Episode 4

September 27, 2024


S3 Ep4: War of Hearts

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S3 Ep4: War of Hearts
Apotheosis : A Scion RPG Actual Play
S3 Ep4: War of Hearts

Sep 27 2024 | 03:35:31


Show Notes

Greece: birthplace of the olympics, home of the Parthenon (the one in Athens, not the one in Nashville), and current location of our band. They’ve received their labor, and now they’re off to complete it… riiiight after they run a little errand for their transportation. Let’s hope that, in the words of one of our band members, this adventure is exciting and memorable. Poseidon does know how to make things exciting, at the very least

Coda Massaquoi - Sticker
Oliver Bright - Gary
Clint Brazos - Gavin Cash

Hephaestus - Bookkeeper
Andre Briscoe - Solomon

Storyteller - Bloodied Porcelain

Opening Theme: Black Sun by C.K. Martin

Character Art Commissioned From: https://www.instagram.com/lufelufa29/

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Hi, I'm Gavin Cashe, and I'm playing Clint Brazos, a psion of the morrigan. [00:00:36] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Gary, and I'll be playing Oliver Bright, the scion of Ogma. [00:00:43] Speaker C: Hello, I'm sticker, and I play Coda Masikoi, the scion of Bessette. [00:00:50] Speaker D: Hello, I'm Solomon, and I play as Andre Brisco, the psion of Hephaestus. [00:00:58] Speaker E: Hello, I'm bookkeeper, and I play Hephaestus, a God of the dodecatheon. [00:01:05] Speaker F: And I'm bloodied porcelain. I'll be your storyteller for the evening. Good evening, players. Where we left off. Where last we left off. Oh, goodness, it's been a few weeks. You wrapped up your task for the loa, met, returned to Damon's farm where you had some downtime, got to relax, heal up from your wounds a bit, and were eventually introduced to Damon's uncle. Cousin. I don't know. The Greeks have a really weird family tree and it's best not to try and unpack who's what to who. Hephaestus and Hephaestus son, Andre. You were informed that Andre was going to be coming on to help you with the remainder of your tasks as Artemis has continued to keep Chris away on dodecathy and pantheon business. Following that, your car was altered to be able to be used with the. To be able to travel long distances with the psychopomp purview. You traveled to Wales, where Oliver found out that not only is Bram. Yes, a real, like, proper dragon who will get bigger than a house at some point, but that Bram technically belongs to a pantheon that most people don't interact with very often because they're pretty sequestered in their own little part of the world. He requested that Bram be allowed to stay with him. And the king of the welsh pantheon agreed, under the. Under the. The terms that Oliver would have to agree to become a champion, a champion for their pantheon when the time comes. The agreement was set firmly with magic and woven by fate. Following that, I believe you guys went back, went all the way over to Greece, where you were put up in a guest or a summer house of sorts that belongs to the dodecatheon pantheon by Hephaestus. Hephaestus excused himself for the evening to allow you all to hang out for a bit of. Get to know each other a little bit more. And frankly, he just seemed like he needed some time, not peopling. And you were informed that the bearer of your, or the bestower of your labor would present themselves the next day. Was there anything anybody wanted to do or talk about in the evening when you were hanging out and having a beer? I believe. [00:04:50] Speaker A: You know, I've been thinking on it for a minute. We got a student and a teacher, and now we got an apprentice. Handled the odd one out here. [00:05:11] Speaker D: How do you mean? [00:05:12] Speaker A: Well, y'all have been proper educated in at least something or other, and I'm kinda just over here with a basic understanding of how some things work. I know it's only night, but y'all mind teaching me some of the stuff that's between high school and where we are now? [00:05:36] Speaker B: I almost choke on my beer. [00:05:40] Speaker D: I mean, I'd be happy to teach y'all what I know. Most of what I know comes from books. I didn't actually go to a college. I went to a trade school, but. [00:05:49] Speaker A: Oh, what'd you have to trade? [00:05:57] Speaker D: No, trade like the. As in like a job. Like a skill. Not exactly going for knowledge, but the ability to do something. So I learned how to better make things that wouldn't explode when you turn them on. [00:06:15] Speaker A: Okay. So it's sort of like. It's like school, but for. For being a plumber or something like that. [00:06:25] Speaker D: Yeah. It's closer to what you actually consider being at a. Being an apprentice, that kind of thing. [00:06:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I mean, that's still learning that you learned something that was more niche, probably, but it's important. [00:06:39] Speaker D: Yeah. You learn a lot more about doing than by reading. [00:06:43] Speaker B: Exactly. I was going to say also arguably more practical as well. But, Clint, I would love to teach you a thing or two about what I know as well. [00:06:54] Speaker A: I can't promise I'll sit real still the whole time, but I'll do my best. Best. [00:07:01] Speaker B: Clint, I taught high schoolers, plenty of whom also had attention issues, I think I'll be able to manage. [00:07:09] Speaker C: And anger issues? [00:07:11] Speaker B: Well, I wasn't gonna say that. [00:07:14] Speaker A: I mean, I don't have that part, I don't think. [00:07:16] Speaker B: No, definitely not. [00:07:18] Speaker C: No. [00:07:21] Speaker A: Okay. [00:07:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:07:21] Speaker A: Um. So I suppose. Where would. Where would we start, do you think? [00:07:29] Speaker D: Well, I mean, if it depends on what you want to start with. Do you want to start with the sort of book learning that you get from Oliver or you want more? Maybe learn how to help me fix up and keep the car, you know, steady. [00:07:48] Speaker A: Well, I'm kind of good at cooking, and there's some things that I kind of mess up because I don't do the numbers right all the time. So maybe. Maybe something where I can mix those two. [00:08:00] Speaker C: Science. [00:08:03] Speaker D: There's all kinds of things you can do for that. Technically, cooking is a kind of chemistry because it's just figuring out how to handle the different. How things react. Meat cooking is itself a chemical reaction. [00:08:19] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Yeah. Well, yeah. Okay, so it's sort of like if you talk to somebody and you're real nice to them, they have a reaction, too. Right? [00:08:30] Speaker D: That is, I believe, where the saying, uh, chemistry between people comes from. [00:08:34] Speaker A: Yeah, that's. That's what I'm saying. Yes. Okay, so we're learning about people. Okay. [00:08:41] Speaker D: Well, Oliver, you want to help me out here? [00:08:45] Speaker B: Um, so, Clint, like you said, reaction, when people interact with each other, what is a reaction? [00:08:56] Speaker A: Well, you have to do something for something to happen, right? That's exactly how it works. [00:09:01] Speaker B: There you go. And that's the same exact thing, but with, like, chemicals and science and the way the world works, reaction, you mix one thing with another thing, something happens, and something happens as a result because of that. [00:09:16] Speaker C: Like cause and effect. [00:09:18] Speaker B: Yes. Okay, and, like cooking, uh, chemistry is sort of. Kind of like figuring out what things, when interacting with each other, will result in what reaction. [00:09:34] Speaker D: Like if you put in too much of something, mill tastes way more of one thing than of anything else, but get it just right, then, well, you get exactly what you wanted. [00:09:44] Speaker A: Yeah. So, like when you're baking a cake, right? You got this whole list of ingredients you gotta follow. And it gets kind of tricky. But, I mean, heat is, you have to heat things to make them eatable, right? So is that a reaction? [00:09:59] Speaker D: Yeah. You're brushing out all the different types of germs and bacteria that are stuck onto things. And the parasites, if it's meat. [00:10:06] Speaker B: But if you cook it for too long and that heat stays on for too long, it gets burnt. So you got to find the right way to make it react. [00:10:14] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'm getting it. I'm getting it. I think. [00:10:22] Speaker B: Yeah, I think you are. [00:10:24] Speaker D: I think so, too. [00:10:25] Speaker C: Mm hmm. We can start with those little science experiments that they would do, like how to make oobleck or how to make, like, when you put mentos inside of those, like, explosive drinks. You don't worry. [00:10:43] Speaker F: I got you. [00:10:44] Speaker A: You're drinking explosives. [00:10:45] Speaker C: It's fine. I got you. We'll do tons of science experiments. I love science. [00:10:49] Speaker F: Clint. [00:10:51] Speaker A: Yeah? [00:10:54] Speaker F: Please take a legend point for leaning into one of your pantheon perfumes. [00:10:59] Speaker A: Thank you. Legend point taken. Well, okay, so, I mean, yeah, we can work on that, but we got a whole night. Is that the only thing we're gonna work on or do we got other stuff we need to handle first, and then we make snacks as part of a science experiment. [00:11:26] Speaker B: I think your literary understanding could use some work. And if you were to understand things better, that could help a lot of issues. Um, I'm gonna need to make up a lesson plan, though. What's the last book you've read? [00:11:43] Speaker A: Uh, I mean, does audiobook count? [00:11:46] Speaker C: Yeah, that you wasn't forced to listen to. [00:11:51] Speaker A: Them all. We listened to him in the car all the time. Whatever we were listening to last. [00:11:56] Speaker B: Okay, let me rephrase. What was the last book that you read before meeting me? [00:12:02] Speaker A: Oh, okay. I mean, when I was in school, the little bit I was in, and then I had to read it for them tests. I had to read to kill a mockingbird. [00:12:14] Speaker B: Okay. Did you finish it? [00:12:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:12:18] Speaker F: Ian gives a vaguely disgruntled noise. [00:12:22] Speaker A: I know. I didn't like the name either, and it didn't make no sense. [00:12:26] Speaker B: Well, it does make sense when you think about it because of a certain path. Okay, maybe we'll start with that in the lesson play and then go from there. I'll write something up tonight. [00:12:36] Speaker D: Also, might not be a bad idea if we wanted to teach him some of, like, all myths, things that are associated with all pantheons. Maybe he. Maybe helping him understand a little more about where he came from and the world he's in could help down the line. [00:12:50] Speaker B: Also true. [00:12:52] Speaker A: Yeah. Maybe I can find out why my mom's so quiet all the time. [00:12:57] Speaker F: Oliver. [00:12:58] Speaker B: Mm hmm? [00:12:59] Speaker F: Roll me intelligence at a cult. [00:13:02] Speaker B: I can do that. There's a cult? There is a cult. Seven successes. [00:13:23] Speaker F: Clint, knowing more about your pantheon's mythology might help him address the trouble he got into with his mother. [00:13:35] Speaker B: Hmm. Actually thinking about it, Clint, you learning more about the tua is probably a very good thing considering what happened with the chair and your mom and things of that nature. If you know more about the mythology, you might be able to navigate those situations a bit better and be able to move forward easier. [00:13:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to learn what chairs are okay and not okay to touch based on our stories there. I'd appreciate learning that. [00:14:13] Speaker B: All right. This is exciting. I have not gotten to write up a lesson plan in a long time, and this is going to be fun. [00:14:22] Speaker D: Audrey just looks over Coda at that. She's like, he always liked this. [00:14:26] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he used to. [00:14:29] Speaker F: Um. [00:14:29] Speaker C: I mean, this was a while ago, but he used to, like, come to, like, neighborhoods and stuff and teach kids, and we would, like, act out. [00:14:36] Speaker F: What is it? [00:14:37] Speaker C: Macbeth or Hamlet or whatever it is. [00:14:40] Speaker B: Several Shakespeare. [00:14:42] Speaker C: Several Shakespeare. Shakespeare plays with, like, rulers, like, rubber rulers, as, like, swords. And it was kind of interesting to see the neighborhood kids excited about it. Now, if I had to do it, I would have been like, what's up with this guy? [00:14:59] Speaker F: But. [00:14:59] Speaker C: But, you know. [00:15:00] Speaker B: Well, it's because you're not supposed to read Shakespeare. It's supposed to be performed, and. [00:15:03] Speaker D: Yeah, he wrote plays and write novels. [00:15:06] Speaker B: Exactly. There's nothing more boring than reading Shakespeare. [00:15:09] Speaker C: I'll even admit that I agree for sure. [00:15:12] Speaker A: We're not gonna have to do that, are we? [00:15:15] Speaker D: I with Shakespeare, we might just be okay watching the movies. [00:15:19] Speaker A: Okay. That's the one where they got the guns, right? Like, you got the Romeo and Juliethe with the pistols. [00:15:26] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:15:27] Speaker D: The silliest one. Also the best one. [00:15:29] Speaker C: Yeah, or there's ones where it's gnomes. [00:15:34] Speaker F: No, I am watching Oliver. Oliver's, like, internal teacher just wither up and die. Talk about the movies. [00:15:51] Speaker A: You know, I did hear that the lion King was based on a Shakespeare story. [00:15:56] Speaker B: It's reminiscent of Hamlet, but there are some notable differences. [00:16:00] Speaker A: No, it wasn't lion ham. They were lions. [00:16:02] Speaker D: Yeah, well, that's actually something that you'll probably come to see, Clint, is that a lot of these stories have things, a lot in common. Like, I mean, technically, if you think about it, one of the main things of between norse and greek mythology is fate. The Norns, which are three ladies that represent fate for the Norse and the fates, that represent our three ladies that represent fate for the Greeks. There's things that are similar. [00:16:29] Speaker A: We got. We got fate, too. We got. We got enoch, don't we? [00:16:35] Speaker B: Yes. It's similar, I believe, although I'm not fully an expert on it, like some others of our pantheon might be. [00:16:47] Speaker A: I can ask mom. She seems to know a little bit about it. [00:16:54] Speaker B: Right. Okay. Yeah. This is going to be fun. [00:17:00] Speaker C: Okay. [00:17:01] Speaker A: All right. You want another beer? [00:17:03] Speaker B: Uh, no, no, no. I need to work on my lesson plan. [00:17:06] Speaker D: I'll take one. [00:17:07] Speaker A: You got it. I'll be right back. Hey, you want one, too? [00:17:11] Speaker C: Mm, no, I'm good. [00:17:13] Speaker A: All right. [00:17:16] Speaker F: All right. As folks settle in with beers and Oliver hunkers down in a corner to work on a lesson plan for Clint, which feels like an undertaking in and of itself. I don't know why you're taking out extra labors, but here we are. You all enjoy the rest of your evening. It's quiet. There's a lovely breeze coming in off the sea, and you're able to just kind of chill for the first time in a little while that wasn't, you know, you're not surrounded by dryads. You're not concerned about another psion or God showing up at any moment to give you a task. For the moment, it's just a moment to decompress before the Greeks, the originators of the labor, show up to give you your task in the morning. That evening, you're all able to go to sleep, get a nice night. Pelecota sleeps on your pillow, like, right on top of your head. Um, he's not, like, laying on you, but, like, you know, on the pillow, uh, so that he's, like, up against the crown of your head. [00:18:40] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:18:44] Speaker F: And, uh, Ian is unusually vigilant. [00:18:50] Speaker A: Clint, everything all right out there? [00:18:56] Speaker F: Fine. For now. Go to sleep. [00:18:59] Speaker A: Hey. All right, quintle, turn over and pull the blanket up. [00:19:09] Speaker F: And you all, Bram, for what it's worth, is perfectly happy as long as somebody's giving him food. Oliver, now that you've gone to talk to the Welsh, you do realize that you've had to progressively give him more and more, and he is more demanding of meat than other things. Like, he still loves funyuns. And he'll nosh down a bag of funyuns like there's no tomorrow, but he's not full off of them anymore. [00:19:38] Speaker B: Noted. [00:19:44] Speaker F: In the morning, Andre, your phone goes off. [00:19:53] Speaker D: I will go ahead and pick it up. He was probably going to be one of the first ones to wake up anyway. [00:19:59] Speaker F: You have a text message. It says, bring my chair. [00:20:05] Speaker D: All right. And he will get up and get ready for the day and especially get ready to grab the chair. [00:20:17] Speaker F: Hephaestus, would you like to tell us how you arrive? [00:20:22] Speaker E: Hephaestus brings his own car this time, which is a very large pickup truck of unidentified make and model, but it rumbles almost like an active volcano as it closes in on the house. [00:20:48] Speaker A: Sounds like he's almost here. [00:20:51] Speaker F: For what it's worth, Andrea, when you get downstairs, out of your room and into the main foyer or into the living room, your father's wheelchair is there. You have no idea how it got here because he had it when he left. [00:21:07] Speaker D: I just. I think with as long as I have been a scion, I know not better than to question it. [00:21:13] Speaker F: Fair. [00:21:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:21:17] Speaker F: Boy. [00:21:18] Speaker E: Bring me my chair. [00:21:20] Speaker D: And he's just gonna quickly get the chair out to Hephaestus. [00:21:27] Speaker E: As Hephaestus works his way out of the truck, he will gesture to the back. It's a box back there. Delicate. Be gentle with it, but bring it in. [00:21:40] Speaker D: I got it. And Andre will hop in, grab the box, and then be carefully hop down again. So what all did you bring us? [00:22:04] Speaker E: Nothing you're gonna be happy about. He pushes a button and starts to roll into the house. [00:22:13] Speaker D: Damn it. And he'll just, like, just carry the box in. Just grumbling. [00:22:22] Speaker F: Uh, Clint? [00:22:26] Speaker A: Yep. [00:22:26] Speaker F: You wake up to a text message. [00:22:31] Speaker A: Gotta roll over. Okay. Oh, hold on. Let me see here. Oh, mom, text me. All right. And. Okay, cool. All right. Gonna learn something later. He'll come out of his room beaming, very happy and proud. And I. If he's not one of the other first ones up, he'll start making breakfast for folks. And then on the way to the kitchen, I assume he would encounter Hephaestus and Andre. [00:23:08] Speaker E: Morning. [00:23:09] Speaker D: Morning, Clint. [00:23:10] Speaker A: Hey, morning, y'all. Y'all want eggs, bacon, coffee, the usual? [00:23:15] Speaker E: Yes. [00:23:16] Speaker A: You got it. [00:23:17] Speaker D: Make it to okay? [00:23:20] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna have some, and I figure, you know, our friends are gonna have some too, so I'll make it more than two. Yeah, y'all just get comfy. [00:23:31] Speaker F: Clint. Just casually doing math, man. It's great. [00:23:36] Speaker A: I mean, that after two is more than. For now. Later. [00:23:44] Speaker F: Um, Koda, how do you wake up? [00:23:48] Speaker C: I think Koda would have woken up early, but she would have, like, sat outside. If Pele comes with her, then Pele comes with her. But to, like, sit with the sun rising, and she's just, like, thinking deeply, especially after everything that happened at the celestial bureaucracy. Bureaucracy. So she's, like, doing some deep thinking with the sunrising. But when she smells food, she does eventually make her way inside and downstairs. [00:24:22] Speaker F: Pele did spend the morning with you. He found, like, the one sliver of semi sunlight to lay in and stretched himself out and took a nap. [00:24:32] Speaker C: Nice. I feel that. Yeah. But she'll come down. Big stretch as well, and then start to look amongst the food, like, ooh, it's here. And then when she sees Hephaestus and, well, when she sees everybody, she'll just kind of do, like, a nod and then go, good morning, everyone. [00:24:55] Speaker F: Oliver. [00:24:57] Speaker B: Yes. [00:24:58] Speaker F: You were up late working on your lesson plan. Yes, it's morning. There's the smell of coffee and bacon downstairs. And Bram has a hold of, like, the pant leg of your pajamas and is pulling on them. And you can hear the fabric tearing as he attempts to haul you out of bed. Despite the fact that he does not weigh nearly enough. He has made progress moving your leg, though. [00:25:28] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Okay, I'm coming. You're doing a great job. Look at me. You're pulling me. Okay, here we go. As I get up and make for. [00:25:37] Speaker F: The kitchen, as soon as you were out of bed, he scuttles to the door like it's his job and stands and stares at you impatiently until the door is open. And