker E: Are you paying more attention to your surroundings, or are you paying attention to Clint and his spear? [01:45:03] Speaker B: Probably more to my surroundings. [01:45:06] Speaker E: Okay. Thank you for being honest. As the not quite day, not quite night around you grows foggy, and I misty. And you hear more and more howls beginning to range, and growls and snarls coming from that mist and that fog around you. You can't see as far as you could. You can't see the ships anymore. You don't know if the tentacles are still out there. Suddenly it is like looking at swirling gray walls that have risen up out of the water itself. And you hear a voice. [01:46:18] Speaker D: Well, that was no fun. [01:46:25] Speaker A: Need a second? [01:46:26] Speaker C: Not her. [01:46:30] Speaker D: God, you didn't think I would miss a party like this, did you? [01:46:34] Speaker E: I was hoping. [01:46:35] Speaker B: I don't think you're invited. [01:46:37] Speaker E: As she talks, her voice almost seems to bounce off of the world around you like it is. It is bouncing off the fog itself. It is hard to tell what direction it is coming from. [01:46:52] Speaker A: You know, if you wanted to come on a date and, you know, party it up, you could have just asked. [01:46:58] Speaker B: Wait, no, no. Can I do a thing? [01:47:01] Speaker E: You are certainly welcome to try to do a thing. [01:47:04] Speaker B: Okay. I would like to use unlitted eye, which allows me to see magic that is normally invisible. So I do not know if this will apply. And also faintly reveals threads of fate that entwine people. And it allows me to reveal a psion or other supernatural beings. Legend score. Which that part's not as important. It's more of me hoping this works to help me see things. [01:47:29] Speaker E: Okay. Is there a role associated. [01:47:32] Speaker B: It costs me one willpower and it just does it. There is a dice pool for if I guess I botch her or something. But it's just spend a willpower. [01:47:43] Speaker E: Roll your dice pool, please. [01:47:45] Speaker B: Okay, let me mark up that willpower first. [01:47:55] Speaker E: Yes. [01:47:57] Speaker C: Can I also prepare some stuff after hearing Gwenhez? [01:48:03] Speaker E: That's two. What would you like to prepare? [01:48:09] Speaker C: Predatory focus and penetrating glare. Predatory focus. [01:48:16] Speaker E: It's only gonna let you use one, so you gotta pick one. Yeah. [01:48:21] Speaker C: So then I will do. I will do predatory focus. Then perception and survival. I can track my prey by scent alone, or by almost invisible, almost invisible physical signs. But she's going to try to start sniffing her out. But it's a perception and survival role. [01:48:44] Speaker D: I will say penetrating glare is a passive effect. It's just always active as long as you have the birthright. [01:48:51] Speaker E: Oh, it is, is it? [01:48:53] Speaker C: I did not know that. Well, then, gosh darn, I'm going to be penetrating that glare. [01:49:02] Speaker E: What is penetrating glare on. Because I'm looking at your sheet and I don't see it. [01:49:06] Speaker C: It's on sun. [01:49:09] Speaker E: That's because you don't have sun on your sheet. [01:49:13] Speaker C: I don't? [01:49:14] Speaker E: No. You have heku, moon, sky, justice, Chaos sun. That would be why I didn't. I wish. How do you have that? [01:49:25] Speaker C: Oh, I'm sorry. [01:49:26] Speaker E: No, it's okay. That's fine. So remind me. [01:49:35] Speaker C: What? [01:49:35] Speaker E: Penetrating glare. Sorry? [01:49:37] Speaker C: Yes, penetrating glare. Okay. As sunlight only dims when it cuts to the. To Kenneth Scion's vision, cut through physical occlusions. When I received a spoon, I could see through physical impediments such as smoke, fog, and murky water. But if it's in the darkness, then I'm still. I can't see in the dark. Pretty much. [01:50:09] Speaker E: Okay, well, it wouldn't have helped you with the water before because the water was very dark. [01:50:14] Speaker C: I didn't even think about that. [01:50:16] Speaker D: You also have to be in the water. [01:50:18] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:50:19] Speaker E: However, you can in fact see through the fog and the. That is rising up. But I'm going to answer Oliver. [01:50:32] Speaker C: Yeah, do Oliver's thing first. I want to do predatory focus anyways. [01:50:38] Speaker E: Oliver, you first of all, the first thing you see is that you. The fate threads between you and your companions, they are even more tightly wound or. Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry. Hold on. [01:51:01] Speaker B: You're all good. [01:51:02] Speaker E: We are going to push to talk because discord keeps cutting me off. You can see the fate bonds between you and your companions. They are even more tightly wound and thicker than they were before. As if the more you all do together, the more you all utilize your legend and your divine ichor to pull off impossible things, the more fate draws you together. Oh, goodness. What else does unlighted eye give you? [01:51:39] Speaker B: It reveals magic that is normally invisible and then tells me the legend score of any psion or supernatural being around me. [01:51:51] Speaker E: Well, unfortunately, the issue with you not being able to see where Gwen and anything else that's with her is. Isn't the fact that they're invisible. It is just the fact that they are obfuscated because of the mist and the fog. So it's not going to help with that. However, you do see that you and all of your friends have legend four. [01:52:16] Speaker B: Oh, great. [01:52:20] Speaker E: And you do see that all of you have at least a thin, kind of barely there nebulous fate thread each of you that stretches out into the mist. But that doesn't really tell you much, does it? [01:52:37] Speaker B: Point a specific direction? [01:52:39] Speaker E: I mean, they all seem to be pointing in a slightly different direction. [01:52:43] Speaker B: Gotcha. [01:52:43] Speaker E: And they move, so it's hard to tell exactly where they're going. [01:52:49] Speaker B: All right. [01:52:51] Speaker E: Coda, on the other hand, with her penetrating glare, is not put off by the appearance of the fog and the mist. No. No. In fact, Coda, as you look up and around, you realize that there are a number of massive Fenris wolves that all somehow seem to be running across the surface of that inky black liquid that makes up the, quote unquote water of this beach. And on the back of one of them, you occasionally catch a glimpse of a woman with short blonde hair. But they're all moving. And sometimes you can see her, and sometimes you lose her in the distance or in the crowd or because they dip behind something. [01:53:50] Speaker C: Okay. [01:53:53] Speaker B: Can I very subtly try to maneuver myself so that my back is pressed up against Clint's? [01:54:00] Speaker E: Absolutely. That's. I won't even. I won't require anything for that. [01:54:04] Speaker A: Oh, hello. [01:54:10] Speaker E: Sorry. [01:54:10] Speaker A: Before you start squeezing back there. [01:54:13] Speaker B: Not now. [01:54:13] Speaker E: Clint, was there anything that you were trying. That you wanted to do while they were utilizing their powers? [01:54:20] Speaker A: Clint uses his humor to try and relax himself a little. [01:54:24] Speaker E: Okay. [01:54:26] Speaker A: As he makes a joke at Oliver and then just readies his spear. He's not gifted with anything that can do much with the fog or these distant foes for the moment that he cannot see. [01:54:39] Speaker B: Oh, quick question. Now that I'm close to Clint and the fact that unlit I last for the entire scene, does the spear look any kind of weird way? [01:54:50] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:54:53] Speaker E: Well, I think that was a question for me, dear. Um, no, Clint has mostly gotten the gunk off of it, so. No. [01:55:06] Speaker B: All right. That's fine. Just a quick checking. Poo there, actually. [01:55:15] Speaker E: Oh, yes. [01:55:16] Speaker A: Clint looks down at the ink that he is, I assume, is still on his hands, at least. Is there any sort of, like, burning or any negative sensation tied with the ink? [01:55:32] Speaker E: No, I don't believe so. [01:55:34] Speaker A: Then he'll. He'll do what he's done in high school sports and rub some of the ink under both eyes to cut down on some of the glare from the fog. That's about all. [01:55:45] Speaker E: Interesting. Okay. Quinn. [01:55:49] Speaker D: Uh, she's just gonna respond to what Clint said. You know, if I wanted to call you for a social call, then I would have done so. This isn't that. And I think you should know that at least by this point. [01:56:03] Speaker A: Oh, well, I appreciate the heads up, but it could still be social. [01:56:15] Speaker D: We'll see how you feel once you're bleeding out on the beach. [01:56:18] Speaker A: Aw, don't have to be that way. We could be friends. [01:56:28] Speaker E: Gwen, are you giving the command? [01:56:30] Speaker D: Uh, absolutely. [01:56:34] Speaker E: Excellent. [01:56:37] Speaker B: Well, wait a minute, I'm stupid. [01:56:39] Speaker E: You all hear a horn like an old fashioned warhorn. Blair? [01:56:46] Speaker A: Yep. Here they come. [01:56:54] Speaker C: Um, hoda. [01:57:00] Speaker E: Wow. [01:57:01] Speaker C: Koda is going to let the group know that she can see and that what and what she is seeing. So essentially the multiple fenner's