Episode 4

November 08, 2023


S2 Ep4: Game of Survival

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S2 Ep4: Game of Survival
Apotheosis : A Scion RPG Actual Play
S2 Ep4: Game of Survival

Nov 08 2023 | 03:38:40


Show Notes

The band has received the second labor they are to perform as a group, and so they set off to Yomi, the Japanese underworld in search of the sword of Izanagi’s child. In order to do that, they need to figure out how to gain entrance, which is easier said than done, but our heroes won’t let a minor setback like not knowing where to go stop them. Surely nothing could go wrong once they finally reach their destination, right?

Oliver Bright - Gary
Coda Massaquoi - Sticker
Clint Brazos - Gavin Cash/tiktok.com/gavinreadswords

Storyteller - Bloodied Porcelain

Gwendolyn Chambers - Termite

Opening Theme: Black Sun by C.K. Martin

Art Commissioned From: https://www.instagram.com/lufelufa29

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Hi, I'm Gavin Cash, and I play Clint Brazas, a scion of the Morrigan. [00:00:37] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:38] Speaker C: I'm sticker, and I play Coda Massacoy, the scion of the step. [00:00:43] Speaker D: Hey, there. I'm Gary, and I play Oliver Brights, the scion of Ogma. [00:00:49] Speaker E: Hello, everyone. I'm Termite, and I play Gwendolyn Chambers, the rogue scion of Hell. [00:00:56] Speaker B: And I'm bloodied porcelain. I'll be your storyteller for the evening. Good evening, players. [00:01:04] Speaker A: Good evening. [00:01:07] Speaker B: Where last we left off, you all had followed the Rainbow Bridge, the Bifrost, out of Asgard and found yourself standing before a beautiful yellow gold building. And what you quickly determined was Japan. Based on the architecture, you met with a wisened but sad old man from the Amatsukame. Izanagi gave you the task of descending into Yomi, the Japanese underworld, to pursue a blade left behind by his son. He gave you no real indications of where it could be found or what you might find there. Only that you would have to find a way to descend into the underworld and retrieve it. And in so doing, you would fulfill your labor to the Amatsukami. Before you had the opportunity to press him any fur for any further information, he disappeared into the crowd. It was like you blinked and he was gone. You now find yourself standing before this golden building. What would you like to do? [00:02:43] Speaker D: Well, looking at this building, we know it's golden. And do we know what it is? Will we go? It's like a temple or. What is this building? [00:02:57] Speaker B: Would you like to make a roll? Let's see if you can figure it out. [00:03:00] Speaker C: Sure. [00:03:02] Speaker B: Okay. How exactly are you going to try to figure it out? Are you just going to make a general knowledge check and see if you recognize it? Or are you going to do something specific? [00:03:14] Speaker D: Probably just a general knowledge check to see if I recognize it just by looking at it. [00:03:20] Speaker B: Intelligence and academics, please. [00:03:25] Speaker D: I'm good at these. [00:03:28] Speaker B: Don't get to make these rules very often. [00:03:32] Speaker D: That is. [00:03:33] Speaker B: One. [00:03:33] Speaker D: Two. Wow. Three. But then, with epic intelligence, six. [00:03:39] Speaker C: Okay. [00:03:42] Speaker B: It takes you a moment before you realize that you are standing in front of what is known as the Deer GArden Temple, also known as the Temple of the Golden Pavilion. It is a fairly well known place. It's considered one of the holiest places on Earth. [00:04:17] Speaker D: Right? So this is a very special, very sacred place. So let's not muck it up. But also we need to figure out a way to get down into the Japanese underworld. And this place might provide answers or it might not. Again, let's not muck it. [00:04:38] Speaker C: It's got to be in the basement. [00:04:42] Speaker D: The Underworld. [00:04:46] Speaker A: Should we take our shoes off? [00:04:48] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what I was wondering too. I took my shoes off earlier, and then I put them back on because. [00:04:53] Speaker B: You'Re still off here. Worth noting that you guys are outside. Opposite. Like, on the opposite side of the lake from the temple? [00:05:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:05:06] Speaker D: Okay. [00:05:07] Speaker A: Like, do I take them off here? Do we wait until we're closer? [00:05:10] Speaker D: I think it would make sense to get closer, then take them off so that we're not walking with our bare feet on the ground. [00:05:20] Speaker C: That's true. Because then she says is looking at Clint. She's like, that's true. Because then we would get our socks dirty, and then we'd be walking inside with dirty socks. And that kind of defeats the purpose because then at that point, then our shoes are clean enough to walk inside. [00:05:36] Speaker A: That's a real good point. Yeah, I like that. All right. We'll keep our shoes on until we get there. Got it. [00:05:43] Speaker C: Nice. [00:05:46] Speaker B: Okay. So the plan is to go towards the temple. [00:05:52] Speaker D: Seems like it, yes. [00:05:54] Speaker A: Just to check it out. If the Underworld is in the basement, that's easy peasy. [00:06:00] Speaker D: I'm still not sure if that's quite the case. But it could not hurt to get closer to at least get a look at the thing, if we're even allowed to. [00:06:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:10] Speaker A: No harm in checking it out. [00:06:12] Speaker B: Okay. Sure. So you all circle around the lake, and you find yourself. There are walls built around the area to keep random stragglers from just walking up. But you could tell that there is a gate. You could see, like, a stream of people, like, walking up towards the temple, but it's through the gate. So you have to kind of circle around to get to the gate and then go in that way through the ticket booth. [00:06:51] Speaker A: Clint looks at the people in line for the ticket booth and going through the gate. Do they have shoes on? [00:06:57] Speaker B: Yes, because they're still outside. [00:07:01] Speaker A: All right. Checks off that box. Still keeping them on. Get it? [00:07:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Coda is going to look to see if there's a price for this ticket booth. [00:07:16] Speaker D: I really think that's an issue. We don't have any. What currency do they use here? Yen? We don't have that. We just have American dollars and European pounds. [00:07:27] Speaker C: It may also not be like, money money. It may be like. Never mind. I forget. This is regular people's walking around. Correct. It's not like this is some, like, the situation we just went to with Asgard or whatever. This is just like a regular, everyday. [00:07:44] Speaker B: These are just mortals, they're just cool. [00:07:47] Speaker C: Cool. So then I retract that Coda is going to go. Yeah, we don't have Yen, but they could probably still take it. [00:07:56] Speaker D: I don't know if that's how it works. [00:07:58] Speaker A: I mean, with a good smile, anything's possible. [00:08:01] Speaker C: This is true. [00:08:04] Speaker D: From my knowledge. Do I know if this is kind of like a touristy spot or not? [00:08:07] Speaker B: It is a touristy spot, yes. [00:08:09] Speaker D: Okay, then there's a chance they might take American money. [00:08:15] Speaker C: Okay. [00:08:16] Speaker A: Yeah. You all want me to go talk to them, see if I can't get our way in there? [00:08:24] Speaker D: Sure. But I'm going to walk with you. One, because I need to make sure you don't say anything that'll get us into trouble. And two, I don't think you speak the language, do you? [00:08:35] Speaker A: No, I don't. You're right on that. Yeah. Would you be able to translate for me? [00:08:40] Speaker D: I can. [00:08:41] Speaker A: All right. Yeah, let's go talk to them. Worse. It happens, they tell us no and we have to figure something else out. Right? [00:08:50] Speaker C: Just like a converter or something. [00:08:53] Speaker D: That. Or at that point, it might just be smarter to go to a library and see what kind of lore we can find out. [00:09:00] Speaker B: Libraries. [00:09:01] Speaker D: Libraries are great. [00:09:03] Speaker C: I know. [00:09:04] Speaker A: Yeah. You got free books. They even got audiobooks there, too. [00:09:07] Speaker C: Yeah, but we're in Japan. We're in Japan, and the first place we're going to go to is a library. [00:09:13] Speaker D: I'd love to see what Japanese libraries are like compared to ours. Sounds fun. [00:09:19] Speaker A: I thought the first place we were going was this here temple. [00:09:23] Speaker D: This is if we can't get through with our current money. [00:09:26] Speaker E: All right, let's just see. [00:09:29] Speaker B: Let's go. [00:09:30] Speaker A: All right. [00:09:33] Speaker B: Okay. With Clint's dots in all of the social things and Oliver to translate, you guys manage to get in, no problem. They are a little weirded out by the fact that you're trying to give them American money. Eventually, the man who's working the ticket booth just sort of, like, pushes the money back into your head and waves you through and gives you the look like you're just dumb fucking tourists. [00:10:00] Speaker D: That conversation is making me start to think that we didn't actually have to pay to get in here. [00:10:06] Speaker B: No, they wanted you to pay, but you didn't have the right kind of money. And he had no way of knowing what the conversion rate was going to be or what change he was going to owe you. So he was just sort of like, just go. Just go. [00:10:22] Speaker D: Okay. [00:10:24] Speaker A: You know, thinking on it, they really ought to add some sort of currency conversion spot in Asgard. Since we keep having to pass through there in the know. [00:10:36] Speaker D: They might already have one of those, but we didn't bother checking that out, so I think that's on us. [00:10:41] Speaker B: I love that the words are, we keep having to pass through there. You've been there once, Cliff. [00:10:46] Speaker A: I mean, look, once is enough. [00:10:49] Speaker B: Oliver and Coda have been a couple of times. [00:10:52] Speaker A: Once is enough to understand that this situation would be better suited if we had taken the time to convert our currency. [00:11:06] Speaker B: Oliver, because you're the braids of the operation. Please roll the intelligence at a cult. [00:11:13] Speaker D: You got it. Where's Michael? There it is. Two plus three. Epic five. [00:11:27] Speaker C: Okay. [00:11:30] Speaker B: Do either of either Clint or Coda. Do either of you have. Oh, goodness. What's the travel purview? [00:11:42] Speaker D: It's got a fancy name. [00:11:45] Speaker A: Psychopop. [00:11:46] Speaker B: Psychopop? [00:11:46] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:11:47] Speaker B: Do either of you have that? [00:11:49] Speaker A: No. Do you have death senses? [00:11:51] Speaker C: No, I don't have it, but Mr. Cat does. [00:11:56] Speaker B: That is true. [00:11:57] Speaker C: Okay. [00:12:01] Speaker B: Well, Oliver, getting to the underworld 90% of the time, you're pretty sure, isn't just a, like, find the right doorway kind of thing. It's unlikely to be in the basement. Figure, Smudge, this is specialized inforMation. So unless you're going to run into a random scion here who has been before, or a God who is feeling generous, or some sort of magical creature who happens to have that sort of information, this is mostly probably just going to be a really cool tourist spot. [00:12:51] Speaker D: Got you. So, good news and bad news. Now that we are actually inside the place, the good news is we're in a pretty cool, culturally significant landmark that we can check out and enjoy. The bad news is we are probably not going to reach the underworld from here. [00:13:18] Speaker A: Well, I don't think that sword is going anywhere, so. [00:13:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:21] Speaker A: Let's take a moment to look around. [00:13:24] Speaker C: This is a holy place, right? [00:13:27] Speaker D: Very holy. [00:13:29] Speaker C: Maybe there's stories about afterworlds and stuff like lore and such around here, so I don't know, maybe there's, like, carvings and wood blocks for paintings or pottery or whatever. I don't know. [00:13:49] Speaker D: Maybe we can look around and see if there's any clues. But it's more of a library, I guess. Well, the library is probably going to be our best bet because this place is more of a temple or shrine rather than a museum. [00:14:04] Speaker A: Well, yeah, but it's not like we can't just look around, be respectful, lack we can. [00:14:11] Speaker D: It's just I don't think we want to have the gods wait too long on us. [00:14:16] Speaker C: You're all right. [00:14:18] Speaker A: It's an afternoon to go through. It's not even an afternoon. It'll take us an hour or so. It'll be fine. [00:14:24] Speaker D: We don't know that for sure. When we went to the other place, we were there for an entire day. [00:14:32] Speaker A: But this is Earth. It's a normal time here. [00:14:38] Speaker D: Oh, you mean the temple itself. I thought you meant when we get to the underworld. [00:14:43] Speaker A: No, I'm saying while we're here, let's take our time, be respectful, check out what's around, and then we can go to the library. Whatever. [00:14:55] Speaker B: Oliver, I have a question. [00:14:58] Speaker D: Yes? [00:14:59] Speaker B: What are you doing with. [00:15:03] Speaker D: A. Right now, I've been assuming he's still just kind of, like, hanging out on my shoulder, but if he's getting up to no good, then I might need to do something about that. [00:15:12] Speaker B: It's more that I need to know how you are getting him past all of these people with nobody noticinG. Okay, I may not necessarily see him as a dragon, but it's unlikely they're not going to see him at all. [00:15:25] Speaker A: If only we had a shovel and a marker. [00:15:29] Speaker D: I don't think that would help. Do I have any way of knowing what they do see him as? [00:15:37] Speaker B: No. You have legend. You know that? You don't see things the way normal people do. [00:15:47] Speaker D: Mmm. Do either of you have a pair of sunglasses, by chance? [00:15:57] Speaker C: Yes. [00:15:59] Speaker D: I'm going to need this always. [00:16:01] Speaker C: To cover the eyes. Yeah, but I'm going to need them back. Or replacement. [00:16:10] Speaker D: I'll give you them back eventually. I just need them to. I'm going to need to explain the dragon somehow. And I don't know what he looks like to other people, so whatever he is, he's my seeing eye something. [00:16:25] Speaker C: Oh, I've done that before, too. Sorry. Okay, here you go. And she'll pass them over. [00:16:31] Speaker D: You've done that before? [00:16:33] Speaker C: Yeah, of course. [00:16:35] Speaker A: Don't no great think alike. [00:16:42] Speaker C: Thank you, Clint. Yeah, and maybe with Pillai, but also just in general. It's fine. [00:16:49] Speaker B: We don't need to talk about this. [00:16:50] Speaker C: Really. [00:16:51] Speaker B: I would never be caught dead in those awful sunglasses. [00:16:55] Speaker C: You're not in the sunglasses. You. I wore them. [00:16:59] Speaker B: My point is that you were implying that I was, and I would never. [00:17:04] Speaker C: No, I mean, like, you were like my seeing eye cat and I had the glasses on. [00:17:13] Speaker B: They're awful glasses. [00:17:15] Speaker C: They're amazing glasses, and they do the job. [00:17:18] Speaker B: They're awful glasses. But what exactly are we doing here? [00:17:28] Speaker C: Oh, we're looking for the. At this point, she is saying this part in her head, the first section of that argument, or that conversation, she was saying out loud, but this part now she's saying in her head to him and she's like, oh, we're going to be looking for the underground or the underworld. Underworld. For Japan. For Japanese. But I think we're just walking through here first and then we're going to, I'm honestly not sure, to be honest. [00:18:02] Speaker A: Does she usually get this quiet out of nowhere? [00:18:05] Speaker D: She's probably talking to the cat. [00:18:09] Speaker C: Pele. Not the cat. [00:18:11] Speaker D: Mr. B. Pele. [00:18:14] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:18:15] Speaker B: He can call me Tiny God. [00:18:18] Speaker C: He says you could call him Tiny God. [00:18:20] Speaker D: I'm sure I could. [00:18:26] Speaker B: He flicks his tail in a telltale sign of annoyanCe. [00:18:33] Speaker A: Oh, look, he's happy. [00:18:38] Speaker C: Pelley, can you sniff out. But that was rude. I'm sorry. Pellet, could you sense out Underworld and stuff? [00:18:50] Speaker B: In theory, if we were close to an entrance. [00:18:53] Speaker C: And how do you usually know when we're near an entrance? You just could feel it. Wow. [00:19:04] Speaker B: But you have to understand that there are different types of entrances. [00:19:08] Speaker C: Well, please educate me, tiny God. Now, at this point she is talking out loud. [00:19:15] Speaker B: That's better if you have treats. [00:19:18] Speaker C: Well, obviously I have treats. And she's got to dig in, beg and go. We got crunchy bits. We got, ooh, tuna. And we got, that's chicken. [00:19:36] Speaker B: He walks around you for a moment like he's sizing you up and then he does this thing that probably drives you a little bit crazy because he never really warns you where he kind of jumps at you and then proceeds to climb up the back of your pant leg and up onto your shoulder. Oh my God. Thankfully you are a scion, so you are made of tough stuff now, so it doesn't hurt the way it used to. It's mostly just annoying. [00:20:05] Speaker C: This is true. [00:20:06] Speaker B: Different underworlds have different methods of getting there. Some places have set entrances that you can find. Some places you can travel via a ritual performed by the right type of people. Sometimes you can get there on specific days of the year. It depends. I don't know much about the Japanese underworld. I would suggest talking to somebody who might be a little bit more familiar with their pantheon. Not a mortal, probably. [00:20:46] Speaker C: Sick. All right, here's your treats. She'll just take like a medley of them and offer them to Pele and then she'll look to the group while we're, I'm assuming we're like walking and looking, whatever. And she's going to go, so Pele says, essentially to get into the places that we're looking for. She's like, or whatever. There's entrances there's, like, set entrances some places. Some places you can only get there on certain days of the year. And some of them are rituals. So I guess the only way we'll really know is we talk to someone. [00:21:35] Speaker B: Who knows more about. [00:21:37] Speaker C: Well, about the Pantheon. [00:21:47] Speaker D: So we need to find someone who's not immortal to give us this kind of information. Yeah, how are we going to go about that? [00:21:59] Speaker A: I'll text mom real quick. [00:22:01] Speaker D: Okay, you do that. In the meantime, we will try to think of other plan B's. [00:22:09] Speaker B: You could always call her Coda. Call. She's not Japanese. But the Japanese and the Chinese have never. Oh, they don't always get along, which means that they tend to know the most about each other. [00:22:30] Speaker C: Well, yeah, but she could be busy, so I don't want to interrupt her or something. [00:22:37] Speaker D: What's going on? [00:22:39] Speaker B: Your scions. You're always busy. You should call. [00:22:44] Speaker C: She's going to be looking between Oliver and Pele, and then looking between the two of them, looking very panicked, and she's going to be like, Pele that says I should call net and see. [00:22:57] Speaker B: If she knows anything about. [00:23:00] Speaker D: Oh, that's a great idea. She might know something. [00:23:02] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, that's a great idea. [00:23:03] Speaker C: She might know something. I'm sorry. That was really rude. [00:23:08] Speaker D: It was. [00:23:09] Speaker C: I'm sorry, Mr. B. [00:23:10] Speaker B: She's been at this a lot longer than you have. And even if she doesn't know, she might be able to point you to somebody who does. [00:23:16] Speaker C: Okay, Pillai. [00:23:17] Speaker B: All right. [00:23:18] Speaker C: And Mr. B and Clint. Whoever. Okay, I'm going to call. I'm going to call. [00:23:22] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, you go ahead. [00:23:23] Speaker D: Are you still writing that text? [00:23:24] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, I try and be respectful whenever I'm writing to Mom. I don't want to leave a bad impression. And he's still tapping away. [00:23:37] Speaker D: Can I lean over? You misspelled underworld. [00:23:44] Speaker A: Okay, yeah. How do you spell it again? [00:23:47] Speaker D: Well, there's only one U for one. [00:23:53] Speaker A: So that's supposed to be an O on the second one. [00:23:57] Speaker D: Yeah. And the third one. [00:24:00] Speaker A: Wait, there's a third O? [00:24:05] Speaker D: No, you just have a third U in there that you don't need. [00:24:08] Speaker A: Oh, okay. All right. Is that better? [00:24:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:24:14] Speaker A: All right, I'm going to hit send now. Okay. [00:24:17] Speaker D: You also miss spelled temple, though. [00:24:25] Speaker A: Why didn't you tell me before I hit the button? [00:24:27] Speaker D: Well, I was trying to, but you hit it too quickly. [00:24:30] Speaker A: Well, I even asked does it look good? And you said, yeah. [00:24:33] Speaker D: Well, I thought we were just talking about the word underworld. [00:24:39] Speaker A: Well, I'll give you a little more time next time. [00:24:42] Speaker D: I'm sure it'S fine. [00:24:44] Speaker A: Yeah, she'll understand. She's pretty smart. [00:24:50] Speaker D: If she doesn't respond, I'm sure it's not going to because you misspelled the word temple. [00:24:57] Speaker B: I'm just imagining him spelling it temple now. [00:25:04] Speaker A: All right, well, we'll see if she responds at all. I'll turn the sound on for this thing. [00:25:14] Speaker D: Okay. Just pat him on the shoulder. [00:25:18] Speaker C: All right. [00:25:18] Speaker B: Clint sends off his text message coder. Are you going to make the call? She is. [00:25:23] Speaker C: This whole time while they've been talking, she's kind of just been staring at her phone intently. Like. [00:25:33] Speaker D: Could we do it here in the middle of the temple or go somewhere better? [00:25:38] Speaker B: Telling us, like, looking down at the screen and going, you have to push the button to make the call, Coda. [00:25:49] Speaker C: And you have to clean your litter box. But I do that anyways. [00:25:54] Speaker B: Okay, that is not my job. That is your job. [00:25:58] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah, maybe not in the middle. Maybe I'll go stand outside. Yeah, I'll be outside. [00:26:07] Speaker D: Does Japan have IHOps? [00:26:09] Speaker C: Koda? [00:26:10] Speaker A: They have to, right? [00:26:11] Speaker B: Perception awareness, please. [00:26:13] Speaker C: Perception awareness. [00:26:14] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. [00:26:21] Speaker A: You know, I bet them they got some real good pancakes here. I've seen them, like, super fluffy, bouncy ones on YouTube. [00:26:31] Speaker D: Like, from Japan? [00:26:33] Speaker A: Yeah. They're like little clouds that are, like, jiggly and wiggly. [00:26:41] Speaker D: Jiggly and wiggly, you say? [00:26:44] Speaker C: Not 76. B ten. Oh, my goodness. [00:26:51] Speaker A: Do you watch a lot of YouTube there, Oliver? [00:26:54] Speaker D: No. [00:26:56] Speaker A: You really should. It's kind of sort of know, visiting places sometimes, you can't always go there, but it's nice to check in with what's going on. [00:27:08] Speaker C: Yeah. One, two, three. [00:27:10] Speaker D: It just seems like a distraction to where I could be using that time to be reading or working on my PhD or anything else, really. [00:27:19] Speaker B: So, Coda, you start. You're, like, stumbling over your words and being like, I should go, not in the middle of the crowd. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you barely. Barely managed to yank your phone away before Pele could reach down and hit it with his paw to start the call. [00:27:42] Speaker C: She will look at him with actual fire in her eyes and she'll go, Pelley. [00:27:52] Speaker B: He starts screaming his paw like he did nothing. [00:27:56] Speaker C: All right, I'll be back. YoU all. [00:27:59] Speaker A: Yes, no problem. [00:28:01] Speaker C: She'll stomp outside and make the phone call. [00:28:07] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:12] Speaker A: You think they got that Rudy Tootie? Fresh and fruity here? [00:28:15] Speaker D: I don't know what that is. [00:28:18] Speaker B: Oda, do you dial? [00:28:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:28:27] Speaker B: All right, you step away from the crowd. Tap the button. Are you putting it on speaker or are you putting it up to your ear? [00:28:40] Speaker C: Up to her ear. [00:28:42] Speaker B: All right. I had to know what the DC for Pele had to be able to listen in was. It takes a couple of minutes of the phone ringing and you're pretty sure it's about to go to voicemail when you hear this rustling and whooshing noise against your ear before you hear. Hello, Coda, are you okay? [00:29:25] Speaker C: She's silent for a. I'm good. How are you? Hey. Hi. Nice to hear your voice. [00:29:40] Speaker B: Thank all of the gods. You know it's like three in the morning, right? [00:29:44] Speaker C: I don't actually. Sorry. Where are you? Sorry, I'm in Ice Brickland. [00:29:55] Speaker B: We're in Ice Brickland. What? [00:29:57] Speaker C: Iceland. Is Brick cold here? No, actually, no, I'm in Japan. Oh, my God. We were in Iceland, but now we took Rainbow Road and then we got to. It's nice to hear your voice. [00:30:16] Speaker B: You hopped on the Bifrost and ended up in Japan. [00:30:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:30:22] Speaker B: Okay, well, it's like three in the morning here in the US. What can I do for you? [00:30:35] Speaker C: Wow, sorry. She's really nice to hear your voice. Anyways, so we're looking for the under place that the underworld. We've been tasked to go to the underworld for Japan and we kind of don't know where to start. And I figured it'd be helpful that. [00:31:06] Speaker B: Maybe snow, you know, anything for one of your labors. You have to go to Yomi. [00:31:13] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:15] Speaker B: So you're in Japan, but you don't know what to do next. [00:31:19] Speaker C: Yeah. And I figured I'd ask you since you know so much and you're ever knowledgeable. Okay. [00:31:33] Speaker B: Well. [00:31:39] Speaker C: I don't you know any. [00:31:43] Speaker B: What I remember from, so I've never been to Yomi, but my understanding from the stories is that they found out about the underworld when Izanami died and she ended up there. And Izanagi went in to get her and he had to go into a cave somewhere, but he saw her and she was all gross and he freaked out and he ran out again and he rolled a boulder in front of the cave entrance. So if you could find the original cave, that's an option, usually. Anyway, a lot of underworlds, you can get there from particularly important and meaningful places to the dead of a given culture. The Japanese are really big on their cemeteries. It. So you might be able to find a way in via like a tomb or if you find a temple that's all dressed up for a funeral. Usually rituals and stuff can get you places to the underworlds if they're the right. Ritual. But it either has to be a very particular mortal who has the rank and standing to perform said ritual. And then you have to convince them to do it on somebody who's alive, which they usually get a little weirded out by. Or you find a scion of the given Pantheon, and almost all of them can do it if they have the knowledge. [00:33:43] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. Do you know any scion personally? [00:33:53] Speaker B: I know one. I don't know where she is, though, and death isn't really one of her things, so whether or not she'll know how to get you there is toss up. If it were me, I'd head for one of those big. Yeah, one of the big graveyards. [00:34:16] Speaker C: Okay. Graveyards, caves, boulders. [00:34:20] Speaker B: I'll send you a contact card for Yukiko, though. She might at least be able to tell you where the cave is. [00:34:29] Speaker C: Yuki. Cool. Great. Thank you. Thank you. [00:34:40] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. Do me a favor. If you talk to you, Kiko, don't mention me. [00:34:50] Speaker C: Don't mention you. [00:34:53] Speaker B: Tell her Kareem gave you her number. [00:34:56] Speaker C: Why? [00:34:59] Speaker B: Just better if my name not come up. Okay. I'm going to bed now. Or back to bed. [00:35:07] Speaker C: Bye. Okay. [00:35:16] Speaker B: Pele just sort of looks from you to the phone to you to the phone. Well, that could have gone worse. I suppose it could have. [00:35:33] Speaker C: She's just kind of, like, hitting her head on the wall for a bit, and she goes, let's go back to the guys. [00:35:40] Speaker B: Your phone chimes as you are banging your head against the wall. And there is a contact number. [00:35:48] Speaker C: Cool. She'll look at it and then send, like, a smile and a thumbs up. [00:35:56] Speaker B: It's for Yukiko Kuramitsu. Yukiko Kurimitsu. [00:36:06] Speaker C: Cool. [00:36:08] Speaker B: The picture that is attached is of a decently attractive young woman with kind of a shaggy. It looks like she had a bob at one point, but she's let it grow out too much. So now it's just sort of a shaggy, like, shoulder length cut. The bangs are dyed like an electric blue, and she's wearing, looks like a black leather jacket. [00:36:45] Speaker C: Well, I can see. Let's go to the guys. Yeah, and close the photo. [00:37:03] Speaker B: You find your way back to the. [00:37:06] Speaker D: I'm staring at just. I don't get the humor of this YouTube video, Clint. [00:37:13] Speaker A: Well, that's all right. You don't really have to get it, but here. So, see, the guy spreads his legs just a little, and the ball goes right there on accident. It's just good timing. [00:37:29] Speaker D: And this is what YouTube's all about, just uploading these sorts of things. [00:37:35] Speaker A: Well, it's not all sports, but, like, here, look. So this fellow here speaks like everyone. Hey, how'd it go? [00:37:45] Speaker C: Conversation went absolutely normal and cool and was hardly embarrassing. [00:37:52] Speaker B: I'm not going to make anybody roll. Paleo's shaking his head in a remarkably human. [00:38:01] Speaker C: Yeah, so. But got tons of information. We're going to want to look for important meeting places, cemeteries, tomes, funeral grounds, temples, things like that. [00:38:18] Speaker B: Tombs are books. [00:38:20] Speaker D: Point that out as well. [00:38:21] Speaker A: Yeah. We are going to a library after all. [00:38:26] Speaker D: Maybe if we already have some information on where to start. Just these sorts of locations, see what happens. [00:38:34] Speaker C: Kind of. But we want ones that are really important to a cause like that. So I would say we should probably look more towards cemeteries. Something else that net brought up is ancient. Or there's like a legend, or it probably actually did happen now that things aren't really legends anymore. But somebody died. Uzunami died. And then she got put in a cave, or like, she went into a cave or something and then someone pushed a boulder in front of it because they got scared of how she looked. Because she looked all kinds of, like, off. So we also may want to look for a boulder in a cave, or a cave being blocked by a boulder. But the boulder may not be there anymore. I'm not sure any of that ring a bell. [00:39:29] Speaker A: So just to clarify, we're looking for the cave, not so much the boulder. [00:39:37] Speaker B: You knOw? [00:39:38] Speaker D: I don't know, but it seems like we have a lot to sift through here. [00:39:44] Speaker B: Yes. [00:39:47] Speaker A: Well, sounds like we're going to do walking and research. [00:39:55] Speaker D: That part sounds fun. [00:39:59] Speaker C: All right, let's get out of here. [00:40:01] Speaker D: All right. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Come on, Ian. [00:40:08] Speaker B: Ian has been kind of perching up in the trees, and it was kind of one of those things that as you guys were walking, he would kind of hop and fly over to the next tree and wait for you and watch. [00:40:27] Speaker A: He's a good bird. [00:40:30] Speaker B: Seems to be pointedly avoiding coming down to the same level that Pele is at. [00:40:38] Speaker A: That's fine. He can perch on head if he has to. Come on, it's fine. He ain't going to get you. [00:40:47] Speaker C: He could, though. But he won't. [00:40:50] Speaker A: I mean, yeah, there's no need to, right? Clint looks directly at Pele. Come on, Tiny. God, you'll be nice to Ian and me, won't you? [00:41:02] Speaker B: You don't hear it, but Coda hears until I'm hungry. [00:41:08] Speaker C: He agrees immensely. [00:41:10] Speaker A: I thought so. I have a way with animals. They tend to be pretty nice to me as long as we're nice to them. Okay, so how do we start the research. [00:41:20] Speaker D: Well, I think the first step is to locate a library. Second step would be to go in, and the third step would be to begin researching. [00:41:32] Speaker A: All right, fair enough. [00:41:36] Speaker D: That's the spirit. In a very jovially. Lead the way. [00:41:42] Speaker B: Okay. Oliver, how do you intend to get to where the nearest library is? [00:41:52] Speaker D: It's a great question. I think once we get. Are we, like, even near a city or anything, or is this. [00:42:03] Speaker B: You're kind of in the middle of nowhere, my guy. [00:42:07] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah, that makes things a bit more difficult. I'll probably walk our way out of the temple, look around. We are not that close to civilization, so getting to the library might be a bit tougher than I thought. [00:42:21] Speaker B: It's not so much that you're far away from civilization, it's just that it's a bit of a hike to get to into any of the surrounding areas. [00:42:32] Speaker D: Gotcha. [00:42:37] Speaker B: So if you're willing to walk, you'll get there. [00:42:44] Speaker D: Could we call an Uber? What would calling an Uber work? They have Ubers in Japan, surely. [00:42:53] Speaker C: Yeah, they do, but can we just walk there? [00:42:56] Speaker D: Take a walk? [00:43:00] Speaker C: You got to build up your legs. [00:43:02] Speaker A: I can carry you if I need to. [00:43:04] Speaker D: You don't need to carry me. I'm perfectly fine. [00:43:08] Speaker A: All right, if you say so, Mr. B. [00:43:12] Speaker B: To such a sweet bean. [00:43:14] Speaker C: Okay. [00:43:17] Speaker B: All right, we're going to skip ahead a little bit, because otherwise we're going to be at this all night. You all managed to make it to the closest library. It's not exactly a public library in that anybody can just wander in off the street the way that they are in the US, but it's a very nice library, and you have multiple people with fairly high charisma and manipulation, stat, so we could just sort of hand wave that. The receptionist doesn't really argue with you. [00:43:52] Speaker A: Thank you for letting us in, ma'am. [00:43:59] Speaker B: You do have to kind of manipulate things a little bit, where you drop the animals off outside of one of the windows and then make your way inside, and as steakily as you can manage, get the window open to let them in, though. All right, so you are in a library in Kyoto. Oliver, what exactly are you planning to do here? [00:44:29] Speaker D: I am going to basically do some research on this Japanese underworld, both, see if we can figure out anything, what to expect down there, and ways and stories that it's reached, if there are any I can find. [00:44:50] Speaker C: Okay. [00:44:51] Speaker D: Try to kind of narrow down our options. From what we've been told so far. [00:44:54] Speaker B: You'Re in a decidedly mortal library, so a lot of what you are going to get are just the mortal retellings of the stories. So you know that by their belief system, everything, be it human, animal or object or plant, has a spirit. So in theory, what you should find when you get there are spirits of everything that has ever existed and been destroyed in Japan. [00:45:36] Speaker D: Okay. [00:45:39] Speaker B: You know that in the original story, Izanami died giving birth, and when her husband went into the underworld to find her, he went into a cave and he found her like, half covered in maggots and rotting. But still, because she's a god, she can't properly die. And he was so grossed out and she was so unclean that he turned and fled and sealed up the cave, and she became the mistress of the Underworld. She took on all that the Underworld is. It's not going to give yOu. It's not a comprehensive guide of what you're going to find in the underworld, because from what you have found from going to Asgard a few times, the stories are vague at best when they're the mortal retellings and are know what you run into is not always what the stories say you're going to run into. [00:46:45] Speaker D: Gotcha. I guess. Yeah, I'll probably flip through a few of these books. Not taking much time, because speed reader for just CODa. Are you sure Annette didn't give us anything more substantial to go off of? Rather than just go to certain places and hope for the. [00:47:02] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. She said about ceremony or not ceremonies. She told about cemeteries, tombs, temples. I mean, she also gave me a contact card for someone named Kuremutsu or Yukiko Hiramitsu. But she said, I can see if she'll pick up, I guess. Well, no, she said I just should have mentioned her so we could also contact her. [00:47:35] Speaker D: That would have been something great to lead with. That sounds to me like someone who knows this pantheon and probably knows more than we do. [00:47:43] Speaker C: This is true. I apologize. [00:47:46] Speaker D: It is perfectly all right. [00:47:49] Speaker C: So I guess I should call her, too, right? [00:47:51] Speaker D: Yeah, you can give it a shot. [00:47:58] Speaker C: Soda will call her. [00:48:03] Speaker B: Okay. Again. Takes a little bit eventually, actually, a male voice answers at first, and it's just like, hang on a second. This isn't my phone, but she's out in the water. Just give me a minute. And then you hear the phone get sent down and this masculine voice calling for her. Eventually, you hear the phone get picked up and you can hear waves in the background. Hello. [00:48:43] Speaker C: Hi. Hello. You don't know me, but I kind of know who you are, and this isn't suspicious at all. [00:48:51] Speaker A: Good job. Good opener. [00:48:55] Speaker C: Hey, I'm Coda Massacoy. I'm not sure if you heard of me. Probably not. This is really awkward. I'm doing some tasks and stuff and I guess I just need a little advice on your pantheon, I guess. [00:49:18] Speaker A: Great work. Keep it up. [00:49:20] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:49:23] Speaker B: Okay. Are you going to be more specific? [00:49:27] Speaker C: I'm really sorry. I just don't know if there's some things we can or can't say over the phone. I'm like a new scion. I'm sorry. I'm pretty new. Well, I'm not sorry. Fuck am I saying? [00:49:39] Speaker B: I'm sorry. [00:49:40] Speaker C: Anyways, pretty much we're looking for the underworld and we just need help. My band needs help figuring out where we should go next because neither of us is from this pantheon, but we've been tasked to go there. [00:49:56] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that's fine. That's no problem. Well, you've got a couple of options. If you get to a shrine and you can get the right kind of priest. Shinto or Buddhist, it doesn't super matter. They've just got to be able to perform the funerary rites, and you can convince them to do