then he is out the door like a shot. And downstairs and crawling up Clint's leg, walking. [00:25:55] Speaker B: I'll call down hungry dragon to make extra food. [00:25:58] Speaker A: Okay, no problem. Get down. No, I'm not on the counter. Get down. [00:26:03] Speaker F: Oh, no, he doesn't go under the counter. He goes straight onto the stove. He's, like, walking around the. Walking around the pans. And you realize as he does this, that he seems to not notice that it's hot. [00:26:19] Speaker A: Rom, you get off that oven right now, or you will not have enough of a breakfast. I promise. [00:26:26] Speaker F: You get a hefty plume of smoke blown at you. [00:26:31] Speaker A: Don't make me put you on the ground myself. You hop down now. [00:26:39] Speaker F: Uh, Clint, make me, um. Make me a charisma and animal ken. Check, please. [00:26:49] Speaker A: You got it. Five successes. [00:27:12] Speaker F: He hesitates and looks visibly annoyed and kind of slaps his tail against the top of the stove. But does eventually hop off and kind of not terribly gracefully at all, plops down on the floor. [00:27:31] Speaker A: Good boy. Now hold on. And Clint will give him a piece of half cooked bacon. There will be more later. You just hold on. Okay? [00:27:41] Speaker F: He rips into the bacon like he was starving. [00:27:43] Speaker A: Good boy. [00:27:46] Speaker F: And then makes his way over and crawls up Hephaestus's leg and sits at his lap. [00:27:55] Speaker A: Sorry, y'all. It's gonna be a few more minutes. I gotta restart these eggs here. [00:28:00] Speaker D: It's all good. [00:28:06] Speaker E: Festus will turn his hand over and just erupt a small palm of flame for Braum to kind of snuggle in and just leave it burning there. [00:28:20] Speaker F: And he does. He gives a little. Well, first he stares at it for a minute like he's trying to figure something out. And then you notice a couple plumes of smoke leave his nose. And then he finally gets off a couple of sparks and just looks very proud of himself before he cuddles up into the fire. There you go. [00:28:45] Speaker A: Mister B. You might want to keep an eye on that thing. If he's learning how to do that, our car rides might get real interesting. [00:28:54] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:55] Speaker C: I think it's amazing. [00:28:57] Speaker B: Yes, it does. [00:28:57] Speaker A: Well, I mean, it's a free lighter. [00:29:01] Speaker C: Wait a second, though. [00:29:04] Speaker D: I'm working my way up. [00:29:05] Speaker B: I'm using the dragon to. We're not using him as a glorified. Lighter. He is a dragon, okay? [00:29:16] Speaker C: And we're science. [00:29:18] Speaker E: You will learn to respect fire, children. [00:29:26] Speaker A: I mean, I respect it plenty. I don't want to get burnt. [00:29:30] Speaker F: It doesn't take long for Clint to finish up the eggs and the bacon. Neither of them take terribly long to cook. This is a relatively large kitchen with one of those stoves that has, like, six eyes. So Clint is able to work with a lot more than just a single skillet or two like you would in most kitchens. And you are all able to settle down at the table for bacon and eggs and coffee and whatever miscellaneous fruits and things might have been in the kitchen probably get served as well. [00:30:11] Speaker D: Pomegranates. [00:30:15] Speaker F: No, those have a special connotation, so. [00:30:18] Speaker B: No, as I say, there's. I am not touching them. [00:30:21] Speaker D: It was a joke. [00:30:25] Speaker F: Olives, though. Probably olives. [00:30:27] Speaker D: Definitely olives. [00:30:37] Speaker A: All right. [00:30:38] Speaker C: What's in the box? [00:30:42] Speaker E: This is good, Clint. [00:30:44] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:30:46] Speaker E: Well, no. You want to know? Coda, go open it. [00:30:52] Speaker C: Okay. [00:30:53] Speaker E: Carefully. They're fragile. [00:30:57] Speaker C: They are fragile. She'll go over and, like, look inside and open the box. [00:31:08] Speaker F: As you. This is one of those boxes that has, like, a stationary bottom, and the lid is actually. It's. It's almost like a. Another box that's missing its bottom. So it slides down over top of the first, you know? Yeah. So you pull. So when you go to pull it up, it almost looks like the whole box comes with it, but it leaves you with a stationary box with the open top under it. And you look down inside of it, and there is a massive bouquet of flowers. [00:31:46] Speaker C: Hmm. Okay, so they're flowers. [00:31:52] Speaker E: Originally, father had intended for Artemis to give you this quest, but something, something. Sapphic convention in Uruguay. Something something. [00:32:04] Speaker A: Yeah, it's. [00:32:08] Speaker F: Anyone who would like to can make me an intelligence check to identify the type of flowers. I don't think anybody here has, like, botany or anything. [00:32:27] Speaker B: So oral arrangement is an arthem. [00:32:31] Speaker C: Unless it's weed. I do not know what kind of. [00:32:35] Speaker F: Success is goodness on a straight intelligence. You got seven successes. [00:32:41] Speaker B: Yep. Because I got five intelligence and then three. Three epics. [00:32:48] Speaker F: Jesus. [00:32:53] Speaker A: We have a walking encyclopedia and a thesaurus, too. It looks like I like a torch. [00:33:00] Speaker D: Quattro. [00:33:02] Speaker C: Nah. [00:33:05] Speaker F: All right, so coda and Clint just look and see a massive bouquet of flowers. They're pretty, but Andre and Oliver are both immediately able to identify them as Narcissus and forget me nothing. And Oliver, because you rolled so well, I will give you. I will also give you this. You are pretty sure that you count at least 80 or 90 narcissus. But rounding up, you're probably looking at close to 100. [00:33:54] Speaker B: So we have over 100 narcissus flowers here. And we are meant to do what with them? [00:34:07] Speaker F: Oh, for those Americans at home, narcissus are also known as daffodils. [00:34:15] Speaker E: Your labor has been given to you by my uncle Hades. Each of these flowers is to be taken to a funeral. This funeral must be someone fate bound to the dodocathion. At each funeral, you will take one of those flowers and present it as an offering to Persephone. [00:34:47] Speaker B: Aha. [00:34:49] Speaker E: When all of this is done, the bouquet will be presented to the queen of the underworld by her husband as a grand romantic gesture. [00:35:02] Speaker B: And how long do we have to do this. [00:35:07] Speaker A: Until all the flowers are gone? [00:35:11] Speaker F: Uh, I will give this to Andre explicitly because he's greek. In theory, you have as long as it takes. However, you have two problems with taking as long as you want. Number one, they're flowers. They're going to die eventually, unless you find somebody who has the ability to help keep them alive. Number two, Persephone is not in the underworld the whole year. [00:35:43] Speaker D: Well, we got a grand total of three timelines with this one, technically, long as we can. Long as we like. Two, Persephone is only in the. In the underworld for six months. And the third one, flowers don't last very long. [00:36:01] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, that makes it. Well, I mean, if it's for the underworld, ain't they gonna die and go there anyway? [00:36:08] Speaker D: Yeah, but they have to be presented as a gift, a. It has to be meant for Persephone. [00:36:16] Speaker A: Okay. [00:36:17] Speaker B: She's not gonna want to receive dead flowers. [00:36:20] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Okay, that makes more sense. All right. [00:36:23] Speaker C: And she's gonna be at all of these funerals. [00:36:26] Speaker D: No, she's gonna be in the underworld where these funeral were. These flowers presented at the funeral for her will get to her through my uncle. [00:36:37] Speaker E: Well, grand uncle, my boy, has the right of it. [00:36:41] Speaker A: Are there that many people fate bound to y'all? [00:36:45] Speaker B: Not necessarily. Unless you mean the dodecathon, then, yes, likely. [00:36:53] Speaker A: And, yeah, that's. That's who I mean. Yeah. [00:36:55] Speaker B: Okay, then. [00:36:58] Speaker E: Finding those funerals is, in fact, part of the labor, and thus, I cannot answer your question. [00:37:05] Speaker C: Well, that part, unfortunately, is a little bit easier. Not gonna lie. Coda will look to the group and go. I'm sure there's, you know, people that, you know, Gwen and Stefan and. Right? [00:37:32] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, certainly. It's just we need to deliver 100 of these. [00:37:43] Speaker F: Yeah. As a reminder, they weren't killing that many scions that quickly. And you've got to. You've got to do this at the, uh. At the funeral. Yes. [00:37:57] Speaker A: Are there even that many funerals planned over the next few days? [00:38:03] Speaker C: People die all the time. [00:38:05] Speaker D: Gam don't have to do it over the next few days. She's got to do it before Persephone leaves, and she's only going to be there down for probably another few more months. [00:38:14] Speaker A: Well, I mean, more of the flowers. I'm trying to make sure that if we do, if we're trying to worry about them being alive, I figure they also kind of want to be purdy before they go down there. [00:38:25] Speaker E: If you care for them, they will last for approximately 150 days. [00:38:30] Speaker A: Oh, well, that's a little more time. I think we can handle that. Yeah. [00:38:35] Speaker C: Okay, so we need plant food. [00:38:38] Speaker A: Uh huh. I think that's called dirt. [00:38:42] Speaker C: No, like the. Like the fertilizer and like. [00:38:46] Speaker A: Oh, poop. Right. Gotcha. You know, we can go to the plant store. [00:38:55] Speaker C: Yeah, like a florist. [00:38:57] Speaker B: I think keeping the flowers alive, not floor store. Keeping the flowers alive is not our highest priority. It's finding enough people who are connected by fate to the dodecatheon and being able to be at their funerals where we can give these flowers a few. Sure. I think we can manage that. But we have to do it for at least 90. Close to 100. [00:39:30] Speaker A: Yeah. How would we know that they're fate bound before we even go there? [00:39:37] Speaker C: Koda's just gonna point at Oliver and you, too. Can't you see fate threads too? [00:39:45] Speaker A: Well, yeah, I did. They were saying that enoch and fate aren't the same thing, though, so I didn't know if they were necessarily tied together or not. [00:39:55] Speaker B: That way it can help, I think. But I can't go all over the world to every single funeral, staring at corpses to know if they're fate bound or not to the right people. We need a better way to go about this. And I think that's the labor, is we need to do this quickly and efficiently over 150 day. [00:40:20] Speaker E: Speaking of quickly and efficiently, I took time out of my day to cut to do this. If you have any further questions for me or need anything from me. He casts a glance at. At his son. Now is the time to ask. [00:40:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Hephaestus, how would you do this? [00:40:40] Speaker E: I wouldn't. [00:40:41] Speaker A: Fair enough. [00:40:42] Speaker E: I don't do labors. Not those that are given to me by others, at any rate. [00:40:48] Speaker A: Okay. All right. I figured it was worth a shot. [00:40:55] Speaker F: Clint, Ian kind of nips at your ear a little bit. The gods can't help with your labors. [00:41:02] Speaker A: I know, but I figured I'd at least ask how he would do it. It's not helping, right? [00:41:08] Speaker F: Yes. When you're asking for a road map. [00:41:12] Speaker A: We'Re not going on the road. Oh, okay, fine. Ian says we're not supposed to ask for help. I'm sorry if I was gonna get you in trouble by asking. That weren't my intention. [00:41:27] Speaker E: No, no, it's fine. It's fine. [00:41:32] Speaker C: Hmm. Okay. Well, I have no questions for you. Although I did just have an idea. Unrelated, though. [00:41:46] Speaker A: Oh. Okay. [00:41:47] Speaker E: Well, then I'll leave you to it, boy. [00:41:51] Speaker A: Thanks. [00:41:51] Speaker E: Walk me out to the car? [00:41:54] Speaker D: Yes, sir. [00:41:55] Speaker A: Have a safe trip. We'll miss you. [00:41:58] Speaker C: Thank you. Mister B. [00:42:04] Speaker B: Yes? [00:42:09] Speaker C: Youre girlfriend? [00:42:13] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:42:14] Speaker C: Does she like traveling? [00:42:17] Speaker B: Uh, she's gone with us before to. [00:42:21] Speaker C: Anvil, but, like, extensively traveling ex. [00:42:26] Speaker B: Yeah, I can ask her. [00:42:28] Speaker C: Cause she could keep a plant alive. [00:42:31] Speaker B: I was thinking the same thing, that if we had access to the dryads, they might be able to keep the flowers preserved. [00:42:38] Speaker A: But if we. I mean, we still got, like, six months only, so we. We do have a limit. [00:42:48] Speaker C: Yeah, but at least that covers that part about us worrying about the plants dying. [00:42:53] Speaker B: Yeah, but here's the thing. Andre might be able to correct me, but as far as I'm aware, when it comes to the stories, whenever a God tasks a mortal with something, with a labor or something of that nature, it's not normally as straightforward as they make it out to be. Or at least. [00:43:18] Speaker C: I don't have to read a story to know that. Have you seen our last, like, life? [00:43:23] Speaker B: I know what I mean. [00:43:24] Speaker C: Just. I don't need to read a book to know that. [00:43:28] Speaker B: What I'm trying to say is, typically when they are given a labor to do, it's made out to be very difficult if done the way it's intended. So normally, there is some sort of trick or clever way that the hero goes about completing the task. I'm wondering if there's a way for us to do that here. [00:43:53] Speaker A: I mean, I could ask the folks that are, you know, not alive if we. They want, you know, they know anybody who died recently. [00:44:02] Speaker B: That might be able to help. Clint, are you able to commune with, like, the ancient dead, call upon spirits of heroes? Or is that outside your abilities? [00:44:16] Speaker A: I mean, so I can kind of just see them all the time, and I can. I can talk with them and touch them a little bit, but not, like, make them do stuff. So if they're not around, I can't make them come around. I can just talk to them when they're here. [00:44:39] Speaker B: Right. Okay. Still very useful. I was just toying with the idea that if we could maybe summon up some old heroes for some advice. But it's all on us. [00:44:51] Speaker F: We're gonna pivot to Andre walking his father out to the car. [00:45:01] Speaker E: How are things? [00:45:03] Speaker D: Can't complain. They're good folk. Just a lot. [00:45:10] Speaker E: Well, our families. Our families a lot. [00:45:14] Speaker F: So. [00:45:16] Speaker E: Suppose you should be used to that by now. [00:45:20] Speaker D: Yeah, but usually the family's a lot over there, and he just kind of, like. Just gestures away. But, uh, fuss. [00:45:32] Speaker E: Working on the car didn't teach you anything? Away is a point of view. [00:45:40] Speaker D: That's true enough. [00:45:44] Speaker E: Put my chair in the back of the truck, please. [00:45:46] Speaker D: Yes, sir. And as he does it, he'll just look at Festus and look back at the chair. You, uh. You've been back to see mom at all? [00:45:59] Speaker E: Not recently. [00:46:05] Speaker B: I'll stop. [00:46:06] Speaker F: Bye. [00:46:08] Speaker D: I think she'd really appreciate that. It gets kind of lonely when it's just her and the nurse. [00:46:15] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:46:20] Speaker D: Thanks for helping up suit up the car. Maybe I'll be able to swing by, too. [00:46:28] Speaker E: Good. Good. Um, I might have forgotten something on the chair that got moved so that I could pull up to the table. If you see it there, just hang on to it till I see you again. [00:46:43] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll keep track of it. Hey, dad? [00:46:50] Speaker F: Yeah? [00:46:52] Speaker D: I don't like repeating myself, so I'm just gonna just say this now. I'm glad it's you. [00:46:57] Speaker B: That's my. [00:46:58] Speaker A: My dad. [00:47:05] Speaker E: So am I. [00:47:11] Speaker D: Be careful, I would say, and I always. But, uh, the visitation kind of makes that a moot point. [00:47:23] Speaker E: And he will turn back on the truck and roll away. [00:47:30] Speaker D: Andre is just going to take out a cigarette from his pocket and just, like, puff a little bit before stamping out and heading back inside, just smiling. [00:47:44] Speaker F: As you walk in. The others are having this conversation about Labor's never. Labor's often being really complicated and difficult if you try and do them the most straightforward way possible, and that there's usually some clever option available that heroes can figure out. And Ken, Clint, summon an ancient ghost of an old hero or whatever. And as you walk into the room, your eyes kind of scan, and you. You see that chair that's been pushed to the side, up against the wall to give Hephaestus room at the table. And there is a book sitting on it. [00:48:27] Speaker D: I will grab the chair to pull it up to join everyone else at the table, but I'll also take a look at what the book is. [00:48:35] Speaker F: It is a black book with an image of Pegasus being written by you know who on the front. And it says mythology by Edith Hamilton. [00:48:54] Speaker D: He'll grab. Grab the book and bring it on over. This might also be good for your little lesson plan, Oliver. And he'll just pass the fucking brick over to Oliver. [00:49:09] Speaker B: Yes, actually, very helpful. I think given our current situation. [00:49:17] Speaker A: It'S a big book. [00:49:19] Speaker B: There's a lot of myths, especially here. [00:49:23] Speaker D: I mean, there's a whole lot of myths, not just the ones that people really focus on. [00:49:29] Speaker B: Indeed. Anyway, Andre, I think your insight at this point in time will be invaluable. We are tryingly trying to currently figure out the best way to go about this. [00:49:43] Speaker D: Well, I mean, if Heracles can figure things out, then I'm pretty sure we can. [00:49:50] Speaker B: Indeed. I'm just trying to think of what clever modes of dispersion we can do for these flowers. [00:49:59] Speaker F: Andre? Yes, please make me a wits and empathy roll. [00:50:05] Speaker D: Humming right up. Not a great role for me, but I'll do it. Two successes. [00:50:23] Speaker F: Okay, good. Um, your father left that here on purpose. [00:50:27] Speaker D: Yeah, I figured. Could you pass me that book back? Uh, actually the one to look up a myth just to kind of prove a point. I mean, how many of y'all actually heard the myth about cineas? [00:50:42] Speaker A: Uh, a what now? [00:50:45] Speaker D: Exactly. And he will reach out for the book again. [00:50:48] Speaker B: Hand it over. [00:50:51] Speaker D: I'm gonna flip through the book to see what, uh, what might be in it or if there's any, like, pages, like. Like dog eared. [00:51:00] Speaker F: There is, in fact, a page dog eared, and it is just before the myth about the sacking of Troy and the hero Achilles. [00:51:13] Speaker D: Ah, here's a good one. [00:51:18] Speaker F: I'm not going to go over the whole myth. It's long, but do you have speed reader? Nope. [00:51:27] Speaker B: I do. [00:51:30] Speaker D: Oliver, get over here. [00:51:32] Speaker F: I slide over, you start to read, and it takes you, like, a normal amount of time because you don't have a knack for that. And Oliver, being who he is, kind of quietly leans over and starts reading over your shoulder. The problem is that you get to the end of. You get to the end of, like, the third paragraph, and Oliver's ready to move to the next page. [00:51:57] Speaker D: I just immediately clock them, and I just start turning the page for his edification and his use, not my own. [00:52:05] Speaker B: I just keep telling him to speed up more and more or indicate my finger to keep speeding up. [00:52:12] Speaker F: Oliver, you read the whole myth, and for a minute you're not sure what the point of this was, and then you kind of backtrack and go back to the story of Achilles and his blessings from the gods and read it again and realize that Achilles was granted a group of perfect soldiers called the Myrmidons. And they were created from ants, and there was a lot of them. [00:52:50] Speaker B: Oh, I think I see. So basically, Achilles, to gum it down a bit, managed to acquire a lot of footmen he could use to do his bidding. I think what's being implicated here is that if we could acquire the same thing, we could have them each take a flower and deliver them. [00:53:17] Speaker D: That would split the work a lot. [00:53:21] Speaker A: How many ants you figure all together at once? [00:53:24] Speaker F: I mean, hang on. I need anyone who has a cult to make the intelligence at a cult. [00:53:30] Speaker D: You got it. [00:53:31] Speaker B: Wait, let me rephrase myself if I need to. Here. [00:53:42] Speaker D: Well, that's seven. [00:53:46] Speaker B: Uh, that is ten. [00:53:51] Speaker F: See you over there, coda. See? I see you. Doing your best, babe. I'm proud of you. [00:53:57] Speaker C: The whole time, she's just kind of been sitting, watching them talk. [00:54:02] Speaker