wolves running on the water. And of course, our dear beloved when making her way towards us. [01:57:21] Speaker E: Excellent. Okay, well, unfortunately for you guys, Gwen has a much higher score in join battle than you do. [01:57:35] Speaker A: Oh, dear. [01:57:39] Speaker E: Gwen, you're up first. What would you like to do? [01:57:43] Speaker D: I mean, she's just going to move towards where the group is. [01:57:46] Speaker E: I will allow you to give one command to the wolves as long as you keep it just a verbal command on top of your normal action. [01:58:03] Speaker D: She's just gonna circle them. Don't let any of them get away. [01:58:08] Speaker E: Okay? [01:58:17] Speaker D: Yeah, I assume still decently far away. So I have to dash to get closer probably. [01:58:23] Speaker E: Do you have any movement powers? [01:58:27] Speaker D: Not that I can recall, no. [01:58:33] Speaker E: All that epic Dex, then you don't have lightning sprinter. All right. [01:58:36] Speaker D: I do not. [01:58:38] Speaker E: Interesting. [01:58:39] Speaker D: Okay, I do have a dash of 19 right now with the bloon active, but. [01:58:47] Speaker E: Yeah, but that's not something I'm gonna let you convey to the wolf that you're riding on. So if you had lightning sprinter, I would allow you to jump off the wolf. But. Okay, next up is coda. [01:59:15] Speaker C: Ooh. Okay. She is going to say to Oliver, I think now's the time to help me look at the sky again or try out that my vision again. And I want to try to do smoking mirror. [01:59:35] Speaker E: Would you like to hold your action until. Oh, Oliver's turn. [01:59:39] Speaker C: I was just about to say, can I hold my action till Oliver's turn? [01:59:42] Speaker E: Absolutely. All right. Well, unluckily for you, luckily for the wolfies, it's their turn. [02:00:05] Speaker D: I'm sure it'll be fine. [02:00:07] Speaker E: I'm going to have one go after Clint, one go after Coda and the others are simply going to circle up to form a barrier, basically a barrier around. You guys. [02:00:35] Speaker A: Don'T like that? [02:00:36] Speaker E: It would help if I was in the right bot channel maybe a little bit. That's three for the first one on Clint. [02:00:57] Speaker A: Alright, that doesn't hit my dvd at least. Either way, if he dodges or if he's parrying. [02:01:12] Speaker E: Well, you have to pick one. Dodge or parry. [02:01:15] Speaker A: Clint's gonna be parrying. He's gonna bring that toothpick up and try and bash the the wolf's face out of the way. [02:01:21] Speaker E: All right, I gotta remember to make you guys declare your dv's before I roll coda. What's your. What dv are you planning to use? [02:01:30] Speaker C: Um, I believe I will parry. She will switch her sword back to a bat to, like, bonk it on the nose. Painfully. [02:01:49] Speaker E: That is five against coda. [02:01:55] Speaker C: Um, this one is eight. This one is seven. [02:02:00] Speaker E: You have a parry dv of seven. [02:02:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:02:04] Speaker E: All right. They both get bonked back, but, uh, they do not stop circling and growling. Oliver. [02:02:23] Speaker B: Yes? [02:02:25] Speaker E: It is your turn. [02:02:27] Speaker B: Mm hmm. I have the multitasking knack, which lets me do some split actions without penalties, because I think normally you do get penalized if you're going to split action. [02:02:39] Speaker E: Yep. [02:02:40] Speaker B: And so, because of that, I'm going to do two things without penalty. The first is I'm going to do cast trading fates on coda to give her some bonus dice. I'll do that first. Training face or fates doesn't cost anything, but it's going to make my life worse later. So, actually, since that's gonna make my life worse in a second, I'm gonna flip it. I'm gonna do that second set. I'm gonna start by spending a legend to cast Ariadne's thread on Gwen, because that points straight to her. [02:03:22] Speaker E: Okay. [02:03:25] Speaker B: And then now I'm going to use trading fates. So that's going to be wrong channel. I believe I have one epic die that applies to this. 2467, extra dice for coda. [02:03:50] Speaker E: Nice. Is that, like, does she have to split that up amongst future roles or up to her? [02:03:56] Speaker B: She can use them all in one go if she wants. Or she can. [02:04:00] Speaker E: Yeah. I'm just asking, is it like, a static pull that she has to pull from, or is it just a base plus seven to her next roll? [02:04:06] Speaker B: It's a pool that she can choose to draw from. [02:04:09] Speaker E: All right, you have seven dice with which you can use on however many rolls, but you only have a total of seven, so you have to keep track. [02:04:18] Speaker C: Copy, captain. [02:04:19] Speaker B: And then I just. As a reminder, saying that Arianne's thread points directly to Gwen, so I will know where she currently is. Little bit, at least the direction, and potentially, if she's getting closer or not. [02:04:34] Speaker E: All right, Koda, I believe your intention was to hold your action until Oliver's turn. Yes. [02:04:40] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [02:04:41] Speaker E: You now have an additional seven dice that you can. That you can. You can use each of these dice once. [02:04:47] Speaker C: Okay. So now I'm going to try to do the smoking mirror. Um, but, um, you told me I could, like, try again later or something like that to get a clearer view by looking through the sky and such. [02:05:06] Speaker E: Correct. [02:05:06] Speaker C: Yeah. Forget what role you had me do because that's just like a spend. Oh, okay. [02:05:15] Speaker E: You spend. You spend. Legend. I had you roll. I had you roll your legend score to see how well it went because you were technically trying to use something that isn't in this world. Yeah. Roll me your legend score, and you can add however many of those seven dice you would like to to it. [02:05:36] Speaker C: Amazing. Legend score. [02:05:39] Speaker E: That's. [02:05:43] Speaker C: And I'm gonna add two. [02:05:47] Speaker E: Okay. Not bad. 6th coda. You look towards the sky into that distant light that seems like it's here but not really here, and throw your senses into it. And it's still a struggle. It is still a fight to connect to moon. You can tell that it, while it can be seen from this world, it's probably not really a part of it. But with enough effort and enough pushing, you can force your senses to reflect from its face down onto the world below and straight into the part of the ocean that is guinea, the loa underworld. And as you do so, you can see in the waters around Guinea a large, dark shape that you assume those tentacles belong to, because what else could possibly be that large? In that area, you see numerous ships. More than two. More than just the two that were left after what the Kraken did to the third. But they're all kind of scattered off in the distance. They seem to be almost circling the island, but never able to get very close. Maybe you see other shadowy figures in the water. Some are as big as what you would imagine. Like a. Like the biggest whale you've ever imagined? Could be. Some are. Some are odd shapes that are difficult to place, if not impossible to place. But at the center of it all, you can see the island itself. And on the beach, you see a number of large wolves who are closing in around you and your friends, Gwen among them. And in the distance, you see yet more. Yet more wolves. [02:08:09] Speaker C: Okay. [02:08:15] Speaker E: Roll me. Roll me. Looking at your sheet, roll me a wits and a cult roll real quick. [02:08:31] Speaker C: Okay. Wits and occult. [02:08:33] Speaker E: What's in a cult? [02:08:35] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:08:38] Speaker E: Should be four dice, but you have two epics. [02:08:40] Speaker C: Three. [02:08:41] Speaker E: Four. All right, two isn't bad. Yep. Four. You see something else. You're not entirely sure what you are looking at. And at first you think it's probably a trick of the eye, something you don't really. You're just imagining or is happening because of the weird juxtaposition of looking from a celestial body that isn't really a part of this world. Down into this world, you see what looks like a smaller vortex or portal or something like that that is swirling in the distance just off or probably just far enough out that Oliver would have a hard time seeing it with his gifts. And you see a figure beyond the portal, like on the opposite side, looking through it towards the beach in a long, grayish green tattered cloak with a tall, gnarled white staff. Yike. And as if that being senses your eyes on them, the hood kind of turns upward, but you don't get a chance to see the face hidden in its shadows before a hand extends that staff up towards the moon. And you almost feel as if you or the moon or both of you are made of glass. And you feel it shatter and your senses are shunted back into your body. And around that time is when anyone on the beach can look up and see that a dark, dark black something, you're not sure if it's a cloud or a creature or something has passed over the moon and hidden it from this world's view. [02:11:13] Speaker A: Nope, don't like that. Don't like that at all. Nope. Nope. Mm mm. [02:11:18] Speaker C: Yeah, no. [02:11:20] Speaker E: Oda, your head hurts. You felt like you were glass and like something caused you to shatter internally. [02:11:31] Speaker C: Uh, he will flinch. Um, and, like, I'll just do it. He'll flinch and be like, fuck, what was that? Um, there's a lot of stuff around us and. Or not stuff. There's wolves and. God in my head. [02:11:50] Speaker A: Um. [02:11:52] Speaker E: Yeah, we're about. [02:11:52] Speaker C: We're surrounded, but I could see one moving around, but, um, there's a person in a vortex or a portal watching us, but they didn't, like, watched. Uh, how do I, uh. [02:12:11] Speaker E: You kind of point vaguely to the north. Vaguely to the north? [02:12:15] Speaker C: Vaguely to the north. 