that. That'll send you. But you'll have to deal with a really freaked out priest. So maybe not that other option. Find an old cemetery. I don't know what part of Japan you're in, but they're kind of all over the place. [00:50:33] Speaker C: We're in Kyoto. [00:50:35] Speaker B: Yeah, there's plenty there. You could go to one of those. Probably wait until day to nighttime. That transition point is usually when it's, like, easiest. But the other option is you could just go to the cave if one of you is strong enough to move the boulder. [00:51:03] Speaker C: Well, two of us are. No offense, Mr. B. [00:51:09] Speaker D: Okay. [00:51:10] Speaker B: I mean, as long as one of you can move it, it doesn't particularly matter. [00:51:16] Speaker C: So is the cave like. Because I was going to look up tourist spots. That said the cave. But is the cave just like on Google Maps or something, or is it not on Google Maps? [00:51:31] Speaker B: It's not going to be on Google Maps, but I can drop you a pin for it. [00:51:37] Speaker C: Thank you so much. [00:51:41] Speaker B: That would be awesome. Actually. It takes a minute, but your phone chimes with a pin. That is kind of smack in the middle of the Izumo province. Yeah. So if you go there, that should spit you out where you need to be. Well, I shouldn't say it'll spit you out, but you go, you find the cave, you roll the thing out of the way. Provided that you're strong enough to do so and then all of you have to go inside of the cave and let the thing roll back into place, and it should kind of pop you out on the other side where you need to be. [00:52:42] Speaker C: Great. Awesome. Have you ever actually gone into the undErworld? [00:52:47] Speaker B: Yes. [00:52:48] Speaker C: So what's it like? Is it, like, dark? Is there, like, I don't know, ghosts? Do you know what we'll be fighting if there's anything? [00:53:00] Speaker B: I mean, yeah, there's ghosts. There's a lot of stuff down there. I mean, it kind of depends on where you end up going. Um, that's kind of a big place. You have to understand that the Underworlds used to all be pretty well segregated where going to one Underworld would not necessarily enable you to get to the others. But things are different now. They're a little bit more mushed together. It's a little bit easier to see bleed from one Underworld to the other. The Underworld gods are not super thrilled by it. [00:53:48] Speaker C: I see. [00:53:50] Speaker A: Wait, why wouldn't they be? Shouldn't it make it easier to share the work? [00:53:55] Speaker C: That's Clint. He's part of my band. [00:53:57] Speaker A: Hi. Sorry. [00:53:58] Speaker C: Also very sweet. [00:54:02] Speaker B: They're kind of territorial, the gods. [00:54:09] Speaker A: Well, that's a shame. [00:54:13] Speaker B: Yeah. But also, before that happened, the Titans were all where they were supposed to be, and they're not anymore. [00:54:23] Speaker C: That's true. [00:54:25] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. It does come with baggage, I suppose. [00:54:30] Speaker B: Yeah, like the things that are trying to destroy and or take over the world are no longer in their cages. That's kind of a bad thing. [00:54:38] Speaker A: Well, when you put it that way, it don't seem so convenient. Yeah, that's fair. [00:54:45] Speaker B: So listen, if you're in Kyoto getting to the Azuma province, you're probably going to want to take the train. Do you guys have money? [00:54:58] Speaker D: Not the right type. [00:54:59] Speaker C: Not the right type. [00:55:04] Speaker B: Okay, well, consider this a favor. I'll send you enough for tickets, and you guys owe me. [00:55:16] Speaker C: What do you mean by that? We're going to need some specifications on what you mean by you. We owe you. [00:55:22] Speaker B: One day I might need a favor for a job or something, and I'll call you. [00:55:26] Speaker C: And this has no binding agreements or such, correct? I have enough of those. [00:55:31] Speaker B: I mean, we're scions. Anytime you make an agreement, there's some sort of bond. But if you're asking if I'm putting some big who do thing on you. No, I'm just saying. I'm sending you money. Eventually you're going to have to pay me back. [00:55:46] Speaker C: Okay. Sick. I just want to make sure Because I've only been like a scion for 6 seconds, and next thing you know, I have 6 million favors, quote unquote off favors placed on me. [00:55:58] Speaker B: Hang on, Cody. Yeah, I know. I hear you. Listen, I'm on the phone with a baby. I'll be there. Look, it's only 20 tentacles. You'll be fine. So listen, do you guys need anything else or are you good? [00:56:17] Speaker A: Do you need our phone number so it's easier for you to get a hold of us to repay that favor? [00:56:23] Speaker B: I've got Koda's number. Yes. No, I see. Yeah, they are growing back really quickly. Maybe you should stop cutting them off then. Listen, I got to go. [00:56:35] Speaker A: It was nice talking to you. Feel free to call whenever you're available. [00:56:40] Speaker C: Okay. [00:56:41] Speaker B: See you. [00:56:42] Speaker A: All right, bye bye. What a nice person. [00:56:46] Speaker C: Nice. [00:56:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:56:52] Speaker D: What? [00:56:53] Speaker A: Seems like she was a little busy, though. [00:56:56] Speaker D: It did seem like that, yes. [00:56:59] Speaker C: All right, so we know where to go. Or at least somewhere to start. [00:57:02] Speaker D: That we do. [00:57:06] Speaker C: See the train. [00:57:07] Speaker D: Good for. Because I'm not sure how we were going to convince a priest on doing a funeral ride for us unless we had one of us pretend to be dead. And that might have been weird. [00:57:17] Speaker A: Well, yeah, a little bit like a. [00:57:21] Speaker D: Reverse weekend at Bernie's. [00:57:24] Speaker A: Or sort of know that Princess Bride thing where you're only mostly dead. [00:57:31] Speaker D: I have seen that movie. [00:57:33] Speaker B: You all hear Ian squawk and it sounds vaguely like still slightly alive. [00:57:41] Speaker A: Yeah, we watch that movie at least twice a year. It's one of Ian's favorites. [00:57:46] Speaker D: It was a book first. I still haven't read it, but as you wish. [00:57:54] Speaker A: See, that's just him saying he loves us. We've seen it. Never mind. Sorry. [00:58:03] Speaker C: This is all inconceivable. [00:58:10] Speaker A: You keep using that word. I don't think it means exactly what you think it means. [00:58:18] Speaker B: All right, let's get out of here. [00:58:19] Speaker C: I don't want to be in his library anymore. [00:58:21] Speaker A: Yeah, let's go. [00:58:22] Speaker D: No, that was the right way of using it, though. [00:58:26] Speaker C: The movie. [00:58:28] Speaker D: I just said I haven't seen it. [00:58:30] Speaker A: Oh, I thought you said you did see it. [00:58:32] Speaker D: No, I haven't seen it. Or read the book. [00:58:35] Speaker A: Well, let's get the audiobook. I'm sure the train is going to take us a few minutes. We can listen to it on the way. [00:58:41] Speaker D: Fair enough. Speaking of which, she said she'd send us the money. She didn't exactly specify how. [00:58:49] Speaker C: It's probably like Zelle. [00:58:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I got cash app on mine. [00:58:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:58:55] Speaker B: Dakota, you have a text notification that you got Venmo'd sick or whatever the Japanese equivalent of Venmo is. I don't know. [00:59:07] Speaker C: Yeah. She'll just show it on her phone and go, all right, train ride. Maybe we could catch some Z's, listen to a book or eat some food. And she's going to look at Pele and go, Sashimi. [00:59:28] Speaker B: Pele purrs. [00:59:33] Speaker D: Sick. [00:59:36] Speaker B: All right. You all sidle on out of the library. Which as a trip was oddly successful, though not in the way that Oliver hoped it would be. Very disappointed you manage to get yourself a couple of tickets on the next train. It takes about 2 hours before the next train. Know, you burn some time, do a little walk in. Kyoto's a lovely city. There's lots to see. And then you load onto the train and head for Izumo Province. It is a nearly five hour ride to get there, but you manage to. But by the time you make it, it's nearing evening. The sun's going to go down soon, and you find yourself on the coast. [01:00:40] Speaker A: All right, we'll finish Princess Brad on some other sort of trip that we will. [01:00:47] Speaker D: It's quite good, I'll admit that. [01:00:52] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm sorry. I keep pausing, but I have to explain a few things because I'm just so excited. And the parallels between the book and the movie. [01:01:01] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:01:02] Speaker D: I actually quite enjoyed. [01:01:04] Speaker A: Okay, good. I was worried I was being a little annoying. [01:01:08] Speaker D: It was very scholarly of you. [01:01:11] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm not really well versed on much, but I do know a few things about movies. [01:01:18] Speaker D: All right. Keep in mind, in the future, anyway, we need to find where we're going. [01:01:27] Speaker A: A cave, right? Well, yeah, Coda. Does it show the closest spot? [01:01:34] Speaker C: Yeah, I have the pin on my phone. So she's looking at her phone and trying to compare it to the maps that we currently. She's trying to compare it to Google Maps. [01:01:45] Speaker B: Well, the Pin is on Google Maps. [01:01:49] Speaker C: I've never dropped the Pin. [01:01:56] Speaker B: Just. We'll just say that your igolars are effectively Android, or at least they run similarly to Android. So it, by default, opens Google Maps. [01:02:05] Speaker C: Perfect. [01:02:06] Speaker B: BecauSe the gods will have nothing to do with apple. [01:02:11] Speaker C: Wise. [01:02:17] Speaker B: It's going to take a couple of hours of walking and it's kind of in the middle of nowhere. It's effectively like on the water. It's not like there's a picture that's going to show you exactly where it is, but you know that you basically have to walk all the way right to the coast in order to get there. [01:02:50] Speaker C: Question. [01:02:51] Speaker B: Yes? [01:02:53] Speaker C: Is it nighttime right now? [01:02:56] Speaker B: It is not quite nighttime yet. You are getting there, though. [01:03:00] Speaker C: Got you. Okay. All right. Cool beans. When the moon is risen, I have something I would like to do. [01:03:09] Speaker B: When the moon is risen. Good to know. Okay, you guys set off towards the coast. Koda, what would you like to do? [01:03:23] Speaker C: When the moon has risen, she's going to use. If I could remember what it's called. Oh, here it is. She's going to use smoking mirror. So essentially she gets a bird eye view do by looking through the moon, essentially. [01:03:49] Speaker B: Okay, what are you looking for? [01:03:51] Speaker C: She is just like a bird's eye view of the. Let me see. It says up until how many legend points she has in meters. She just gets to see that much around us because she's like, we're walking in the middle of nowhere. We're going to the entrance of an underworld. Maybe I should see if there's anything around us just to make sure we're. [01:04:19] Speaker B: It's. When I say middle of nowhere, I mean, you're not in the heart of Kyoto. You're not in one of the biggest cities in the country anymore. There are little, like, neighborhoods and towns and such, but there isn't a ton out here. So looking down, you see there's buildings and homes and businesses and whatnot. It's much, much smaller than Kyoto was. It's a lot less crowded. You could see a shrine nearby, that sort of thing. And where you are headed, it's effectively, like, right on the coast. It's. It's effectively like there's cliffside. You can't see the exact cave because you're looking down from above. So you don't. You know what I mean? Right. You see, like, a sheer cliff. [01:05:19] Speaker C: Okay, perfect. Well, that's fine. I think she's more. So just like, let me just take a look around the area, make sure nothing's going to pop up on us. And once she does that, she's like, all right, it looks like things are pretty clear. We're definitely approaching, I think, a cave. [01:05:40] Speaker D: Well, that's good. We need to find a cave. [01:05:46] Speaker A: As long as it's got a boulder in front of it. [01:05:49] Speaker D: I think it might not. No, because she said one of you might need to move it. [01:05:55] Speaker A: We got to move it, and then it'll move back into place. [01:05:59] Speaker C: All right. She will keep going. Occasionally, she will look back up at the moon and make sure where we're going. Everything still looks pretty peachy keen. I believe she has to look up at the moon to do that. [01:06:17] Speaker B: Yes. Okay. You all continue on, and you get to the point where the pin is looking down from the top of the cliff. You can see how for most people it would just look like the side of a cliff with nothing else really there. But you've got Pele, who is keenly aware of where passages to other worlds are with you. You've also got Ian, who is able to kind of fly out away from the cliff and look back towards it. And between the two of them, they kind of pinpoint the place where you would need to start climbing down to get to it. [01:07:16] Speaker C: Perfect. [01:07:19] Speaker A: So did we bring a rope to tie off as we climb down this thing? Or is it one of them more safe sort of cliff faces? [01:07:29] Speaker B: You all did do an awful lot of survival shopping before your trip into the Irish underworld. So I'm going to say you've probably got a rope. [01:07:37] Speaker D: I haven't even written down that we have rope. [01:07:40] Speaker C: Yeah, we got to have stuff left over from that last one. [01:07:44] Speaker B: You and your fucking rope. [01:07:48] Speaker A: As if you didn't like it. All right, who wants to go down first? [01:08:00] Speaker C: I'll go. [01:08:02] Speaker D: That's probably smart. Last time I went down a rope, I almost felt to my death. [01:08:06] Speaker C: That's true. [01:08:09] Speaker A: Do you want me to hold on to you just in case? [01:08:14] Speaker D: Hold on? I'm thinking about it. No, I'm going to have faith that I can do better this time. If not, though, be prepared to grab me. [01:08:23] Speaker A: You got it. I believe in you, though. You ain't going to need my help. [01:08:27] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:08:34] Speaker C: Yeah. Coda will head down. [01:08:39] Speaker B: Okay. Coda give me strength and athletics use. HolY cow. [01:09:11] Speaker C: And then that's one. Epic. [01:09:14] Speaker B: So that's six. Very good. Yeah, Cody, you have no problems. You repel down this thing you've got. Clint is holding on to the rope. But you guys have also used pythons, like climbing gear, to tie it off at the top. So Clint holding on is mostly for. [01:09:40] Speaker A: Here, for moral support. [01:09:43] Speaker B: It's just in case the rope breaks or something. You know that Clint's got you. If the piping comes loose, you repel down to the entrance to this. Barely. Even when you're close, it's hard to tell that it's like the entrance at all. It is only the fact that Pele is in your bag and has his head poking up out of the bag to look that you can find the edge of this boulder. The first thing you realize, Coda, is that you are not going to be able to move this by yourself. [01:10:26] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [01:10:27] Speaker B: But also you're. All three are going to have to be there in order to get it very clear that you had to move the rock. Get inside and then once the rock closes behind you, that's when you're in the underworld. [01:10:42] Speaker C: Noted. Coda's going to go, well, it's definitely down here, and we're definitely all going to need to work together to do this. [01:10:54] Speaker A: Yep, that shakes out. You want to go ahead, head on down, Oliver? I'll hold the rope just in case, and then I'll follow you down. [01:11:01] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, sure. I thought I'd go last pack. I can go second. That's fine. [01:11:06] Speaker A: I mean, this way, you know, run and jump, catch your real movie style. [01:11:11] Speaker D: Right, right. [01:11:12] Speaker B: Let me ask a question. Are you just tying the rope off to, like, Oliver's midsection and lowering him down to Coda? Is Oliver going to attempt to climb with the aid of the rope just in case he falls? What's the plan? [01:11:27] Speaker D: I'm going to attempt to climb with the rope. [01:11:30] Speaker B: Okay. [01:11:31] Speaker A: Clint will be ready to grab the rope in case he lets loose. [01:11:36] Speaker B: And I'm assuming that you are tucking Brahm into your bag. [01:11:39] Speaker D: Yes. But also before I start descending, I'm going to kind of, like, look over Clint shoulder and be like, what's that? [01:11:47] Speaker A: What's what? [01:11:48] Speaker D: And as soon as he looks away, I'm going to pull out the book, cast Bona Fortuna on myself to give myself an edge on climbing down this rope, because I don't want anyone to see that I needed help. [01:12:00] Speaker B: Do you have to do anything for that, or does it just happen? [01:12:03] Speaker D: I roll my dice pool, and how many successes I get is how many bonus dice I can add for a scene? Three. I have three bonus die that I can use throughout the scene. [01:12:18] Speaker C: Yeah, that's really funny. [01:12:21] Speaker D: And then I will begin descending as soon as I quickly do that and then put the book away. Oh, sorry. I thought it was something else. [01:12:28] Speaker B: Just great strikes at athletics. [01:12:32] Speaker D: Okay. I'm going to be using all three of my bonus dice because I have no athletics. [01:12:39] Speaker B: If you have no athletics, you don't get to use your epics. [01:12:44] Speaker D: I don't have epic strength. [01:12:46] Speaker C: Okay. [01:12:46] Speaker B: I'm just saying. [01:12:49] Speaker D: Two successes. [01:12:50] Speaker B: Two. All right. Not an easy climb. You definitely struggle. And at one point, Clint has to grab the rope just to steady it because you've got it, like, wobbling so much. You know what I mean? Like, you're starting to kind of rotate on it a little bit. [01:13:11] Speaker D: Oh, not again. [01:13:15] Speaker C: You're doing great, Mr. B. [01:13:17] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:13:19] Speaker B: Brahm is letting out faint sounds of protest because his head is out of the bag and he is looking around, and it's something between a squawk and a chirp. And it's part squawk, part chirp, all indignation. [01:13:40] Speaker D: Bram, you have wings. You could just fly down if you know how yet. Until then, though, we have to do this. My bag. [01:13:51] Speaker B: But eventually Oliver makes it down. Towards the end, things get a little shaky and Coda, you reach up and grab his ankle. And because you've got epic strength, you just sort of, like, one hand, give him something to brace on as he finishes the trip down. [01:14:13] Speaker C: Hey, you hardly broke a slot. [01:14:16] Speaker D: I'm just, like, drenched. Yeah, definitely. [01:14:20] Speaker B: It's just sea spray. [01:14:21] Speaker D: I'm going to go sit down for a. [01:14:25] Speaker C: You know, take a look at the. [01:14:30] Speaker D: Like, can we not really see down here? Is that what the issue was or is it just that big? [01:14:36] Speaker B: It's dark. You can kind of see when Coda points it out. The boulder is huge. Fucking massive. And the way that it is, you could tell why humans have never been able to, like, mortals don't really ever see it. It blends almost perfectly. [01:14:59] Speaker D: In that case, I'll just, for the sake of it, take out, like, my flashlight and turn that on, because I bought flashlights for when we went to Magmel. [01:15:08] Speaker B: Okay. So you find a little rock to sit on up against the cliff wall. The waves are coming in, they're splashing up against the rocks. You're getting drenched because there's really nowhere to go to avoid them. I'm not going to make you roll. You have three dots of epic strength and the sky purview, so