F: So, in theory, yes, if you could find myrmidons and give them each a flower, that might help. But as you two are kind of going back and forth and bouncing things back and forth, Coda has a thought and she goes, but aren't the myrmidons created by the Greeks, which sets off the light bulb for Andre and Oliver to go, wait a minute. If they were ants turned into the perfect soldiers by the greek gods, they'd be fate bound. [00:54:36] Speaker B: Oh. [00:54:36] Speaker F: To the greek pantheon. [00:54:40] Speaker C: Wait, so we just gotta kill a bunch of ants and give them flowers? [00:54:44] Speaker B: We need to turn a bunch of ants into soldiers, kill said soldiers and give them flowers? [00:54:49] Speaker F: Or see if there are myrmidons still around. [00:54:52] Speaker D: Yeah, there could just still be mermaids around. I mean, I don't think that time really affects things made by the greek gods like it does normal people. [00:55:00] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, that's a good point. [00:55:06] Speaker F: You have heard stories during your labors and travels of scions of other pantheons having groups of soldiers that follow them around, mostly the Norse. But it's not unlikely that there are some from the Greeks as well. [00:55:23] Speaker D: I mean, we could see if they got myrmidons, or. I mean, maybe if we find one of Aries kids. He's got some. Probably got some spartoy. [00:55:35] Speaker B: Maybe. But then we have to either convince them that it's okay if we kill all of their soldiers or actively make a new enemy as we kill all their soldiers and we still need to kill a hundred of them. [00:55:53] Speaker C: Huh? [00:55:56] Speaker F: Are you gonna say something? [00:55:58] Speaker A: I mean, I just say. I don't I don't see how we're supposed to turn ants into people or how. How that works, or where the living ones would be. But if they're long alone, alive this long, why would they all die at once? No, don't make sense. Oh, we got. What are we gonna do? [00:56:25] Speaker C: I guess the first step is we figure out if the ones that were already made are still around. [00:56:33] Speaker D: I think that's a good place for us to begin, because then there wouldn't be fate bound to anyone aside from just the gods. So then we take care of them. [00:56:41] Speaker C: Are they protecting something right now? [00:56:47] Speaker A: If they're soldiers, are they, like, you know, still in service or something? [00:56:51] Speaker D: Well, they were in service to Achilles, and he's dead, so. [00:56:57] Speaker C: Okay, well, we know our first step, then. Where the heck are these things? Or soldiers? [00:57:05] Speaker D: The closest thing, I think, would be Troy. [00:57:07] Speaker B: But we can either do it the hard way that'll give us more information, or we can do it the easier way. But we'll be flying kind of blind. [00:57:18] Speaker C: What's the fast er way? Because we also have plants that may heal over. [00:57:26] Speaker B: I use the Ariadne's threat spell to point me to the nearest myrmidon. [00:57:31] Speaker D: That's probably a good idea. Also very funnily named spell. [00:57:38] Speaker B: It is, isn't it? [00:57:40] Speaker A: I kind of have an idea, but I don't know if it makes sense. [00:57:45] Speaker B: Go ahead. [00:57:45] Speaker C: Well, say it. [00:57:46] Speaker B: We're in the fighting phase. [00:57:48] Speaker A: Yeah. If they're soldiers and they're no longer, like, in service. Usually you find folks like that at the VA clubs and hospitals like that. You know, places where veterans are when they're done being soldiers. [00:58:05] Speaker C: Hmm. Actually, not bad. [00:58:10] Speaker B: If we're lucky, we'll find a myrmidon nursing home with all 100 of them there that we need. [00:58:19] Speaker C: Oh, God. [00:58:20] Speaker B: And we just sort of, like, pantomime, like, pulling the plug motion. [00:58:28] Speaker A: I don't know if they'd let us attend the funeral if we're the ones killing them. I think that might be a hard sell. [00:58:36] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:58:36] Speaker B: Maybe we have someone wait outside so they can go to the funeral without being accused of anything. [00:58:41] Speaker C: Or we just do an impromptu funeral in the area. [00:58:49] Speaker B: Oh, Clint, can you do funerals? Is that something you can do with your purview? [00:58:55] Speaker C: I can't believe we're considering this. [00:58:58] Speaker A: I can read a book, and I can. I think I can help people pass if they need it, but I don't know if it'd be counted as a funeral. Usually that's, like, a ritual thing, right? Where you got this book and you gotta, you gotta say these things that mean something important, and you gotta pay your respects. I can do that, but I don't think I, like, have been given the permission to. [00:59:25] Speaker B: We can keep our shopping this. First things first. We need to find them. So. [00:59:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:59:29] Speaker B: Shall I? [00:59:31] Speaker D: By all means. [00:59:32] Speaker B: All right, I guess I'll pull out the book and do a casting of Ariadne's thread with the intention of my target being a myrmidon. And then let's see what my role is. [00:59:52] Speaker A: While he opens up his book, Clint will just look around and say, any of y'all folks walking around here? Any y'all myrmadon ones? [01:00:04] Speaker F: Where do you say that? [01:00:09] Speaker D: Just says it in the house? [01:00:11] Speaker A: Yep. He just looks around and says it. If there's any nearby. [01:00:19] Speaker B: All right, so I got two successes, meaning my thread's going to last for three days. [01:00:24] Speaker F: Alrighty. The thread points off or leads you off to the north somewhere. [01:00:35] Speaker B: Okay. [01:00:35] Speaker F: We're going north through a wall and kind of disappears because you can't see that far. [01:00:42] Speaker D: Hop in the car. [01:00:43] Speaker B: All I can say. [01:00:46] Speaker D: We'Re gonna hop in the car. [01:00:48] Speaker B: Probably for the best. [01:00:49] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll drive. [01:00:52] Speaker B: I think I have to take shotgun here. [01:00:54] Speaker A: That's fine. I'll sit in the back. [01:01:00] Speaker F: All right. You all pile into the car and proceed to, uh, follow oliver's directions. Andre, I'm assuming you're driving that. [01:01:11] Speaker D: I am. [01:01:12] Speaker F: Excellent. You drive for 4 hours and eventually find yourself in a small seaside town where the thread goes, it leads you to a building and then straight up, like at an angle towards the roof. [01:01:41] Speaker B: Huh. All right, so we either need to go in or on top of that building because it's, I think, pointing to the attic. [01:01:53] Speaker A: I mean, we've been on the road for 4 hours. Can we just ask if we can use their restroom real quick? [01:02:01] Speaker D: Yeah, I think that matches the clear. [01:02:02] Speaker F: This is a, this is a building where people live. [01:02:06] Speaker A: But I mean, we got, we've been on the road for 4 hours. Surely they don't, they don't mind. [01:02:11] Speaker B: If anyone can convince them it's, you know, give them a pat on the back and have him take the lead on this. [01:02:17] Speaker A: Clint will hustle up to the front door and give it the classic three knocks and ring the doorbell. [01:02:25] Speaker D: And elderly will be standing by ready to act as translator if he has to because he knows greek, at least enough to get by. [01:02:34] Speaker B: I will sit on the other side also being ready to act as translator because I have the language mastery. [01:02:42] Speaker F: An elderly man opens the door and looks very confused by all of the people standing outside. [01:02:48] Speaker B: Is the thread pointing at him? [01:02:50] Speaker F: No, it is still pointing up towards the roof. [01:02:54] Speaker A: Hello, sir. We've been on the road for a while and I got a use restroom. Would you mind if I just came in real quick, sir? [01:03:03] Speaker F: He responds with something unintelligible to you, Clint. But Andre and Oliver both understand that he's basically saying he doesn't speak English. [01:03:19] Speaker B: I will let Andre translate if he wishes to. [01:03:24] Speaker D: Yeah, Andre will go ahead and begin translating since he actually has been taught how to speak Greek. And just talking about how his american, he wanted to show his american friends the things that aren't on the Taurus brochures. [01:03:39] Speaker A: The whole time Clint is shuffling back and forth doing a dance. Gotta go. [01:03:49] Speaker F: The old man looks confused. It looks like he wants to say no, but at the earnestness on Clint's face, he steps aside and lets Clint inside. [01:03:59] Speaker A: Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Pardon me, which one? This way. Okay. [01:04:03] Speaker F: Points you to a door just off the hallway, which is a small powder room. He does not let the rest of you follow him. [01:04:10] Speaker B: I will speak to him. Is it all right if I go with him? He sometimes gets a little bit, you know, distracted and think of me like his handler. [01:04:24] Speaker F: He looks weirded out by the idea that a grown man needs a handler to go to the bathroom and says, no, you're strangers. He's not letting you in his house. [01:04:34] Speaker B: Understandable. And I'll step back and hope that Clint knows where he needs to go. [01:04:44] Speaker C: Coda. [01:04:46] Speaker F: Sorry, go ahead. [01:04:47] Speaker C: Coda will look to Pele and then look to mister B and go, well, first she's gonna look to Pele and go, would you feel comfortable climbing up on the top of this building if you could? [01:05:00] Speaker F: La kinda looks up at the building, uh, hops out of the car to kind of walk along the side of it, and then looks back at you and, uh, yeah, I could do it. Okay. Fair price. [01:05:18] Speaker D: We're in a fishing village. [01:05:21] Speaker F: You don't understand him. [01:05:22] Speaker B: You're right. [01:05:25] Speaker C: Okay, what do you want? [01:05:28] Speaker F: Fish, of course. [01:05:30] Speaker C: Okay. Well, you know, you should be specific, but. Okay, I got you the first fish you see. [01:05:40] Speaker F: The first fish I choose the first fish you choose? [01:05:43] Speaker C: Yes, mister B. [01:05:47] Speaker F: Very well. [01:05:51] Speaker C: Pele is offering. Well, I would like to offer Pele's assistance in. He can make it up there. [01:06:02] Speaker F: By the time Koda gets that out, Pele has disappeared. [01:06:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:06:07] Speaker F: Pele was not waiting to be told no. He wants his damn fish. [01:06:12] Speaker B: I'll just sort of like, look at her a little bit slack faced and like close my eyes and sigh. I don't know why we didn't think of that from the beginning. [01:06:20] Speaker F: I'd also like to point out, out of character, that one of you has a bird. [01:06:24] Speaker D: Yeah, I was gonna say one in the bird. [01:06:28] Speaker C: I was like, the cat and the bird can head up there. [01:06:32] Speaker F: Clint, the bathroom you're in is a small powder room. You could do your business. The old man is standing there watching from the other end of the hallway, so there's no opportunity for you to go sneaking around. [01:06:43] Speaker A: That's fine. Clint really did just need to use the restroom after a four hour road trip. [01:06:48] Speaker C: I knew it. [01:06:49] Speaker D: Damn it. [01:06:50] Speaker B: It works out. [01:06:50] Speaker C: Great distraction. [01:06:53] Speaker D: Gm. [01:06:54] Speaker F: Yes. [01:06:54] Speaker D: Is there a small, like, window up where the attic would be? [01:07:02] Speaker F: No. You guys keep assuming that there is an attic. You're in Greece. A lot of the buildings there have flat roofs. Guys. [01:07:11] Speaker B: Welcome. [01:07:13] Speaker A: Once Clint is done, hands washed. Thank you, sir. I really appreciate it. I'm going to head back out to my friends now. Lovely home. Lovely home. Beautiful place. [01:07:25] Speaker F: Does anybody translate for him? [01:07:28] Speaker D: I will. [01:07:30] Speaker F: The old man kind of gives a half hearted nod and an approximation of a polite smile and then slams the door behind Clint as soon as he's outside because this was fucking weird. As you all are standing there after the door shuts, trying to figure out what to do, you eventually hear a meow from the top of the house. And Pele is looking down at all of you. [01:08:07] Speaker A: That one's yours, right, Koda? [01:08:10] Speaker C: Yes. That is yes. He's mine. She'll go. Yes, Pele. [01:08:16] Speaker F: And that is around the time that a young woman steps up to the edge of the house and stares down at you and puts her hands on her hips. You all are not subtle. [01:08:29] Speaker B: Is the thread pointing to her? [01:08:31] Speaker F: Yes. Pointing to her hip, specifically. [01:08:35] Speaker C: Oh, is no. [01:08:40] Speaker F: Is what? [01:08:41] Speaker B: We about to ask if she. Is she hot? [01:08:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:08:44] Speaker B: I knew it. I knew it. [01:08:48] Speaker F: Um, she is pretty hot, actually. [01:08:52] Speaker C: I got nothing to say. [01:08:53] Speaker D: I'm already the next best thing. [01:08:56] Speaker A: Is she also speaking Greek? [01:09:00] Speaker F: She is speaking English, but you can kind of tell from her accent that it is not her first language. [01:09:09] Speaker A: Hello. Don't know about subtle, but I appreciate you letting me use this restroom. Is that your dad down here? [01:09:16] Speaker F: No, stay there. I'll be down in a minute. [01:09:22] Speaker A: Yeah, sure, no problem. Hey, it was good job you found someone who we can talk to at least. [01:09:31] Speaker F: She disappears and then reappears a few minutes later by walking around the. Walking around the house, the side of the house to you. She is kind of. She's on the slender side with long, kind of curly brown hair and big blue eyes and fair skin, but she's got that kind of fair skin that looks like it probably never Tansen. And she's carrying. She's wearing, like, jeans and a t shirt, and on her hip, hanging from her belt, is a pouch, and she's got a bracelet that Andre and Oliver are immediately able to clock as having a. The symbol of a triton on it. [01:10:48] Speaker B: Hmm. [01:10:52] Speaker F: What the hell are you guys doing here? [01:10:55] Speaker B: Um, looking for that, actually, kind of. A little bit, if we didn't know it was attached to you initially. As I point to the pouch at her hip. [01:11:07] Speaker F: Why? [01:11:09] Speaker B: Um, I'm just going to assume you're a psion and so therefore tell you that we've been tasked with a labor, and that would have made it a lot easier for us. [01:11:25] Speaker F: My bag would have made it a lot easier for you? [01:11:30] Speaker B: Well, more what's potentially in it. Just to be clear, there are myrmidons in there, right? [01:11:40] Speaker F: Kinda. [01:11:43] Speaker B: Yeah. So we just sort of need to, um. Well, no real easy way to say this. We need to have about 100 dead ones to make a funeral for and give them flowers for Hades wife. [01:12:01] Speaker C: Do you have a bag of ants attached to your hip? [01:12:09] Speaker F: I do. [01:12:11] Speaker A: Do you have any uncles in there, too? [01:12:14] Speaker D: Goddamn it, cleant. [01:12:20] Speaker F: She looks at you like she's not sure if you are being serious or joking. [01:12:25] Speaker A: Clint will pocket his hands and shrug his shoulders and give a what can you do? Kind of smile. [01:12:34] Speaker F: Are you using boys will be boys? [01:12:35] Speaker A: Absolutely. [01:12:37] Speaker F: Of course you are. Are you telling me that you were planning to rob me of my myrmidons so that you could murder them? [01:12:51] Speaker B: No, no, no. Like I said, we didn't know you had them initially, I just sort of did a spell to lead us to the nearest one, and we were going to work out a plan from there. So step one was just to find them, and then we were going to, you know, continue on. And so, yeah, that's. That's where we're at now. We definitely don't want to rob you. If we can. We'd like to work out something mutually beneficial. [01:13:23] Speaker D: Yeah, it wasn't exactly in the cards. [01:13:30] Speaker C: What would you give us for it? [01:13:35] Speaker D: That's not really something that you part with. [01:13:38] Speaker C: Well, you're going to have to, um, if we can. [01:13:43] Speaker F: Excuse me? [01:13:44] Speaker C: No, no, sorry, not you are going. I'm just saying that if it, like. I'm just trying to say that it would be. Whatever. Don't mind me. [01:14:01] Speaker D: Sorry about that. [01:14:02] Speaker B: We're trying to wrong here. Yeah, we start off on the wrong foot. [01:14:06] Speaker F: Let's. Let's start over here. I am trying to bring one into the fold, and you guys are not only interrupting me, but trying to tell me that you want to rob. Rob me and then murder myself, my servants? [01:14:17] Speaker A: No, it's just a misunderstanding. We're trying to solve a problem, and we. It came out all wrong, that's all. [01:14:24] Speaker B: Exactly. And as I said, we're not trying to rob you. [01:14:26] Speaker C: Yeah, we never said that. That was all. [01:14:29] Speaker B: Basic introductions. Hi, I'm Oliver Bright. I am a scion of Oakland. These are my friends. They can introduce themselves. [01:14:36] Speaker A: Nice to meet you, ma'am. I'm Clint Brazos, a scion of the Morriganhead. [01:14:44] Speaker F: She looks expectantly at Andre and Coda. [01:14:48] Speaker D: Andre, sign of Festus. [01:14:53] Speaker C: Coda Masikoi sion of bestet. [01:14:57] Speaker A: Bird friend here is named Ian, if you ever feel like talking to him. [01:15:01] Speaker C: And this is Pele, and we're not. [01:15:07] Speaker A: Trying to rob you or hurt your friends. [01:15:12] Speaker F: Alexandra, sign of Poseidon. [01:15:16] Speaker C: Oh, like the water. [01:15:19] Speaker F: Yeah, like the water. [01:15:23] Speaker C: Okay, ma'am, you. I. [01:15:31] Speaker A: It's all right. It's okay. So, I mean, so now you kind of know what we're trying to do. [01:15:36] Speaker F: And, you know, it's not at all been clear. [01:15:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:40] Speaker A: Okay, so we, uh, to clarify, can we talk about. Okay. [01:15:47] Speaker D: We got given a labor to find a hundred funerals of people's, uh, fate bound to the. Our pantheon. We got to give flowers to each of these particular funerals. Easy way to do that would be find the myrmidons, as all of them are fate bound to the door to cathy on. We were just trying to figure out the best way to find the myrmidons and then go from there. [01:16:18] Speaker F: Oh, you're those people. Well, I haven't really heard of you. She points at Clint. I've heard about you. In passing, she points at Andre, but I think that's mostly just because family. You two, though, when she points at Oliver and coda. I know exactly who you are. [01:16:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Bad things, I'm sure. [01:16:54] Speaker A: Why you gotta assume it's bad. You can have a good reputation. [01:16:58] Speaker B: Because of the things we're currently doing, Clint. Most of the scion world not super fond of us. [01:17:06] Speaker A: All right, I get it. I understand. I know. But it's, like, a really hard thing that y'all are doing. They should at least be a little understanding, right? [01:17:19] Speaker B: Not exactly. Anyway, back. Switching gears. Back onto focus. Yes. As Andre put it, we weren't trying to just steal you and kill your myrmidons. We were just trying to find some myrmidons because it would make our labor easier if we could do a funeral rite for them and then send them on their way with the flowers. [01:17:41] Speaker A: Y'all keep saying it like that. It sounds really bad. [01:17:47] Speaker F: She kind of gestures a clit. He's right. Doesn't sound good. [01:17:53] Speaker A: It's not that we're looking for myrmidons who that we want to perform a funeral riot for. We want to pay our respects to Hades and his wife. We want to give them a happy, happy birthday. And we just, you know, happen to have this labor between this and that. So now that you understand we're not trying to kill anybody. We don't even want to hurt nobody. Do you know any myrmidons who have are about to pass? [01:18:24] Speaker F: I mean, not personally, but they got a whole island. [01:18:30] Speaker A: Oh, they got an island on an island. How did y'all say that? [01:18:34] Speaker F: Y'all, that's not something that most people know about. [01:18:39] Speaker D: Hell, I didn't know about that. [01:18:42] Speaker B: Drug. Neither do I. [01:18:47] Speaker F: Alright, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna get me lunch, and I'm gonna tell you about where the myrmidons are from. [01:18:59] Speaker D: I think that's the absolute least that we can do. [01:19:02] Speaker C: Would you like to eat? [01:19:02] Speaker B: I'd say that's more than fair, considering the misunderstanding we gave you. [01:19:12] Speaker A: If you want to, like, go out to a restaurant, like, we can get, like, some food, some wine. Have a nice time. [01:19:21] Speaker F: Yeah, let's do that. There's a place not far from here. It's pretty nice. [01:19:30] Speaker A: All right. [01:19:30] Speaker F: Has you ever had saganaki? [01:19:33] Speaker A: What, now? [01:19:34] Speaker