12:00 or something, she'll say, but we do have. I can't look anymore, but we're pretty much surrounded. And she'll try to relate to the group using clock time, like where certain things are since they can't really see through the fog. [02:12:45] Speaker A: Well, it's gonna be difficult to deal with all of them if they're all around us. [02:12:50] Speaker C: Yeah, except for, I guess, the two that we bought. [02:12:53] Speaker E: Clint? [02:12:55] Speaker A: Yep. [02:12:56] Speaker E: Your turn. [02:12:58] Speaker A: All right. Still don't quite have eyes on him, but is Ariadne his thread visible? To everyone or just Oliver? [02:13:05] Speaker B: Just me, I believe. Actually, wait. It might be everyone. [02:13:08] Speaker E: Just Oliver. [02:13:09] Speaker A: Okay, Oliver, can you point which way I should throw this thing? [02:13:15] Speaker E: Sure. [02:13:16] Speaker B: And I'll just point wherever the thread's going if I'm able to. [02:13:20] Speaker E: Yeah, you're able to. That's fine. [02:13:22] Speaker A: Clint would like to yeet his toothpick into the fog, hopefully at where Gwen is at. Not as intending to hurt her, but he would, I guess, just in her direction. He can't really see. He doesn't know if she's armed or not, but he'd be attempting to disarm if he could see her. [02:13:40] Speaker E: Okay. Um, you're going to take a negative two to your dipole because you cannot see her. And you were just going on a vague notion of direction. [02:13:49] Speaker A: Makes sense. [02:13:56] Speaker E: Uh, Gwen, what DV would you like to use? [02:13:59] Speaker D: Uh, it's a ranged attack, so I'm going to be dodging. [02:14:03] Speaker E: Okay. [02:14:05] Speaker A: Minus 224567. [02:14:14] Speaker D: Not quite. [02:14:16] Speaker A: Dang. [02:14:19] Speaker E: It does come close, though. [02:14:22] Speaker B: What about your epics? [02:14:24] Speaker A: Oh, shit, you're right. That adds two from my epic. So that's nine total. [02:14:29] Speaker D: All right, that'll beat it by one. [02:14:31] Speaker E: Excellent. All right, so you get one plus your strength and. Hold on. Is it perception? Cause it's ranged. [02:14:44] Speaker A: Thrown is strength and dexterity. [02:14:46] Speaker E: All right. Plus your strength and throne. Plus your. [02:14:53] Speaker A: Two from the weapon. [02:14:54] Speaker E: Yep. [02:14:56] Speaker A: And then epic's included in that, right? Or is that just auto successes? [02:15:01] Speaker E: That's auto successes. Gwen, what's up? What is your lethal soak? [02:15:12] Speaker D: Is six. [02:15:13] Speaker E: Okay, hold on. Hold. Well, you went faster than I was. Than I could have. Because we're supposed to subtract soak, and then roll damage. [02:15:21] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [02:15:22] Speaker E: Well, so roll two. [02:15:24] Speaker A: Okay. And then. So that's one success. [02:15:31] Speaker E: That's a one. [02:15:33] Speaker A: Plus four from epics. Okay, so a total of five. [02:15:44] Speaker D: All right. [02:15:46] Speaker E: All right, that is your turn. [02:15:49] Speaker A: Reflexively recalling it back into my hands and getting ready for the next round. [02:15:54] Speaker E: Gwen, you just got hit by a spear. That shit fucking hurt. [02:16:00] Speaker D: Uh, do I see this attack coming? [02:16:03] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [02:16:04] Speaker D: Okay. I figured. I just wanted to check. [02:16:10] Speaker E: Okay, it's your turn, dear. [02:16:13] Speaker D: Um, yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Can I get to Clint? [02:16:19] Speaker E: Uh huh. [02:16:21] Speaker D: Um, Glen's just gonna kind of walk towards Clint. You say you wanna be friends with me, but I've been told that I'm rather cold, and I would like to. What is activating a knack? An action. [02:16:39] Speaker E: Is it a knack that goes along with what you're doing? [02:16:43] Speaker D: It's. I would like to activate untouchable opponent. [02:16:48] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. No, that's reflexive. You just do that. [02:16:51] Speaker D: Cool. I would like to do that. And then I would like to attack Clint twice. [02:16:59] Speaker A: I mean, you don't have to do that. That's okay. [02:17:02] Speaker E: Okay. What are you attacking with? [02:17:06] Speaker D: My knife. [02:17:07] Speaker E: All right, Clint, what DV would you. [02:17:09] Speaker A: Like to use using parry? DV. [02:17:13] Speaker D: Okay. [02:17:13] Speaker E: And if I remember correctly, because he would be. Does DV. Do you, like, subtract from DV if you have to do it multiple times? [02:17:24] Speaker D: There is a. I think it's, like, a number of attacks equal to your legend, and you lose one. But I think attacking also decreases it. [02:17:34] Speaker E: It does? Yep. But we're on a new round, though. [02:17:39] Speaker D: Okay. [02:17:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:17:41] Speaker D: I'm not sure. [02:17:42] Speaker B: No, I think he's good. At least. If that's the way it works, I don't know either. [02:17:46] Speaker E: Okay, we're good. We're good. [02:17:48] Speaker B: We're good. [02:17:48] Speaker A: We're good. [02:17:51] Speaker D: So I take a minus four to this, and he will take a minus one to his DV against both attacks. [02:17:59] Speaker E: Right. [02:17:59] Speaker A: I have a DV of five, then. [02:18:03] Speaker E: One, two, three. [02:18:06] Speaker D: So that's seven. [02:18:09] Speaker E: All right, so that's an extra two from the first one. Let's do the second attack at the same time. [02:18:14] Speaker D: I think it's just one roll. [02:18:16] Speaker E: Oh, okay. So that's an extra two beyond his dv. [02:18:24] Speaker A: Correct. [02:18:25] Speaker E: What's your soak? [02:18:27] Speaker A: Mine is. What is it? Lethal. [02:18:30] Speaker D: Lethal? [02:18:30] Speaker A: It'd be five. [02:18:32] Speaker E: So subtract five from your damage dice. So. [02:18:40] Speaker D: All right. One, two, three. Plus my epic dexterity and strength. So seven twice. [02:18:54] Speaker E: Steve Woff. [02:19:00] Speaker A: All right, how do I deal with that? [02:19:03] Speaker E: Well, uh. [02:19:07] Speaker A: Cause that's, uh. If it's just coming straight through, that might be falling down a little bit. [02:19:17] Speaker E: Are you sure that it's just one roll for both attacks? That seems weird to. [02:19:24] Speaker D: Let me pull up the cause. [02:19:26] Speaker E: I'm reasonably certain, looking at this, that there's no. You get to just do one roll for each. [02:19:33] Speaker D: Making two attacks is one action with a defense penalty of minus two. This incurs a four die penalty on the one dice roll made. [02:19:40] Speaker E: Ah, okay. No, that makes sense. [02:19:47] Speaker D: Each attack does cause damage separately, so I will roll the damage again. [02:19:56] Speaker E: Okay, so that's four plus. What's your epics? [02:20:00] Speaker D: Four. [02:20:02] Speaker E: Okay. Jesus. All right, so a seven and an eight. [02:20:06] Speaker D: Yep. [02:20:08] Speaker E: All right. [02:20:14] Speaker D: Yes. As Gwen kind of jumps off the wolf and walks, like, isn't running, is walking towards Gwen, pulls up the knives, and essentially cuts in an x pattern. And as she does, the knives are freezing, and they dig into his skin. And instead of just cutting. They do what metal does, and they kind of stick, and they tear. [02:20:46] Speaker E: Oofah. Okay, Clint, how many levels of health do you have? [02:20:54] Speaker A: I have a total of 123-4567 total. However, with all of that, I'm going down. [02:21:07] Speaker E: Hold on. You have things in epic stamina, though, right? [02:21:11] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I have three epic stamina. I have four base. [02:21:15] Speaker E: Right. But you have knacks that help deal with. [02:21:20] Speaker A: Yeah, you're right. So convert all lethal to bashing. I'll spend a legend point to do that. [02:21:26] Speaker E: Okay. [02:21:27] Speaker A: But that'll still. So there'll be some overflow. [02:21:35] Speaker E: It's a pity you were watching for her. Cause solipsistic little being would have saved you. [02:21:45] Speaker A: Yeah, that's so converting it all to bashing. I'm still gonna go. What's that, 15 total? [02:21:53] Speaker E: Yep. [02:21:54] Speaker A: I can't do much about it. [02:21:57] Speaker E: All right, you guys watch as Gwen zeros in on Clint after Clint hit her with that spear. Gwen, where did it hit you? [02:22:10] Speaker D: I imagine it hit her, like, in the shoulder because it was a pretty solid hit. So it would have. [02:22:18] Speaker E: It was a very solid hit. [02:22:20] Speaker D: Yeah, it would have been, like, center mathematic, I imagine just in between her shoulder and where her lung would be. [02:22:30] Speaker E: Ooh, yeah. You guys could see this large, bloody wound between her shoulder, her collarbone, and