there's really no point in rolling. [01:15:39] Speaker A: Yep. Clint wraps the rope around one hand and just slides down the rock face like it's nothing. [01:15:50] Speaker D: Show off. [01:15:52] Speaker A: Well, I mean, somebody had to. [01:15:57] Speaker B: All right, I require, um. So are you guys going to attempt to move the rock together, or is Clint going to try and flex and show off and just do it by himself? [01:16:15] Speaker A: Well, I mean, I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to show y'all what I'm worth, if y'all don't mind standing back. [01:16:22] Speaker D: Last time you did something on your own, you accidentally screwed over an underworld. So should probably do this all together. [01:16:29] Speaker A: All right. [01:16:32] Speaker B: Wow. [01:16:34] Speaker C: Yeah. Maybe another time, I guess, because I really don't know. We haven't done an arm wrestler or anything, so maybe another. [01:16:43] Speaker A: Yeah, that's fine. We can just put this rock. That's OK. All right. [01:16:48] Speaker B: I would like Coda and Clint to both roll strikes. Athletics. [01:16:53] Speaker D: Oh, come on, Oliver. [01:16:55] Speaker A: Nope. You're coming over here. If we're pushing this together, you're putting your hands on it, too. [01:16:59] Speaker D: I'll be next to no help. I can do more than by guiding you on how to do it. [01:17:06] Speaker A: Fine. There you go. [01:17:15] Speaker D: Yeah, I will help. As fruitless as that might be. [01:17:22] Speaker C: Seven successes. [01:17:28] Speaker A: I also have seven successes. [01:17:31] Speaker D: Is it strengthen athletics again? [01:17:33] Speaker A: Strengthen athletics. [01:17:35] Speaker D: I did one success. [01:17:38] Speaker B: Okay. You have the sneaking suspicion that this is probably something Clint could have done on his own. It would have been a little bit more of a struggle, but he's just got so much raw fucking strength. However, you helping and the two of you working together so well means that rather than it being one of those things where Clint's got to pry it away from the wall and then sort of brace himself between it and the wall and press, you know what I mean, to get them apart, it becomes a much more smooth affair. Oliver. [01:18:29] Speaker D: Oliver, I'm there. [01:18:31] Speaker B: Contributes. He doesn't get in the way. He rolled one success, so he's not in the way, but he's not doing a whole lot. And between you and Clint, managing to roll it back enough to where getting in is comfortable, and it's not something where you guys have to squeeze yourself really tight between a rock and a hard place. Literally. You manage to get to the point where it's there and Clint can kind of, like, hold it open long enough for you and Oliver to step. [01:19:17] Speaker D: I was going to kind of shine like the flashlight down there first, see if we see anything. [01:19:21] Speaker B: You don't see much of anything. It just seems like a yawning black void. Even with the flashlight. [01:19:31] Speaker A: It looks safe and inviting. [01:19:35] Speaker B: Ian swoops in and squawks to let Clint know that it is safe to go through. [01:19:43] Speaker A: All right, we'll just let it close. [01:19:47] Speaker B: And Clint steps in and lets go of the stone, and it rolls back into place with a loud rumbling, grinding noise. And you all go from being able to hear the waves and the crashing and the splashing of water to being able to hear nothing. It's almost oppressive how quiet it is. [01:20:14] Speaker D: I'll go ahead and Pat Clint on the arm. You going to be okay? [01:20:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Do you mind holding? [01:20:22] Speaker D: No, no, it's all right. I was going to say that if you needed anything, I was going to be right here. [01:20:28] Speaker A: Thank you. I mean, it'd kind of help if we could see too. [01:20:32] Speaker D: Yeah, the flashlight isn't really working. [01:20:37] Speaker C: Coda's going to blink her eyes. Oh, wait, never mind. I don't have that yet. Never mind. Sorry. Take two. [01:20:45] Speaker B: I was like. [01:20:49] Speaker C: But you all can't see through her seeing just yet. [01:20:54] Speaker B: Even for Coda, it is pitch black, dark and it's still and quiet. And then you guys hear the sound of dropping, like water droplets hitting something and splashing against it. And it's slow at first, and then it speeds up. And it speeds up, and it speeds up. [01:21:25] Speaker A: Oliver, did Lucas take the glow sticks with hIm? [01:21:31] Speaker D: No, I have those as well. But if the flashlight's not working, I don't know if those will as well. [01:21:35] Speaker B: I need all three of you to roll me. Let's go. Wits and integrity, please. All right. [01:22:03] Speaker D: Five. [01:22:06] Speaker A: One. [01:22:13] Speaker B: Three. Be okay. Clint is completely out of his depth and disoriented. So by the time there is finally light, it's this kind of pale, silvery gray light, and it starts as, like, a pin prick on the horizon. And Oliver and Coda see it and watch it as it grows and grows and grows, and it feels a little bit like you're moving even though your legs aren't doing anything. Clint, however, is so disoriented that he is facing the wrong way. [01:22:54] Speaker D: I'll just grab him by the shoulders and turn the right way. [01:22:58] Speaker A: Are you sure we're this way? I thought we were. [01:23:00] Speaker D: No, right there. [01:23:02] Speaker B: And as you turn Clint and Clint, you look into this place, and it looks. If you're still in a cave, you can't see the ceiling anymore or the far wall. What you see before you is a massive, massive, crowded city filled with buildings ranging from huts that look like they might have come out of the Dark Ages to towering skyscrapers, all of them in styles that are distinctly Japanese. [01:23:50] Speaker A: We should still stay quiet, right? So none of them, like stalactites, fall from the ceiling and impale us. [01:24:00] Speaker D: I don't think they're that sensitive, but something possibly worth looking out for. [01:24:09] Speaker A: Okay, I'll stick. Right now. [01:24:16] Speaker B: You all are at the end of a long walkway that stretches down a hill towards that city. [01:24:30] Speaker D: Right. I think we better follow the bricked road. I could also do old faithful and just have a thread taking us straight to the sword we need to find. But maybe we should see what we see first. [01:24:50] Speaker C: Yeah. And Coda will take Clint hand. [01:24:54] Speaker A: Thank you. I appreciate that. [01:25:00] Speaker C: And she'll give it, like, a tight squeeze. [01:25:03] Speaker A: He'll squeeze right back. [01:25:06] Speaker B: It hurts when he squeezes. [01:25:09] Speaker C: Yeah, it's fine. [01:25:10] Speaker A: Sorry. [01:25:11] Speaker C: No, it's fine. This is how we know we're still here, right? Pain. [01:25:15] Speaker A: I mean, that's one way of looking at it, I suppose. [01:25:20] Speaker C: Yeah. All right. The quicker we get in and out of here, let's find this and, I don't know, have A barbecue or something. [01:25:36] Speaker D: It is something we need to do. [01:25:38] Speaker A: I'll distract myself with thoughts of barbecue. I'll plan while we walk. [01:25:42] Speaker C: Yeah, talk to me about your barbecue while we're walking. Distract yourself. And she'll walk with him and talk about barbecue while we're looking. [01:25:57] Speaker A: So I was thinking we would do some sort of mushroom dish as the main slow roasted meat. And he'll start going into his ideas. [01:26:07] Speaker C: Oh, and like, corn ribs. [01:26:09] Speaker A: Oh, I hadn't thought about that. But that's a good idea. That way it feels like you're chewing on a rib, but it's corn. [01:26:21] Speaker B: As you descend into this city, there are people. It's obvious that they're not, like, people people. They're ghosts, but they look like people, and they are dressed in clothing from all manner of time periods. At one point, you walk by a building out of which is walking a man in, like, full, proper samurai armor. [01:27:00] Speaker A: Do you all see them, too? [01:27:02] Speaker B: Next to a younger man in a suit that looks like it's cut from something that would have come out of, like, the. [01:27:15] Speaker D: See them, Clint. Interesting. [01:27:18] Speaker B: They are chattering amongst themselves. It's like they're going on about normal day to day life. Despite how unusual the scene is, Oliver, it takes you a minute because your ability to understand languages is so sharp, it actually takes you a minute to kind of, like, reverse engineer what your power is doing to determine what language exactly is being spoken. You know that it's Japanese, but these people are speaking this weird, kind of portmanteau esque version of Japanese where they are using terminology and turns of phrase and styles of speaking from across the ages that have all been kind of blended into this weird amalgamation of still Japanese, but not normal Japanese, not modern Japanese, that's for sure. [01:28:27] Speaker D: Interesting. [01:28:32] Speaker B: You guys get a lot of not open stares, but kind of look your way, and most of them kind of look your way and then seem to almost immediately discount you and look away. And they're avoiding looking at you for very long. Maybe because they don't want to be rude or maybe because it'S clear that you're an outsider. Maybe it's a bit of both. [01:29:08] Speaker D: All right, well, poor choice of words, but this is certainly livelier than the last place we went to. [01:29:20] Speaker B: Could everybody make me perception and awareness, please? Or wits and awareness. I run too many systems. No, it is perception. [01:29:32] Speaker D: It's perception awareness because it's my favorite combination. [01:29:36] Speaker B: It is your favorite. Oliver is like, I'm the best at this. [01:29:44] Speaker D: Oh, I really am, apparently. That's five. [01:29:51] Speaker A: I got two. No, wait, I got four. Never mind. [01:30:01] Speaker B: Wow. Okay, everybody take a moment. This is never going to happen again. Oliver rolled all successes and is not the worst person on a perception roll. [01:30:16] Speaker D: Oh, see things, my half blind eye. See. [01:30:31] Speaker B: Clint, you are caught up in just the spectacle around you. The thing that you notice the most looking at all of this is that it's like nothing has any color here. It's a little bit like walking through a black and white movie, but you're in Technicolor. [01:31:00] Speaker A: Clint looks down at his hands and his body. He himself is still colorful in this area. [01:31:05] Speaker B: Yes, you are still colorful. None of the things that seem like they're supposed to be here are, though. [01:31:15] Speaker A: I don't mean to bring concern where there might not be none. We're standing out like sore thumbs in. [01:31:23] Speaker D: Here as people that are still alive in the place where people that aren't supposed to be alive anymore go. I imagine we would. [01:31:36] Speaker A: Hold on. Okay, so you're saying all of them folks, you all can see ghosts, too? [01:31:42] Speaker D: In this case, yes. [01:31:47] Speaker A: Oh, cool. [01:31:47] Speaker D: Okay, well, you get it right, because we're in Underworld. This is where the ghosts go to do their thing after they're no longer around anymore. It would make sense that we can see them in their kind of place. [01:32:04] Speaker A: Yeah, it's just usually folks don't mention seeing them when I'm around, too, so it's nice that I'm not the only. [01:32:11] Speaker C: One you see them when we're usually not in a place like this. [01:32:16] Speaker A: Yeah, they're pretty much everywhere. [01:32:20] Speaker B: Yes. [01:32:25] Speaker C: That'S definitely something to talk about around the dinner table at some point. [01:32:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I was about to say it's curious. So it's as if some of them don't quite make it where they're supposed to go. [01:32:36] Speaker A: Yeah. They're not all happy, but most of them seem to be distracted, from what I understand. [01:32:46] Speaker D: Right. Well, we have a sword to find. Looking around, is there anything of. [01:32:56] Speaker B: Roleplay? My bad, Oliver. [01:33:01] Speaker D: Yes. [01:33:01] Speaker B: And Coda, what you two recognize. And it takes a minute because at first you think it's just like wear and tear on the side of a building. But as you move through the city, the streets, the crowded kind of narrow streets of the city, you look up and you realize that every now and then you walk by a building that looks like. [01:33:30] Speaker A: It's. [01:33:33] Speaker B: Almost like it's crumbling before your eyes, slowly but visibly. [01:33:46] Speaker D: Well, that is strange. [01:33:51] Speaker C: Well, I guess it kind of makes sense since everything that dies appears here. [01:34:01] Speaker D: Also, what I read was that basically anything that's broken or destroyed ends up here. Because to the Japanese, everything has a soul. So when something breaks, it dies, sort of looking around. Oh, sorry. [01:34:22] Speaker B: You all round a corner, and you round a corner into what you realize after a moment is like a market esque district. And there's an old woman who looks like she doesn't look Japanese, she looks white, she looks Caucasian, and she's in thread bear clothing that looks like it might have come from, like, the notice that she has visible signs of, like, rot to her skin. Her hair is stringy and looks like it has been falling out of her scalp and clumps. And she's just sort of shuffling, and she looks like she's barely cognizant of the world around her. And you would assume because of the way everybody else has reacted, that as you draw closer and she kind of shuffles across your path, that she would notice you, but she doesn't seem to. Instead, her head sort of lifts like she's looking around kind of in this bewildered, dazed state. And then you hear her take in a little breath, and then a stiff breeze goes by, and she literally just disintegrates in front of you. And it's like the ashes that were her get swept away by the wind, like she was never there. [01:36:03] Speaker D: Looking around based off of thaT, and also the crumbling building we saw earlier, is anyone looking at this strangely, or is this just totally normal to. [01:36:13] Speaker B: It seems pretty normal. People don't seem to notice. You do notice that some buildings don't seem completely untouched, and they are all buildings that you have seen in either artwork or pictures before. I'll say Oliver specifically is the one who recognizes that, because you've got so many dots in epic intelligence, places that seem distinctly historical and important almost seem like they are immune to whatever it is that just happened to her. [01:36:55] Speaker C: Now, this is going to sound ridiculous, you know, so I've watched. Do you think she drifted or died again because no one's framed remembers her? [01:37:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I was about to say the same thing. I think of her then certain cultures that, or at least it's the idea that you die once when you die, and then you die a second time when no one remembers you anymore. And maybe that's what's happening here. People only stick around for as long as they're remembered in the living world. [01:37:40] Speaker A: Do we count? [01:37:43] Speaker D: We're still alive, Clint, so, no, we should be fine. [01:37:45] Speaker A: No, I mean, if we look at them, talk to them, get to know them, learn their names, learn about them, and then go back once we're all done, what do you think happens to them? [01:37:57] Speaker D: I'm not sure. It might work, but since we're scions, it might not work the same way. [01:38:09] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, messing with ghosts, they're not wanting to be messed with usually ain't a good idea anyhow, but it still begs the question, and now I'm all sorts of curious. [01:38:23] Speaker C: Oh. [01:38:26] Speaker D: Right. [01:38:28] Speaker C: This is kind of silly, but do you think they have, like, an office here in the underworld? That's, like, maybe they can dictate where some people are. Or not. [01:38:43] Speaker D: I'm not sure. If it was a celestial bureaucracy, I would say maybe, but this is different. When I was reading earlier, one of the goddesses is the ruler down here. Maybe she dictates some of that, but I couldn't tell you. [01:39:03] Speaker A: Weren't they all talking to each other? More or less. They seem to be able to communicate. If they're able to Chatter amongst each other, they might have some sort of organization. [01:39:17] Speaker D: Maybe, but what would we do with that? How's that going to help us? [01:39:24] Speaker A: Well, we're looking for someone to talk to, right? [01:39:28] Speaker D: I mean, we're looking for a sword. [01:39:30] Speaker A: Well, yeah, fair enough. [01:39:32] Speaker C: Above the table. Storyteller, did we get. We got shown a picture of what the person looked like, correct? Yes. [01:39:46] Speaker B: Okay. [01:39:50] Speaker C: We got shown a picture, but we didn't get handed a right. [01:39:53] Speaker B: Correct. [01:39:56] Speaker C: Well, still, Coda will say to the guys, well, we got shown a picture of this person, and, I mean, maybe a good place for us to start is maybe somewhere that was important to them. [01:40:12] Speaker D: Well, I also have my spells. I could just give us Eriatini's thread straight to either him or the sword. [01:40:18] Speaker C: That's true. [01:40:20] Speaker D: So I did with the dragonstone, which led to this thing, and I point to Bramp and then kind of give him a scratch on the. [01:40:31] Speaker A: Scary chair. [01:40:34] Speaker D: All right, what do we want to do? Do we want to find the scion or the sword itself? [01:40:42] Speaker A: Well, from what I understand, that scion ain't exactly going to be much use to us, is he? [01:40:48] Speaker D: I would agree. Our job is to get the sword, and if I can take us straight to that can sort of just cut out the middleman. I was just wondering if maybe you would have information. But we don't need to go to him. [01:41:04] Speaker C: It's true. But we should be careful where we try to see where the sword is, because they were killed. So the sword may be where? [01:41:15] Speaker D: Well, based on what I know, I'm thinking maybe either it got lost down here when the scion was here as well, or it got broken when it was in the Overworld, and that's why it ended up down. [01:41:34] Speaker C: Implied, Oliver. [01:41:35] Speaker B: It was implied that the scion died and thus couldn't bring the sword back. Now, didn't say where he died. Didn't say how he died. Just said that he died. [01:41:51] Speaker A: Yeah, well, if someone dead is going to be walking and talking anywhere, it's going to be here, right? [01:41:58] Speaker D: That is true. Find it. So, yeah, crack open the book, and for Flavor's sake, I'll start casting Ariadne's thread, which just kind of describe what it looks like. It probably looks like I'm bringing out a Sort of, like, spool of this kind of golden thread of fate and just kind of pulling it and letting it kind of spin and then tossing it out and let it just kind of, like, sift through the air and almost slither, leading us to the way we need to go. [01:42:30] Speaker B: Oliver pulls out this bundle of thread. You know how they're wrapped up and they frequently look almost like a ball? And he kind of wraps one end of it around his finger, and he tosses the ball forward. And you guys watch as the ball kind of rolls a little bit and then takes a hard right turn and continues on all on its own. Clint, you've seen this before. It's a little bit more in your face and impressive here because you guys are dealing with buildings, whereas when you were in Magmel, it was a lot more like wide open spaces. [01:43:23] Speaker A: That's a lot of zigzags. [01:43:26] Speaker D: Needs to take surround, a lot more obstacles. I enrolled any successes. So it's going to last a day. It's just not going to last any longer after that, unless I spend legend. We're in an underworld, so it feels like there's some interference going on here. It's not going to last forever. So we have about 24 