B: No. [01:19:38] Speaker F: It's a really good appetizer. Have you heard of Souvlaki? [01:19:44] Speaker C: Yeah. There's a great place around the corner. Greek. Greek food. They made the best, that one. [01:19:56] Speaker A: It's the. The chicken, right? [01:19:58] Speaker C: No, no, no. Better. [01:20:00] Speaker F: Well, you know what? Since we're gonna sit down and this is gonna be a long conversation, maybe not souvlaki. Maybe moussaka instead. Come on. [01:20:07] Speaker D: All the better. Yeah. [01:20:10] Speaker F: Listen, the souvlaki is great, and you should definitely take some to go, but it's kind of fast food, so. [01:20:15] Speaker B: Quick question. You said you were here to bring someone into the fold. Did you mean the old Mandev? [01:20:22] Speaker F: No, I was keeping watch from up there. I was watching that house, and she points to the one across the street, but we'll get to that. [01:20:31] Speaker D: Okay, sounds good. [01:20:38] Speaker F: She leads you a couple of blocks down to a restaurant that has indoor and outdoor seating and asks for one of the outdoor seats in Greek, which sounds much more natural to her lips. And you all settle in, and she orders for everybody. She gets a big family style thing of moussaka and then a few other things as, what do you call them? Appetizers for people to share. [01:21:23] Speaker B: Um, something for the table. [01:21:29] Speaker F: Well, that's what family style means, is that there's enough for everybody and, uh, appetizers for. There's enough appetizers for everybody. [01:21:39] Speaker B: Oh, gotcha. Okay, I misunderstood. [01:21:44] Speaker A: This is really good. [01:21:49] Speaker F: So the Myrmidons have their own island called Onono or Ononoe. I'm not sure. I'm not great with classical Greek, but I basically. When Achilles needed an army to siege Troy, King Achus supplied him with 10,000 warriors, and Achilles found them to be inhumanly loyal, incredibly diligent, and effectively the best. Best soldiers. Bear in mind, I say soldiers, not heroes, because there's a difference the world had had seen at the time. The basic story, from what I have heard, is that there was a squabble between a certain a male God and his wife. She looks at Andre meaningfully, and the fallout wiped out everybody who was on a particular island. [01:23:14] Speaker D: Yeah, that sounds about right. [01:23:20] Speaker A: You mean it's like the same island? [01:23:23] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:23:26] Speaker A: Okay. Has anyone been there to perform funeral rites? [01:23:35] Speaker F: Hold on, let me. Let me. Let me talk. [01:23:37] Speaker A: Sorry. [01:23:40] Speaker F: There were plagues rained down on the island in a hope, in hopes to kill King Akus's mother. Didn't work, but it did wipe out most of the people in the end. And the male God, she kind of, every time she talks about this, she kind of nervously looks upward at the skyd, was begged by Akis, who was his son, not to kill him as well. Instead, rather than give his wife the satisfaction or the leg up in their political lives, he created the myrmidons from a colony of ants, from a native colony of ants, and charged akus with their care. The ants grew into man size people and became the best warriors anyone had seen. Better even than the Spartans to some degree, mostly because they're created from a social type of insect. So that gets back to what I was doing. I have some myrmidons of my own, but so do plenty of other greek scions. And every so often, the myrmidons will, I don't know, take a shine to a mortal woman and she'll have a baby, and it'll come out looking just as human as you or I do. But if they're not raised by the colony, by other myrmidons, they come out wrong. Until they find their way home, they tend to not have much in the way of emotions. They frequently get a little sociopathic. I heard that there was one or that there was a guy here who might be one. So I was waiting for him to come home so that I could send my boys to see if they could bring him into the fold before he hurt somebody. [01:26:26] Speaker A: Is he, like, acting weird? [01:26:31] Speaker F: Boy? Yeah, he's. He. All the stories I've heard about him is that he's kind of sociopathic. Doesn't seem to have any real grasp of emotions. He's strong, good fighter. [01:26:51] Speaker A: Hmm. Well, Dee, I'm afraid to ask if you want help. [01:27:01] Speaker F: I mean, I wouldn't say no, but I'm not there to fight him. You have to understand that once he sees other myrmidons, he should fall in immediately and act like a part of the colony. [01:27:15] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, nothing else figured out. Figure it could be two birds, 1 st. We hope you get him to fall in. We maybe go check out Ononoe and figure out how exactly we're supposed to handle all this. [01:27:30] Speaker F: How do you guys plan to get there? It's an island. And it isn't exactly in this world, if you understand. [01:27:37] Speaker A: Is it another underworld? [01:27:39] Speaker F: It's a terra incognito. [01:27:43] Speaker C: A what? [01:27:44] Speaker D: A different kind of little pocket. [01:27:45] Speaker B: Kind of like Damon's farm? [01:27:47] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:27:47] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [01:27:50] Speaker F: I know Damon. I guess it's similar, but not, um. It's like it's adjacent to our look. [01:27:58] Speaker B: Over Dakota and just gotta put a hand up. Everyone knows Damon, of course. [01:28:04] Speaker C: Fucking awesome. [01:28:05] Speaker D: Yeah, he's great. [01:28:06] Speaker F: And he has the best year. [01:28:08] Speaker D: And his family, so. [01:28:09] Speaker C: So is it like that lady we saw in the hole once where she thought it was, like, 1997? [01:28:15] Speaker B: Oh, right. Maybe, huh? [01:28:21] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:28:22] Speaker C: Doesn't matter. We saw this lady in a hole once. [01:28:24] Speaker B: We met with a symbol, and she's sort of trapped in the past. [01:28:27] Speaker F: Oh, shit. [01:28:28] Speaker D: Yeah, shit. [01:28:33] Speaker B: I think maybe Anvil would be a better approximation. [01:28:40] Speaker C: Well, I guess regardless of what it is, how are we gonna get there? [01:28:44] Speaker F: Uh, does our car turn into a boat? [01:28:47] Speaker C: Now, was that a thing we did? [01:28:49] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:28:49] Speaker A: Did you do that, Andre? [01:28:51] Speaker D: I mean, I didn't do that. I don't really mess with too many things my dad's worked on. His stuff is barely within my comprehension. [01:28:58] Speaker B: So I would not be surprised if Hefes has made our car amphibious. But that doesn't change the fact we still need to get there when this myrmidon who doesn't know he's one falls in line, does he just sort of join the ones that you control, or do they need to take him back to the colony? [01:29:19] Speaker F: I mean, it's not like I go around collecting them, but my understanding was that if I brought him in, that he'd be with my guys. [01:29:28] Speaker B: Okay. I was just wondering, if they had to take him back, then maybe we could follow him. But if you're. If he's going to be with your guys, that's also okay. We just got to figure out how we're going to do this. They're still people, aren't they? Could we ask them if we could go there? [01:29:49] Speaker F: Doesn't quite work that way. You have to understand that the reason why their island is a terra incognito is because most of them got wiped out. Or most of the island got wiped out. And you know who would be very pleased to get rid of the rest of them? [01:30:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:30:07] Speaker B: Okay. [01:30:08] Speaker F: Her husband put them there and left his scion in charge of keeping them safe. And my understanding, from what I've heard, never been there myself. But from what I've heard, is that his mother is still the queen Aegina. She's a nymph. [01:30:37] Speaker B: Do you know what tabernacle? [01:30:40] Speaker F: No. Never met her. [01:30:42] Speaker B: Okay, so you say you've never been there yourself, but have there been psions who've made it there? [01:30:50] Speaker F: Yeah, probably. I mean, Aegis was a psion, so my assumption is that others have been there as well. [01:31:02] Speaker B: Okay. [01:31:05] Speaker D: If I had to guess, at the very least, we need to have. Need to pull favor with someone with soccer pump. [01:31:11] Speaker C: Oh, wait a second. She'll clear her throat and go, Pele. [01:31:23] Speaker F: Pele, who is noshing down on the fish that you bought for him, looks up at you. Yes. [01:31:32] Speaker C: So I know you have a little trick you can do. It's not little. It's actually pretty big and amazing. Um, we need to get to this place that they're talking about. Um, and she'll look back to the group. What is it called again? [01:31:50] Speaker A: Uh, a no, no. Oh, no, no. [01:31:55] Speaker D: Anon on and no on andouille. [01:31:59] Speaker A: Yeah, that type. [01:32:05] Speaker F: And. [01:32:07] Speaker C: Could you possibly get us through? [01:32:13] Speaker F: I can't take other people to other worlds. I could help you find the entrance. [01:32:18] Speaker C: Yeah, could you help us find the entrance? [01:32:23] Speaker F: In theory. How do you plan to get there? [01:32:28] Speaker C: To the entrance? [01:32:30] Speaker F: It is an island. [01:32:32] Speaker C: Well, boats can come abai. [01:32:36] Speaker F: Boats that can go to terra incognito. Okay, you need a boat with someone who can man the boat that you are okay with taking to an island full of magical ant people. [01:32:55] Speaker C: Okay. Pele has made a great point. While he can find the entrance, possibly, perhaps. Maybe we do need someone that can. That we trust, that can pile drive, drift control a boat to a. What did you say? A land full of magic ant people. [01:33:20] Speaker B: I will slowly look to our new friend. You said you're a sign of poseidon, right? [01:33:28] Speaker F: Yeah. Yeah, I did. [01:33:30] Speaker D: Now, remember, Oliver, this is a pretty big fucking favor, that. She'd be helping us a lot more, and we'd be helping her. [01:33:38] Speaker B: How about an exchange? You get us there, and in return, I'll start rummaging through my bag and pull out. I'll hesitate for a second, but then pull out one of the flasks of golden apple juice that Damon gave me and put it down on the table. [01:33:59] Speaker C: Um. [01:34:02] Speaker F: Her eyes go kind of big. She scoops it up. Is this what I think it is? [01:34:07] Speaker B: Yes. [01:34:09] Speaker C: Mister bh, you cannot be for real right now. [01:34:15] Speaker B: It's a big favor to ask. [01:34:17] Speaker C: That's a big thing to give away. [01:34:19] Speaker B: We have one more. [01:34:22] Speaker C: We have one more, and we have 123456 people that can possibly go down in one single hit. [01:34:31] Speaker F: I mean, if you don't want to make the deal. [01:34:33] Speaker C: No, no, no. I'm just. [01:34:34] Speaker F: I just want to know. Have you read the Iliad? Do you know how boat trips and greek stories usually go? [01:34:41] Speaker C: I don't know, mister B. Did we ever read the Iliad. [01:34:46] Speaker D: Notes? It doesn't go well. [01:34:47] Speaker B: No. Yeah. [01:34:49] Speaker C: No. [01:34:50] Speaker B: No, either. [01:34:51] Speaker C: Okay. No, then I haven't read those at all. [01:34:55] Speaker A: Odyssey. [01:34:57] Speaker B: Let's just say we might be dealing with a lot of nasty things. So someone with higher control over the ocean would be very helpful to us. And in return for such a thing, I think a very pricey item is a fair enough exchange. [01:35:17] Speaker F: Only food. [01:35:18] Speaker A: Got us a lot already as well. Get us the rest. [01:35:24] Speaker F: Andre, you said you were a sign of Hephaestus. [01:35:28] Speaker D: Yes, ma'am. [01:35:29] Speaker F: Does that mean you're good at making things? Upgrading things? [01:35:34] Speaker D: He just smiles wide. Yes, ma'am. [01:35:37] Speaker F: All right, you guys give me time to bring a rogue myrmidon into the fold. Give me this, and she'll tap the juice. And your friend helps me for a day or two with my boat so that I know that we can withstand the kind of stuff that we. That we may run into. And you got yourself a deal. [01:36:03] Speaker B: Nod and hold out my hand. [01:36:07] Speaker F: She will reach out and shake it. [01:36:09] Speaker B: It's a deal then. [01:36:12] Speaker F: Oliver, roll me willpower plus legend. [01:36:19] Speaker B: Cool. Is that remaining willpower dots or just total? [01:36:26] Speaker F: Total. [01:36:27] Speaker B: Okay, because that'd be, like, I do not have a lot of willpower left. Okay, cool. Where did the vault channel go? There it is. Six successes. [01:36:49] Speaker F: All right, regain a point of legend and make a note on your sheet that you have a fate bond to Alexandra of the dodecathion. [01:37:05] Speaker B: Is there a certain level associated with her faith on, or is it just. [01:37:08] Speaker F: I'm not going to tell you. [01:37:09] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [01:37:13] Speaker F: You feel, however, as fate coils around you and her, and you could tell that she feels it, too. There is a gravity of what just behind what just happened. [01:37:30] Speaker B: My good eye might flicker a little bit with some purple magic. [01:37:34] Speaker F: Mm hmm. Well, the rest of you should invest in sunscreen and decent clothes for being out on the water. And if you can't swim, either learn or get floaties. [01:37:54] Speaker A: Think like a case of beer. For that kind of a trip, we're. [01:37:59] Speaker B: Probably gonna need several. [01:38:00] Speaker A: Excellent. Yep. [01:38:02] Speaker F: Yeah. Trips on the open sea with our pantheon tend to be longer than you anticipate. And she looks at Andre. [01:38:11] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:38:15] Speaker A: All right, we'll bring rum, too. That way, we can feel like pirates while we're bored sometimes. [01:38:19] Speaker B: Okay. [01:38:21] Speaker D: Bring us. Oh, we didn't get to try it. Uh, first night. [01:38:27] Speaker A: We'Re drinking ooze. [01:38:30] Speaker D: Well, closer than you think. Closer than you'd actually probably be thinking, but, uh, no, it's, uh, popular around here. [01:38:38] Speaker A: Okay, if you say so. I'll give it a shot. [01:38:46] Speaker F: Uh, you said your name's Coda, right? [01:38:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:38:53] Speaker F: Can I talk to you for a minute? Oh, boy. [01:38:59] Speaker C: Yeah, sure. Yeah. [01:39:04] Speaker F: She kind of stands up and gestures for you to follow. She does take the apple juice with her. Pota follows. She leads you away from the others. [01:39:18] Speaker C: Listen, if I hurt your feelings, it. [01:39:22] Speaker F: Would take a lot more than anything you could say to hurt my feelings. Trust me, it pulled you aside because you haven't read our stories. Men on these trips tend to not do well. We're gonna have to look out for your friends. [01:39:47] Speaker C: Oh, well, yeah. I mean, I always do. Like, why wouldn't I? [01:39:54] Speaker F: No, I need you to hear me. There are things and threats out on the water that target men specifically. And they target them in ways that aren't just martial. It's not about fighting. [01:40:10] Speaker C: Oh, you mean like. Like not mermaids? What are they the ones that, like sirens and sirens among. [01:40:22] Speaker F: Yeah. Yeah, they are. [01:40:26] Speaker C: Why? They only go with the men. Whatever. It's fine. [01:40:29] Speaker F: How? She shrugs. I assume because back in the day, it was primarily men who were on the water. [01:40:37] Speaker C: Okay. [01:40:39] Speaker F: All right. [01:40:40] Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, I'll look out for them. [01:40:45] Speaker F: Okay. I just want you to be on your guard. There's gonna be times during this whole trip that you're not gonna be able to trust your friends to have their. Their or your best interest at heart. We may have to be prepared to tie some of them up at some point. [01:41:07] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, I could do that. [01:41:10] Speaker F: Good. [01:41:11] Speaker C: Yeah, no, I feel. No, I. Yeah, that'll. That'll be. That'll be interesting. Um, Clint, though, he's. He's a real tough one, though, so. [01:41:27] Speaker D: Okay. [01:41:27] Speaker F: Okay. He isn't that smart. [01:41:30] Speaker C: Yeah. Where he lacks in, you know, book smarts, he. [01:41:37] Speaker F: Listen, you don't have to defend him. It takes all kinds. [01:41:40] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. [01:41:41] Speaker F: I have a. I have a friend who's a scion of Aries, and let's just. Let's just say the lights are on, but nobody's home most of the time. [01:41:54] Speaker C: Oh, yeah? Yeah. Well, cool. Yeah, I'll just. Well, Mister B may be difficult, too, and I don't really know what Andre can do. [01:42:10] Speaker F: Just. [01:42:10] Speaker C: Yeah, he's kind of new to the group, so. Yeah. Okay. We look out for them, and then we look out after each other. [01:42:22] Speaker F: Okay. [01:42:24] Speaker C: Thanks for doing this for us. I guess not. I guess, like, actually. [01:42:28] Speaker F: I mean, the upgrade that my boat's about to get in this stuff, she'll tap the. Tap the apple juice. I can't necessarily say it's a perfectly even trade, because I still think you guys are getting off better than me if this goes the way I think it might. But it's a start. Yeah. And maybe while we're on the way, you and Oliver can explain why you saved the man who murdered my sister. And she walks away. [01:43:04] Speaker A: Shit. [01:43:08] Speaker C: Amazing. [01:43:09] Speaker F: She returns to the table looking chipper. All right, well, I think some of you have shopping to do, and Andre and I are going to go have a look at my boat. You guys have phones that work kind of wherever you want to be? [01:43:29] Speaker A: Yeah. You got a number? [01:43:31] Speaker F: I do. [01:43:32] Speaker A: All right, here. Go ahead and put it in this one for me. [01:43:36] Speaker F: And she does. [01:43:39] Speaker A: All right, I'm gonna give you a text just so you know who I am. I'm Clint. And he'll even send it via. [01:43:45] Speaker F: Her phone chimes and she kinda nods and texts back. Alexandra, you all are sitting outside of an indoor outdoor eatery, enjoying moussaka and a number of other meals that people can kind of pick and choose from. Paid for by your squad because you interrupted Alexandra's tasks. [01:44:13] Speaker D: Yep. [01:44:18] Speaker F: And she has requisitioned Andre's time to work on her boat and suggested that people go shopping and get whatever they need because there's every chance that she could be gone for days, weeks, months. [01:44:40] Speaker A: Well, where are we going? Shopping first. [01:44:44] Speaker B: Glad you asked. As I pull out a list that I've already started to write, what we need, first and foremost, since we don't know how long we're going to be, is rations, food, and water. Of course, she recommend we get, as I use, like, air quotes, my fingers. Floaties. I wrote down life vess. I need some. Just miscellaneous things. I'm sure she has rope on the boat, but we should get some more of that just in case. Um, we can. Look at me. We can all immediately assume that I'm going to need a lot of sunblock, um, hot weather clothes, of course. I don't think Tweed will be a good idea. Uh, I also have a flare gun. I think that might be handy. Some sunglasses, a compass. Even though we're going to be out in, you know, scionland, where naval travel might not work with, uh, polarities, but a compass might still be handy. Uh, binoculars, I think would be good. And that's what I have so far. But we need to add more. We can. [01:45:40] Speaker C: I think some fishing gear would be sick. I mean, she may have it on the boat already, but I think that would be pretty cool. [01:45:46] Speaker B: Yes. The fishing rod and bait might be good. [01:45:51] Speaker A: Did you. Did you mention the alcohol? I kind of blank. [01:45:54] Speaker B: I just assumed. You're going to get that on your own no matter what. [01:45:57] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, I'll get that. We can put that on the list so we don't forget. [01:46:00] Speaker B: We can include that in rations. [01:46:02] Speaker C: Um, I was thinking maybe a few more health like first aid kit stuff, but maybe first aid kit pro instead of the little travel baby ones. [01:46:22] Speaker B: Yes, I will make a note of that as well. Um, as I mentioned, I also have some small things, including marbles. And I also wrote down ceiling wax. Just because you never know. [01:46:35] Speaker A: You say ceiling wax? [01:46:37] Speaker B: Yeah, for, like, letters and things like that? No, like, not c e I s e a for ceiling. Like to close. Something to keep close. [01:46:52] Speaker A: Okay. [01:46:53] Speaker C: Um, mister B. I don't want to talk for you and your dragon, but you may want a cooler full of, like, stakes. [01:47:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I was thinking that as well. [01:47:05] Speaker C: How big is this boat? I don't know if we're gonna have, like, a flesh. No. Franz Brom dragon. [01:47:15] Speaker B: Well, he's not that big yet. [01:47:18] Speaker A: I'll just text her for a picture of the boat. Here. 1 