probably where Coda would know the top of her lung normally would be. That is still bleeding. And the edges of it are kind of black from the remnants of the ink that was on that. That was on Clint's spear. And she kind of walks in, and she looks kind of. She almost looks unfazed. But there is this moment where her eyes almost seem to shine, and she looks, just for a moment, almost feral as she jumps at Clint and brings those blades down and cuts across him. And you watch as Clint kind of. His body almost seems to try to bolster itself. And then he goes down. [02:23:30] Speaker A: Yeah. As his shirt is ripped open, his lovely physique on full display. He looks amazing as he goes down. There's not a really long lasting mark on him. Cause he's doing fine no matter the damage. [02:23:44] Speaker E: Oh, you do. You have that thing, don't you? [02:23:46] Speaker A: Right? [02:23:48] Speaker B: He just took a bad hit, but he looks great. [02:23:51] Speaker A: He falls down dramatically. [02:23:57] Speaker E: Remind me what doing fine does. [02:24:00] Speaker A: It literally just means that even if you're hit with the hardest of impacts, whatever happens, you're gonna be leaving a perfectly pristine looking corpse. [02:24:11] Speaker E: I love that. That's what you got. [02:24:14] Speaker A: Yep. [02:24:15] Speaker E: There's literally a thing that gives other people bonuses if you could give them a thumbs up. And you didn't take that. You just took the thing that you're gonna be pretty even when you're dead all the time. [02:24:25] Speaker A: Get hit real hard. Still pulling through. Not a problem. Die. Beautiful. [02:24:32] Speaker E: Love it. Love it. Amazing. [02:24:34] Speaker C: My beautiful. [02:24:38] Speaker B: All right, can I talk out of turn, or is it only a reaction on my turn? [02:24:43] Speaker E: Uh, yeah, it's a free action. You can do it as long as we keep it within reason. [02:24:49] Speaker B: I'm, uh, look to coda after, uh, Clint goes down. Coda, I'm going to assume with all the weedo smoke, you have a lighter on you. I'm gonna need that. [02:24:57] Speaker C: Rude, but yes. [02:25:06] Speaker E: All right, koda, it is your turn. I'm assuming that you would like to use a reflexive action to hand him your lighter. [02:25:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:25:18] Speaker B: Taking that. [02:25:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:25:20] Speaker E: What would you like to do for your main action? [02:25:24] Speaker C: This is scary, but. So Gwen is near us, right? [02:25:35] Speaker E: Gwen is standing over where Clint is laying in the sand unconscious. [02:25:43] Speaker C: Yeah. Code is gonna run over to attack Gwen. [02:25:54] Speaker E: Okay. [02:25:56] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, she's gonna do that. She can't watch her boy go down and not doing anything about it. [02:26:05] Speaker E: All right. I'm assuming with the sword, or are you shifting it back to the bat? [02:26:10] Speaker C: Yeah, she's switching from the sword. Oh, my gosh. She's switching from the bat to the sword. [02:26:21] Speaker E: Okay. [02:26:23] Speaker C: And. [02:26:26] Speaker E: Are you planning to use any boons or knacks to enhance your attack? [02:26:30] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm scrolling through the whole shebang now. Okay, so that's. Already has that for Nax. I would say I'm using predatory focus. [02:26:52] Speaker E: Does that do anything for your attack, however, though? [02:26:56] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm looking through it now. That's not the one. [02:27:01] Speaker E: Where is it? [02:27:02] Speaker C: Rabbit reflex when I. Unexpected. No, you know what? No, she's. She's just going and she's slinging. Okay. Yeah. Because nothing will boost my attacks. Everything else would have to be a separate action, I believe, from me attacking. [02:27:24] Speaker E: Yes. Your sword, however, does have a plus four to your accuracy. So that's four extra dice from that. [02:27:30] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:27:31] Speaker B: And then Gwen lose some defense from doing multi attack. [02:27:34] Speaker D: Gwen does have a minus two to her defense right now. [02:27:36] Speaker E: Yes. Yeah. But that doesn't make a difference for Coda's thing. Let's figure out Kota's thing first. So you're attacking with the sword on Gwen, and you don't have any boons or necks that you wish to use to enhance it. [02:27:52] Speaker B: Have you used your valor things I gave you yet? [02:27:58] Speaker E: Ooh. [02:27:59] Speaker C: I have not used valor. I will use. Yeah, I guess I'll use valor. That is one, that's two. And I can choose how many valor dice I wish to use. [02:28:16] Speaker B: Basically, the way it works, it's a virtue I'm temporarily giving you, and it's a two dot virtue. So you basically check off one of the dots and you get two dice from it. And then if you were to check off the next one, you would only get one dice, and then it would be gone. [02:28:30] Speaker E: Correct. [02:28:31] Speaker C: Okay. Because I also have valor already, so. [02:28:35] Speaker E: There adds to your total. [02:28:36] Speaker B: I'm just upping it for you. I'm making it bigger. [02:28:38] Speaker C: Yeah. And I haven't used. So that would be three valorous. [02:28:43] Speaker E: You have three total with the plus two? [02:28:46] Speaker C: Yes, with the plus two. [02:28:48] Speaker E: Okay. So you would mark off one, and you get to roll three extra dice. [02:28:51] Speaker C: Okay. Mark off one, three extra dice. Three extra. And. Yeah, I. [02:29:03] Speaker B: And also, did you use all the luck dice I gave you from bidding vades? [02:29:09] Speaker C: I didn't know. Five. Six. Seven says five. I have leftover. [02:29:16] Speaker E: Do you want to use all 55678? [02:29:20] Speaker C: Because I'm thinking the attack. So this would be just my roll to hit her. Yeah. [02:29:29] Speaker E: Yes. But however many. However many auto success or however many successes you get above her DV adds to your damage. [02:29:37] Speaker C: Damage. So then, yeah, I'm gonna use all of them. So that's eight extra dice. [02:29:43] Speaker E: All right, roll. [02:29:45] Speaker D: All right, I will be parrying this. [02:29:50] Speaker E: I figured. Oof. [02:29:53] Speaker C: Um. And then plus four. So that's seven plus eight is. [02:30:10] Speaker E: Holy shit. 1234-5678 910 plus your epics. [02:30:20] Speaker C: And then my epics, that is strength. [02:30:23] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:30:23] Speaker D: So that would strength and Dex. [02:30:28] Speaker B: Oh, that's for damage, isn't it? [02:30:31] Speaker E: Rank. [02:30:32] Speaker C: It's for both strength. Epics is one. Dex epics is two. So that's three. And then you said also my. My what? What was the last thing y'all said? I'm sorry, my sword gets plus four. [02:30:52] Speaker E: Well, no, the. The plus four was. Was how added to your dice, not to your. Not to your auto successes. [02:31:01] Speaker B: Oh, do you have another four dice to roll? [02:31:04] Speaker C: I do have another four dice to roll then. [02:31:06] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [02:31:10] Speaker C: Sorry. Re remembering how to do all this. [02:31:15] Speaker B: So twelve now. [02:31:17] Speaker E: Very nice. [02:31:18] Speaker C: And then the three dice. Or, sorry, the three epics. That was it. [02:31:24] Speaker E: So 15. [02:31:25] Speaker C: Yes. [02:31:27] Speaker E: Jesus. You have 15 successes on 15 dice. That's. Well, 19 dice. That's crazy. Okay, cool. [02:31:35] Speaker D: So that beats my dv by three. [02:31:37] Speaker E: Okay, so three plus strengthen and Dex plus. What's your damage bonus for the weapon? [02:31:51] Speaker C: Damage bonus is six lethal. [02:31:54] Speaker E: Okay. [02:31:57] Speaker C: And that's all I'm rolling. Yeah. [02:32:02] Speaker E: Strength. Dex, your damage bonus. And then three. Yes. [02:32:07] Speaker C: Okay. [02:32:09] Speaker E: Six. [02:32:10] Speaker D: Minus six. [02:32:11] Speaker E: Oh, yes. Minus, minus. So don't, because you have to apply her soak. [02:32:19] Speaker C: Okay, so I just won't count my lethal. [02:32:22] Speaker E: Add all your stuff up and then minus six from the total. Or just don't use your lethal damage. Your lethal bonus. Yes. [02:32:27] Speaker C: Okay. Amazing. [02:32:29] Speaker E: So Dex is. [02:32:35] Speaker C: Six, seven, 8910. Two, three. [02:32:48] Speaker B: I will be using damage conversion. [02:32:51] Speaker C: So that is five. Do I count epics again or no? [02:32:59] Speaker B: Think so. [02:33:00] Speaker E: Yes. [02:33:01] Speaker A: Epic, sir. [02:33:02] Speaker C: 6788. [02:33:06] Speaker E: And you said Gwen is going to use damage conversion? [02:33:10] Speaker B: Yep. So that'll be. [02:33:16] Speaker D: Okay. Holy smokes, I am unconscious. [02:33:20] Speaker E: All right, noted. So Clint hurls his spear, leaves a bloody gash or a bloody hole in Gwen's chest. Gwen does not let it deter her. She continues stalking forward towards the group, towards the man who just hit her, manages to come down on him with these wickedly sharp, ice coated knives and rips into him. To which coda, in a moment of fury. Yeah. Swings her sword or swings her bet it literally turns into a sword as it is in midair. And utilizing a move that she has, that she learned from watching net and training with net, brings it up and around