hours before I lose this unless I really focus on it. [01:43:50] Speaker A: Well, let's not dally too much then. [01:43:54] Speaker B: Yeah, indeed. [01:43:55] Speaker C: Keep that in your pocket. [01:43:58] Speaker D: Well, it's magic stuff, so it's like real but not real. It's a whole. [01:44:03] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [01:44:06] Speaker B: All right, Oliver, your thread extends off into the distance of Yomi, winding between buildings, seeming to ignore the ghosts that passes by, stretching off into the distance. [01:44:25] Speaker D: I will proceed to follow it and lead the way. Okay. [01:44:39] Speaker B: Do you. [01:44:52] Speaker C: Follow. [01:44:54] Speaker B: Follow the thread through this marketplace and pass that out past the edges of a city into a place that looks like. It looks like a war zone, but a war zone, the sections of which have been plucked from various chapters of Japan's history. You see burnt out villages next to tumbled castles, next to more modern buildings that look like they may have been bombed and are in various states of rubble. Everyone that you see here, they're a little bit more spread out, but everyone that you see here is in armor or carrying a weapon, and they're from all different ages. You see a man carrying a katana next to a soldier, like a modern soldier carrying a rifle. There isn't any active combat happening, but walking through this feels like walking through a place where war, just like it just settled into a ceasefire. [01:46:38] Speaker D: Starting to dawn on me that we've been to three afterlifes in about a week, or at least, Clint, I have. [01:46:49] Speaker A: We're hitting them all, aren't we? [01:46:52] Speaker D: Certainly seems like it. [01:46:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like Disney's drinks drink around the world, but instead it's underworld. Although I guess I've only been to two now. [01:47:06] Speaker B: Just to clarify, for Oliver's sake, technically, Asgard is an afterlife, but not an. [01:47:15] Speaker D: Think. Did I say afterlife or did I use the word underworld? [01:47:19] Speaker B: It's just important to recognize the difference because not all of the dead from the ACR end up in Asgard. [01:47:26] Speaker D: Gotcha. [01:47:28] Speaker B: Like, they do have, like, a proper end. You just happen to go to a place where very particular dead go. Okay, you all are walking kind of towards, but slightly off to the side of what you realize looking up is actually a mountain. Like, you're not quite walking away from it, but you're not really walking towards it either. It's like you're walking at a diagonal. Um, it looks like the. [01:48:09] Speaker C: The. [01:48:12] Speaker B: Thread kind of winds its way to the. To an area just south of this massive mountain that kind of rises up in the middle of everything. But in order to get there, you have to walk through this burnt out, bombed out war zone. [01:48:40] Speaker A: We're in for a pleasant jaunt, aren't we? [01:48:44] Speaker D: It seems like it. Looking out over this kind of war zone, does it look like we could kind of walk through it, or are we going to need to? Is it going to be somewhat dangerous for us? [01:49:01] Speaker B: Hard to tell. You don't know if there are, like, landmines in the afterlife. [01:49:10] Speaker A: Ian, you mind getting up there, spreading out, and letting us know if there's anything spooky waiting for us? [01:49:17] Speaker B: Ian gets a little squawk of affirmation and flies up into the air. [01:49:24] Speaker A: All right, flock out. [01:49:34] Speaker D: Good call. I think we're definitely Going to need to stay on guard going through that. [01:49:42] Speaker A: It also helps put me at ease a little bit, to be honest. Seeing that he's able to spread his wings and fly around means if I had to jump out of the way of something I can move. [01:49:54] Speaker D: Yeah, we're underground, but it's spacious and open. [01:50:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:50:01] Speaker C: How far does it look like we need to go? [01:50:05] Speaker B: It's a decent distance. You're probably going to be walking for a few hours at least. [01:50:12] Speaker A: We should have brought the audiobook with us. [01:50:15] Speaker D: I mean, I have my phone. That's where I normally play it from. [01:50:22] Speaker A: Do you download them or do you stream them? [01:50:25] Speaker D: They're just, like, downloaded on BS. [01:50:28] Speaker A: Oh, heck yeah. Let's listen to them then. [01:50:31] Speaker D: We could, but we also might want to have our ears peeled for danger. [01:50:36] Speaker A: We can listen to it at a reasonable volume. [01:50:42] Speaker C: The ground. [01:50:43] Speaker B: Oh, sorry. What about the ground? [01:50:48] Speaker C: Is it, like, formerly muddy? Does it look like there's footsteps that's been preserved? [01:50:55] Speaker B: Not really, no. Try. [01:51:00] Speaker C: Because Coda was thinking maybe we could just walk in the footsteps that are still preserved. Because if they're not blown to pieces, that means you can walk there. [01:51:10] Speaker B: No looking around, because you guys are occasionally seeing modern buildings next to castles, next to burnt out villages. It doesn't seem like there's much of a rhyme or reason as to why things pop up in a specific place. [01:51:30] Speaker C: Copy. [01:51:34] Speaker D: Neither of you would have any way of testing for landmines, would you? [01:51:40] Speaker C: No. [01:51:40] Speaker D: Official scion powers for landmines. [01:51:44] Speaker C: Not scion powers, but toaster strudels. I could just toss them. [01:51:52] Speaker B: How many toaster strudels do you have, Coda. [01:52:00] Speaker D: Well, that'll help initially, but we're going to be walking for a few hours, so I think we're going to need a lot of toaster shuddles. [01:52:08] Speaker C: Well, you don't throw a whole toaster shuddle. You break it up into pieces. That's just wasteful. [01:52:14] Speaker A: It's a good point. Yeah. Well, ain't they got to be heavy enough to set them? [01:52:19] Speaker D: I was about to say it needs to have a certain amount of weight for it to actually act. [01:52:23] Speaker C: How many books do you have? [01:52:25] Speaker D: I'm not throwing my books. That's out of the question. [01:52:30] Speaker C: But I have to throw my toaster strudEl. [01:52:32] Speaker D: You don't offer that. I didn't tell you to. [01:52:35] Speaker C: That's true. You're right. [01:52:42] Speaker D: I'd rather just step on the mind myself. [01:52:45] Speaker A: You think maybe we could just talk to the folks walking around or following how they're walking? I know there's many of them, but there's a few. [01:52:56] Speaker B: There are people. [01:52:57] Speaker C: That doesn't hurt. Yeah. [01:53:00] Speaker B: So far, everybody that you've gotten close to has kind of seemed like they were avoiding you. But there are people. [01:53:07] Speaker D: I don't think they want to talk to us. And since they're less than corporeal, they might not trigger any if they're down there. But we can try to corner one. I don't know if that'd be very fair to them, though. [01:53:21] Speaker A: Well, if we don't need to corner them, just corral them along until we get to where we need to be, and then we say thank you for the company, and let them be, and. [01:53:31] Speaker C: We just be respectful. Yeah, as much as we can. [01:53:39] Speaker D: Again, my point is that since they're ghosts, they might not set them off anyway because they kind of don't have weight anymore. [01:53:47] Speaker C: Maybe. [01:53:47] Speaker D: I don't know how it works. [01:53:49] Speaker B: Hold on. I have a question. Was the proposal really to just corral a bunch of ghosts and make them walk in front of you so that they'd get blown up and not you? [01:54:01] Speaker C: I want to say what? [01:54:05] Speaker B: That's what it sounded like. [01:54:07] Speaker A: Figure they know where they are if they've been down here this long, so. [01:54:12] Speaker D: They know how to avoid the potential mind. [01:54:14] Speaker B: Okay. [01:54:14] Speaker A: Right. [01:54:15] Speaker B: The use of the word corral implied that they weren't going to have a choice. [01:54:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:54:22] Speaker B: And I was just like, I see the confusion. [01:54:24] Speaker D: Yeah, it's dark. [01:54:28] Speaker B: Clint just went from lawful good to chaotic neutral. [01:54:36] Speaker D: How about this? We don't want to disturb them if we're kind of intruding down here. So we'll try to wave one down, and if they still ignore us and walk away, then it's probably safe to assume we're not really supposed to interact with them. [01:54:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:54:54] Speaker D: Best case scenario, they are open to talk to us, and we can ask about potential dangers of landmines or other things and go from there. Worst case, we pray. [01:55:08] Speaker A: Yeah, I like that idea. [01:55:10] Speaker B: Just going to put it out there. There are, like, roads that you guys can just foLlow. [01:55:17] Speaker D: There might be landmines and roads. [01:55:19] Speaker A: Clint is texting Mom. [01:55:22] Speaker C: And Coda is. [01:55:26] Speaker D: Coda. [01:55:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll be right behind you. Clint follows along while head down. [01:55:34] Speaker B: Are you guys looking for somebody to try and talk to, or are you just walking? [01:55:38] Speaker D: As we get close, I'll try to kind of wave someone down and see how they react. [01:55:43] Speaker C: And, yeah, Coda is just following the road, but if she sees Oliver go off, then she'll wait for. [01:55:52] Speaker B: Oliver. I guess charisma and presence. [01:56:00] Speaker D: Okay. [01:56:03] Speaker B: See if you can get past the fact that they're not super into outsiders. [01:56:10] Speaker D: Well, that's kind of the whole point. It's just the way to be, like, are you even going to bother talking to me, or is it just like, no, get out of here. That is 12345, I think. Five. Yeah, five. [01:56:23] Speaker C: Okay. [01:56:24] Speaker B: All right. Most of them kind of pointedly look the other way and continue on about their business. Like, they kind of stop. They give you, like, the once over and then walk away. Oliver, it is the kind of look that you really haven't gotten since, like, high school. Like, when you were in high school and you were still kind of like the dweeb people would kind of look at you, decide that you were just not worth their time and move on. But one young man is there, and he's wearing. It's almost like a robe, and he's got a katana on his belt. [01:57:15] Speaker C: And. [01:57:16] Speaker B: He kind of pauses, and he looks around, and then he looks at you, and then he looks around. It's like he's not sure who you're trying to talk to. He doesn't entirely buy that you're trying to talk to him. But eventually, he just sort of takes a deep breath and lets it out, and then walks over towards you. [01:57:44] Speaker A: Hi. [01:57:45] Speaker D: And I'm going to change the language I'm speaking to the one I've been hearing them speak, I assume. Yeah. Sorry to disturb you. Very sorry, but we're just sort of passing through here, and due to the kind of appearance of a landscape, we were just wondering if you knew if there was any dangers we should look out for. [01:58:06] Speaker B: He looks a little confused for a moment. Not most places. As long as you don't fight anyone, they won't fight you. [01:58:17] Speaker D: All right, good. And just the kind of general area itself. I'll just kind of, like, gesture around me. We're not going to run the risk of stepping anywhere bad and have bad things happen to us as a response. Right? [01:58:32] Speaker B: Shouldn't be. No. [01:58:35] Speaker D: All right, good. Thank you for your time. Again, very sorry. [01:58:39] Speaker B: You're new. Not from here. [01:58:46] Speaker D: No, not from here and still alive. [01:58:52] Speaker B: Don't go to the poison sun ward. [01:58:55] Speaker D: The poison sun ward? How come? What's that? [01:59:06] Speaker B: Poison sun Ward. Monsters come from there. [01:59:09] Speaker D: I see. Well, thank you very much. I'll keep that in mind. [01:59:18] Speaker B: And he'll kind of nod a little bit. [01:59:21] Speaker D: I will nod in return. [01:59:26] Speaker B: He looks a little confused, but he turns and walks away. Because you don't seem to have any other questions or. What did he think? Specific. So he turns and leaves. [01:59:36] Speaker D: Yeah. I'll go back to the group. All right. Good news and bad news. It seems like favorite game these days. Good news is we should be fine to walk around. And the bad news is he said, don't go to a place called the Poison Sun Ward, and knowing our luck, that is probably where the sword is going to be. [01:59:56] Speaker C: Perfect. [01:59:59] Speaker A: Did he say why not to go there? [02:00:02] Speaker D: It's just a very dangerous, bad place where monsters and bad things happen. [02:00:07] Speaker C: Sounds like that's where we're going. [02:00:09] Speaker D: Yeah, exactly. It's a labor. [02:00:14] Speaker C: All right, well, then on we go. [02:00:17] Speaker D: Indeed. [02:00:21] Speaker C: Okay. [02:00:22] Speaker B: You all walk on. It takes a couple of hours to get there, but eventually you end up walking up towards a place where there are high walls and large, heavy gates. [02:00:41] Speaker A: Oliver, are there any signs that say Poison Ward? [02:00:48] Speaker B: There are no signs, however, comma. Ian is flying around above, and he squawks a little bit and soars down and lands on Clint's shoulder. Something's wrong behind the. [02:01:07] Speaker A: Like. What do you mean? What kind of wrong? [02:01:11] Speaker B: Everything is yellow and glowy. [02:01:15] Speaker A: Well, I don't sound right. Everything's black and white down here, and there are. [02:01:24] Speaker B: I don't know. There's something big in the middle. [02:01:27] Speaker A: Did it look like a sword? No, it weren't shiny. [02:01:33] Speaker B: It was glowing, but it was not shiny. Okay, it was sickly. [02:01:40] Speaker A: Oh, well, that sounds bad. [02:01:42] Speaker B: But big. [02:01:46] Speaker A: Y'All. Ian is saying that there's something gross, big and glowy up ahead on the other side of this here wall. [02:01:54] Speaker D: So there's something big and gross. Poisonous? You could say glowing, like, perhaps the sun behind these walls. A ward, perchance. [02:02:10] Speaker A: I fail to see where you're going. [02:02:12] Speaker D: We're at the poison sunboard. [02:02:14] Speaker A: Oh. Is there a sign that said that? [02:02:19] Speaker D: Yes. Sure. Was Clint all right in the way? [02:02:26] Speaker A: Well, Ian, probably don't get too close to it, but it's okay if you want to fly back up there, keep an eye on things for us. [02:02:35] Speaker C: I don't. [02:02:39] Speaker A: You stay with me. [02:02:41] Speaker B: No, not if you're going in there, I'm not. [02:02:44] Speaker A: Yeah, we think we might have to go in there for a sword. [02:02:50] Speaker D: I feel like I know the answer, but is the thread pointing, like, straight in there? [02:02:53] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Directly through one of the walls. [02:02:56] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [02:02:56] Speaker B: Not even into the gate, like, through the wall itself. [02:03:04] Speaker C: Great. Coda's going to look to Pele and go, how are you feeling about all this? [02:03:13] Speaker B: If the bird says he's not going in, I'm not going. [02:03:17] Speaker C: Okay, she'll lower him down and scratch his head and go. Stay safe out. Right. [02:03:27] Speaker D: I'll look at Bram. What are you thinking? [02:03:31] Speaker B: Bram chirps. Bram is a few hours old. [02:03:36] Speaker D: There is not a single thought in your head. [02:03:39] Speaker C: She'll look at Bella and go, can you keep an eye on the baby. [02:03:42] Speaker B: Fine. I'll babysit the brat. [02:03:46] Speaker C: Good. [02:03:47] Speaker B: Ian, I'm not going to save him if he wanders off into some nasty things clutches. [02:03:53] Speaker C: Please do. I'll give you whole tuna. [02:03:58] Speaker B: Two tunas. [02:04:00] Speaker C: Two whole tunas. Fresh off the boat. [02:04:06] Speaker B: Wine. [02:04:08] Speaker C: Thank you. [02:04:13] Speaker A: All right. Well, knowing that the critters are going to be out here, Ian, you still want to stay out here with them? [02:04:20] Speaker B: Yes. I can fly. [02:04:24] Speaker A: Fair enough. [02:04:25] Speaker B: I'm not going past the walls. Gross. Don't like it. Feels wrong. [02:04:36] Speaker D: I guess I will take Bram off my shoulder, put him on the ground, and just kind of point a single finger at him. Now, I'm going to leave you with pellet, and you're going to be nice, and you're not going to hiss at the cat that is our friend, that is going to be taking care of you or the bird, both of which are friends. Do you understand? [02:04:58] Speaker B: Bram sort of tilts his head to the side a little bit, and his little wings kind of shiver and shake and stretch a little bit, and he takes a couple wadly steps towards you like he's ready to follow you. [02:05:13] Speaker D: There's not a single thought in your head. [02:05:15] Speaker C: Oh, dear. [02:05:18] Speaker D: I don't know if I can get him to stay out here. [02:05:21] Speaker A: I mean, what's the worst that happens? We bring him in there, he learns how to fight, or he dies. Oh, well, yeah, that don't sound like a good thing. [02:05:32] Speaker B: Aile sort of wanders over to Bram and circles him for a minute, and then not so gracefully, sort of like, pounces him. He's gentle, but he pounces him and puts his whole fucking weight on Bram so that Bram is forced to roll onto his side, and all Koda hears is, you better go before I change my mind. [02:06:01] Speaker C: Thank you, too. Nice. All right, let's go, she says to the group. [02:06:07] Speaker D: Okay. [02:06:10] Speaker B: All right, you all turn and walk off. Oliver. Bram is giving noises of protest. He sounds deeply unhappy, but he doesn't sound like he's in pain. [02:06:20] Speaker D: I know. [02:06:26] Speaker A: If I didn't know no better, Oliver, it sounds like it's crying for you. [02:06:30] Speaker D: Shut up. I'm going to turn around really quick and walk over to Bram, take out, like, one of the little food rations we had, feed it to him, and then quickly walk away again, catch up to the others. [02:06:40] Speaker C: It's always hard dropping them off at. [02:06:44] Speaker A: I ain't so sure that was a good idea. Usually if they're crying and you walk right back to them, they learn that they cry and you come back to them. [02:06:52] Speaker D: I felt bad. [02:06:56] Speaker A: Well, we don't need you feeling any worse. That's okay. We'll still teach. Maybe it's best if we teach them while we're not in the underworld. [02:07:05] Speaker D: Good plan. [02:07:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:07:12] Speaker B: All right, you all make your way towards the walls and to large, heavy gates. The first thing you notice when you get close is that there are, like, people nearby and they all kind of, like, perk up and are watching you suspiciously as you walk towards the gates, but are not following. [02:07:40] Speaker D: Great. Looking at the gates, does it look like it's locked or chained or anything? Or is it just like we could just open it? [02:07:52] Speaker B: There are chains. They don't look like they're hugely heavy. They're definitely not the kind of chains that were holding Stefan in place. [02:08:02] Speaker A: Can I pick up on why they decided not to follow? [02:08:06] Speaker B: Um, not yet. [02:08:09] Speaker A: Okay, fair enough. [02:08:15] Speaker B: Ian implied that he didn't like this place, that there was something wrong with it. That's kind of all. You know. [02:08:23] Speaker A: That seems fine enough to me already. Yes. [02:08:33] Speaker D: I say we make this quick, because I have no idea what's going to happen to us on the other side of this place. [02:08:38] Speaker B: All right, are you guys going to try and climb over the gate? Are you going to try and break the