second. And Clint will send Alexandra a text asking for a picture of the boat. [01:47:26] Speaker C: Um, definitely bags to throw up in. And what's that? Other thing that eases your stomach if you get nauseous. I don't know. Something like that. [01:47:40] Speaker A: Saltine crackers. [01:47:42] Speaker B: Yeah, and gonna just include those in rations. [01:47:48] Speaker C: Oh, oh, and finally, that stuff that, um, I've seen it on infomercials where the guy just, like, slaps the side of the boat and then no water comes out of it anymore. Yeah, we're gonna need that. [01:48:00] Speaker B: I don't know what that is, but I will write down duct tape, and if you see what you just said, then you can grab that. [01:48:06] Speaker F: Well, duct tape. [01:48:07] Speaker A: No, it's gotta have Billy Mays on the front of it. [01:48:10] Speaker C: No, Billy Mays didn't do that. [01:48:12] Speaker B: Billy Mays died. [01:48:13] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He, like, ate anyway. Oh, ages ago. [01:48:21] Speaker A: No, um, I haven't seen an infomercial in a real long time. I assumed he was just still. Oh, man. [01:48:30] Speaker C: No, they made a clone of him, and now he does it. [01:48:34] Speaker F: Clint, your phone chimes. [01:48:38] Speaker A: Oh. Okay. Let's see what we got here. [01:48:41] Speaker F: There is a picture from Alexandra, and it shows. Do you guys know what a greek trireme looks like. [01:48:51] Speaker A: Out of character? Yes, I know what a trireme looks like. [01:48:55] Speaker F: That was an out of character question for everybody. I needed to know if I need to provide a picture out and in. [01:49:01] Speaker C: No. [01:49:03] Speaker F: Okay. I am putting it up in group chat. [01:49:07] Speaker C: You don't even know what word she said. Well, what did you say it was called? [01:49:11] Speaker F: A trireme. [01:49:13] Speaker A: It's like ream, but three of them. [01:49:15] Speaker C: Oh, I know what this looks like. Yeah, I had to make one of these. All right, cool. [01:49:21] Speaker F: It's not quite that big, but that's effectively what it looks like. [01:49:28] Speaker A: Here. It looks like this. And Clint will turn the phone around to show it off. [01:49:32] Speaker B: Holy shit. [01:49:33] Speaker C: She's got a bird nest. [01:49:35] Speaker B: Something more modern, but okay. You know, that also works. [01:49:41] Speaker A: Wait, am I gonna be paddling the whole time? [01:49:45] Speaker B: Hopefully not. At worst, she can probably use her mermidians to row. At best, Andre might be able to soup it up so it rose itself. [01:50:00] Speaker A: Well, that's a thought. [01:50:02] Speaker B: But at even more worse, maybe we will have to row. [01:50:07] Speaker A: I'll be ready for it. I don't mind. Let me just send back. Thank you. And can I have a selfie for the contact photo? [01:50:22] Speaker B: That's a weird question. [01:50:25] Speaker F: She sends back a selfie of her doing the, like, the rocker horns sign and sticking out her tongue. [01:50:38] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. Okay. And then Clint will take a candid selfie right there. Kind of leaned over with his crew. [01:50:47] Speaker B: Only Oliver's shoulder isn't it. [01:50:49] Speaker F: Yep. [01:50:55] Speaker C: Coda just puts Pele in front of her face. [01:51:00] Speaker A: All right, now y'all say cheese. [01:51:03] Speaker B: I'm not even in the photo. [01:51:04] Speaker A: It's okay. Just say it. It'll be fine. [01:51:08] Speaker B: Cheese. [01:51:11] Speaker A: And done. All right, send that off anyway. [01:51:14] Speaker B: Do you guys think it makes sense to get bags of ice, or is that going to be bad within days or not even days? Probably one day. [01:51:26] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, for what? For how? What's your purpose? [01:51:30] Speaker B: I mean, I'm getting a cooler and a lot of meat to put in there. [01:51:35] Speaker C: Just get the gel packs. The gel ones, they last longer. [01:51:39] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [01:51:41] Speaker C: Yeah, and they could also double for helping to ice injuries, if we have any. Not that we don't heal quickly, but. [01:51:51] Speaker B: You know, still a good idea. [01:51:52] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:51:56] Speaker C: Does Andre need anything? [01:51:59] Speaker B: Oh, that's a good question. [01:52:00] Speaker F: Andre, did you give them a list of things to get for you before you departed? [01:52:05] Speaker D: I sent a rather extensive list to Clint. [01:52:08] Speaker A: All right, let me start scrolling through this here. Uh huh. Okay. Here, mister B. Just take my phone and write it down. [01:52:16] Speaker B: I was about to say, how many of those things do you not understand? As I take the phone, just start adding his things to my list. [01:52:21] Speaker D: Second one would have been sent to Oliver just being like, wait a minute, this is Clint I'm thinking about. And then sent the same thing. [01:52:27] Speaker B: Hands me the phone that I checked. My own phone. It's like, oh, wait, nope, never mind. You're good, Clint. [01:52:31] Speaker A: Oh, great. [01:52:32] Speaker C: Are you writing down this list, Oliver? [01:52:36] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, I'm just gonna keep Andre's things on the phone since that's easier than having to write it twice. But the list of other things we're getting. Yeah, I have right here in my journal. [01:52:45] Speaker C: Okay. Coda has, like, somehow snuck in toaster strudels, but, like, trying to match your handwriting. [01:52:57] Speaker B: Can I ask her to do a roll for that to see if I can tell? [01:53:02] Speaker F: No, because I like the meme. [01:53:04] Speaker B: Okay, I'm going to add it to my physical list then. [01:53:14] Speaker F: All right. While you all are off shopping, Andre is led by Alexandra down towards the water. Andre, you get to what looks like a modern, like, everyday. I don't want to say port's not the right word. Where people keep their boats, though, doc. Yeah, there's another word for it, but I can't think of what it is. But she leads you down to. Down to a place where there's a bunch of. A bunch of boats and everything looks totally normal. And then you round a. Or you walk by this, like, large yacht that's parked or that stopped there and hidden behind the yacht is like a proper, like, trireme. Looks like somebody reached into the past and plucked it out and put it here. [01:54:16] Speaker D: Now, that's a beauty, isn't it? [01:54:21] Speaker F: Dad got it for me for my birthday. [01:54:27] Speaker D: God damn, I was. I always did hear that, uh, uncle Poseidon gave the best kind of gifts. [01:54:36] Speaker F: Yeah, it's not bad. [01:54:41] Speaker D: You talk to him very often? [01:54:44] Speaker F: Yeah, sometimes more often than some of our family get to talk to their parents, I think. [01:54:52] Speaker D: Yeah, I think I. I'm definitely lucky in that regard. Dad's pretty, uh. Well, he's not vocal, but he keeps in touch, and that means a lot. [01:55:04] Speaker F: Yeah, I've heard he's pretty involved. [01:55:06] Speaker D: Yeah. I appreciate it. [01:55:09] Speaker F: I think mine would be around more, but with, um, you know, global warming and all that. [01:55:15] Speaker D: Yeah, he's got a very, very full plate. [01:55:18] Speaker F: Yeah, he's busy. I do what I can to help, but I'm, uh. Yeah, she'll shrug a little bit. I'm just doing. [01:55:30] Speaker D: You do what you can. I'm pretty sure that he appreciates it. So what have you heard about me? If I. If you were talking about, uh, well, the other three. [01:55:47] Speaker F: Oh, um, I mean, not a ton. I've heard of you more than I know a lot about you. Um, but, you know, you're family, and I try to keep on top of things, know who's who, I mean. [01:56:02] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:56:02] Speaker F: Who's in and out of trouble. [01:56:06] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, I'm definitely in trouble for the long haul, it seems. [01:56:12] Speaker F: Yeah. How'd you get the shit job? [01:56:15] Speaker D: Uh, well, my dad asked me to come and help get some, uh, scions ready for a job, and then I figured out exactly which particular science with which particular kind of job. [01:56:32] Speaker F: How do you feel about that? [01:56:36] Speaker D: I wasn't exactly ecstatic to begin with, but, I mean, I think I could actually make this work. They may not exactly be on a lot of people's good graces right now, but there's at least mortal merit to what they're trying to do. And I can't say that I know too many of us that saw wolves the size of semi trucks and then decided to go back while they were still mortals. For someone that got pulled away, that shit is important to me, that kind of loyalty. [01:57:23] Speaker F: How do you feel about them helping the guy who's responsible for most of that? [01:57:35] Speaker D: I'm still against it, but it's what they're setting out to do. If they can actually reform this guy and put and point him at the titans that way he turning all his anger at them. Great. If he slips up, I'm going to hang him by his intestines. [01:57:55] Speaker F: I can get with that. [01:57:59] Speaker D: I miss Moira, but I think that there's merit in giving people a second chance sometimes. [01:58:08] Speaker F: She was. She was good people, the best people. [01:58:15] Speaker D: And then he'll just very quietly, just, like, leaning in, given where she came from. [01:58:22] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah. She kind of, again, nervously glances at the sky. [01:58:30] Speaker D: Yeah, he's just, like, looking around. Even the moment after that leaves his mouth. He's just like. Just like, waiting for a lightning bolt from somewhere or like a peacock with a bomb. [01:58:46] Speaker F: Well, so what I could use is reinforcement on a lot of this. I mean, it's fine if I'm not going into crazy, dangerous waters, but if we're trying to reach a terra incognita in the middle of the water, scion of poseidon or no, we're gonna run into things like bad weather and probably some sea monsters who aren't super thrilled with us being there, so. [01:59:16] Speaker D: Yeah, no kidding. I also told Oliver to baby, see if you could find a way to pick up some sort of, like, soundproofing, because, I mean, the sirens are a thing if nothing else. We could. We could try to cuff ourselves and throw ourselves below deck. Me and letting him. [01:59:36] Speaker F: I fully acknowledge that I may have. May have already thought about that on other trips, so I've got some pretty thick chains below deck. [01:59:48] Speaker D: Good idea. Yeah. My first time on the water, but, I mean, the sirens have been in enough stories that they're just something you kind of have to think about. [01:59:58] Speaker F: Yeah. I don't know how much I can help with all of this, but I know water and sailing, so I'll do what I can. And I could do minor repairs on the boat. On the ship. [02:00:19] Speaker D: Oh. If something gets broken, then I'll fix it. You don't have to worry too much about that. It literally takes me seconds. [02:00:28] Speaker F: All right. [02:00:29] Speaker D: And, uh, if it comes to fighting, you could leave that to. Well, I suppose me and, oh, if. [02:00:36] Speaker F: It comes to fighting, I'm helping. [02:00:38] Speaker D: Oh, good. I was. I just did what I assume. [02:00:43] Speaker F: I may not be as dedicated a warrior as some of our cousins, but I'm not a slouch. [02:00:55] Speaker D: Neither am I. [02:00:57] Speaker F: And she does this thing where she flexes her hand and that bracelet on her wrist fades away and replaced. Instead, her hand is wrapped around a triton. [02:01:14] Speaker D: He just smirks. And then will pull his wrench from his, uh, hip, and then we'll just, like, roll it in his hand, and as he rolls it again, it will, uh, shift into a large two handed labyris that will then just rest on his shoulder. [02:01:35] Speaker F: Not bad. [02:01:37] Speaker D: Packing pretty heavily yourself. [02:01:41] Speaker F: Yeah, well, dad's got a particular. She'll stare at it. Stare up at it, flare. [02:01:50] Speaker D: Yeah, I decided to go for something. Give a little bit of respect to the name of one of the monsters. [02:01:59] Speaker F: I mean, listen, the other pantheons can talk all the shit they want. There are very few pantheons who have the style ours does. [02:02:08] Speaker D: Damn right. [02:02:13] Speaker F: All right, well, let's get to work, shall we? [02:02:18] Speaker D: Lead the way, boss. And he will shift it back to being a wrench. [02:02:23] Speaker F: Yeah. She goes. She does a roll of her wrist, and it disappears, and the bracelet reappears, and she proceeds to take you through the things that she thinks need to be reinforced, the areas she thinks you could improve on. She's not super thrilled at trying to set up a space that is soundproof because it would require structural changes to why the ship is built, and it's definitely built to be very traditional. Does that make sense? [02:03:04] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:03:07] Speaker F: However, she does kind of guide you through places that you could put in, like extra reinforcements below deck and things like that, so that you have a place that you could tie up somebody with epic strength and have a reasonable chance of keeping them in place long enough. And it wouldn't sink the ship if they managed to break it. [02:03:28] Speaker D: Right. [02:03:32] Speaker F: So this is going to be basically some extended rolls, rather than having you roll once for everything. [02:03:43] Speaker D: Okay? [02:03:48] Speaker F: Looking at your sheet, all of your crafts are at max. So rather than pinging you for the fact that you don't specifically have a craft for things like. [02:04:06] Speaker D: That. I don't have craft. Ship. Right. [02:04:14] Speaker F: Let's go. Intelligence and crafting. [02:04:20] Speaker B: Okey dokey. [02:04:25] Speaker F: Normally I would deduct a couple of points because you don't have shipwright or whatever, but she's helping, so. [02:04:34] Speaker D: Fair enough. So that's 13 dice with my artifact. [02:04:39] Speaker B: I do a long range intelligence boost of my artifact. A relic. [02:04:43] Speaker F: You cannot. [02:04:45] Speaker B: I know. [02:04:49] Speaker D: That gives me nine successes. [02:04:52] Speaker F: All right, I'm gonna need four more of those. [02:04:58] Speaker D: Coming right up. [02:05:07] Speaker F: 98777. And seven. [02:05:17] Speaker A: Nice. [02:05:18] Speaker F: Very good. That's a lot of ones, though, my guy. [02:05:23] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm very glad that we don't have the. No. That would have the no bot troll. I'm very glad for that. [02:05:31] Speaker F: So many ones. [02:05:32] Speaker C: Jesus. [02:05:33] Speaker F: All right. Sorry. I was just baffled by the sheer number of ones and all of those roles. Okay. [02:05:42] Speaker B: I'm just surprised you got seven so many times in a row. [02:05:45] Speaker F: You guys are between the two of you. You are able to make it's not as quick as it normally is because you're not working on, like, something from scratch. You're having to work with materials you don't typically work with. Give it that. This is all wood, but it still goes smoothly. Just takes longer. And she doesn't want you super, super rushing, even though you're a scion. It makes her a little nervous. So you certainly move faster than most, but still not quite at, like, your peak speed. [02:06:23] Speaker D: Right. [02:06:27] Speaker F: The others who are shopping. [02:06:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:06:32] Speaker B: Quick thing. Before we actually, like, fully delve into the shopping itself. And we're kind of, like, on the way to the various stores we need to go to. Can I do a thing? [02:06:44] Speaker F: What thing? [02:06:46] Speaker B: I would like to just find a. Just, like, the nearest little plot of dirt, dig a hole, and then hold my hand out to Clint. I think you're the one. The seeds? [02:06:57] Speaker A: Yeah, I got them. All right. Here you go. [02:07:01] Speaker B: Gotta keep doing over one of them. So I'll just plop one in, smooth it over with the. With the dirt, and then stand up right as we were. And then after we do that. [02:07:11] Speaker F: Where did you do that? [02:07:13] Speaker B: Just like, as we're on our way to the store. Just like. [02:07:17] Speaker F: Okay. [02:07:17] Speaker B: The nearest spot. [02:07:19] Speaker F: All right, cool. [02:07:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:07:24] Speaker F: I'll make a note. [02:07:25] Speaker B: Okay. [02:07:27] Speaker D: You monster. [02:07:28] Speaker A: Truly, nothing bad could happen. [02:07:30] Speaker B: The last one we put in the middle of nowhere, and she also made that feel like it was the wrong thing to do. I don't know what we're supposed to do with these things, man. [02:07:36] Speaker A: There is no right answer. There is only doom. [02:07:42] Speaker B: But as we're walking on our way to the stores, I'll also pull out my phone and then text Astor rope. Hey. We're about to go on an ocean voyage for our labor. For the dodeca. Cathy on probably we'll still have service due to magic phones, but don't know if the battery will last forever. So wanted to let you know in case I go missing for 20 years. And then I'll just send that. [02:08:11] Speaker F: You get back. Dot, dot, dot. That's not funny. [02:08:19] Speaker B: You're right. Sorry. [02:08:22] Speaker F: And then your phone rings. [02:08:25] Speaker B: Hello. [02:08:28] Speaker F: You're. They're sending you on labor on the sea. [02:08:37] Speaker B: Yeah. Or kind of. It's taking us to the sea. We need to do something for Hades and his wife. But in order to accomplish that, we need to get to an island that's in an in between state that's going to require us to go through the ocean, and that's probably going to have some baddies. [02:09:00] Speaker F: Oh, okay. [02:09:10] Speaker B: I just sort of wanted to let you know in case anything, you know, went wrong. Not that I plan for things to go wrong. The major hope is that, you know, everything goes perfectly. But we're scions, so, you know. [02:09:37] Speaker F: But this is a labor for Hades. [02:09:41] Speaker B: Yeah, we need to. Basically, we have 100 flowers that we need to give to individuals that are fate bound to the dodecatheon as a funeral service. And we figured out the best way to do that is to find a bunch of myrmidons because they're inherently fate boundenhouse. And there's an island that they live on, and we need to get to that island. [02:10:06] Speaker F: Okay, well, I wish I could help, but, um, I've never been there, and most of the places I've been were, you know, where the golden apples are. And here. I don't leave very much. [02:10:38] Speaker B: Um. [02:10:41] Speaker F: Please don't die. [02:10:43] Speaker B: I. I don't plan to. [02:10:47] Speaker F: It'd be very cross if you did. [02:10:50] Speaker B: I know. You'd probably come straight down to wherever underworld I'd end up in and give me one hell of a talking to. [02:11:04] Speaker F: Yeah, and be careful of the sirens. [02:11:12] Speaker B: Yes. I got. Or at least on the list, I have sealing wax for, you know, the ears. [02:11:17] Speaker F: And don't go to Cersei's island. [02:11:20] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, no, definitely not. And even if we do, I'm not gonna eat any food. [02:11:26] Speaker F: Okay. [02:11:27] Speaker B: All right. [02:11:30] Speaker F: Well, um, wait, can you sail? [02:11:36] Speaker B: No. We've met a psion of Poseidon who's going to help us out. [02:11:42] Speaker F: Oh, which one? [02:11:45] Speaker B: Alexandra. Do you know her? She knows Damon, so you. Oh, okay. [02:11:50] Speaker F: She's coming. She's come by before. [02:11:52] Speaker B: All right. Do you want me to tell her hi? [02:11:56] Speaker F: Sure. That would be nice. Tell her I say not to let you die. [02:12:04] Speaker B: I will do that. [02:12:07] Speaker F: Okay. Um. I love you. [02:12:11] Speaker B: I was gonna say that first. [02:12:13] Speaker F: Well, I win. You were too slow. [02:12:17] Speaker B: I suppose you do. I love you, too. [02:12:22] Speaker F: Okay. I'll let you go. Be safe. [02:12:27] Speaker B: You got it. [02:12:28] Speaker F: You should get one of those chargers that operates on ondemen. [02:12:34] Speaker B: Um, solar power. [02:12:36] Speaker F: Yes. [02:12:37] Speaker B: Ooh. Okay. Yeah, that's actually a good idea. I gotta position my phone, like, to my shoulder, and add that to the list. Great idea. [02:12:45] Speaker F: Okay. Um. Be safe. [02:12:48] Speaker B: You got it. [02:12:49] Speaker F: Bye. [02:12:50] Speaker B: Bye. Ooh. [02:12:53] Speaker C: You love her. [02:12:56] Speaker B: He's gonna stare straight forward. [02:12:58] Speaker A: Wait, did he. He actually said. I don't think he said it. [02:13:01] Speaker C: He said it. I heard it. [02:13:05] Speaker B: Okay, so we have a shopping list. A lot of items on here. So I think it would be beneficial if we split it up in three ways so we can cover more ground. [02:13:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, that's a smart thinking. But, uh, you love her, huh? [02:13:24] Speaker C: Oh, he loves her so much. [02:13:27] Speaker B: I'm just walking. [02:13:31] Speaker A: All right, don't get too far away. Come on, let us catch up. [02:13:41] Speaker F: All