in this kind of graceful arc, from hip to the uninjured shoulder, from one hip to the opposite shoulder, which happened to be her uninjured one, and slashes directly across Gwen's body. You all see as Gwen, Gwen's body almost seems to harden and almost looks like it's trying to shrug off what was done to it. You've seen Clint do much the same a moment before. She topples backwards. But there is no time to celebrate, as this seems to be. Perhaps you get the feeling that Gwen was the only thing holding the wolves back, because as soon as she goes down, all of them dart towards you. This is going to be a process because I have a lot of people to roll for. Well, a lot of wolves to roll for, I should say. Yikes. All right, we are having. Unfortunately, Clint is down, so Clint is actually not currently a target. The rest of them are going to be split between Oliver and coda. There are going to be three going towards coda and two going towards Oliver. [02:36:00] Speaker B: I'm going to let you know two things. Number one, I have the monkey in the middle knack, so if they get any bonuses for attacking me together, they don't. And then I also have fight with your head, which I'm going to use to make my DV a bit better. [02:36:16] Speaker E: Okay. Thank you for letting me know. So these are obviously going to be bite attacks. [02:36:28] Speaker C: Uh huh. [02:36:30] Speaker E: I need to know what dvs you. You two are planning to use. [02:36:33] Speaker B: Uh, Parry. So I'm gonna be parrying. [02:36:48] Speaker E: All right. Um, koda, what is your Perry DV? [02:36:52] Speaker C: Um, that was seven. [02:36:56] Speaker E: Was. [02:36:57] Speaker C: That is seven. [02:37:06] Speaker E: Okay, but you have untouchable opponent, do you not? [02:37:11] Speaker C: I do. Is that. I thought I had to activate something like that. [02:37:16] Speaker E: You did activate it, sweetheart. [02:37:18] Speaker C: Mm mm. [02:37:19] Speaker B: Uh, Gwen activated hers. [02:37:21] Speaker C: Yeah, Gwen did. I did it. [02:37:24] Speaker E: When? Utilize untouchable opponent. Yeah. Okay. [02:37:29] Speaker B: I think you can activate knack as a response to being attacked, though. At least that's what it says in the cheat sheet. [02:37:35] Speaker E: You absolutely can. [02:37:36] Speaker C: Oh, well, I do that. [02:37:41] Speaker E: Okay, so normally these guys would get a bonus for both coming at you at the same time. That would lower your dV. Or, I mean, your dv would be lowered because they're both coming at you at the same time. Tell me what untouchable opponent does for you. What does it add? [02:38:03] Speaker C: It doubles. [02:38:04] Speaker B: Oh. [02:38:05] Speaker C: What does it add? Okay, my doubles. [02:38:07] Speaker A: Your decks for your dodge DV. [02:38:11] Speaker C: Yeah. So then Dodge and theory. [02:38:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:38:15] Speaker E: So you should have an additional plus two to your dV. [02:38:20] Speaker C: So 7899, then, will be my Dodge DV. [02:38:28] Speaker E: All right, I'm gonna have them work together, then. [02:38:36] Speaker C: Sorry, not. Harry. Don't sing shit. [02:38:43] Speaker A: Dive, Dodge, dip. Fuck. [02:38:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:38:48] Speaker E: All right, you said, like, three different dv things. What are we using? Coda? I need. I need to know. [02:38:53] Speaker C: I'm using Perry. [02:38:55] Speaker E: Okay, your DV goes down by one because they're both attacking you at the same time. Two, three, four. What's your dV? [02:39:26] Speaker C: Potus? [02:39:27] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:39:28] Speaker C: Nine. [02:39:29] Speaker E: Okay. Ooh. 2345-672-3456 all right, so, yeah, none of them make it. However, if anything else attacks you on this round, your DV is going to be down by a total of three. [02:40:14] Speaker C: Okay. [02:40:20] Speaker E: Oliver, you don't take DV negatives for this monkey in the middle. Two, three, four. What's your dV? [02:40:38] Speaker B: Normally it is six, but with five of your head, it goes up to nine. [02:40:43] Speaker E: Damn. Okay, 245-6789 we're good. All right, let me just double check. All right, cool. None of them managed to hit, which is mildly miraculous. A 6th wolf. And this is the wolf that Coda knows Gwen was riding on. Has, in the flurry of you guys trying to deal with this melee, darted up behind Gwen, bit the back of her shirt, and is hauling her away while their companions keep you busy. Okay, Oliver. [02:42:06] Speaker B: Yes. [02:42:07] Speaker E: Your turn. [02:42:08] Speaker B: I am going to do another multitask maneuver here because I'm going to begin reaching into my trusty satchel. And for my birthday, our good friend Damon gave me some nifty gifts. He gave me three jars of golden apple juice. So I'm going to take one of those out, pop it open, pour into Clint's mouth. [02:42:34] Speaker E: Okay? Did I give you stats for that? [02:42:36] Speaker B: No, you did not. You just said I get three of these. [02:42:40] Speaker E: Okay, um, roll me five to 1009. [02:42:55] Speaker B: That is three successes. [02:42:57] Speaker E: All right, Clint, you regain three levels of health. [02:43:02] Speaker B: Cleanse up. All right, with my second action that's being split off, I'm going to continue rubbishing through my bag and pull out another gift that was given to me by our good friend and Anvil Dolgrim, who gave me. See if I can find the exact name in my notes. He gave me a bottle of. Yep, here it is. Dragon's belly brandy, which he told me is 95% abv. I also have some spare clothes in my bag, in my satchel. Sorry. So I'm going to pull out a sock, pop the lid open, stick that sock in there, and use Koda's lighter to light it. Then I am going to throw it at the three wolves that are harassing Koda right now. [02:43:50] Speaker E: You're going to Molotov cocktail of wolves that are on top of your friend. [02:43:53] Speaker B: Okay, could I throw it in a way that it won't affect coda? [02:44:01] Speaker E: Let's make that. Let's make that a wits and academics. [02:44:06] Speaker B: Okay, I can do that. I think that's just. Okay, never mind. I don't have all five an academics. [02:44:13] Speaker E: This is to see if you even have the option to be able to aim that well. That is 1231. [02:44:23] Speaker B: Epic. So four. [02:44:25] Speaker E: All right, four is not bad. I will allow you to attempt to. You're gonna make this as a. As a throne attack. [02:44:36] Speaker B: Yeah. Not super great at these, but we will risk it for the biscuit. I will use a. I'll use my valor virtue that I gave myself for this role as well. So that's gonna be thrown. Plus, Dex, do I have anything else that'll fit? I don't think so. Yeah. Okay, so that is successes. [02:45:13] Speaker E: All right, double checking. All right, roll me a d. 100. [02:45:42] Speaker B: Okay. 31. [02:45:53] Speaker E: Okay, so you throw this thing, and it hits just beyond the back of the wolves, which allows it to shatter and for fire to erupt. You see two of them get caught. You hear them kind of yelp. They don't, like, explode or anything like that, but they certainly get burnt pretty bad. But do not manage to have their fur set on fire properly. So it doesn't burning. And the third one manages to avoid the worst of it. And Coda also manages to avoid the worst of it because Coda is very fast. Clint, you are awake and laying on your back in the sand. [02:46:51] Speaker A: Oh, that was not fun. Clint will pull himself up and see the great big mess of wolves and fire. Uh, no. How do I help my friends? Would I be able to activate Hornet's nest to, uh, try to diffuse some of this chaos? See what I could do? [02:47:12] Speaker E: Uh, sure. Remind me what Hornet's nest does. [02:47:16] Speaker A: So as long as I get a success on a really small. The storyteller should reveal in general terms what the action the psion can take to either cause or defuse chaos in the scene. You do not have to describe why or how, just what action would help in either direction. [02:47:36] Speaker E: Okay, make your roll. [02:47:43] Speaker A: We got one, baby. We got one. Success. [02:47:54] Speaker E: Okay, um, Clint, you're not sure why, but you feel like something that may further the situation, for good or ill, would be for your. For Ian, your friend, to turn into many birds and involve themselves. [02:48:42] Speaker A: It's a great point. I really haven't had Ian get in my fights for me before. Surely he won't mind taking a. Taking a stab at it. Hey. Ian and Clint will call up to Ian to issue him a command to spread out and come down in a cloud. [02:49:05] Speaker E: You hear Ian call overhead, and he circles in this kind of wide, almost lazy looking circle. But then you see him start to dive, and as he dives, one Ean becomes two eons, becomes five ians, becomes 20 ians, until there is this huge flock of crows dive bombing at the wolves. [02:49:31] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. We have incited some chaos that'll hopefully protect my friends. [02:49:39] Speaker E: I would like you to roll me six dice, please. [02:49:52] Speaker A: You got it. [02:49:53] Speaker E: Actually, make that eight dice. I'm going to invoke one of Ian's virtues. [02:50:02] Speaker A: Is two, four. No, two, three successes. [02:50:07] Speaker E: That's not bad. Okay. You can feel, or you see as you watch this murder of crows dive bomb at these wolves that they are aiming. They