chains and go in? What are you going to do? I think pretty fucking tall. Clint could get over it, but only because he has the sky per view. Kind of tall. [02:08:57] Speaker A: Yeah. I can throw you all over if need be. [02:09:01] Speaker B: Give them a boost. [02:09:03] Speaker A: Yeah, boost. A toss. The same thing. [02:09:06] Speaker C: Yeah, because I'm a bit concerned to break the chains. [02:09:09] Speaker D: Me as well. They're there for a reason. [02:09:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:09:13] Speaker D: Good job. [02:09:15] Speaker A: Well, if we kill it, it's no need to be chained up no more. [02:09:19] Speaker D: I don't think we're here to kill it. Or if we even can. It's been here imaginably a very long time. If the guy I was talking to, who looks like he was from far older times than us, knew about it. [02:09:37] Speaker A: They're all ghosts. And we're a little bit stronger than ghosts. [02:09:42] Speaker D: And I don't think we're the only sans that have passed through here. We're here to collect a sword. A sword that's taking us in there, which to me, since the sion who owned it died, means whoever's in there potentially killed him, which means we could potentially die. So I think we do what we came, what we were told to do, and we get out very quickly and. [02:10:07] Speaker C: Maybe don't break the chains. [02:10:08] Speaker D: And don't break the chains. [02:10:10] Speaker C: Or if we can lock, pick it. [02:10:14] Speaker B: I don't have a lock pick. [02:10:16] Speaker D: No, we do not. [02:10:18] Speaker A: My question for you here is, okay, say we get on there and the other side, we hop on over. Are we sure we can hop on over back? [02:10:32] Speaker D: Good question. But it's a matter of risking. Can we hop on over back, or do breaking the chains release a lot of bad things into this afterlife or underworld? [02:10:52] Speaker A: It's a risk either way. Yes, sir. But, hey, Mr. B, I'm trusting your judgment on this one. [02:11:01] Speaker D: I think it's a risk between risking ourselves and risking an entire underworld full of people. When it comes to that, I vote for us. [02:11:12] Speaker A: All right. [02:11:14] Speaker C: Oda is actually going to look at the lock to see if it is somewhat pickable. [02:11:20] Speaker B: You get the feeling you could pick it if you had the tools? [02:11:24] Speaker C: What if I had a sword? [02:11:28] Speaker B: Okay, that's not picking it, that's just breaking it. [02:11:31] Speaker D: That's just breaking. You can change the shape of it. Can it change to a lockpick? [02:11:38] Speaker B: No, it's got two forms. It's a baseball bat and a copacion. That's it. [02:11:44] Speaker C: Okay, I have a question. So she has two dots in larceny. Larson. Larceny. Larceny. Is it possible with her slick wits and her dots and larceny, could she figure out with whatever tool or whatever non like hiking crap that we have in our bag, can she Jerry rig a lock pick to pick this lock? [02:12:12] Speaker B: I have a question. [02:12:14] Speaker C: Yes? [02:12:15] Speaker B: Does Koda wear bobby pins ever? [02:12:18] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, I got this. [02:12:22] Speaker B: You could attempt to pick it because you have bobby pins. [02:12:27] Speaker C: Sick. Cool. [02:12:32] Speaker B: Coda. [02:12:32] Speaker C: While they're talking, she's just going to kind of look it over and be. [02:12:34] Speaker B: Like, make me wits and larceny if you're going to attempt to pick the lock. [02:12:42] Speaker C: Crossing my fingers. One, two, three. Can I use my virtue as well? Like, conviction virtue. [02:12:54] Speaker B: I don't think that conviction is going to help you pick a lock. [02:13:00] Speaker C: Duty. [02:13:08] Speaker B: I will allow you. Yeah, I'll allow you to spend a willpower and add your duty score. Just make sure that you mark off one of those dice, because the next time you need to roll duty, you're only going to have two dice instead of three. [02:13:25] Speaker C: Copy, Captain. [02:13:27] Speaker B: Duty it. [02:13:30] Speaker C: Two, three. Okay. Absolutely consular. One, two. Oh, okay. [02:13:50] Speaker B: 12345. [02:13:52] Speaker C: And then I have one epic six successes. [02:13:58] Speaker B: The lock opens with a click. [02:14:02] Speaker C: Cool. So while they're talking, she's just going to take her bobby pin out and kind of be like. And just like fiddling around with it. And then when it pops open, she's going to be like, shit. [02:14:12] Speaker B: It does work. [02:14:15] Speaker A: What works? [02:14:17] Speaker C: I just picked a lock. [02:14:19] Speaker B: You guys look up in time to watch the chains kind of slide and slither and clatter to the ground. And Coda is holding the lock in her. [02:14:30] Speaker D: Oh, well, that also works. [02:14:35] Speaker B: These large, heavy gateS, one of them kind of swings inward just a few inches, and as it swings inward, you guys are able to see coda kind of backlit by the sickly greenish yellow light. And you hear a otherworldly sound that is somewhere between a screech and a howl from behind the wall. [02:15:03] Speaker A: That sounds like our invitation right there. [02:15:07] Speaker C: Is it a familiar howl? [02:15:10] Speaker B: No. Between a screech and a howl, it's more ghostly than Wolfie. [02:15:16] Speaker C: Okay, good. [02:15:19] Speaker D: So are we going to lock it behind us or wait until we leave? [02:15:25] Speaker A: It's a good question. Think if we were worried about it escaping while we were in there or having the gates open, we might want to close them behind us until we're done here. [02:15:37] Speaker C: Yeah. If we all agree, I can close the lock. [02:15:44] Speaker D: I'm just wondering if we might have to leave in a hurry. [02:15:47] Speaker A: Well, we were already planning to jump back over anyways. [02:15:51] Speaker D: That is true. It's just you would have to ferry us one at a time while an open gate we can quickly burst through. Let's lock it. I'm more concerned with keeping whatever's in here. In here. And we're just going to have to deal with consequences. [02:16:09] Speaker A: Yeah. You all have helped me a lot so far. I don't mind helping you all get back over. [02:16:14] Speaker C: Perfect. Koda will lock it once we get through the gate. [02:16:22] Speaker B: Okay, you all. I'm not entirely sure how you would lock it on the other side, but we'll say that two of you kind of step through and then clip can lock it and jump over. Sky purview. [02:16:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:16:50] Speaker C: Okay. [02:16:54] Speaker B: You all find yourself standing in what you realize now looking out around you is incredibly familiar to anyone who has studied World War II. You are looking at what you imagine is Nagasaki just before the bomb hit. Except that there's no people. Everything is bathed in a sickly greenish yellow radiance that seems to be radiating from deep within the heart of this area towards you. Every so often, you catch flickers of movement out of the corner of your eye, but the second you turn your head to look, you don't see anything. It is somehow both cold and hot here. You feel like the icker in your blood is somehow freezing and burning the same time. CLint, you feel death here, but this isn't the kind of comfortable, um. [02:18:36] Speaker C: Cool. [02:18:36] Speaker B: Embrace that you've become accustomed to when you encounter the dead. This is something evil. [02:18:55] Speaker A: Are you all sure we're not supposed to kill this thing? I'm getting some heebie GB's off of it mighty strong. [02:19:04] Speaker D: I don't deny it would be a good thing to kill the bad stuff, but I don't know if we have the capacity for it. [02:19:11] Speaker A: Why not? We can at least try and run away. [02:19:14] Speaker D: If we get hurt or one of. [02:19:16] Speaker C: Us dies, how about we find the sword, get it at least out of the area, and if we happen to run into the thing, then maybe we bash its head in. But we do have a higher priority. [02:19:36] Speaker A: We do. I agree, but I was thinking back to we're scions. We're supposed to be doing the impossible, trying to do the right thing and facing down impossible ODs and tasks that are more than just they let on. We were just sent here to get a sword. That's like saying I'm just meant to make vegetarian barbecue. There's more than we're thinking about here. You don't think we got some sort of duty to it? [02:20:08] Speaker D: I agree, Clint, but sometimes things are above our pay grade, and I'm not letting one of my friends die. [02:20:19] Speaker C: Again. [02:20:19] Speaker A: All right, well, since you called us your friends, I guess. [02:20:25] Speaker D: Yes. Again, yes. That's all. Let's just get in and get out. [02:20:36] Speaker B: Along the way, I would like each of you to roll me. Your roll me. Your willpower. Your unspent willpower. [02:21:06] Speaker D: Three. [02:21:21] Speaker B: Oda. [02:21:23] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. [02:21:30] Speaker B: As you all continue on into this place, you all realize that what was a generally unpleasant feeling. Being here is painful, but not in the physical sense. It's like your soul is suffering its own unique kind of damage and pressure. Coda, you having had to get used to bearing a true name and dealing with that weight on your shoulders. And, Clint, you having borne this new fate thread from having touched the throne of the king of the, um. You two have, like, a distinct advantage to understanding what's happening here that Oliver does not, in that there are certain effects that impact those who have divine blood in ways that they do not impact mortals. You get the feeling that if a normal ghost or a mortal, living or not, tried to step foot in this place, it would eat away at them until there was nothing left very, very rapidly, or it would warp them into something that they're not. And if it were a god who tried to set foot here, it would do untold damage, or they wouldn't be able to be here at all because you are somewhere between the two. You can be here and you can bear it, but it is incredibly painful and unpleasant. It feels like something is slowly burning away at your soul, starting at the edges. [02:23:58] Speaker A: Not comfy? [02:24:00] Speaker D: Yeah, let's make it quick. [02:24:06] Speaker A: Yeah, somehow I think quick is going to be a fond memory once we're in here. [02:24:14] Speaker B: Okay, because you all have entered a distinctly unfriendly territory, I would like all of you to roll, join battle so that I have your order now. [02:24:36] Speaker D: Two. [02:24:40] Speaker A: Three. [02:24:45] Speaker C: O da da. [02:24:47] Speaker B: Zero. [02:24:52] Speaker C: But I have a. What is this thing called? [02:24:58] Speaker B: Single epic. [02:25:01] Speaker C: No, I have. Where is that? Oh, it's opening gambit. Oh, wait. You know, I do have a single epic, though. [02:25:13] Speaker B: Yeah, you do have a single epic. I would say let's not use opening gambit yet, because you're not actually in combat right now. It's just that there are, like, area effects, and I need to keep track. [02:25:25] Speaker C: Copy, Captain. Sit in yet? One. [02:25:32] Speaker B: Okay, how are you all going to approach this? Are you just marching through the empty streets of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, or are you taking a particular approach? Are you going to be trained? Be stealthy? What are you doing? [02:25:53] Speaker D: It doesn't look like there's any, like. Actually. Well, no. I was about to ask any blatant danger, but the guy told me that monsters come from here. I have thread, so I guess I'm leading the way. But I think we should be quick. But also keep to the shadows if we can. We don't know what else could be in here with us. [02:26:21] Speaker A: We can try being quick and quiet. Yes, sir. [02:26:25] Speaker C: Yeah, and Coda just has her head on a swivel. However, she is not. Cats don't have heckles. Right? Her hair is on the edge, essentially. Okay. [02:26:42] Speaker B: All right, so I would like Coda to make me perception awareness, and I would like Clint and Oliver to make me decks and stealth. Okay. [02:27:04] Speaker D: We keep doing this to ourselves. [02:27:06] Speaker B: You do seven. Damn. [02:27:12] Speaker D: Coda. Two from epics. [02:27:17] Speaker C: Yeah, no, Coda's not playing. [02:27:19] Speaker A: That'd be zero. [02:27:23] Speaker B: All right, well, it's a good thing that Coda has her head on a swivel, because y'all suck at this. [02:27:31] Speaker D: He stepped on my foot. [02:27:34] Speaker B: Oliver is trying so hard to be stealthy. The problem is that Clint is a big boy and he's jumpy, despite how tough and strong he is. You've seen him do incredible, almost impossible things. So it's od that he is so unaware and unable to keep himself moving smoothly and quietly. [02:28:13] Speaker A: I forgot we were trying to be quiet. [02:28:17] Speaker B: At one point, he stumbles over a rock, and he steps on Oliver's foot. And Oliver lets out this little yelp and Coda. Your head snaps around towards them and you go to shush them. And just before the sound can leave your mouth, you hear another noise from right behind Coda. And when you turn, there is what looks like a figure that might have been an old woman, but her fingers are long and gnarled, and her nails are these long kind of talon sharp things. And her skin looks like it's been eaten away and burned away in places. And she's glowing, and there's like, the wounds are kind of open and seeping and what's coming out of them is literally, like, neon greenish yellow. And she swipes at Coda, and we are officially in combat. And I have to find the right things because I accidentally scrawled away from my stats. [02:29:53] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [02:29:53] Speaker B: Hold on. Okay. She's going to make a light, unarmed attack at Coda. [02:30:23] Speaker C: Can I do opening gambit now? [02:30:28] Speaker B: If you would like to, you can ensure that you go right after her. Yes. [02:30:45] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll use opening gamut. Okay. [02:30:56] Speaker B: This is. [02:31:01] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. [02:31:08] Speaker B: Yeah, that's not going to hit you. That's only three. I'm assuming three successes does not hit you. [02:31:19] Speaker C: No. What is that against again? I'm re remembering all of this. [02:31:27] Speaker B: Do you need me to send you the quick guide? The cheat sheet? [02:31:36] Speaker C: No, I got it. I can pop that open. [02:31:40] Speaker B: I have my cheat sheet. You should have that open. [02:31:43] Speaker C: Yeah, I have my cheat sheet open. My abilities. [02:31:47] Speaker B: All right, it's against your Perry warrior Dodge. DV. Probably your dodge because you don't have your weapon out. [02:31:54] Speaker C: Probably. Nope. Doesn't even remotely hit me. [02:31:57] Speaker B: Okay. All right. She misses. Coda is going to go first. [02:32:15] Speaker C: Yes. Coda is going to pull her bat, turn it to a sword instead, and swing. [02:32:30] Speaker B: Okay, I'm going to do a couple of rolls. I'm just having the figuring out when the baddies are going to be in the thing. Make your to hit, by the way. I'm just rolling. Join battle stuff. [02:33:18] Speaker C: Only two? [02:33:27] Speaker B: Only two. With your epics. [02:33:33] Speaker C: Oh, sorry. Three. [02:33:39] Speaker B: Doo doo doo doo doo. Yeah, that hits. So you are going to roll. HDV, blah, blah, blah, attack, roll versus defense. We've already done that. So you take your damage bonuses from the weapon, plus either your decks and strength for melee, throne, or perception. And deck. So it's decks and strength. [02:34:11] Speaker C: Yes. [02:34:13] Speaker B: Plus two. [02:34:19] Speaker C: Got you. Wow, that's a lot. Okay. Decks and strength. 1234. [02:34:26] Speaker B: Remember, you don't get dice for your epics. They're just bonuses at the end. [02:34:33] Speaker C: Seven. And then my plus damage. It says plus six. [02:34:43] Speaker B: Your six is probably what you have with everything put together. Or it was before you upgraded. Yeah. [02:34:49] Speaker C: So then I guess that would still say the same, because I haven't changed that. So plus six, and then plus two. Okay. [02:35:02] Speaker B: Holy cow. [02:35:04] Speaker C: Holy smoke. [02:35:05] Speaker B: 24678. Plus. How many epics do you have in. [02:35:12] Speaker C: Strength and decks together? That's three. [02:35:19] Speaker B: Okay. Jesus. All right, let's see what her soak is. It's not much. Oh, well, no, it's actually pretty good. Yours is lethal, right? [02:35:31] Speaker C: Yeah, it's right. [02:35:36] Speaker B: All right, so after soak, you do four levels of damage. [02:35:47] Speaker C: Dang. [02:35:52] Speaker B: Out of twelve. Hey, that's still pretty good. You've officially gotten her into, like, she's taking negatives to her roles now, which is going to make her life or unlife real difficult. All right, let me get all of my joint battle stuff in there. I stopped so that I could do math for you. [02:36:23] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [02:36:24] Speaker B: This is the disadvantage to the storyteller being sick. Guys, my brain's not firing on all cylinders right now. [02:36:31] Speaker C: Coda's gonna her sword and be like, holy shit. Sorry, but, Fuck. [02:36:44] Speaker D: I think it's actively trying to kill us right now. Coda, you don't need to be that sorry. Well, you can be a little bit sorry after what's happened to her because of where we are, but right now. Yeah, we need to kill that again. [02:36:56] Speaker A: You sure we don't need to just. [02:36:58] Speaker D: Hug them this time? I don't think so. Look at her. She's heavily irradiated. [02:37:05] Speaker A: Well, you can't handle a little microwave. [02:37:09] Speaker D: It's not a little bit. It's a lot of brush. [02:37:13] Speaker C: She's glowing. And not like, the good way. [02:37:16] Speaker A: She's radiant. [02:37:18] Speaker B: Okay, so it is her turn again because she doesn't have. That was a surprise round earlier. She stumbles backwards and attempts to swipe at Coda again. Just shy of having penalties. Right. [02:37:49] Speaker C: All right. [02:37:50] Speaker B: Not bad, not bad, not bad. Still doesn't do anything. Still doesn't even come close to Coda's DV. Sucks. [02:38:03] Speaker C: Chilled his duck again. And go. Why? [02:38:07] Speaker D: Well, you're closest to her. [02:38:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:38:13] Speaker B: Clint, your turn. [02:38:15] Speaker A: All right. Clint's going to get his toothpick ready. He's going to lengthen it out, and he's going to give it a quick toss. He readies himself and kind of aims with an outstretched arm. Coda, you might want to duck. Throws it. [02:38:35] Speaker B: Are you throwing it at her? At the one that Coda hit? [02:38:39] Speaker A: Yes, at the one that's already been damaged. [02:38:41] Speaker B: All right. Go ahead and do it. [02:38:52] Speaker A: That would be four. And then an auto success. That'd be five. [02:38:56] Speaker B: Excellent. But you definitely hit ba ba ba. [02:39:05] Speaker D: Ba ba. [02:39:09] Speaker B: With a difference of three. So add three on top of your damage roll. [02:39:20] Speaker A: All right. And then the epics are after this. Oh, my goodness. How do I reroll again? Is that a legend point bend? [02:39:34] Speaker B: A legend? [02:39:37] Speaker A: I got a few. I'll use one. [02:39:40] Speaker B: Yeah, it's probably for the best. They can't dodge for shit, but their soak is pretty good. [02:39:51] Speaker D: Far better. [02:39:52] Speaker A: Yeah. 1234. And then the epics. Five and six. [02:39:58] Speaker B: Okay, what is their soak? [02:40:03] Speaker A: And that would be lethal. And it's piercing as well. I don't know if that matters if they're ghosts. [02:40:10] Speaker B: It does not. So, unfortunately, their soak is six. [02:40:15] Speaker A: Well, Banes. [02:40:20] Speaker B: It's okay, it's okay. [02:40:24] Speaker A: I hope they roll low. [02:40:45] Speaker B: So, because they have enough soak to soak exactly what you did, you do one by default, and there's no rolling damage. It's