right. I'm looking at this list. [02:13:49] Speaker B: If there are things you think we cannot get, that is fine. Just let me know so I can mark it off. [02:14:00] Speaker F: I'm going to end up severely disappointing coda. But I don't think toaster strudels are going to be on offer in most grocery stores in Greece, especially not ones. [02:14:13] Speaker D: In tiny fishing villages. [02:14:15] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:14:17] Speaker C: Hey, you know what? [02:14:18] Speaker F: It's okay. [02:14:18] Speaker B: They don't have the american section, y'all. [02:14:20] Speaker A: If we just get some frozen puff pastry and some real cheap ingredients, I'll make us. [02:14:27] Speaker F: Well, I mean. [02:14:27] Speaker C: Yes, yes, yes. Do your cooking. Learning. [02:14:30] Speaker A: Sure. [02:14:30] Speaker B: Yeah. How'd this even end up on here? [02:14:34] Speaker C: You wrote it, remember? [02:14:36] Speaker D: No, I mean, you might have written. [02:14:38] Speaker A: It while we were talking. [02:14:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess you can make custom toaster strudels. [02:14:51] Speaker A: What kind do you want? Do you want the fruit ones or do you want, like, the breakfast ones? [02:14:57] Speaker C: What. [02:15:00] Speaker A: Ain'T they got, like, egg ones? Maybe I'm mixing them up with hot pockets. [02:15:04] Speaker F: They do, in fact, have egg ones. Yeah, they do have. For those watching those at home who cannot see this list, I want you to know that they're going on a. On a sea voyage and saltines made it onto the list before. Anything with vitamin C? [02:15:21] Speaker A: We got anything with vitamin C on there? [02:15:23] Speaker B: I don't put, like. I put general food. I imagine oranges would have been in there. [02:15:28] Speaker C: Do you need vitamin C on a sea journey? [02:15:31] Speaker A: Well, you gotta hold your sea legs. [02:15:33] Speaker F: Somehow to avoid scurvy. Yes. You do? [02:15:36] Speaker D: Yep. [02:15:36] Speaker C: Scurvy's real. [02:15:38] Speaker F: Yes. [02:15:41] Speaker D: A scooter. [02:15:43] Speaker C: That's cute. Just brush your teeth. Right? Like what? [02:15:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:15:53] Speaker C: Coda does not know that scurvy is real as well. [02:15:57] Speaker F: Coda's like, brush your teeth. That'll keep you from getting scurvy. We're like. That has nothing to do with scurvy. [02:16:03] Speaker B: Stare at her incredulously skirt. You know, nevermind. Speaking of brushing teeth, though, we should get toothpaste and toothbrushes. [02:16:11] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Hygiene is important. [02:16:14] Speaker F: Y'all are gonna show up at this boat with just boxes of shit. [02:16:17] Speaker B: Yep. [02:16:18] Speaker A: We already don't know how long the journey is. [02:16:22] Speaker B: We were told it might take months. [02:16:27] Speaker F: Okay, we're gonna hand wave it. Assume that you guys could get everything. There isn't anything on here. That's seems all. That. Seems all that difficult to get. You do have to go outside of town to get, like, metal and soundproofing stuff for Andre, but you've got plenty of time. [02:16:59] Speaker B: All right. Groovy. [02:17:04] Speaker F: Okay. Everybody meets up at the ship or at the docks where the ship is. Some hours later, it is getting on into late afternoon. And the pin that was dropped for you to find them, um, leads you literally out onto the water. And it takes you a minute to realize that you have to go down the dock and follow it, but you actually get your first real look of. Of the trirem. [02:17:43] Speaker A: You know, I kind of thought she was kidding. I thought maybe she found it on the Google or something, but that. That. That's real. [02:17:56] Speaker C: Huh? [02:17:58] Speaker B: It's impressive and gets. [02:18:00] Speaker A: You got beds? [02:18:02] Speaker B: I hope so. I didn't put down hammocks or cots because I thought it might have them. [02:18:06] Speaker F: It's got hammock. She calls from on deck. [02:18:10] Speaker A: Okay, we're going to be swinging. [02:18:12] Speaker B: Um, just. [02:18:13] Speaker F: Just to be sure. You get cocks on a ship or you don't. You don't want cocks on a ship. [02:18:17] Speaker B: Yeah, because water surrounded water. Just make sure the etiquette's right. We have to ask for permission to board, right? [02:18:26] Speaker F: Yes. Permission granted. [02:18:29] Speaker B: Thank you. Oh, and by the way, Astrope says hi. And to make sure I don't die. [02:18:34] Speaker F: How do you know asterope? [02:18:37] Speaker B: She's my girlfriend. [02:18:38] Speaker A: He loves her. [02:18:44] Speaker F: Well, isn't that cute? She looks over at Audrey. You didn't tell me one of them was dating one of the dryads. [02:18:51] Speaker D: You didn't ask. And I was gonna get to it. I was gonna get to it when I asked everyone if they called their sweetie. Hey, uh, koda, you call your sweetie or you're. It's complicated. [02:19:02] Speaker C: Um. [02:19:09] Speaker F: You should do that. We're gonna be gone for a while. [02:19:12] Speaker D: You might want to let them know. [02:19:14] Speaker C: It's complicated. It's complicated. It's complicated. Permission to board big ship. [02:19:23] Speaker F: Yes. Permission granted. You too, Clint. Come on. [02:19:26] Speaker A: Hey. Okay, thank you. [02:19:29] Speaker D: Good, because I was gonna have. You all can talk to her for a second. I'm gonna call my sweetie, and he. [02:19:36] Speaker A: What do you call her? [02:19:39] Speaker B: I didn't know this. [02:19:40] Speaker D: Well, normally I call her Mia. She's a. One of the Davis kids. Daughter. Collie. [02:19:51] Speaker F: Flower. [02:19:56] Speaker B: You know what David Sion doing other cream, or is he someone else out of character? [02:20:03] Speaker D: He's a son of. The. [02:20:07] Speaker F: First cream is from the Yazada. [02:20:11] Speaker D: The Yazada. That's it. The Persians, not the Indians. [02:20:15] Speaker A: All right, speaking of. [02:20:18] Speaker F: All right, so who's making a phone call? [02:20:22] Speaker D: Gota. [02:20:25] Speaker B: You should really at least leave one final message. Who knows what could happen. [02:20:31] Speaker C: In a text? But, yeah, I can leave a. [02:20:35] Speaker B: Or a text. Whatever you think is best. [02:20:37] Speaker C: No, I can. I can leave a message. I can leave a message. God. Until, like, walk to wherever is the furthest away from everyone. [02:20:52] Speaker F: Okay. Are you calling? Are you texting? What are you doing? [02:20:55] Speaker C: She's calling. [02:20:57] Speaker B: I'll conveniently have Clint help me load things up onto the ship so she can have her privacy in space. [02:21:04] Speaker A: Yeah, no problem. [02:21:08] Speaker F: Uh. [02:21:08] Speaker B: Uh. [02:21:11] Speaker C: Can she have pelly near her? [02:21:16] Speaker F: Uh, yes. [02:21:17] Speaker C: Cool. She's gonna, like, pet Pele, like, nervously and then call. [02:21:28] Speaker F: Romeo d ten. All ideas, Venus. [02:21:33] Speaker C: Roll you a d ten. [02:21:41] Speaker F: Oops. [02:21:56] Speaker C: All right. [02:21:59] Speaker F: It rings four times, and. Hello. [02:22:08] Speaker C: Hey there, Matt. [02:22:12] Speaker F: Hey. [02:22:16] Speaker C: Um, nice to hear you. [02:22:25] Speaker F: Yeah. Do you need something? [02:22:30] Speaker C: Yeah, I, um. I'm about to go on this, like, boat trip situation. Um, out of character. What's the pantheon called again? Dota. Dot yaw. [02:22:50] Speaker F: Dota Cathy. [02:22:51] Speaker C: Dot a cathy. Okay. Yeah. For, um, a labor I'm doing for the dodecatheons. We're gonna be doing some stuff and going to some in between space, and everyone's making phone calls to their beloveds and such. Um, and I figured I'd tried one last time to reach you to I guess, you know, say, I'm heading out and hope, hopefully have our another chance. [02:23:32] Speaker F: To. [02:23:35] Speaker C: Perhaps schedule time to talk about us. Or this could be the talk about us. I ran into your dad the other day, and I just kind of figured. [02:23:49] Speaker F: Yeah, he mentioned that he saw you. Yeah. [02:23:58] Speaker C: So. [02:24:01] Speaker F: The boat ride for the Greeks, huh? [02:24:05] Speaker C: Yeah, it's kind of crazy. The boat's, like, fucking huge. Like, really fucking huge. It's like a tricorn or something. Try dry ream. [02:24:18] Speaker F: Dry ream. [02:24:18] Speaker C: Yes. [02:24:19] Speaker F: Yeah, we went on one of those ones with Myra. Well, good luck. Sea journeys with the Greeks traditionally don't go well. [02:24:34] Speaker C: Yeah, Alexandra said that. Or Alexandria said that. So I gotta. We gotta keep an eye out for the guys here and such, but, yeah. [02:24:52] Speaker F: So. [02:24:55] Speaker C: I guess, um. [02:24:59] Speaker F: Are we still. [02:25:04] Speaker C: Um, together? Is this we on hold? [02:25:16] Speaker F: I don't know, Koda. I've been a little busy, you know, trying not to die and trying to keep Gwen from killing other people. [02:25:28] Speaker A: Yep. [02:25:29] Speaker C: I get that. [02:25:31] Speaker F: Damn near lost a finger a few days ago. [02:25:37] Speaker C: Damn. You know, she was fighting our group the other day when we were like, doesn't matter. But she, like, knocked Clint down, and then I, like, knocked her down, and it was kind of sick, but I used what you taught me, and it was pretty fucking sick. [02:25:58] Speaker F: Good job. [02:26:00] Speaker C: Thanks. Um, maybe take a break until all this is settled. [02:26:15] Speaker F: Yeah, I kind of assumed we were. [02:26:18] Speaker C: Well, we didn't say anything. [02:26:22] Speaker F: Well, the last few times that we've talked, it hasn't ended well and we haven't seen each other in months, so. And it's unlikely to happen. It's unlikely that we're gonna see each other for a while still, so. [02:26:37] Speaker C: I don't know. We should still communicate it, though, because, I mean, I've only interacted with talking to people in fiery explosions of whatever, and. [02:26:54] Speaker F: I don't know. [02:26:54] Speaker C: And, I mean, we haven't been able to see each other because of. [02:26:57] Speaker F: Yes. [02:26:57] Speaker C: Stuff that I've done and. Or I've agreed with. And, of course, you dealing with the aftermath, so I guess I just wanted it official. [02:27:12] Speaker F: Okay. Consider it official. [02:27:26] Speaker C: Um. All right, well. Oh, hope you're. Whatever. Yeah. Yeah, I miss you a lot, but, um, I hope you're doing well. I know you're crazy busy and whatever, but, um. But thanks for taking the time to talk to me before all this. [02:27:53] Speaker F: Yeah, um, no problem. I'm, uh, recovering from regrowing some fingers, and, uh, I think I'm supposed to be going with Damon and some others to go get some more apples soon because we're almost out. Well, be careful. [02:28:18] Speaker C: I know that's stupid to say, but still, be careful. [02:28:22] Speaker F: I'm going to a place that's being guarded by a hundred headed monster, so careful is a relative. [02:28:28] Speaker C: Okay, well, take care of yourself and others. [02:28:36] Speaker F: That's my job. I'll, uh, I'll let you go. I got a. I got things I got to deal with. [02:28:46] Speaker C: Okay. [02:28:48] Speaker F: Bye. [02:28:48] Speaker C: See ya. Bye. [02:28:51] Speaker F: And she hangs up. [02:29:00] Speaker C: Call your sweetie. Talk to your beloved. [02:29:05] Speaker F: You all hear coda muttering to herself as she returns to the ship. [02:29:11] Speaker A: Hey, how'd it go? [02:29:17] Speaker C: Amazing. [02:29:19] Speaker A: I'm glad to hear it. Always good to catch up with folks that are important to you before you go off on a lot of you. [02:29:25] Speaker B: To help me unpack this. [02:29:26] Speaker A: Yeah, sure, go ahead. All right. [02:29:30] Speaker F: Andre. Yep? You have a phone call to make. [02:29:34] Speaker D: I do, and I'm calling it. And Andre is just kind of even just silently was praying. Please just get a voicemail. Please just go to voicemail. Please just go to voicemail. [02:29:42] Speaker F: Hey, babe. [02:29:43] Speaker D: Ah, shit. Hey, honey. [02:29:47] Speaker F: How you doing? [02:29:49] Speaker D: Um, keeping way busier now that my dad's got me on a different job. [02:29:56] Speaker F: Yeah? How, uh, what kind of job? What are you. What are you fixing or making this time? [02:30:03] Speaker D: Uh, hilariously not that kind of job. Yeah, you heard about that group of scions that's been causing a ruckus. Because they try to give people second chances. [02:30:18] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:30:21] Speaker D: Yeah. He said that I'm gonna be helping them out for a while now. [02:30:27] Speaker F: And you agreed. [02:30:30] Speaker D: Well, didn't. I wasn't just gonna tell my dad. No. [02:30:40] Speaker F: I don't understand how you have one of the few fathers that you could probably. Probably get away. One of the few parents that you could probably get away with saying no to and you still don't do it. [02:30:48] Speaker D: Well, that's the thing, is that I could get away with it, but I don't want to. Whereas other. They want to, but they're afraid to. [02:30:59] Speaker F: I suppose. So what kind of, uh. What kind of labor are you guys on? That's what they're doing, right? Laborers? To get him off early? [02:31:14] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what they're doing. Uh, we're apparently going to go to Ononoe. The island has all the myrmidons. Because we need to do something for hades. [02:31:28] Speaker F: Oh, holy shit. [02:31:30] Speaker D: Yeah, it's a big thing. But, uh, the thing is, it's a greek labor that involves us going across the ocean, and that usually doesn't go well. So I just wanted to call you and let you know what was going to be happening, just in case you didn't hear from me again for a while. [02:31:49] Speaker F: Okay, so at what point do I decide it's been too long and I come after you? [02:31:56] Speaker D: Uh, if it has. If it has reached the point of being too long, first call me. Because, you know, dad souped up this phone that it should get a call from fucking space if it has to. [02:32:07] Speaker F: Okay. Yeah. No, I mean, how long is too long? I trust you and I trust your judgment, but at some point, if you don't show up, I'm coming out there. And I'd rather it be by the standard you set than mine. Cause if it's mine, it'll just be next week. [02:32:26] Speaker D: I appreciate that, sweetie, but just give it, like, I don't know, four months. Trips on the greek oceans usually take longer than people expect them to, so we just packed heavy and we're expecting things to take longer than hopefully they should. [02:32:44] Speaker F: Okay. Four months is a long time. You'd better check it. [02:32:50] Speaker D: I will send you a text every damn day if I can. [02:32:55] Speaker F: Good. I, um. I am currently helping, uh. Well, trying to help somebody who is regrowing some fingers. She's being difficult. [02:33:17] Speaker B: Mmm. [02:33:18] Speaker D: I think I might know who you're talking about. [02:33:20] Speaker F: Oh. [02:33:22] Speaker D: If, from what I heard a little half conversation a few minutes ago. [02:33:29] Speaker B: You'Re. [02:33:29] Speaker D: With a cyan Anezia. [02:33:32] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:33:34] Speaker D: Yeah. That's one of the people. Sheer sweeties. And apparently they're in a it's complicated moment right now. [02:33:41] Speaker F: Oh, that explains the look on her face when she blew out of here a few minutes ago. [02:33:45] Speaker D: That would be it. [02:33:51] Speaker F: At some point, these other scions are gonna have to realize that you gotta just let go. Not be so uptight all the time. Yeah, but makes life easier for everybody. [02:34:05] Speaker D: You're telling me. But these two are kids. The one I'm with is barely able to drink. [02:34:13] Speaker F: Well, shit. I mean, I wouldn't try to stop this one if she wanted to drink. When she does drink, because she does a lot, but she's a little bit like you. No matter how much she puts away, it never seems to do anything. [02:34:28] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I heard about, uh, her firecracker. Tough as hell. [02:34:35] Speaker F: Yeah. Lost part of her hand to one of the wolves. That's all right. She's a. Let's just say that between my help, some apples and her own fortitude, she's regrowing it. [02:35:02] Speaker D: That's good. Uh, I would say give her my best wishes, but I don't think she wants to talk to anyone that has anything to do with all this shit right now. [02:35:11] Speaker F: Yeah, probably not. Nah. All right, well be safe as I can be. Text me every day. I know thats not our normal rule, but im in stating it now. [02:35:31] Speaker D: Yes, boss. [02:35:33] Speaker F: And know that if you do anything stupid and don't come back, I'm coming after you. [02:35:37] Speaker D: If I don't do anything stupid, I've been replaced by a body snatcher. And you are free to kill whatever is holding my face. [02:35:45] Speaker F: I'm just reiterating. I'm coming after you if you don't come back on your own. [02:35:53] Speaker D: I appreciate it. [02:35:54] Speaker F: And, uh, let's just say I'll be less motherly. [02:36:01] Speaker D: Oh, smashinakali. [02:36:06] Speaker F: Okay. Well, I love you very much and I hope you stay safe and have what fun you can. And don't end up getting eaten by sirens. Okay? [02:36:19] Speaker D: That's plan. Love you very much. I'll bring you some olives. [02:36:22] Speaker F: You'd better. And she hangs up. [02:36:26] Speaker D: And he will hang up as well, looking significantly happier than Coda did when she hung up her call. [02:36:36] Speaker F: Uh, Clint, do you have a call that you would like to make? [02:36:40] Speaker D: Oh, boy. [02:36:41] Speaker A: Clint looks around at all the people making calls and then looks down at his phone. He just sends a text. [02:36:50] Speaker D: Kind of. [02:36:51] Speaker A: Watches his phone for a little bit, slides it away and carries on doing work on the boat. [02:36:57] Speaker F: Okay. You do not immediately get an answer back, but traditionally, when you have texted this person, they usually text back. It just takes some time. [02:37:07] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. Clint's not worried at all. He's happy that people are making connections. And I feeling. Some folks seem to be feeling better about it, too, so they'll just do the grunt work while they do their thing. [02:37:27] Speaker F: All right, you all get everything packed into the ship. Andre finishes up the reinforcements and helping to create a provisionary plan for how to. To tie up all the men types when the time comes. And she kind of looks at all of you. All right, well, we're as ready to go as we're gonna get, but we've still got one more thing to do before we leave. [02:38:02] Speaker A: What's that? [02:38:04] Speaker F: We have to go find the myrmidon and return him to colony. [02:38:08] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [02:38:09] Speaker D: Yep. [02:38:10] Speaker B: Right. [02:38:10] Speaker A: Let's do it. [02:38:14] Speaker F: So, last I. All of my research says that he lives in that house across from the old guy's house that you all pulled up in front of, but I haven't seen him today, which means that he was probably out at whatever passes for a job that he has. So we're gonna spread out and see if anybody can find him. This is what he looks like. And she holds up her phone and shows everybody a picture of a deeply tanned, olive skinned young man who is shaved nearly bald. And his. His countenance is unsettling. He is obviously, like, aware that he's being photographed and he's standing still for it. But when you look at his eyes, they are just these dead, cold, black eyes. Almost black. Really, really dark brown. [02:39:25] Speaker B: If you want. Since I've seen him now, I could just lead us straight to him. But since we're also about to go on a very perilous journey, it might also be a good idea to conserve my energies in that department, so. [02:39:37] Speaker F: Yeah, you should conserve your energies. [02:39:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Good call. [02:39:44] Speaker F: She reaches into her pouch and pulls out of her pouch a number of what look like small ant figurines and sets them down on the deck of the ship. And after a moment, they begin to move, and they slowly get bigger and bigger and bigger until they are full grown men. [02:40:09] Speaker A: Whoa. [02:40:12] Speaker F: And they all immediately turn to look at her and salute. [02:40:23] Speaker A: You ever think one of them's been lost in, like, a couch cushion before? [02:40:28] Speaker B: I don't know, Clint. [02:40:31] Speaker F: And she begins to give out orders. They're all dressed in what look like just normal, modern clothes for the moment. She begins to give them orders in Greek. It's mostly, you know, split up into pairs, and she's effectively sending two with each of you and two with her and one with herself. And she turns to the rest of you. All right, if we make this fast, we can get on the. Get on the waves. At high tide tonight, I'm going to send two with each of you. They'll follow your lead. They speak okay, English, but keep your commands simple. They're not the brightest bulbs on the. [02:41:29] Speaker B: Line, so to speak, and look to them and see they have a reaction to that. [02:41:34] Speaker