are not aiming to do damage, but they are aiming to create havoc and to make it difficult for the wolves to kind of know what they're doing, they keep, like, swooping in front of their eyes. They're, like, circling their bodies. They're just causing problems. [02:50:50] Speaker A: If Gwen is going to come in here and make a stink with her fog, I'm going to make a cloud of crows. Just makes sense. [02:50:57] Speaker E: The problem, of course, is that this is still a metric fuck ton of birds, and they can't completely avoid your friends. So your friends are also kind of being, like, buffeted back slightly just by the crazy that's happening in front of them. [02:51:14] Speaker A: The last thing Clint will do, then on his turn is. All right, y'all, we've got a little cover. Come on, circle up. Stick together. [02:51:23] Speaker E: Okay, that is the end of that round. Oh, did you want to know? You already used your thing. So, Gwen. Gwen. [02:51:40] Speaker D: Can I spend a legend point to regenerate a health level? [02:51:43] Speaker E: You absolutely can. Cool. [02:51:48] Speaker D: All right. [02:51:50] Speaker E: As your eyes open, you look up, and Ivy is standing over you and kind of nuzzling at you. [02:52:04] Speaker D: And pats the side of her face. [02:52:06] Speaker E: Good girl. [02:52:08] Speaker D: Can I. At this point, Gwen is just trying to give them more things to worry about. Okay, can I. [02:52:23] Speaker E: Would you like to summon du Bois? [02:52:25] Speaker D: I would like to summon du Bois, please. [02:52:29] Speaker E: I would like you to describe what your summoning of du Bois looks like. [02:52:36] Speaker D: Gwen kind of a hand goes to that wolf's head pendant that she has, and she pricks one of her fingers on the teeth, and she kind of just runs the blood across the sands. And as she does, hands start clambering up out of the ground by her. And slowly, almost a dozen bodies pull themselves out of the ground and start shambling towards all the chaos. [02:53:17] Speaker E: Amazing. It is a little anachronistic and a little out of place on this island paradise kind of area that you are in, that you see these hands pull themselves up out of this. This silt, sand. And standing before you are men that look like they might be in old fashioned viking clothing. There are some that are newer that look like they are in various modern eras of, oh, what do you call them? Like, soldier uniforms and things like that. But they are clearly zombies and shuffling in to join the fray. They will be here in the next round. [02:54:17] Speaker D: Would you like me to make a command roll to kind of point them in the right direction? Because they're real dumb. [02:54:25] Speaker E: They are real dumb. So, yes, please roll your command roll. [02:54:29] Speaker D: Can I invoke vengeance on this? [02:54:33] Speaker E: Yeah, I think that's fitting, given what's happened. [02:54:37] Speaker D: All right, 2345. [02:54:49] Speaker E: Yeah, I'd say that's enough. They all kind of clamber up out of the sand, and at first they turn towards Gwen like they are going to round on the very person who summoned them. But Gwen points at you and gives the command in this harsh, kind of guttural, what you can only assume is probably old Norse based on what Oliver can tell from. I believe Oliver. Oliver has a thing where he can just understand languages. [02:55:20] Speaker B: My monocle lets me just know all languages. [02:55:24] Speaker E: Oliver. You could tell that it is old, old, ancient Norse, and then they all sort of stop and turn and begin to shamble towards the melee. All right, Coda, coda. Here you are being harassed by three wolves. Two of them have gotten hurt. There are birds everywhere. And you look up and there are a metric fuck ton of what look like dead people question mark shuffling towards you. [02:56:02] Speaker C: So I think amongst all this, Coda has kind of gotten this renewed, like, vigor in, like, fighting. And, like, she's kind of. As much as this is annoying and like, she sees the dead people and she's like, are you fucking kidding me? She's also finding that she is having a lot of fun right now. She's gonna use title inference, which is. [02:56:27] Speaker E: A moon per view interference. [02:56:30] Speaker C: Sorry, interference. Excuse me. And I, you know, get a pull on my enemies. Who's in. Who I'm currently in close combat with. I just have to roll strength and presence. If I succeed, I spend the amount of legend, and that is the amount of a dv penalty that will be put upon the close combat opponents. But I have to succeed first. [02:57:01] Speaker A: You can do it. [02:57:06] Speaker C: Strength and present use. [02:57:08] Speaker B: A virtue if you want. [02:57:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I think I'm going to use conviction for this because she's like, okay, we're out here doing this. We're fucking doing this. If I can roll, that would be phenomenal. There we go. [02:57:30] Speaker E: Four. Remember, you have to spend one legend point per. One legend per point of dv penalty for this. For this to be effective. Yes. And you can go up to four. Yes. Okay, how many points of legend do you have left? [02:57:51] Speaker C: Six. [02:57:52] Speaker E: Okay. [02:57:54] Speaker C: 4567. So this is. Where's my presence? Okay, so first. Okay, so that's the strength and presence roll. [02:58:12] Speaker E: Okay, so it works. [02:58:17] Speaker C: And I believe I'm gonna spend three. I don't know what. [02:58:24] Speaker E: Okay, so that'll cut your legend down to three. Your legend points. Yes. All right, so you're doing it on the. On the three wolves then? Yes. Okay. [02:58:41] Speaker C: And that effect lasts for the rest of the combat scene? [02:58:46] Speaker E: Yep. Gotcha. Um. [02:58:51] Speaker C: Yeah, that's it. [02:58:54] Speaker E: Alrighty. Well, awesome. It is. The wolves turn now. We're gonna start with codas. What's. What's your dv again? [02:59:22] Speaker C: Wait, does the two that we got from. That I got from you, Oliver, still stay or is it gone now? [02:59:32] Speaker B: They stay until the end of the combat. It's just as you continue to take valor away, it still diminishes it in the same way it would with your normal valor. So it's still contributing your total right now. [02:59:50] Speaker C: Okay. For the dv thing? [02:59:55] Speaker E: No, he's thinking about. Thinking about his battle thing. [03:00:00] Speaker C: Okay. Uh, there was something where you gave me two points of dv, but I'm not sure if that still stays or not. [03:00:07] Speaker B: Did I? I don't think I did. [03:00:14] Speaker C: Okay. [03:00:15] Speaker B: That helps me when I get attacked. In terms of dV, you, you, untouchable opponent. [03:00:20] Speaker E: Not. That's not an Oliver thing. That's a you. [03:00:22] Speaker C: Oh, that's me. Oh, okay. [03:00:23] Speaker E: So then I believe that stays. Okay, so. [03:00:26] Speaker C: So that's still nine, then. [03:00:28] Speaker E: Okay. Sweet. Gerkins, having seen how hard you are to hit, they are going to work together, but they're going to be at a disadvantage because birds. [03:00:49] Speaker C: Right. [03:00:50] Speaker A: Good job, Ian. And Ian. And Ian. And you, too, Ian. [03:00:57] Speaker C: Gonna need a lot of shinies. [03:01:03] Speaker E: Cool. So we're gonna. Yeah, I'm gonna do one roll because two are going to give bonuses to the other one. [03:01:15] Speaker C: Okay. [03:01:17] Speaker E: And they're. And that one is also going to invoke its rapacity. That should give it a halfway decent dipole. Maybe they can finally beat your dV. [03:01:40] Speaker C: Just don't want to be hit. Is that all? [03:01:45] Speaker E: You may not have a choice, boo boo. That is 17 dice. 24678, 910. Eleven successes. So they beat your DV by two. [03:02:14] Speaker C: Yes. [03:02:16] Speaker E: Now, on the bright side, that doesn't up their damage. It just makes it easier for them to hit you. Yeah. What's your soak? [03:02:35] Speaker C: Lethal. [03:02:36] Speaker E: Yes. [03:02:37] Speaker C: Two. [03:02:40] Speaker E: All right, so it goes from a nine to a 723456. That'll be six lethal damage. Koda. [03:02:58] Speaker C: Six lethal damage. [03:03:01] Speaker E: Um, how many health levels do you have? [03:03:08] Speaker C: That's the part I don't fully understand is health levels, but, um, well, I haven't taken any damage at all. That's. [03:03:22] Speaker B: You should have seven total. [03:03:24] Speaker C: Seven total. So then, yeah, I think you get. [03:03:28] Speaker E: Extra for, like, epic stamina. [03:03:30] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, no, I got none of that. So then I have seven. [03:03:39] Speaker B: I know. Legend increases our health levels go up. [03:03:41] Speaker D: Too, but no epic stamina. Four plus. [03:03:45] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [03:03:47] Speaker E: All right. So you should be at a negative four to all of your rolls going forward, Koda. [03:03:52] Speaker C: Okay. Oh, that's how that works. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Negative four. That's not fun. [03:04:04] Speaker E: It is not. That's why combat is bad. [03:04:09] Speaker C: So were they just biting at me? [03:04:12] Speaker E: One of them bit you? Yes. The other two were kind of harrying you and kind of knocking you off balance, making it hard for you to stay focused. [03:04:20] Speaker C: Okay. Amazing. [03:04:22] Speaker E: And while you were struggling to hold those two off the third one darted in and took a big old chunk out of your leg. [03:04:32] Speaker C: Okay. But I know who I'm coming for. [03:04:39] Speaker E: All right, Oliver. Jesus. 