just you just get the one better than nothing. [02:40:59] Speaker A: And other than that, he'll just get ready to call it back once it's his time. [02:41:05] Speaker C: Okay. [02:41:07] Speaker B: It is about that time, after you throw it, that you look up and you realize that she's not the only one. There are two more crawling in from one from either side. Why say crawling? Shuffling in, one from either side out of buildings next to you. And a quick glance upward and you realize that there is one that is literally climbing down the side of the building towards you. It's almost like Spider Man. It would be cool if it wasn't so damned unsettling. [02:41:48] Speaker A: Yeah, don't like that, Oliver. That's not good looking for us. [02:41:52] Speaker D: No, it's not. [02:42:10] Speaker B: Does not pick Coda. This one is going to go for Oliver, not my friend, and completely fucking whiffs it. Oliver, I'm going to assume your soak or your dodge is higher than two. [02:42:33] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, most certainly. [02:42:34] Speaker B: Yeah, completely whiffs it. You're fine. It's now your turn. [02:42:41] Speaker D: Okay, great. So just to get an idea, there's one right on top of me. Is there one or two on Coda? [02:42:51] Speaker B: There's two on Coda. And then there's one that's crawling down the side of a building towards the group. [02:42:58] Speaker D: Okay. Right. I have something that might be a very bad idea. But for now, keep up. Good work. Keep hitting that one that we've hit so far. And try your best not to touch them directly because I don't know what that might do. We just need them a bit more. Cluster together. And that's going to be my blessing of bravery, because it's free, so everyone gets a point of willpower and two temporary dots of valor. [02:43:29] Speaker A: Thank you. [02:43:31] Speaker C: Thanks, Teach. [02:43:34] Speaker D: It affects me as well, so I get a little pat back. [02:43:42] Speaker B: Okay. Anything else? [02:43:45] Speaker D: Can I step away from the one on top of me, or will it get an attempt to smack me? [02:43:50] Speaker B: It would probably get an attempt to smack you. [02:43:52] Speaker D: Okay, then I'll just kind of be on the defensive on that thing. [02:43:56] Speaker B: Oliver's just holding up his book like it's a shield. [02:43:59] Speaker D: Yeah, like the sagile. Just get away, please. [02:44:02] Speaker B: All right. The one that is crawling down the building gets to a couple of feet up and then lets go of the building and leaps for Clint. [02:44:14] Speaker A: Oh, no. Raise up his arms and try and duck out of the way. [02:44:21] Speaker B: This is a weird roll. [02:45:17] Speaker C: 1234 plus. [02:45:29] Speaker B: Two. Six. What is your soak for? [02:45:35] Speaker A: Which one? Bashing. Lethal or aggravated? [02:45:39] Speaker B: Lethal. No, wait. Hold on. These are the special things. Hold on. Aggravated. Oh, dear. [02:45:51] Speaker A: I have four soap for aggravated. [02:45:55] Speaker B: 1234. So you take two levels of aggravated damage. [02:46:02] Speaker A: I would like to say no to you. [02:46:06] Speaker D: Good day, sir. [02:46:08] Speaker B: You could do damage conversion. [02:46:11] Speaker A: I might just have to do that. Yes. I'm going to dip further into my legend pool and take that as lethal instead. [02:46:19] Speaker B: Excellent. [02:46:20] Speaker D: Onken bylaw. [02:46:26] Speaker B: All right, mark it down, sir. [02:46:28] Speaker A: And you said that was two levels or four? [02:46:33] Speaker D: It was two. [02:46:36] Speaker A: Cool. [02:46:36] Speaker B: Yeah, it was two. I'm sorry. I was just, like. Wait, what? [02:46:41] Speaker A: Sorry. I just want to make sure. Okay. [02:46:44] Speaker B: You do notice as it falls on you that because it threw itself from a height, it did take damage on the way down. Hitting you made it take damage. It was not the most coordinated fall in the world. But you are now coated in ick. It doesn't feel good. It burns. [02:47:12] Speaker A: I think we agree that touching them is a bad idea. [02:47:17] Speaker B: Clint, you're not taking any extra damage from the fact that it hit you or from the fact that you've got this stuff, like, sitting on your skin, but you have a lot of epic stamina. Get the feeling somebody like Oliver might struggle more. [02:47:36] Speaker A: Sounds about right. [02:47:38] Speaker B: All right, Coda, it's your turn. You have two of them on you. [02:47:44] Speaker C: I was wondering, is there, like, a strategy, like cleave, since there's, like, two around me? Can I. [02:47:51] Speaker B: You can split your dipole to try and hit two in one go. [02:47:57] Speaker C: Okay. [02:47:58] Speaker B: But you're splitting your dipole, so you have half as many dice, basically. [02:48:02] Speaker C: I see. So it's possible for me to end up just hitting none, basically. Okay. [02:48:08] Speaker B: I will say this something that you guys may have forgotten. If you come up with a really fucking cool idea, I can decide that it's worth a stunt, which gives you extra dice. [02:48:24] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [02:48:26] Speaker B: And if it's a big enough, flashy enough stunt, you can actually regain legend for it. [02:48:37] Speaker C: Sorry, Oliver. [02:48:38] Speaker A: It's going to get real risky up in here. [02:48:40] Speaker D: Yep. I also have a risky idea. Mine. [02:48:45] Speaker B: You can also channel virtues. You can spend willpower to add your virtue dice. [02:48:52] Speaker D: Like, for instance, I just gave you two temporary points of valor, which you. [02:48:55] Speaker A: Could use, and a willpower point to do so. [02:48:58] Speaker C: That's true. Yeah. Okay, can I use. [02:49:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:49:04] Speaker C: So Coda is getting into the thrill of this. So she does want to try and slash through both that are essentially flanking her. And I would like to try and spend a willpower to use my valor. Okay. Yes. So the way that works with the two temporary, does that mean because I naturally have one dot invalor, does that mean I have. [02:49:33] Speaker B: It adds to your dot. So you effectively have a score of three. [02:49:38] Speaker C: Okay, perfect. Okay. And then you say, I'm splitting my. Okay, yeah. The three makes it ten dice then, yes. [02:49:55] Speaker B: If you're splitting, it's five and five. [02:49:57] Speaker C: Okay. So just roll two sets of five. [02:50:00] Speaker B: Correct. [02:50:01] Speaker C: Okay, thank you. Okay, there. [02:50:17] Speaker D: It. [02:50:18] Speaker C: Yay. Okay, well, the first one was 1234 successes. The second one is one success. That is not counting. All right, you said for the first thing, I do not count epics. [02:50:37] Speaker B: You don't count epics towards your Di roll. They're just a flat bonus afterwards. [02:50:43] Speaker C: Okay, so then, yeah. The first one is four successes. The second one is only one success. [02:50:50] Speaker B: Okay, well, so the second one does not hit their peri DV is not very high, but just high enough that your second hit doesn't do much more than make it stubble a little bit. The first one, however, does hit. So you have three additional dice on top of your normal damage roll. [02:51:18] Speaker C: Okay. [02:51:20] Speaker B: Right. [02:51:22] Speaker C: Damage is 910. Eleven. And that is eleven days. [02:51:36] Speaker B: 1234-5678. All right. [02:51:48] Speaker C: And then this one, I add the epics. Correct. [02:51:52] Speaker B: I already did that with your epics. [02:51:56] Speaker C: That's eight. [02:51:57] Speaker B: They have a soak of six, which leaves you with two. So you do two more levels of damage to the one that you've already hit. And she is definitely looking pretty fucked up. [02:52:16] Speaker C: Perfect. [02:52:20] Speaker B: She is at negative now, so she is going to roll RD ten. Wow. All right, fine. Get on with your bad self, undead lady. That's 1234 plus two. So that's six. What's your Dodge? Or Perry, whichever is higher coda. [02:53:06] Speaker C: Ten. [02:53:08] Speaker B: Damn. Ten. [02:53:10] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:53:11] Speaker B: All right. [02:53:12] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:53:13] Speaker C: I'm like, yeah, no, Koda's all decks. [02:53:17] Speaker B: All decks, all day. Coda doesn't hit very hard, but she doesn't get hit either, so that's fine. All right, cool. Well, she swipes at you and nothing happens because you are very hard to hit. Your turn. [02:53:37] Speaker A: All right, well, we're going to get this feller off of me. And we haven't really touched base on how the recalling aspect of the toothpick works. [02:53:47] Speaker B: I just assume that you think about it just happens. [02:53:50] Speaker A: Cool. But the question is, does it physically move or does it appear? [02:53:56] Speaker B: That is up to you. [02:53:58] Speaker A: Cool. In that case, we're going with physically moves because Clint is going to try and throw in reverse while he's still kind of under this mess and attacked by this Cretan. Clint is going to. [02:54:16] Speaker B: Are you going to try and summon it through the zombie? [02:54:19] Speaker A: Yes. [02:54:20] Speaker B: I love that 100 fucking percent. [02:54:25] Speaker A: Clint puts his hand on the thing's chest, understanding that of all the people in the crew that can touch it and get away with it, he's going to take as much advantage and kind of point blank reverse throw this thing right through the heart. [02:54:37] Speaker B: All right, I will make you a deal. [02:54:40] Speaker A: Okay. [02:54:44] Speaker B: If you effectively set your DV for the next round to whatever your heavy unarmed DV would be. Okay, I will give you this as a three die stunt, which will also allow you to regain a legend point. [02:55:03] Speaker A: I will take it. So you're saying the damage value will be the unarmed one for heavy? [02:55:09] Speaker B: No, it's still going to be your damage as far as your spear goes. But your Perry or Dodge DV is going to be whatever your heavy unarmed Perry would be. [02:55:21] Speaker A: Okay, perfect. Got it. In that case, the heavy Perry DV would only be three. [02:55:30] Speaker B: That's fine. It's not important for right now anyway. [02:55:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm making a note of that on my side for whenever you ask me how badly I get hurt. [02:55:39] Speaker B: Roll. To hit, add three extra dice. I heavily recommend that you channel a virtue at the same time. [02:55:49] Speaker A: You know what? [02:55:50] Speaker B: I will give yourself as many fucking dice as you can. If you're going to three dice, dUn. [02:55:54] Speaker A: This Clint understanding again that of all the people that can touch this and get away with it, he's going to be brave and courageous and just touch it to make sure it works. He's going to channel virtue of courage, which is three. [02:56:15] Speaker B: All right, so that's six extra dice on this one to hit roll. [02:56:20] Speaker A: Hopefully it works. [02:56:24] Speaker B: Yeah, it works. [02:56:26] Speaker A: Five, six, and then another two from the epics. So eight. [02:56:31] Speaker B: Damn. Yeah. That hits. You have seven additional dice on your damage roll. [02:56:46] Speaker A: I will take it. That's that. That's a lot of dice. Okay. [02:56:56] Speaker B: Yeah, the. This is why this stuff gets crazy. [02:57:00] Speaker A: It's effectively the same dice for the accuracy as it is for the damage. 1234. And then another again, two from that. So six damage total. [02:57:15] Speaker B: 12345 plus. What's your. [02:57:22] Speaker A: I've got one in epic strength, one in epic decks. [02:57:25] Speaker B: All right, so that's six. [02:57:29] Speaker A: I'll take it. Six damage of a weaker variety. [02:57:36] Speaker B: Dear God. And because this is so badass, and because this is point blank, I'm dropping their soak to, like, nothing because it would be a fucking crime. So you just did five levels of damage to the thing that was on top of you. So it is now as hurt as the one that Coda has been dealing with since the start of the combat. [02:58:11] Speaker A: Don't get between me and my friends. [02:58:15] Speaker B: All right, the two that are still up, one is on Coda and one is on. [02:58:35] Speaker C: Ooh, these things are crazy. [02:58:39] Speaker B: The one on Coda, that's not going to hit. She's not even going to ask Coda and her fucking crazy ass DVs here. Oliver, does four beat your DV? [02:59:04] Speaker D: No, neither of them, actually. [02:59:07] Speaker B: Oliver swats at it with his book. No, I said stop it. It's like a slap fight, but with a book. All right, Oliver, your turn. [02:59:20] Speaker D: All right, so, looking around, we are in a dilapidated city full of rubble and such, right? [02:59:28] Speaker C: No. [02:59:31] Speaker B: This looks like the city did before. Right before the bomb drop rep. That. [02:59:36] Speaker D: Changes a lot of my plants. [02:59:43] Speaker B: It is almost eerily picture perfect. Like, there are still. When you look up and around you, there are still clothes hanging on clotheslines. [02:59:58] Speaker D: Okay. [02:59:59] Speaker B: Just that there's no fucking people and everything is glowing. [03:00:05] Speaker D: Where's my stuff? There it is. Really? Her will is going to plan for. That's on me, though. Yeah. Okay, so we'll start with. Since I have multitask, I believe it lets me kind of do, like, a secondary action without penalty during combat, but it's got to be, like, minor something. So I'm going to do a quick, kind of, like, scion mental calculation while looking at some of these buildings around us where see if I can figure out if any of the support structures would hit a certain way, that it would collapse. Not the whole building, because I don't imagine we could do that, but part of the building, so that it would land on some of these things, assuming we weren't in the way. I just want to do a quick mental calculation to see if that's even possible? [03:00:55] Speaker B: InT and academics. [03:01:01] Speaker D: Book helps me out. 245678. And then my epic. So eleven. [03:01:12] Speaker B: You couldn't. Clint could. If Clint hit the load bearing like pillar of the building right next to you hard enough, maybe Coda could do it too. But you know, Clint could do it. You've seen what Clint's strength can pull off. If he did that, he could potentially bring at least the wall nearest you down on top of these things. [03:01:41] Speaker D: All right, but we would have to be out of the correct. [03:01:44] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [03:01:46] Speaker D: I figure as much. But if there's some kind of perfect shape where it would fall down and we're fine. [03:01:52] Speaker B: But yeah, you know what? With that number of successes, I will say that you can find a place that you and Coda could stand. Clint would probably be a risk, though, because he's got to be the one in the building when it falls. [03:02:08] Speaker D: Gotcha. Okay, so here's the potentially very bad plan. Clint, I need you to hit that and Coda. You and I need to be standing there. Clint, you're going to need to find a way to not be in the way of that when you drop it. Hopefully land on these things and get rid of them a lot quicker. And I'm going to do Warmaster site for that. So, yeah, I'll count this kind of commanding Clint to hit the thing. I can spend quite a few, but I don't have many points left. So we'll do. [03:02:49] Speaker B: You. I'm going to say that this is a three dice stunt because if you pull this off, you could literally take care of the whole field. So you can regain a willpower, if you would like. Assuming that that's what you're low on. [03:03:03] Speaker D: Yeah. Not willpower. It's legend. [03:03:06] Speaker B: Yes. Then you can regain legend. You get a choice of willpower, legend, or an extra experience. [03:03:11] Speaker D: I'm going to do Legend because that basically completely gives back the two legend that I'll be spending on the Warmaster site because I'm doing command. And what else for this role for Clint? Intelligence or charisma or intelligence? [03:03:31] Speaker B: No, I'll give you intelligence. [03:03:33] Speaker D: Okay, cool. Because, yeah, since I'm trying to direct him on what exactly? [03:03:37] Speaker B: This is all like math based, I'll let you use intelligence. It's fine. [03:03:41] Speaker D: My favorite set. [03:03:44] Speaker B: There's my command. [03:03:45] Speaker C: Very fine. [03:03:46] Speaker B: All right. [03:03:49] Speaker D: Man. Roll. That's two, four, and then epics. Seven total. So three extra die for Clint. [03:03:57] Speaker B: Very nice. All right. That three will add to both Clint and Coda for their respective roles. CODa's got to make a. Yes. [03:04:10] Speaker D: I was going to say, can I move that to that special spot where we'll be safe without danger or am I going to get swiped at? [03:04:16] Speaker B: You'll get swiped at, but, like. Yeah, I was ready to say it's like that. [03:04:21] Speaker D: Or get a building dropped on me. [03:04:24] Speaker B: All right, let me go ahead and do the swipe. Five. Clear your DV. [03:04:39] Speaker D: It meets my Dodge DB, but does not clear my Perry. [03:04:43] Speaker B: Then you're fine. [03:04:44] Speaker D: Okay. I'm just. Okay. [03:04:48] Speaker B: All right, there's one more. And that's the one on top of Clint that gets to go before we start the next round. Clint, your DV is real low, buddy. [03:05:03] Speaker A: Yep. Probably going to hit me. [03:05:07] Speaker B: We shall see. [03:05:08] Speaker C: We shall see. [03:05:09] Speaker A: If it's three or greater. It's definitely a hit. [03:05:17] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [03:05:17] Speaker A: That's three. [03:05:19] Speaker D: That's five at least. [03:05:21] Speaker A: Yes. [03:05:22] Speaker B: So that's two on top of its damage, which is eight. Well, the damage is six plus two. [03:05:43] Speaker D: Oh, I just realized it might be too late, but I forgot to add the three die to the three die stunt on that command roll. If it's too late, it's fine. [03:05:54] Speaker B: You can roll it now. It's not like it's not going to make a difference for this. [03:06:00] Speaker D: One extra die. So instead, three. It's four. [03:06:04] Speaker B: Excellent. Thank you. Okay, so that's two. Three plus. So that's five. What's your soak for? Aggravated. [03:06:20] Speaker A: For aggravated, it is four. [03:06:22] Speaker B: All right, so you take one level of aggravated damage. [03:06:26] Speaker D: It's just such high soaks because it's. [03:06:30] Speaker B: Got all the epic stamina. All right, Coda just gave you an. Oliver just gave a command and said that Clint can bring down the whole building and take out all of them. If you stand in the right place, you won't get hit. [03:06:47] Speaker C: Perfect. She's going to go stand in the right place. [03:06:52] Speaker B: All right. The thing that was on you is going to take a swipe at you. It's not going to work, but I'm going to roll it anyway just in case. Holy shit. [03:07:07] Speaker D: I was even thinking my head. And this is when I don't think. [03:07:11] Speaker B: Six clears your DV, does it? [03:07:14] Speaker C: It does not, but it was nice. [03:07:18] Speaker B: Really good role. Yeah, it's gone forever. All right, she's going to try again. It's not going to work, but she's going to try. Nope. Fucking whiffed that one, too. All right, Clint. [03:07:44] Speaker A: All right, time to bring down that building. Looking towards the support column that Oliver had pointed out, Clint pushes himself up, knowing that he's probably going to get swiped at on the way. And with his giant toothpick in hand, kind of weighs the difference between throwing the toothpick through the pillar or actually hitting it with the toothpick and doing much more damage, hopefully. So he's going to get up in close. Does creature who was all up on his business take a swipe? [03:08:24] Speaker B: Yes. [03:08:24] Speaker A: All right, bring it on. [03:08:30] Speaker B: Your DV is not low anymore, by the way. [03:08:32] Speaker A: Okay, cool. [03:08:33] Speaker B: It's only for the one round. [03:08:35] Speaker