F: They do not. [02:41:43] Speaker A: I mean, did we just give them orders, or should we just let them, you know, do their work? [02:41:48] Speaker F: I mean, they're gonna follow you, and if something comes up, you give them orders. Otherwise, they'll just follow. [02:41:54] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [02:41:55] Speaker F: When they see him, if he's one of them, they'll take over. [02:42:00] Speaker D: What if he ain't? [02:42:05] Speaker F: Then they won't react. And we know he's not one of ours, and we move on, hopes that he doesn't hurt anybody. [02:42:16] Speaker D: If he does, I'm coming after him. [02:42:19] Speaker F: That's not our business, Andre. He's mortal, and he hurt somebody. They have authorities for that. [02:42:31] Speaker A: Well, how about we try and get there before he gets to hurting anyone? [02:42:35] Speaker D: Good idea. [02:42:42] Speaker F: Um, she steps off the ship, leads the way. Um. All right, everybody take a quadrant, I guess. Look around for a couple hours or for an hour, and in an hour, we'll meet back here. [02:43:00] Speaker A: Sure. Hey, can you text me the picture? That way I can just show Ian before he gets up in the sky. [02:43:07] Speaker F: She sends the picture to everybody. [02:43:09] Speaker A: Excellent. Thank you. Oh, there it is. Hey, Ian, take a good look at this. We're gonna go hunting. I mean, not hunting, but, like, finding. [02:43:20] Speaker F: Ian looks at the picture and then looks at you and waits. [02:43:28] Speaker A: Whenever. What do you want? What are we trading today? What do you feel like having? [02:43:36] Speaker F: Shiny. [02:43:37] Speaker A: Shiny I can do. I could give you some coins, but I think I got something better for. Oh, yeah. Clint pulls out a loose tie pin that he has found on the floor. It's gold and shiny. Doesn't look very important, but I don't know who it belongs to. I think we found it a couple of underworlds back, but it looked real cool. I figured he'd like it as a prize for doing something really difficult. [02:44:09] Speaker F: He snatches it, his feathers ruffle. And he does that thing that birds do where he tucks his head under his wing. And then when he pulls his head back out, it is not there. I will look. [02:44:27] Speaker A: All right, cool. You let me know if you find anything. I'll be down here looking to. [02:44:33] Speaker F: And he takes off. All right, I'm going to allow everybody to make roles. The myrmidons cannot help you find him. They will simply help you deal with him when and if you do, I would like everybody, don't say it, Oliver. You should know by now exactly what's coming. I would like everybody to roll me. Perception and either awareness or investigation, given that it only gives you one extra. [02:45:23] Speaker B: I was like, oh, yes. And I looked at my sheet, I was like, that is one extra. Die. Okay. [02:45:35] Speaker D: Well, I got two. [02:45:41] Speaker B: I also got two. [02:45:44] Speaker C: I got a rock. [02:45:46] Speaker F: Oh, coda. Sweet coda. [02:45:49] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm counting. [02:45:52] Speaker A: Could I roll for Ian as well? [02:45:56] Speaker F: Um, yes. [02:46:02] Speaker C: And then, you, modifier is two. [02:46:07] Speaker F: Okay. [02:46:13] Speaker C: Um, four. [02:46:17] Speaker F: All right. [02:46:20] Speaker B: Actually, it's five. You didn't have botch turned off, so you lost one. [02:46:23] Speaker F: Oh, yeah, that's fine. [02:46:24] Speaker C: Oh, I see. Okay, five. [02:46:27] Speaker F: How is Ian doing? You also didn't have, you also didn't have the specialty turned on, so that should actually be six. [02:46:35] Speaker C: Oh, there we go. I think I hit modifier instead of specialty. [02:46:41] Speaker F: Yeah, that's what I did. [02:46:44] Speaker A: Ian got three. [02:46:46] Speaker F: Okay, you guys look for about an hour and a half, and just when everybody is like, we are not gonna find this guy. Can't find him anywhere. And so you hit the end of that hour, and you're about to double back to meet up with everybody when Ian squawks at Clint, and he's well up above you and kind of circling, and you look down the road, and the young man is coming out of what looks like a shop. [02:47:25] Speaker A: Shit. All right, let me get a phone picture real quick and send him out. I found him, and he'll take a picture and send it to their group. [02:47:35] Speaker F: Do you point him out to the Myrmidons who are with you? [02:47:40] Speaker A: Uh, yes. [02:47:41] Speaker F: What do you say? [02:47:44] Speaker A: Uh, since it has to be simple, I'll just say, go check them out. [02:47:51] Speaker F: They will walk past you. Um, they walk almost like they're marching. At the very least, they have that, that cadence of, in the way that they walk. They're not, like, lifting their knees or anything like that, but they are walking in a very, like, in very strict line. They're walking perfectly in sync with each other. It's a little unsettling. And they walk towards him, and as you watch, his eyes lock on them, and he kind of stops in the middle of the street. They walk over, and you watch as a quiet conversation begins to happen. [02:48:45] Speaker A: I'll very slowly, sneakily approach. As very sneaky as Clint is, give. [02:48:53] Speaker F: Me dex and stealth. [02:49:01] Speaker A: I have epic. So at least I got something. Two successes. [02:49:15] Speaker F: Okay. One of them glances over at you so it's clear that they know you're there. You don't speak Greek, so you don't understand the conversation that's happening. [02:49:27] Speaker A: I nod along like I do, though. [02:49:30] Speaker F: But it seems amenable. And they're talking in a manner that makes you. That reminds you of people who have a very long standing and easy rapport with each other, like they've known each other for. Forever. [02:49:52] Speaker A: Now that things seem to be going pretty well, Clint will send out a follow up text of Merbandon's. Think he's pretty cool. [02:50:03] Speaker F: Alexandra, text back. Okay. When you can, tell them to bring him to the ship. [02:50:12] Speaker A: Okay. I mean, like, do. Do we have to go real quick? It looks. It seems like they're having a good time. [02:50:17] Speaker F: Yes. We don't want to leave them wandering unchecked. They need to return to the colony. [02:50:25] Speaker A: Okay, we'll do. See you soon. Hey, fellers. It's about time that we get heading on back to the boat. [02:50:36] Speaker F: And all at once, the three of them stop talking. Their spines stiffen, and they turn and look ready to follow you. Or. No, they don't even look. They don't even stop to follow you. They just turn and begin walking back in the direction that you came from. [02:50:54] Speaker A: Come on. Hold on. [02:50:56] Speaker F: Right past you. [02:50:58] Speaker A: I'm with you, too. Okay. [02:51:01] Speaker F: To be fair, you did say it's time to get back to the boat. So they're just there. Orders. [02:51:07] Speaker D: They understood. Boat. [02:51:09] Speaker A: That's the important one. All right. I'll follow you all. I'll follow you there. [02:51:28] Speaker F: When you all return to the ship, it takes a couple of minutes for everybody to filter in, coming with their. Their myrmidons. Alexandra looks at the young man who is standing with the others. They have all kind of clustered around him and are talking, and he seems somehow like he is right where he was always meant to be, despite the fact that he's probably never seen any of these people before in his life. [02:52:06] Speaker A: Kind of weird how that worked. [02:52:08] Speaker D: It's a little spooky. [02:52:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:52:12] Speaker F: He's a part of the colony. [02:52:18] Speaker A: How do ants know each other? [02:52:21] Speaker D: Pheromones. [02:52:24] Speaker C: It's pheromones. [02:52:25] Speaker F: That's how. [02:52:25] Speaker C: If one dies, the others know where to go to find the body. [02:52:30] Speaker A: Wait. Do you think if they die, they release pheromones? [02:52:34] Speaker C: They got it. Their ants. But let's not think about that right now. [02:52:37] Speaker B: Scientifically. In one way of putting it, we all do. Like, when we die, we start decaying. And that's kind of how you tell. [02:52:45] Speaker A: Would they be able to help us find other ones who are dying? [02:52:50] Speaker C: Oh, wait, yeah, actually, that's assuming they. [02:52:54] Speaker F: If we were close enough for them to find them. Oh, it's not like they could smell it from forever away. [02:53:02] Speaker C: Yeah, no, no, there's definitely, like a distance. I remember looking or studying something like that in one of my classes. And they, like, release it. It doesn't. [02:53:13] Speaker F: I mean, these guys are ants, but they're not completely ants. [02:53:19] Speaker A: So their noses ain't as like super ant noses or something, right? [02:53:24] Speaker F: I don't think so. Anyway. [02:53:28] Speaker A: It was a thought. I thought I had a good one. [02:53:31] Speaker F: No, it's not a terrible idea. It's just you have to be close enough. [02:53:35] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. I think ants have, like, a whole, like, place that they take dying or hurt. [02:53:45] Speaker B: They basically have their own little ant graveyards. And funnily enough, sometimes just due to things in nature, an ant might end up with the death pheromones on them. So the colony will just take a perfectly living ant to the graveyard. And that ant, since he smells himself, thinks he's dead. So he just stays there until it wears off and just comes back. [02:54:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:54:06] Speaker A: Oh, whoa. [02:54:07] Speaker C: Hold on a lick. Acid. Because you can also put the acid on those things. Yes. Holding on. [02:54:14] Speaker A: If they think they're dead, does that still count for a funeral rite? [02:54:19] Speaker B: No, because we need the souls to actually go to the underworld to get Persephone, the flower. [02:54:25] Speaker D: Hades domain, as opposed to funerary rights. [02:54:27] Speaker F: Are also very ritualized. [02:54:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Thought we were gonna get away without having to hurt any of them. [02:54:36] Speaker F: You know, let's get to the island first. [02:54:40] Speaker D: Yeah, let's just. [02:54:41] Speaker C: Yeah, right. [02:54:45] Speaker F: I mean, these guys are great, but it's not like they're unstoppable killing machines. They. They can and do die. And I assume that their bodies go back to where they came from. She gives the order for them to board the ship and then invites the rest of you on to follow so that she doesn't have to say yes. You can come on. Every single time you ask for permission. [02:55:12] Speaker A: Thank you. [02:55:13] Speaker D: On her end. [02:55:18] Speaker F: All right. Who knows how to swim? [02:55:22] Speaker A: I do. [02:55:23] Speaker D: Yup. [02:55:27] Speaker F: Great, you two. And she grabs the life vests that were bought and tosses them to you. Keep these on at all times. No, not Clinton, Andrea, Oliver and Koda. Oh, because they did not say that they could swim. [02:55:43] Speaker B: No. [02:55:46] Speaker C: I could do a doggy paddle. [02:55:49] Speaker F: That is not going to be enough. If we are out on the sea. These don't come off. [02:55:56] Speaker C: Okay. [02:55:58] Speaker F: You two should also probably wear these. But, um, you. I won't have freak out. If you have a problem now and then. Just don't keep them off for long periods, please. And definitely put them on if things get rough. [02:56:14] Speaker D: Yep. [02:56:17] Speaker B: Understood, captain. [02:56:18] Speaker A: Aye aye. [02:56:22] Speaker F: All right, general rules. We hit rough weather, you either stay below deck. It's still open, so try and avoid getting too close to the sides. But. Or if you're above deck, make sure that you are tied off to the mast. The myrmidons will do most of the rowing, but they're not, again, not unstoppable forces. They're going to need help and breaks a when possible. So plan to spend at least a few hours a day rowing. [02:57:05] Speaker C: Okay. [02:57:07] Speaker A: I mean, just a few. I can. I can go for a while. [02:57:11] Speaker F: Listen, you want to help as long as you want, then you can help as long as you want. But I'm just saying at least a few would be appreciated. To give them a break, raise my hand. [02:57:20] Speaker B: Can Clint take my hours? [02:57:23] Speaker A: I mean, the only problem is they can't be, like, back to back because I get kind of bored doing the same thing over and over and over for a while. So, I mean, like, I'll need breaks, too. [02:57:34] Speaker F: Uh, no, he can't take your hours. You're on the boat. You row and. Okay, Clint. I'll make sure that we break up your shifts. [02:57:42] Speaker B: Thank you. [02:57:44] Speaker A: I think we brought some board games, too, if you like playing. [02:57:48] Speaker F: Uh, we'll see. I don't know how, um, much time I'm going to have for board games, but I appreciate the thought. [02:57:57] Speaker A: Can the myrmidons play? [02:58:00] Speaker F: In theory. They don't grasp overly complex concepts, though. [02:58:06] Speaker B: It's okay. We brought candy one. [02:58:08] Speaker A: Yeah, it's my favorite. [02:58:11] Speaker F: Then maybe you can teach them how to play. What is it called? [02:58:15] Speaker A: Candyland. [02:58:16] Speaker F: Candyland? [02:58:18] Speaker D: Yeah, it's an american thing. [02:58:19] Speaker B: It's as simple as it gets. [02:58:21] Speaker A: You got granny nut waiting for you at the end. [02:58:25] Speaker F: Okay, well, that's a lot. I'm gonna have to unpack later. Okay. Um. I guess until the tide comes in, you guys are free to get comfortable. Pick a hammock, make sure that you're ready to go. I gotta go make a phone call and let my dad know what I'm up to. [02:58:57] Speaker A: All right. Sounds good to me. [02:58:59] Speaker B: Understood. [02:59:01] Speaker F: And she heads topside. [02:59:04] Speaker B: She does that all? [02:59:07] Speaker F: Yes. [02:59:07] Speaker D: Could I utilize this little bit of time to do a craft roll or two to make little things I was going to make for the crew as a whole. [02:59:18] Speaker F: Sure. I don't know exactly what you were planning to make though. [02:59:23] Speaker D: Fair enough. I was mostly just planning on making a couple little knives and a set of brass knuckles for Oliver, since he's got the whole augma thing going. [02:59:37] Speaker F: Absolutely. Let's make that a blacksmithing role. [02:59:42] Speaker D: Cool. The only other thing that I think would really take attention right now would be making a specialized set of earrings for code. [02:59:52] Speaker F: You are able to do both. You've got the knacks to be able to do this really quickly. So we'll do. We'll do three intelligence and blacksmithing roles. Holy shit. [03:00:14] Speaker A: Goodness gracious. Holy shit. Goddamn. [03:00:20] Speaker F: So that's a 13, a twelve, and an eleven. You guys have been doing a lot of countdowns with your roles. It's a little weird. [03:00:31] Speaker D: It's a little disconcerting. [03:00:34] Speaker F: Yeah, no, everything comes out pretty perfectly. Oliver's got brass knuckles and knives and coda's earrings. [03:00:43] Speaker D: Knives could also just be given to others. So literally, just everyone sees him turn around and just start fiddling with stuff, and then he just turns back around and suddenly he's like, here y'all go. And just passes brass knuckles to Oliver. Uh, and earrings to coda and us, and a set of knives to. Well, one knife to everyone, just in case they need something to cut with. [03:01:04] Speaker A: Oh, thank you. [03:01:06] Speaker B: I usually thank you, Andre. This is very cool. [03:01:09] Speaker C: Like, flip the knife in our hand and be like, this is nice. [03:01:14] Speaker D: Yeah, it was kind of a rush job. Sorry about that. [03:01:17] Speaker C: No, it's. It's nice. What? Wait, what? [03:01:21] Speaker D: I mean. [03:01:24] Speaker C: Thank you. [03:01:24] Speaker A: I think it's pretty good. [03:01:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:01:27] Speaker A: Better than I could do. [03:01:30] Speaker D: I mean, I just had a little bit of extra practice with it. And Audrey points to Oliver. I heard that you were a sign of augment, so I figured that you probably were more for punching, especially since I don't see anything that might turn into a kind of stab and implement. So I figured the brass knuckles would probably be better for you. [03:01:50] Speaker B: Yeah, you were absolutely correct on that assessment. I haven't really done it yet, but if I end up doing it, then this will be very handy. No pun intended. [03:02:01] Speaker D: Hey, no worries. And the jewel, the earrings that he made for coda are a pair of anks that are made with bismuth. So they are just a rainbow of various shades of colors. That's what the pepto bismol is for, because there's bismuth in it he could use to make those. [03:02:21] Speaker C: Oh. Huh. Probably shine lights from these blinds. And people. [03:02:32] Speaker A: Got flashlights on your ears now. [03:02:35] Speaker C: I see. [03:02:37] Speaker D: I just like to make some that, uh, people I work with. I like them to remember me by. So I just like to make sure that I leave a little peace with them. That way, I'm with everyone that I work with. [03:02:51] Speaker A: Well, I'll keep you with me all the time, then. And Clint will, uh, pocket the knife. Wait, do I have a sheath or anything to stick this in, or should I just. [03:03:01] Speaker D: Oh, no, it's a foldable. [03:03:03] Speaker A: Oh, cool. Even better. Here we go. [03:03:06] Speaker C: Thanks. You're not that's us anymore. [03:03:11] Speaker D: Well, I appreciate that. [03:03:13] Speaker B: Us? [03:03:15] Speaker C: You, suspicious. [03:03:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:03:17] Speaker D: Remember? She thought I might have been another God in disguise? [03:03:21] Speaker B: No, that I understood. And suspicious. Well, it's just that. Why the shortening of it? [03:03:28] Speaker C: Oh, speed along conversations. [03:03:31] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, but I had a question. Now this conversation has gone twice as long. [03:03:35] Speaker C: That's because you're not in the know. That's kind of like when you asked me about the Iliad and the odyssey and all that good stuff. Like, if there was, like, a short, sweet way to explain it, right, then we wouldn't have to have, like, a 6 million year conversation, right? So it goes both ways. [03:03:52] Speaker B: I know. [03:03:54] Speaker C: You just asked me what does sus mean? That's Sus. Yeah, I used it in a sentence. I could spell it, too. [03:04:06] Speaker A: It's all right. You can teach us stuff, and we'll teach you how to stay hip on the lingo. [03:04:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:04:12] Speaker D: Oliver, they're breaking our language. [03:04:14] Speaker C: You finally dropped the tweet, so that's. [03:04:16] Speaker B: Cool, because we're on the ocean and it would get hot, right? [03:04:25] Speaker C: Breaking your language. [03:04:29] Speaker B: Well, actually, I find rather interesting with, you know, the way linguistics evolves over time and so on and so forth. And you know what? We don't have time for this lecture. [03:04:40] Speaker A: I mean, we're on a boat waiting for things to get ready. I think we got a little time for a lecture. [03:04:47] Speaker B: About linguistics. [03:04:50] Speaker A: Well, what else are we going to do? [03:04:53] Speaker D: Rose? Pray? [03:04:55] Speaker C: She sent sea shanties. [03:04:59] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. We can learn to sing them. [03:05:05] Speaker F: As you guys are having this conversation, Alexandra comes out and she's carrying what looks to be a heavy sack of some sort that makes. Makes odd noises, like rocks, maybe grinding and clicking together, but also almost sounds like pieces of ceramic or something as well. And she carries it over to Andre. [03:05:35] Speaker D: What we got? [03:05:36] Speaker F: Well, we're going on a long ass journey, and we're going to be on the water. And just because I'm dad's kid doesn't mean this. He's going to obey me. So I thought maybe we should make a sacrifice. And I don't have any black or white bulls to do anything with, so I thought maybe you could make one. [03:05:57] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Just, uh, give me a. Give me a few minutes. And he will get up and will get, like, make it take a little bit of space to get to work. [03:06:07] Speaker F: She hands you the sack, and it is full of seashells and sea glass. Yeah. [03:06:18] Speaker D: I think I can make something with this. [03:06:20] Speaker F: All right. I'm not gonna make you roll. Given your dipole, this isn't terribly difficult. And it's more about aesthetics than any sort of function. [03:06:36] Speaker D: Fair enough. [03:06:41] Speaker F: And when you are finished, or as you're just about to finish, she hands you a. An ampule, like a clear, glass ampule. And, uh, just put this inside. [03:07:00] Speaker D: You got it. You will do as instructed. [03:07:05] Speaker F: And you settle it into. I'm guessing, like, the chest area on it. [03:07:10] Speaker C: Um, absolutely. [03:07:11] Speaker F: And then close it up. Okay. That should be. That should be good. We'll, um, take