2345, what's your dodge? Or Perry, whatever. What is it? [03:05:01] Speaker B: Right now? [03:05:02] Speaker E: It is 923456. Neither of them manage to beat you? [03:05:16] Speaker B: I'm fine with my head. [03:05:20] Speaker E: All right, that is the end of their round. Oliver, it is your turn. [03:05:30] Speaker B: I look around, things are not going very well. And just begin to kind of mutter to myself. Just wicked. Two, as ever my mother brushed with raven feather. Fen drop on you, a southwest blow on you and blister you all over. And that's gonna be my battle cry. [03:05:48] Speaker E: Okay. [03:05:49] Speaker B: Basically just gives all the enemies one they lose, one die from all their attack rolls for four rounds. [03:05:56] Speaker E: None of them. Okay. And then I need you to track that for me because I will forget. [03:06:04] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I gotcha. I need to mark off the point of legend for that. Then I will turn to my friends. We need a way to deal with this quick and efficiently. And I will kind of like pivot to the side. We need a way to get them back into the water. [03:06:32] Speaker A: Can't immediately think. I guess I could start throwing them. [03:06:36] Speaker C: Yeah, let's do that. [03:06:38] Speaker B: If you think that'll work. And, uh, in which case I will try to, uh, give Clint some command on that, uh, on those roles that he's gonna be doing. [03:06:59] Speaker E: Okay. Make your roll. [03:07:02] Speaker B: Command plus redoing Christmas. [03:07:05] Speaker E: Yeah. Let's do charisma. [03:07:11] Speaker B: That it's not the pot channel. 2345, nothing. So five successes there. So I believe two extra dice for Clan or three for rounding up or. [03:07:37] Speaker E: Not three will round up. [03:07:40] Speaker A: I'll take it. [03:07:44] Speaker E: Anything else? [03:07:46] Speaker B: No, that's about all I can do. I did my battle cry and then I split with a. Oh, right, you. [03:07:50] Speaker E: Did the battle cry first. Got it, got it, got it, got it. Clint, your turn. [03:07:55] Speaker A: All right. Clint would like to, uh, looking at the nearest Fenris wolf at a glance. Would it be possible to pick one of these things up? I have quite a bit of strength. Fairly confident in my capabilities on that regard. But is it possible? [03:08:15] Speaker E: I'm looking at your sheet. Hold on. Yeah, yeah, you could probably do it. [03:08:24] Speaker A: Cool. Clint would like to pick up and throw one of the wolves. That is the great. [03:08:31] Speaker E: We're gonna. Well, you're gonna have to attempt a clinch roll first. Yeah. [03:08:39] Speaker A: I think that one's the tricky part because I don't have a lot of brawl, but I do have good other stuff. So I'm gonna use the three dice. Can I tap into let's see. [03:08:57] Speaker E: Might I suggest you tap into courage? [03:09:00] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that's my best bet here. I used one earlier. Got one left. [03:09:12] Speaker B: All right. [03:09:12] Speaker A: Yep. So I'll tap into courage. So that'll give me a four extra dice on this roll. [03:09:19] Speaker E: All right. Is it because you are attempting to grapple a car sized wolf? [03:09:27] Speaker A: Yes. [03:09:27] Speaker E: And throw it. I'm gonna call this a two die stunt. [03:09:36] Speaker A: I'll take it. That's a total of ten dice then. [03:09:49] Speaker E: All right. Their dv is currently lowered by one. Correct. [03:09:59] Speaker A: Your hope so. [03:10:03] Speaker E: Yes, it is. And this one, are you going for one of the ones that's been injured? [03:10:09] Speaker A: Yes, definitely. [03:10:11] Speaker E: Okay, so that's gonna lower it again. So it's dv is five. You have to beat a five. [03:10:17] Speaker A: Cool. I don't know if this knack would matter, but as part of getting up an additional rank of epic strengthen, I went ahead and took mighty heave, which is doubling or, no, effectively tripling the distance. I can throw a heavy object as a feat of strength. [03:10:34] Speaker E: Yeah, that certainly applies. [03:10:38] Speaker A: Cool. [03:10:39] Speaker E: If you can clinch this and throw it, it's going to go a long way. [03:10:43] Speaker A: Awesome. So we've got six. [03:10:48] Speaker E: All right, so six. You've certainly clenched it. It has a hold of you and it is squirming and looks vaguely panicked. Now, I would like you to roll me your strength, plus your athletics. [03:11:05] Speaker A: Awesome. [03:11:06] Speaker B: Do my command. I supply here as well. Or just for the first roll? [03:11:09] Speaker E: Just for the first roll. [03:11:10] Speaker B: Okay, that's fine. [03:11:12] Speaker E: Trust me, he'll be fine. [03:11:15] Speaker B: Every bit helps. [03:11:17] Speaker A: Five. Do we include epics on this dice pool or is that just going to be for the successes? [03:11:28] Speaker E: Your epics always just give you successes. They don't give you extra dice. [03:11:32] Speaker A: Thank you. Thank you. That's 2345. [03:11:41] Speaker E: Very well done. [03:11:42] Speaker A: And then with. And the crowd goes wild. Any dice and athletics are considered automatic successes, but I think this is a feat of strength. Right. [03:11:51] Speaker E: It's still an athletics role, though. [03:11:55] Speaker A: All right. [03:11:55] Speaker E: Jesus Christ. That's an extra three. [03:11:58] Speaker A: Yep. [03:12:00] Speaker E: So what's your total? [03:12:01] Speaker A: So we've got five, just bonus. Plus the three original. So that's a total of eight. [03:12:07] Speaker E: All right, cool. Were you taking into account your negatives from your wounds? [03:12:13] Speaker A: Oh, that would be a minus one then. [03:12:16] Speaker E: Okay, so that's a seven then. [03:12:18] Speaker A: Yep. [03:12:19] Speaker E: That's still ridiculous. Okay, so please describe what everybody sees, because this thing's gonna go sailing. [03:12:29] Speaker A: Yeah. So Clint, just for the moment, stabs his toothpaste into the sand and bum rushes the damaged nearby french wolf. He tackles from the side. Not really wrapping his arms around it because clearly it's too big, but gets a good, firm hold on. The fur kind of lifts up, getting ready to suplex, and then starts to spin. As he spins, he builds up the speed, starts letting loose of the fur. As soon as he's lined up with the black, inky water, he just lets loose at a nice, sharp angle up into the air and puts a hand up to his forehead to see just how far it'll go. [03:13:13] Speaker E: You guys watch Clint bum rush this thing, wrap his arms around it. His hands grip into the fur, and he spins and he sends it sailing. And you all hear the yelp that leads this. This animal's throat. It sounds like something a dog would let out. Not a wolf, but, yeah, just a full on, like, oh, God. Yelp. And then it goes sailing. I would like. Clint, I would like you to roll. Let's go. Charisma and presence to see if you can use this to intimidate the wolves. [03:14:13] Speaker A: Can I tap into expression for this? [03:14:16] Speaker E: Absolutely. [03:14:18] Speaker A: Awesome. I'm gonna tap into it for two. As Clint turns to look at the Fenris, wolves kind of rolls his shoulders and. All right, who's next? Roll 23456. And then an epic and charisma that is a total of seven. [03:14:37] Speaker E: Holy shit. Okay, I am looking at their stuff. I don't think that they can withstand this, but goddamn, they're gonna try. Let's make that a wits and integrity. It's only five dice. Actually, I will give them a couple extra dice because Gwen is on the other side of this, and she's also very scary just on her own just a little bit. So they're gonna roll a total of seven. They're getting too extra diced for the fact that they're not sure that they're willing to piss off Gwen. Rollo, that's only three. They're more scared that Clint is going to throw them in the water where y'all see a massive tentacle snap up out of the water and catch this wolf as it goes flying and then haul it under. And they all decide that they're far more scared of being thrown into the water where the tentacles are, and they begin to back up towards Gwen. Gwen, you hear in your head from Ivy. I think we should go. [03:16:09] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. And it is my turn after this. [03:16:12] Speaker E: Uh, it is. [03:16:20] Speaker D: Um. [03:16:22] Speaker C: Okay. [03:16:23] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna. I would like to get onto iv. I would like to. Does Clint still have his spear in his hand, or is he just. [03:16:34] Speaker E: His spear is shoved into the sand next to him. He could grab it easily if he needed to. [03:16:41] Speaker B: Cool. [03:16:43] Speaker D: I'm gonna spend a point of willpower for overt order. And I would like to tell him to stab Oliver. [03:16:50] Speaker E: Okay. Their role with that. [03:16:55] Speaker A: Uh, no, I don't want to. [03:17:00] Speaker D: Uh, sion parts. Not a command that the target must obey costs one willpower. And the command must be one the psion can give and the victim can perform in a single action. Um, can interpret the command loosely to make it not directly suicidal. But not if all he's trying to do is keep out of trouble. [03:17:19] Speaker E: Okay. All