A: All right, so you need a five or higher to get me now. Well, Beans. [03:08:41] Speaker B: So that's six. [03:08:42] Speaker A: Yes. [03:08:42] Speaker B: That'll do it. Porkland. I'm so sorry. [03:08:47] Speaker A: It's okay. [03:08:50] Speaker C: All right. [03:08:56] Speaker A: It preemptively spend five. Legend. [03:09:01] Speaker D: Let's go ahead and mark that down now. [03:09:05] Speaker B: 70. [03:09:06] Speaker C: Ten. [03:09:10] Speaker B: Four. What's your soak? [03:09:13] Speaker A: Oh, that's four. Never mind, I don't need to. [03:09:15] Speaker B: Yeah, you're fine. Sweet. I will tell you that, you know that throwing yourself bodily at this thing will do far more damage than throwing the toothpick. [03:09:28] Speaker A: Exactly. And Clint's going to kind of tap into that skyboon, not so much because he needs to clear the distance, but to really put some oomph behind the leap that he's going to do this with. He's going to sort of like an all out athlete, looking like he's the football running back, leaping over the line, just clears the gap, tucks his spear underneath it or his toothpick spear underneath one arm, lines it up. And he's going to try and put his entire being through that pillar. Point. [03:10:07] Speaker B: Linebacker. The pillar. Love it. All right. [03:10:13] Speaker A: And I'll go ahead and use another willpower to take advantage of the valor. [03:10:17] Speaker B: All right? And you have three extra dice or four extra dice. Don't forget from Oliver. [03:10:22] Speaker A: You got it. So that's six total extra dice, plus the attack. [03:10:29] Speaker D: Indeed. [03:10:39] Speaker B: Holy cow. 123-4567. Plus. What's your epic strength? [03:10:48] Speaker A: We've got one in epic strength. One in epic decks. [03:10:52] Speaker B: That's crazy. Okay, I need you to make me one more roll. Decks and decks and athletics. [03:11:04] Speaker A: You got it. [03:11:06] Speaker B: This is mostly just to see if you can get out of the way. [03:11:11] Speaker A: Will epics apply for this one? [03:11:13] Speaker B: Yeah, just the one epic, but yeah. [03:11:16] Speaker A: Well, I've also got the boon for my athletics. [03:11:20] Speaker B: Right? You do? So what is it? [03:11:24] Speaker A: One, two, three from the epic, and then another three. So we got six total. [03:11:30] Speaker B: All right, so Coda and Oliver, you two kind of stand very close to one another coda. Out of instinct, you reach up and kind of, like, put an arm up and over Oliver's head to protect it. [03:11:48] Speaker C: Yeah, definitely. [03:11:51] Speaker B: Which is hilarious because he's older than you, but you're treating him like a child that you have to cradle against any potential damage. [03:11:57] Speaker D: Also taller, but he's probably crouched down right now. [03:12:03] Speaker B: And Clint, you guys watch as, like, struggles up from underneath of this radioactive zombie thing and hurls himself bodily into this open doorway that Oliver pointed at. And he squares his shoulder and kind of turns and tucks his head to the side slightly, and his shoulder drives into this pillar. And you guys hear this snap of this heavy wooden pillar followed by a groan in a creek, and then half the building begins to tumble. And these Zombies, while much quicker than what you would expect from a zombie, are nowhere near fast enough to get out of the way. What's really funny is that you, in the falling rubble can't really see where Clint went. And so as the rubble kind of settles and the bodies seem to just kind of like you're not sure where they go. It's almost like they get absorbed into the ground or something, because when you look around for remnants of the bodies, there's nothing there. But you also look around for Clint, and you don't see him. And then, Oliver, you turn, and Clint is, like, standing behind you. As Clint, you cleared the building through the back door and then circled around it. Your shoulder hurts. [03:13:49] Speaker A: Rubble and dust off of his chest. Of course it hurts a little bit. Took a little damage, but Clint looks pristine as he dusts the rubble off of his shoulders. [03:14:01] Speaker C: He told you you'd be able to show us your strength at some point today. [03:14:06] Speaker A: Yep. I didn't think it'd be so directly, but it got the job done. Wouldn't have been able to do it without y'all, though. [03:14:14] Speaker D: Good work. [03:14:16] Speaker A: Thank you, Mr. B. [03:14:18] Speaker D: Do you need some medical administrations again? [03:14:21] Speaker A: Yes, please. [03:14:23] Speaker D: All right, I'll pull up the med kit. [03:14:27] Speaker B: Intent. Medicine. [03:14:30] Speaker D: Could I do another? Intellect, virtue? [03:14:35] Speaker B: You could. You could also ask Coda to help, because Coda is. [03:14:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:14:39] Speaker D: Yeah. Coda you're better at. I think so. Well, actually, I think my int might be better than your medicine at this point, but, yeah, I'll definitely have you helping me. [03:14:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:14:49] Speaker C: I mean, human bodies are kind of like cats. [03:14:53] Speaker A: Yeah, kind. I mean, I got hurt here, and I got a boo boo there, and he kind of touched me. Funny here. [03:15:02] Speaker D: Touchy. Funny how? [03:15:03] Speaker A: Like, it burned when he touched me. [03:15:06] Speaker C: Okay, well, let's try to figure out what we're doing here. And she'll. [03:15:12] Speaker B: I would like you both to roll intelligence and medicine. [03:15:16] Speaker D: Okay. Any bonuses from the Med kit? [03:15:21] Speaker B: No. The Med kit is essentially negating your negatives because you're not working in an office or in a doctor's office or anything. [03:15:31] Speaker D: I see. [03:15:32] Speaker C: Oh, she actually does not have medicine. She has like, science animals. Could I roll that? [03:15:39] Speaker B: I'll give you science animals. You really should have dots at medicine because you always end up patching people up. [03:15:45] Speaker C: That's true. [03:15:46] Speaker D: I got four. Not as crazy as last time. [03:15:52] Speaker C: All right, that's World War. [03:16:01] Speaker B: All right, between four and four, you guys manage to patch Clit up. Clit's still going to be damaged, but it's not Clit. You're a little bit more comfortable. I will say that. What they do find as they are patching you up and they manage to clean the wounds is that you look like you've got radiation burns where some of that blood and gunk got on you. [03:16:29] Speaker A: Clint's going to kind of help them out without saying anything about it and spend some legend to force his body to heal more rapidly as well. [03:16:40] Speaker B: Okay, do you have to roll for that? I think you do. [03:16:43] Speaker A: I believe I might. Or no. It's just spending a point of legend for one point of removal. [03:16:52] Speaker B: Well, how much are you going to get rid of? You're just going to get rid of the one aggravated that you have. [03:16:56] Speaker A: Yes, I think that's what I'll do. [03:16:58] Speaker B: All right, you guys watches. Under your tender administrations, the worst of those radiation burns seem to close up. [03:17:17] Speaker A: That is a lot better. I know you wouldn't notice by looking at me, but I feel so much better. Thank you. [03:17:27] Speaker D: Yeah. If I'd known we were going to be walking right into the malevolent spirit of an atomic bomb, I would have told us to bring some lead. [03:17:38] Speaker C: Why. [03:17:41] Speaker D: Radiation? Let's find the sword. [03:17:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Is that thread still leading somewhere or did it get cut off while we was fighting? [03:17:53] Speaker D: No, it lasts a full day at least. [03:17:56] Speaker C: It's a magic thread. [03:17:58] Speaker D: This one's only going to last us 24 hours, but. Well, at this point, less than that, but it should be plenty of time to find it. [03:18:05] Speaker A: Sounds good. [03:18:08] Speaker B: All right. How are you guys going to continue on? [03:18:16] Speaker D: I'm not very good at sneaking. [03:18:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I think we lost that element of surprise at this point. [03:18:25] Speaker C: Is still in a swerve or swerve? Swivel. [03:18:27] Speaker B: Swerve. [03:18:29] Speaker A: Coda, can you keep your head on your shoulders instead of that swivel thing? [03:18:35] Speaker B: Freaking Clint out, man. [03:18:36] Speaker A: It's kind of weird down here. [03:18:42] Speaker D: I say we could try to book it. Go really fast, but I don't want to draw more attention to us. [03:18:47] Speaker A: We're going to be looked at one way or the other. The quicker we go, the less time they'll have to fight us, hopefully. [03:18:54] Speaker C: All right, let's speed run, but still head on a swivel. [03:19:00] Speaker A: All right. I'm keeping my toothpick at the ready. [03:19:04] Speaker B: So you guys are running like hell. [03:19:06] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [03:19:08] Speaker B: Okay, Ed, Coda, you want to try? Keep your eyes open. [03:19:13] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [03:19:15] Speaker B: All right. [03:19:16] Speaker D: I'll mention I have multitasking. If I can, I'd like to run and also keep my eyes open. [03:19:24] Speaker B: I would like Coda and Oliver to both make me perception awareness. [03:19:30] Speaker D: Why did I say that? It's not going to do any good. Why did I offer this? All right, it sounded good. [03:19:39] Speaker B: Coda, with your don't. I'm not going to make you roll to keep up. You're just not going to be able to be the one kind of dictating where you go. Clint and Oliver. Dex and Dex and Athletics. [03:19:59] Speaker D: Dang it. [03:20:02] Speaker A: Mr. B. Yeah. [03:20:04] Speaker D: Two on the perception, by the way. [03:20:08] Speaker C: One success. Well, I have a dot of perception, so two successes. [03:20:15] Speaker D: This is going to be rough. [03:20:18] Speaker A: So I only got one success on the dice, but that comes out to five total. [03:20:23] Speaker D: Two successes. Now I'm getting epics because no athletics. [03:20:26] Speaker B: Okay, you guys take off. And the first thing that you realize that is that even with this thread guiding you, Japanese cities, especially in the past, were built with kind of narrow streets and lots of little alleyways and shortcuts between buildings. And it's real easy to get lost in here. So sure, you're moving really quickly, but that may not be a good thing because you're pretty sure you've gone past the same place, like three times. On the bright side, you don't see anything tracking you. You're just moving really quickly in kind of serpentine, but eventually circular movements, paths. [03:21:31] Speaker A: This way. Right. [03:21:33] Speaker D: I fear we're going in circles. We might need to reassess. [03:21:39] Speaker A: Well, we're not relying on your magic string. What should we rely on? [03:21:47] Speaker D: I think we're going to have to do it the old fashioned way. And I'm going to try to pull, like, a sheet of paper out of the satchel, grab a pen, and as we're going, Map us as well, like, where we've been, where we're going, and basically get a better idea of navigating this place. [03:22:02] Speaker C: Yeah. Coda will also slash in when we pass a certain street, like, slash part of the building. [03:22:11] Speaker A: Or, like, trying to hurt the buildings. [03:22:14] Speaker D: She's marking it for us. [03:22:16] Speaker A: Oh. That way, we can find our way. [03:22:20] Speaker D: Back so we know if we've already been here yet. [03:22:25] Speaker A: Never thought to do that. That's really smart. [03:22:30] Speaker B: All right. Okay, Oliver. Intelligence and survival. [03:22:54] Speaker D: I actually have a point. Survival. [03:22:56] Speaker B: Surprisingly, you do. [03:23:01] Speaker D: Right. Four, and then epic. So seven. [03:23:09] Speaker B: Pretty good. Pretty good. Who else is doing what? [03:23:14] Speaker D: Coda's leaving, like, marks behind for us. [03:23:18] Speaker B: Okay. [03:23:19] Speaker A: Clint's along for the ride, and Clint. [03:23:23] Speaker B: Has determined that he's not helpful in this. [03:23:34] Speaker A: Pole vault over anything. I can do that, but I ain't so good at the running around, leading the way. [03:23:42] Speaker B: Cool. Coda. The very same perception and investigation. [03:23:55] Speaker C: I've never investigated a thing in my life. 1230. So if I don't have a dot in investigation, I don't get to use my epic. Is that what it is? [03:24:10] Speaker B: Correct. [03:24:11] Speaker C: Okay. Wow. Foreboding. Yeah, but very tested. She's got six. Six? Six. [03:24:28] Speaker B: How many successes? [03:24:29] Speaker C: Sorry. Three. I got a six. Six. [03:24:32] Speaker D: Six are sixes successes. [03:24:37] Speaker B: No sevens. Oh. [03:24:42] Speaker C: World of darkness. [03:24:47] Speaker B: Okay, Coda, you're making notches on buildings. You have no idea if they're the right ones, but you're working on it. That's worth something, right? No. [03:25:07] Speaker C: Yes. [03:25:14] Speaker B: All right. Thankfully, Coda is not the only one trying to keep track of where you're going. And Oliver did much better than Coda did. [03:25:23] Speaker D: I need a map. [03:25:25] Speaker B: You guys hurry through the streets. Clint is mostly following along. He's got his giant toothpick out. He is ready to go to town and battle whatever might come out of the woodwork. You guys get further and further into the center of this ward, the ward of the poison sun. And as you get closer, that glowing gets more and more intense. The burning that your blood feels becomes more and more intense. The weight on your souls becomes oppressive. And as you all break into, it's like a Zen garden. In the center of this area, this, like, plaza type of area, you find that there are two figures standing in the middle. One is literally standing in the middle of this giant sand Zen garden on a large, flat stone. And it's a figure that. It's hard to figure out exactly what it looks like because it's like every second that you stare at it, it looks different somehow. It looks like it's trembling or shaking really violently and rapidly. And whenever it kind of pauses and stops, its face and features look different. 1 minute it's an old, wrinkled woman, and then the next minute, it's a child with wide, innocent looking eyes, and then it shakes again, and then it's a young man. And then it shakes again, and it's an old man, and then sometimes it's tall, and sometimes it's short, and sometimes it's got multiple limbs, and sometimes it's missing them no matter how. And when you see it, it never looks perfect. It always looks like chunks of flesh have been burned away, and standing next to it is a woman who coda and Oliver have seen before. [03:27:56] Speaker A: What'd you say? [03:28:00] Speaker D: Oh, great. It's Gwen. [03:28:02] Speaker C: She's not pleasant company. [03:28:07] Speaker A: She looks nice enough. [03:28:10] Speaker C: No? So her knife's in your throat. [03:28:15] Speaker B: Gwen? [03:28:17] Speaker D: Yes. [03:28:19] Speaker B: As they walk up, what do they hear you in the middle of saying to the god of the last breath. [03:28:28] Speaker E: So Gwen's standing there, her hands behind her back, just looking at this thing, saying, the gods, they. They want to keep you locked up here. You're dangerous. The things here, they're afraid. They're afraid of what you can do. [03:29:00] Speaker B: What would you have me do if you could have me leave? [03:29:05] Speaker E: Whatever you want. [03:29:08] Speaker D: You. [03:29:11] Speaker E: Can join us and be free of these walls. Be free of this place, and so long as you help to take them down, then more or less free to do whatever. [03:29:36] Speaker B: And you would offer me what? To join your cause? [03:29:44] Speaker E: Is freedom not enough? [03:29:49] Speaker B: I have no need to leave. If I do, no one bothers me. Here. You are asking me to risk my existence for you and your cause. [03:30:14] Speaker E: I suppose, if you're willing to throw away everything you could have just be. [03:30:25] Speaker D: The. This. [03:30:40] Speaker E: Well, with freedom comes, I suppose, the same thing that I'm after. Revenge. Getting back at those that wronged you. They're still out there, those that created, and she'll kind of gesture around those that did this. Turn this city into rubble. But we could make sure that they're not just. Well, we can do to them what they did to everyone. [03:31:44] Speaker B: When you see the eyes of this thing, and no matter what the face looks like, the eyes are always completely black. They're like dark voids. Despite the light that this thing puts off, the eyes almost seem to pull in any light that it isn't putting out itself, and it kind of twitches and shakes like it always has been, and you hear it make a sound that might be like an intake of breath, and then its head turns, and you find yourself looking at two familiar faces and a face that you are not familiar with. You see Oliver and Coda, and you haven't seen face to face since you had a picnic with them. And Stefan right before he turned his back on you. [03:33:07] Speaker E: Oh, well, isn't this a pleasant surprise? Are you looking for something, or are you just here to look at the ruins? [03:33:24] Speaker B: I would like Coda, Clint, and Oliver. To all make me perception, in fairness, rolls. [03:33:43] Speaker A: Three. [03:33:55] Speaker B: Oliver and Clint, you're looking at this woman, but you look just beyond her. And on the other side of the Zen garden that she's standing in the middle of with this thing is a sword. It's not in its sheath. It's buried halfway in the sand, like this is where it fell when its owner fell, and it's been sitting there, forgotten ever since. And, Oliver, the thread is leading directly towards it. Unfortunately, you have to go through or find a way to go around Gwen and whatever this thing is to get to it. [03:34:56] Speaker A: Do we see any sign of the fallen? [03:35:00] Speaker B: Um, you see what looks like it might be a suit of discarded armor, but it's hard to tell from where you are. There's no body. [03:35:19] Speaker D: We're here to pay respects. [03:35:27] Speaker E: Not so. [03:35:31] Speaker D: In a way, of it. [03:35:33] Speaker E: To whom? [03:35:37] Speaker C: Nanya. [03:35:44] Speaker D: We could ask plenty of questions of what you're doing here as well. Do we have the right to know. [03:35:49] Speaker B: Your deeds, guest in my home? You were not invited. Picked the gate to a place you do not belong. [03:36:05] Speaker A: Well, we're just going to be in and out. We're just stopping by. [03:36:16] Speaker B: Uninvited interlopers. Why are you here? Give me a reason not to kill you where you stand. [03:36:29] Speaker A: Well, there's no reason to get upset or anything. Look, we were given a task. Sorry. One thing I learned, and I made a mistake just now. I am Clint Brazas, a scion of the Morgan. It's a pleasure to meet you. Do y'all want to introduce yourselves to this person? [03:36:50] Speaker D: My name is Oliver Bright. I'm a scion of Ogma. We were sent here on behalf of. Assumably, we were Pantheon. [03:37:04] Speaker A: And this here. [03:37:06] Speaker C: And I'm Coda Massacoy, scion of Bastet. And like Oliver said, we were sent here by a living from your pantheon. [03:37:21] Speaker A: Someone happened to have lost an artifact, a tool, and that's what we're here to collect. We just want to help clean up and get on our way. We don't mean to cause no harm. We will be as quick and discreet as we can be. [03:37:36] Speaker D: We're meant to return it to the father of the owner so that he may have some peace in his morning. [03:37:48] Speaker A: Or his afternoon, depending on. [03:37:51] Speaker D: Morning of the Yukon. [03:37:52] Speaker A: Oh, sorry. [03:37:59] Speaker B: Izanagi sends Hugh to reclaim lost relics. Sends you to my home. Not invited. You damage my things, destroy my people, prices will be paid. And that, ladies, and gentlemen, is where we are going to stop for the evening. Thank you for joining us.

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