it out of the harbor and offer it to the sea with a prayer and hope that dad blesses our journey. [03:07:33] Speaker C: Alexandria. [03:07:35] Speaker F: Just Alexandra. Sorry. [03:07:37] Speaker C: Alexandra? [03:07:39] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:07:40] Speaker C: How long have you been a scion? I guess an awakened scion. [03:07:51] Speaker F: A few years. Why? [03:07:54] Speaker C: I don't know. I just wonder, like, how people. How. I don't know. We keep running into scions that just, like, know what they're supposed to be doing, right? Like, you're like, oh, I need to do so on and so forth. Like, how? [03:08:10] Speaker F: I mean, I know how I know to do this because it's my dad, and I've read the books. [03:08:18] Speaker C: So was that the first thing you did? You, like, got awakened and then you decided to read the books on Poseidon? Or was it. [03:08:30] Speaker F: I had a visitation. My dad showed up and told me what I was and gave me a bunch of presents. And one of the things that I was blessed with was a mentor who taught me a lot. Also kind of an asshole, though. So we don't talk anymore. [03:08:53] Speaker C: Okay. I guess I've been wondering, how does people who got this normally, how did that work? Because I. [03:09:04] Speaker F: My understanding is that it varies. Some of us are. We get our visitations for a specific reason. We have a purpose that we're supposed to fulfill. I'm one of those. Dad's got his hands full with global warming and oil spills and all of that, so I help him. But I know some others who, you know, woke up or had their visitations and immediately got thrown kind of hard into the deep end and sent out on epic quest. I'm just not. Not one of those people. [03:09:44] Speaker C: I see. [03:09:49] Speaker F: Well, that's not entirely true. One of my first jobs I went whale hunter hunting, so. [03:09:58] Speaker D: That sounds like fun. [03:10:01] Speaker F: It was an interesting experience. Certainly got me comfortable with the fighting part of this lifestyle. [03:10:08] Speaker B: Were the hunters regular people or monsters? [03:10:12] Speaker F: They were regular people. They were poaching. [03:10:18] Speaker C: Did you get them good? [03:10:20] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:10:23] Speaker C: That's good, at least. All right, well, thanks for answering. [03:10:31] Speaker F: Based on what I've heard about some of you, anyway, you didn't get your. Didn't get a visitation like normal, got forced to wake up early, and then got your gifts after. [03:10:49] Speaker B: Yeah, coda and I sort of got jump started, you could say because of the wolves. [03:10:56] Speaker C: Hurt like hell. [03:11:00] Speaker F: Okay, well, the tide's about to come in, so let's set out and make our sacrifice, and then we're gonna have a lot of long hours on the water with nothing to do but talk. So you guys can tell me about it. [03:11:17] Speaker C: All right, captain. [03:11:19] Speaker B: Yes. And, oh, and one more thing before we go out. We talked about sirens earlier is another general note, and I'm looking directly at Clint. [03:11:26] Speaker A: Yep. [03:11:27] Speaker B: If we fight monsters, just generally don't say your name. Just don't bring it up at any point, just for safety reasons. [03:11:37] Speaker A: Well, now that you said that, I kind of want to see. Say my name so they know who's kicking their ass. [03:11:43] Speaker B: No, you see, that's exactly the issue. That is the problem. That's last time that happened. That's because of. That's why things went wrong. [03:11:49] Speaker F: Yeah. Ego is not a good thing. [03:11:54] Speaker A: Okay, what am I supposed to say when I. When I'm whipping up on folks? Do I just say, hi, how you doing? Hope you enjoyed this, asshole. [03:12:07] Speaker D: Die, motherfucker, die. [03:12:09] Speaker B: I mean, I don't make up a name. [03:12:13] Speaker F: Uh, you could also just say, uh, and take this right before you punch him. [03:12:20] Speaker B: That also works. [03:12:22] Speaker A: Yes. [03:12:23] Speaker F: Pretend you're in a comic book narrated with Pow and pop. [03:12:29] Speaker A: You know, I kind of wonder if I could make that happen. [03:12:35] Speaker F: I don't know, but. All right, everybody to stations. Starts making moves to get the ship out of the harbor. You guys do notice that there are a good number of mortals who are staring in just kind of awe at this ship, and there are also a few who just kind of look over and then shrug and go back to what they're doing. Like, this isn't the first time they've seen this. She yells to have the mast or to have the sails hoisted and turns the ship out towards the sea and guides it on out of. Once you guys are out of the harbor and on the sea proper, she has Andre and Clint carry up this, carry up the sacrifice where she lights one of the braziers on board or on the deck because the sun is going down. [03:13:54] Speaker A: That time. Huh? [03:13:56] Speaker F: Sacrifice time. [03:14:00] Speaker A: All right, it's a thing that we're gonna destroy something that looks so cool. [03:14:05] Speaker F: But, no, we're not destroying it. We're sending it home. [03:14:08] Speaker A: I guess that's a good point. Yeah. Okay. Like a present, sort of like what we're doing for the other thing. [03:14:15] Speaker D: Exactly. [03:14:16] Speaker F: Yep. [03:14:16] Speaker A: Who? Gotcha. So, if I just, like, throw food overboard, does it go there, too? [03:14:25] Speaker F: No, not unless you're giving it as a proper sacrifice. It should. Otherwise, it just gets soggy. [03:14:31] Speaker A: Okay. Does that work for other pantheons as well? [03:14:37] Speaker F: I'm not sure, but we should do this before we lose the tide and then we can talk. [03:14:42] Speaker A: Sorry. Yeah, yeah. [03:14:46] Speaker F: Anyway, she lights the brazier, kind of gestures for everybody to kind of stand around where it's positioned on the deck. Or not the brazier. But the offering takes a deep breath and calls out over the waves, mighty Poseidon, lord of the sea. Father, we ask you to bless our journey. See to it that our. The wind is always at our back, that the storms lay quiet, and that our path not be blocked by wayward influences. And then she kind of looks at everybody else. Anybody else want to ask for anything before? We. [03:15:45] Speaker A: Mean, are we allowed to ask for, like, good vibes or something? [03:15:50] Speaker F: That's kind of what I just did, so. [03:15:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:15:51] Speaker A: Okay. Hell, yeah. Poseidon, when you receive this, I hope it finds you well, and I hope that we have some nice times on the sea and that the fishing is good. And also, if you would just say hi to my folks for me, if you're around them. Thank you. [03:16:19] Speaker F: She looks at Coda, Andre and Oliver. [03:16:24] Speaker D: Lord Poseidon, lord of the sea, Earthshaker. Uncle, I do hope that you will be merciful to us, for it is the first voyage of, I am sure, many for many of us. And while I do hope that it is smooth, I do also hope that it will be a great memory. [03:16:53] Speaker B: Lord Poseidon, I simply ask that you keep the wind on our sails and the ocean out of our lungs. [03:17:05] Speaker C: Hmm. Hey, there, uh, Lord Poseidon. Um, let's see. You know, let this trip be fun. Let this trip be exciting and memorable. I may not be able to swim, but hopefully this makes me excited to swim and make the sea creatures that are ever tempting less tempting. Yeah. Cool. Thanks for making the ocean right. That's all. [03:17:41] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:17:42] Speaker C: She'll look to the group. [03:17:47] Speaker F: All right. [03:17:49] Speaker A: Do the myrmidons get a chance? [03:17:52] Speaker F: They don't operate the same way we do. But thanks for thinking of them. [03:17:57] Speaker A: Okay. [03:17:59] Speaker F: And she will move over and push the offering overboard into the sea. And let's add a deep breath. Koda. Yeah? In the future, if you're gonna give an offering and ask for a blessing, probably shouldn't ask for things to be exciting and memorable. [03:18:28] Speaker C: Hey, I wasn't the only one to say that. [03:18:33] Speaker F: People said good, not exciting and memorable. It's fine. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm not mad. I just. Just a bit of advice. Gods could get, let's say, creative in their interpretation of what we ask for and how they give it to us. [03:18:53] Speaker A: If we fight a giant fish, I'm blaming you. [03:18:56] Speaker C: Okay. Next time I'll say boring and forgettable. [03:19:01] Speaker A: No, never mind. If we're fighting the fish, I'm blaming you. But I'm gonna have a good time doing. [03:19:08] Speaker D: Just gotta be careful with how you word things. Cause they can be. There's not. There aren't particularly gods that are called tricksters in Greek. In the greek pantheon, because they all can kinda get that way. [03:19:20] Speaker F: Yeah. Even my dad, who's one of the better ones. He can get creative in how he decides to interpret things. [03:19:29] Speaker D: You saw the shit that made my dad chuckle. [03:19:31] Speaker F: Yeah. How's he doing, by the way? [03:19:35] Speaker D: He's doing good. He's working on some neural lace for the brain. [03:19:40] Speaker F: I'm sure that means something. [03:19:42] Speaker D: Uh, it means. Yeah, it means something. He's just gonna. He's like. I could explain it, but it'd be like, Oliver, just. No. [03:19:52] Speaker F: You get the feeling that Alexandra is smarter than some, but still nowhere near as smart as you are. And her smarts seem to be much more practical than yours and Oliver. [03:20:07] Speaker D: We'll get there. [03:20:10] Speaker F: And she begins to guide the ship out onto the water or out onto the sea. So what we were talking about before. [03:20:27] Speaker D: Visitations. [03:20:29] Speaker F: Yeah, more than that. You guys had your awakening because the wolves attacked you, right? [03:20:43] Speaker B: Yes. [03:20:44] Speaker F: And you survived? [03:20:47] Speaker B: Most of us. [03:20:50] Speaker F: You lose somebody? [03:20:53] Speaker B: We did, yeah. Man named Teddy. [03:20:58] Speaker A: Do you need help finding them? [03:21:00] Speaker B: Not that kind of lost, uh, Glint. The. The dead kind, I mean. [03:21:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Do you need help finding them? [03:21:07] Speaker B: Oh, um. [03:21:08] Speaker C: No. We know where he is. [03:21:10] Speaker B: We've spoken to him. Yeah, he kind of appeared as a ghost to me. [03:21:15] Speaker A: Then he ain't lost. [03:21:19] Speaker B: I guess so. [03:21:20] Speaker F: It's a figure speech, Clint. It just means that he's not here. [03:21:24] Speaker A: With them anymore, but sometimes he probably is. What's he look like? [03:21:30] Speaker B: Uh, well, wears a cardigan, brown hair, glasses, bit of beard. [03:21:37] Speaker A: Uh, have I ever seen him hanging around. [03:21:41] Speaker F: Um, you may have briefly spotted somebody with that description when you guys were in Ireland, but he didn't. He wasn't around for long. So you're not sure? [03:21:56] Speaker A: I mean, I think I seen someone that matches that description. It's been a minute, but I think he might be hanging around every once in a while. Where? Near where he would be. [03:22:09] Speaker C: That's good to know. [03:22:10] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. A family? A wife and a little girl. I've been meaning to getting around to making sure they're all right, see if they need anything. [03:22:21] Speaker F: As a reminder. His wife was dead when you met him? [03:22:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:22:24] Speaker F: It was just the daughter. [03:22:28] Speaker B: Then. Retract that statement. Just the daughter. I've been meaning to get around to seeing the daughter, checking on her, see how she's doing. And? Well, I just wanted to give it time. And then silent things happen, so. [03:22:42] Speaker A: I mean, if he's got a kid, he's probably hanging out with mom and watching the kid and having a good time. [03:22:48] Speaker B: Yeah, but she doesn't know that. [03:22:51] Speaker A: The mom or the kid? [03:22:53] Speaker B: The kid. [03:22:54] Speaker A: Yeah, that's probably true. But I'm sure she gets to feeling them every once in a while. Just cause they're dead, they ain't gone. [03:23:04] Speaker B: I hope so. [03:23:07] Speaker F: So, not to shift to more awkward topics, but I gotta ask. We're used to it. I gotta ask why? [03:23:30] Speaker B: The way I see it, Stefan was a product of his circumstances. Circumstances that the gods created. Things weren't going to change unless it started with someone and willing to take that chance on Stefan. And if he can prove that his kind of scion signs of Loki don't need to be persecuted in the way that they are, then there can be some good that come out. That comes out of that in the future. I know he's done bad. But it had to start with someone. We can't just wait for the least bad one to come around because that may never happen. [03:24:18] Speaker F: You think he's worth it? [03:24:21] Speaker B: I think he has the potential to be worth it. [03:24:27] Speaker F: How are you going to feel if you go through all this and it turns out that he isn't redeemable? [03:24:35] Speaker B: That would be our responsibility to bear. We're taking a risk. It's already consequences. [03:24:41] Speaker C: Her responsibility to bear. [03:24:45] Speaker B: Sure. [03:24:48] Speaker F: I just mean you gotta have some feelings about that, right? Like you've thought about it. What happens if you do all of this and he can't be saved? [03:25:01] Speaker B: I thought about it. Can be often lost sleep from a bit. I'm holding on to hope, like Kuro said. Then we off him. It didn't work. More pain was caused because of it. But if it does work, then that's going to create ripples that'll be saving a lot of people from a lot of pain. [03:25:24] Speaker C: Hmm. [03:25:28] Speaker F: I suppose that's a fair. I guess. [03:25:38] Speaker D: You also are asking, uh, give the guys to change their viewpoints. They don't do that often. [03:25:46] Speaker A: Gotta give them a reason to every once in a while, though, right? [03:25:52] Speaker C: And just the fact that you said they don't do it often, that means that there is a percentage or some kind of mass somewhere. That means that they could. Right. [03:26:04] Speaker F: There is a nearly zero chance that they are ever going to change their minds. [03:26:09] Speaker C: But it's not zero. [03:26:13] Speaker F: That's fair. It's not set on zero, but it's pretty close. And you're asking an awful lot of people who. A lot of people like you, who lost people to be cool with it. [03:26:30] Speaker B: Absolutely not. We understand that Stefan's done wrong and has hurt them, possibly deeply. And we're not asking they completely just forgive him and be cool with the things that he's done. We're asking to watch him and see what happens. [03:26:53] Speaker F: I feel like being asked to stand by and let it happen is asking us to be cool. But point taken. [03:27:09] Speaker D: Not working your sales pitch. [03:27:11] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:27:19] Speaker B: Well, to be fair, we already made that sales pitch to the gods, and the vote turned out in our favor. [03:27:26] Speaker F: I'm just saying, this world that you guys belong to now, the world of signs, it might seem really big to you, but we're a really tight community. You're going to keep running into people who lost someone. You should maybe think about being better, talking to those people about that, or you're gonna have a long time with very few friends. [03:27:52] Speaker B: Understood. [03:27:54] Speaker D: I mean, hell, if you want one practice, you could just talk to me. You killed my aunt. [03:28:02] Speaker A: You had a myrmidon, too? [03:28:05] Speaker B: No. [03:28:06] Speaker D: No, Clinton. He killed my aunt. [03:28:09] Speaker F: Moira got you my cousin. Yeah, we knew Moira and one of my sisters and one of my brothers. [03:28:22] Speaker D: A couple of my cousins, a few friends. [03:28:26] Speaker F: Listen, we don't. Well, I can't speak for Andre. I don't blame you for it. But it's worth polishing your sales pitch, because people are going to keep asking. And if you want people to give you the benefit of the doubt, you got to be able to talk to them and to not get huffy with them when they ask questions that she looks at coda. [03:28:58] Speaker C: I'm not Huffy. [03:29:01] Speaker F: You literally just huffed little puffy. [03:29:06] Speaker C: I don't know, I just think. Okay, wouldn't you rather see what he can do versus me talking to you about all the things that, like, wouldn't you just rather see it? [03:29:18] Speaker F: Like, listen, if this were about what I would rather, I'd have killed him on the spot. He never would have made it to it. [03:29:24] Speaker C: Okay, okay. I'm talking. I'm talking about now. In the moment, right? Like, not in the past. I'm talking about right now. Would you rather me sit here and be like, Stefan can do this or Stephan can do that and stuff? I could do the other. Or would you rather see Stefan do the things that we're saying that he's gonna do? I don't know. I just think talk is shit. [03:29:46] Speaker F: Do you understand why I. Your country has a state department. [03:29:54] Speaker C: Has a what? [03:29:55] Speaker F: A state department. Sure. [03:29:59] Speaker C: I'm sure. I learned it at some point in school. Why does that matter right now? [03:30:04] Speaker F: Because the state department's job is to work with other countries. To be diplomatic. You need the state department to work. You need to be diplomatic. Because the more diplomatic you are, the less war you get. You say talk is shit, but more often than not, talk is the first line of defense. [03:30:34] Speaker C: And mister B can do that. [03:30:38] Speaker F: If people had talked more with Stefan, maybe Stefan wouldn't have joined up with the wolves. [03:30:45] Speaker A: Yeah, but given his, uh, affiliations for a bit there, folks weren't keen on talking to him. Far as I understand, something about. [03:30:57] Speaker F: I get that. But, um, he. My understanding is, being a cyanolki, he ended up with the wolves because nobody wanted to take him in when his dad didn't show up. Right. [03:31:08] Speaker A: Is that what happened? [03:31:10] Speaker B: Yeah, more or less, yeah. [03:31:13] Speaker F: Had people bothered to talk to him, maybe he wouldn't have waged war. [03:31:19] Speaker C: So if someone took action. [03:31:23] Speaker F: So don't blow off talking. Talking should always be your first choice. If you can. If it can be. Obviously, if someone pushes hard and you don't have a choice, by all means, pull out the baseball bat or the knife or whatever it is that you've got going and go to town. But don't jump to. Everything has to be about action. Diplomacy is important. [03:31:55] Speaker C: I will work on my diplomatic skills. [03:32:00] Speaker F: Okay. Bearing in mind I'm not weighing judgment on what you're doing. It's not the course I would have taken, but it's what you chose. And I'm still here working with you. I don't have to. My dad didn't tell me to do this. I chose to. I ask because I lost people. And understanding your motivations helps me with closure, helps me be okay with the people that I lost. Though I will throw it out there that if I ever meet this Stefan face to face, I may break his nose. [03:32:49] Speaker B: That's fair. [03:32:51] Speaker D: Oh, I plan to do that. [03:32:58] Speaker B: Our goal was to keep him alive, to potentially create a better future for the silence of Loki. Seeing as their father is not claiming them. Whatever you guys do to him after that point, it's up to him to defend himself. [03:33:18] Speaker F: Speaking of Loki, you guys got any idea where he is? [03:33:26] Speaker B: No, we were more or less told. Well, one of the first things we were told when we found out we were silenced was that he just kind of went missing. [03:33:42] Speaker F: Yeah, that's what I heard. I was just wondering if maybe you guys had some special insight, given that, uh, his kid is, uh, who you're doing all this for. [03:33:54] Speaker B: Uh, not. Not particularly. We had another member of our band named Chris who was a scion of Loki, but then got adopted by Artemis. So there was that connection. [03:34:05] Speaker F: Oh, yeah. No, he's. He's hot. Sorry. He was on tour here. I. [03:34:12] Speaker B: Who was he? [03:34:14] Speaker F: I got tickets. [03:34:14] Speaker B: Yeah, no good. That's the best connections we have. We don't know anything about the God himself. [03:34:27] Speaker F: Huh. Wonder what's up with that. Well, hopefully he's as far away as possible. Maybe trapped in some terra incognita or something. Because the longer he's away from here. Yeah, we have the issues with his psions to deal with, but he does bigger damage when he does it. [03:34:55] Speaker D: Yeah, he's got connections to the Titan spawn, and that's just a big old ball of fucked. [03:35:02] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:35:03] Speaker B: Yeah, so we've heard. [03:35:07] Speaker F: All right, I think on that note, ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna call it. It's a couple minutes early, but this seems like the appropriate point. So thank you for joining us.

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