right, Clint, make me a wits and integrity rule. You're gonna have to follow the orders. But I want to see how to the letter. You're gonna follow them. [03:17:32] Speaker A: You got it. [03:17:35] Speaker B: Two. [03:17:35] Speaker A: Three total. [03:17:36] Speaker E: Three's not bad. So you have to follow her order. You have to. But you have just enough self control that you think you can probably aim for an area that's not gonna, like, do an excessive amount of damage. It's still gonna hurt, but you could probably make it non lethal. [03:18:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Clint will definitely aim for something that is not a vein or something of particularly important. Definitely not like a joint either, because we don't want to have problems getting away. [03:18:15] Speaker E: All right, Gwen, are you and your forces withdrawing? [03:18:20] Speaker D: The zombies are staying, but the wolves are being given the order to retreat. [03:18:26] Speaker B: Okay, was her command to Clint verbal or is it a telepathic thing? [03:18:30] Speaker D: It's verbal. [03:18:31] Speaker E: Verbal. [03:18:31] Speaker B: So I know that's coming. [03:18:33] Speaker E: You know that's coming. And you can see Clint reaching for his spear as the wolves and Gwenhe dart off into the distance. The zombies continue to close in. All right, coda oda, your turn. There are. There are twelve zombies closing in on you. [03:18:57] Speaker C: Zombies. Okay. She is going to call out because she's ready to just go fight the zombies. But she's going to call out to Oliver. Do you think you can handle the whole getting stabbed bit? [03:19:14] Speaker B: I'll try. [03:19:16] Speaker C: Okay. I'm gonna fight these things and she's gonna wait. [03:19:20] Speaker B: Better idea, huh? As a reflex. Can I do something? [03:19:27] Speaker E: What are you trying to do? [03:19:28] Speaker B: I'm just going to give her a very small item. [03:19:33] Speaker E: No, because you'd have to, like, pull it out of your pocket or out of your bag or whatever. [03:19:36] Speaker B: Okay, that's fine. [03:19:38] Speaker E: Cool. [03:19:39] Speaker C: I am going in swinging to fight. To slash at some zombies. [03:19:46] Speaker E: Slashing at the boys. [03:19:48] Speaker C: Slashing at the boys. I would like to use conviction. Cause she's just like. I'm just doing this like she. [03:19:55] Speaker E: Yeah, that's her. [03:19:57] Speaker C: Twelve, I think. [03:19:59] Speaker B: Twelve. Okay. [03:20:01] Speaker C: Ouch. Well, I still have one valor left. [03:20:11] Speaker D: Also, keep in mind you have a minus. [03:20:14] Speaker C: Yeah, that's why I want to use my. Thank you, magicks. I think I'm gonna do conviction because I haven't used that yet. [03:20:24] Speaker E: Okay, well, they only have. They only have one dodge tv. [03:20:30] Speaker D: They are zombies. [03:20:32] Speaker E: They are zombies. This is not going to be difficult to hit them. [03:20:35] Speaker C: Oh, see, I was hearing, like, viking and all this stuff. [03:20:40] Speaker E: Yeah, because that's, like, the time period and whatever that her pantheon is from, so they look like they belong to her pantheon. Pantheon. [03:20:49] Speaker C: Okay, okay, okay. Just. I was just being cautious. Um, yeah, I'll go swinging. Um, I will not use my virtues then. I will hold on to that. And that is. [03:21:13] Speaker E: Okay. [03:21:17] Speaker C: 2345. [03:21:25] Speaker E: I think you forgot to subtract from your total number of dice. How'd you get to eleven? [03:21:31] Speaker C: Cause I was at my first roll. Oh, I see. I see what you mean. Okay. Ten, nine, eight, seven. [03:21:45] Speaker E: We could just take the last four off. It's fine. That still gives you three successes. Okay, so then that is two on top of your damage roll. [03:21:59] Speaker D: Are we. Are we treating the zombies as extras? [03:22:02] Speaker E: Oh, no, that's fair. So they just. They just go down? [03:22:07] Speaker D: Yeah, I assume so. [03:22:09] Speaker A: What. [03:22:10] Speaker D: What is the total raw damage? [03:22:14] Speaker E: Well, we haven't rolled that yet, sweetheart. I don't know. [03:22:17] Speaker D: Raw damage. Raw damage is number of dice. [03:22:19] Speaker E: Oh, right, right, right. [03:22:24] Speaker C: Oh, okay, so that is the six lethal dexes. [03:22:31] Speaker E: Four. I mean, she does more than. They have total health levels anyway. [03:22:38] Speaker C: 613. And then minus the four would be nine. [03:22:45] Speaker D: Yep. And divide by three. [03:22:47] Speaker E: Yeah. [03:22:47] Speaker D: That kills them. [03:22:49] Speaker E: Yep. So you take out one of the. One of the zombies. [03:22:55] Speaker C: Amazing. [03:22:59] Speaker E: All right. [03:23:00] Speaker C: That's just what she's gonna be doing. [03:23:02] Speaker E: Okay. Oliver, would you like to do anything in preparation for the stabbing you're about to get? [03:23:11] Speaker B: I'm gonna look at Clint and be like, don't know if this is gonna work, but I would like to point out, Clint, that she said to stab me. She didn't say with what. And I'm gonna hold out my thumb and index finger out to him in roughly the size of a yemenite toothpick and try to use this as a command roll for him. [03:23:26] Speaker E: Ooh. Okay, sure. But this is gonna be contested. [03:23:36] Speaker B: Okay. [03:23:38] Speaker E: I would like u to roll. Charisma and command. I would like termite to roll. Let's go. Charisma in command. But you can add your legend rating. [03:24:02] Speaker D: Even though it is an epic manipulation knack. [03:24:06] Speaker E: Oh, well, then, yeah, let's do manipulation and command. [03:24:11] Speaker B: Can I use an intellect virtue for this? [03:24:13] Speaker E: You could absolutely do that. [03:24:15] Speaker B: I'm going to do that. Cool. I am also going to use my warmaster site. Don't have a lot of legend points left, but we'll use two. [03:24:24] Speaker D: You got this, Oliver. Pretty good chance. Wow. [03:24:32] Speaker E: But you have epic manipulation, don't you? Yeah. [03:24:35] Speaker D: That is still five. Or that is six successes. [03:24:38] Speaker B: I am rolling eleven dice here. [03:24:41] Speaker A: Come on, Oliver. [03:24:43] Speaker B: 123456. [03:24:47] Speaker E: That's a tie. Tie goes to the PC. All right, Clint, you are reaching for your spear. And Oliver, thinking on his feet, makes it clear that he wants you to turn your spear into its toothpick form before you stab him. [03:25:13] Speaker A: You know, I think that's a real bright idea. [03:25:17] Speaker E: All right, so here's what's going to happen. You are still going to stab him, however, it is going to be bashing. And you do not get any bonuses to the damage roll, um, from the spear. So it's just going to be your Dex plus your, uh, strength. [03:25:37] Speaker A: It's effectively like I'm punching him with something in my fist. [03:25:40] Speaker E: Right? Effectively, yeah. [03:25:42] Speaker A: Yeah, I gotcha. Uh, it with that in mind. [03:25:47] Speaker E: Yes. You have to put force behind it. [03:25:50] Speaker A: I got you there. But, uh, if it's. If it's too small to be used as a melee weapon, would I be using brawling? [03:25:57] Speaker E: No. [03:25:58] Speaker A: Okay. [03:26:00] Speaker E: Nice try, though. [03:26:01] Speaker A: It's still my hurt. Then. I'm sorry. [03:26:03] Speaker B: That's okay. [03:26:05] Speaker E: It'll hurt a lot less and it'll be bashing, so it's not going to take nearly as long to recover from. That was what I was concerned about. [03:26:12] Speaker B: I'm fine with my head. [03:26:15] Speaker E: 24567. [03:26:19] Speaker A: Yeah. At seven. [03:26:20] Speaker E: Oh, Jesus. [03:26:21] Speaker B: Yep. [03:26:23] Speaker A: That's before epics. That is 911. Yeah. Eleven, because of. Yep. [03:26:30] Speaker B: They'll get dropped down to three. [03:26:35] Speaker E: Awesome. So you take three levels of bashing damage. [03:26:38] Speaker B: That's okay. [03:26:39] Speaker D: Well, that was just a hit. [03:26:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:26:41] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. No, that's fair. That is just a hit. Let's roll your damage. [03:26:48] Speaker A: What's your dv there, friendo? How do you. [03:26:50] Speaker E: I think three is what's left after his dvd. [03:26:54] Speaker A: Gotcha. So the three dice and then strength index. [03:26:59] Speaker D: So that's nine dice, minus Oliver's fashion, so. [03:27:03] Speaker B: Oh, right. I have. So I've never. [03:27:05] Speaker A: Yeah. So what's your soak? [03:27:06] Speaker B: Um, three. So drop down three and then minus. [03:27:11] Speaker A: One for my damage penalty. So we're down to five. [03:27:17] Speaker C: Let's do. [03:27:21] Speaker A: Three. [03:27:21] Speaker D: Plus the ethics. [03:27:22] Speaker A: Oh, shit. [03:27:27] Speaker E: So that's seven. [03:27:28] Speaker A: That's seven bashing damage. [03:27:37] Speaker E: Oliver does everything in his power to decrease how bad this is going to hurt. And Clint, like, hits him in the shoe, and it still knocks him off his feet. And Oliver is leg dazed in the sand. And that is where we're gonna call it for the evening. [03:27:59] Speaker A: I'm sorry. [03:28:00] Speaker E: Thank you guys for joining us. It's been a fantastic premiere. We hope you guys had as much fun as we did, and we will see you back on Friday. It.

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